Friday, February 28, 2020

Thinking About My "CTW" Paper?

After watching the essay video, wading through source material, and creating works cited material, what are you considering or reconsidering as most important to prove regarding your chosen topic? Complete this blog response in class today.


Anonymous said...

After watching the video, I realize that I should write down my main points, and then slowly start to go back and make it all flow together. In addition, I did not know that often the different body paragraphs have different ways of writing them so then they reach every point of the essay.

Anonymous said...

I feel as though solid sources and quantitative data are important factors to proving your point in an essay or paper. Another thing to help out your thesis is to "debunk" the other side's argument; the counter argument needs to be proven "wrong" with data and facts, or a very strongly supported opinion. Having a few strong claims that are easily supported by data or facts/logic is also very crucial to convince the reader.

Anonymous said...

The video references planning and how to use and what to put in each paragraph, the way he described planning is not the way I plan. I think each individual plan should be different and unique based on the writer because its how the writer organizes and everyone organizes differently. So even though he says your plan should only have specific main ideas, after consideration, I have chosen to keep my plan the same because it works really well for me.

Anonymous said...

I think that the most important thing to do in my argument is to include opposing arguments and state my points disproving that as well as gathering good and logical material that supports my ideas. I have reconsidered my essay format because I was not aware that the last paragraph should be the most argumentative.

Anonymous said...

After watching the video, I am reconsidering the structure of how I was going to write the essay. The video says that you should have an introduction, 2) reasons why 3) reasons aginst 4) crunch the paragraph with the most information 5) conclusion. The paragraph is the main paragraph it is the argumentative paragraph. I think that this video told me how I should structure my essay. You should have quotations to help support your argument and then you have to back up the quotations with three sentences. You can also paraphrase quotes in your own way to prove their points.

Anonymous said...

Know what you are talking about: balance
Planning is important getting the main ideas to save for the last body paragraph
Paragraph 2 has reasons for, paragraph 3 has reasons against, and paragraph 4 is "CRUNCH TIME" argumentative paragraph
Quotation requires 3 sentences → establish, use, explain

The most important piece to prove in my topic is that the government needs to get more involved...showing how they have lacked and how agencies are needing to be changed. In order to back this up, information about why should be in paragraphs above.
Based on this video, my essay would be...
Paragraph 2 → facts about climate change
Paragraph 3 → controversy facts
Paragraph 4 → government involvement

Anonymous said...

It is important to balance information for and against. Knowing what information is needed is necessary. Having too much information proving what you are arguing for doesn't show good research about the topic. It is important to know which quotations to use and how they would support the argument. They should also not be longer than the actual writing.

Anonymous said...

After watching the video, I realized I should write down my point points and make a slow of how I write. Also maybe have an argument for my main points and how other people may think differently, but then I give them more facts with quotes. I should have different body paragraphs that way it has a flow in my writing and make a better essay.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Before watching the video I believed that the most important is the sources with evidence. This evidence should be backed by more evidence and should be wide spread. I believe that reasons against are also very important. This is because It will be more persuasive for the reader if you fight back at the reasons against. From the video it made me believe that the “crunch” and quotations are important. I learned that I must write down the main ideas and find evidence and quotations based off of those points. I also learned that the quotations should be brief and add rem to the writing. The video also helped me figure out the structure I'm going to write my essay.

Anonymous said...

I don't really know what I'm going to change or keep in my essay, only because it's not all written. My body paragraph is the longest just like he said it would/should be. I want my point to get across but to also get information across to the point the reader knows what I am trying to say.

Anonymous said...

I need to plan my essay, and it's about getting my main ideas down. Each paragraph connects to the previous one and flows naturally. Paragraph 1 is the introduction, 2 and 3 are reasons for and reasons against, 4 is the crunch, and 5 is the conclusion. I need to add quotations so my essay and I think i am going to put for and against ones. My quote shouldn't be that long it should be more explaining.

Anonymous said...

While watching this video I realized that you have to prove that you are balanced, and know what you are talking about (which I still need to do). I also realized that this should happen in the second and third paragraph. While watching I learned that a quotation requires three sentences; a sentence to establish, where you use the quotation and where you explain the quotation. I plan on applying all of this advice to my essay once I start writing it.

Anonymous said...

For paragraph 3 i can prove the against point.
Paragraph 4 is longest and strongest
Paragraph 2 is reasons proving your point
Quotation needs three sentences - establish it, the quote, then explaining the quote.

These are some of things I can think about while writing my essay and using quotes to prove my point.

Unknown said...

I'm going to consider:

prove that u understand the subject-5 paragraphs
1. introduction
2. reasons for
3.reasons against
4.crunch(establish very clearly what you actually think is right (out of point2&3))
5. conclusion

quotations-backup points-3 sentences-don't make the quotations too long, don't use too many of them

amelia obrycka

Anonymous said...

planing is very important. I believe planning is the most important to understand but, quotes are one of the most important things to prove the essay because it brings force to the argument and brings a point that is backed up. also using information that you have and have learned is very helpful in supporting your writing.

Anonymous said...

The most important parts of your paper go as follows:
-topic sentence
-good conclusion
These steps in writing an essay help create a well-formed and informative paper, thus making your topic more intriguing and credible. After the video, it helped solidify my idea of why we were spending so much time collecting data and breaking it down.

Anonymous said...

After watching the video, I learned that it is important to prove that you know a lot about that topic and you have facts and quotations that back up your ideas. I also learned that each paragraph has a different way that you should write and the quotations shouldn’t be very long and they should be supported. Also, it is important to begin by writing down the main points and then finding evidence based on the main points.

Anonymous said...

After watching the video, I learned that you should wright to your main points. Planning your writing is key to keeping your essay structured. Keep quotations short, introduce it, and explain why your using it. The paragraph should be an introduction, reason why, supporting evidence, evidence against, and then concluded your writing. Having strong evidence will show the readers that you know what your talking about.

Anonymous said...

From watching the essay video, I am reminded of the power a quote is supposed to hold. The quote needs to prove what I’m proving, it’s got to mean something to the paper, but it is not supposed to be my entire paper. The other idea that I got from the video, was the purpose of my paragraphs. I have got to acknowledge the sides against me, and reason with them, I’ve also got to bring out the side that agrees with my opinion. But near the end of the essay I must bring out what truly matters, point out what I saved while I acknowledge the other side. Right now I need to focus on improving the arguments against mine, to find the side that opposes me.

Anonymous said...

After watching this video, I realized that i need to make sure that i don't put a lot of detail in my introduction and that i don't make my quotation longer that my essay.I also realized to write down my main points and don't add to much detail in my conclusion.

Anonymous said...

The video discusses how to better your writing, what to put in each paragraph and things like that. I don't usually use his methods, his methods were also pretty advanced, and kind of complicated so I have never really used them, but he gave good tips on how to better your writing that I can use moving forward.