Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Mars In Cartoon Form?

What does the 'Extrapolation'/ Disney Video Clip of Mars make you think about The Martian Chronicles? Any connections? Dissimilarities? Please respond after watching the Disney video excerpt. This blog response is due by 3:40p.m. on Thur., Oct. 3rd.


Unknown said...

lots of stories about how there is life on mars trying to reach out to us, or how we discovered them in various ways. This video also made predictions on what they might look like, act like, and the different species of what would live there. I have never really thought about any of these things, so it's interesting to see what people think, like how some think that people from mars are hiding amongst us
-Anna Walker

Anonymous said...

I feel as though these two pieces are similar within the realm of bizarre themes. For example, these two representations are both a bit absurd and much different compared to what we see as normal. However, in the Martian Chronicles, it is written to seem normal in our eyes; whereas in the short film, it is portrayed quite obscurely and seems very unalike. These different styles of writing about unusual subjects helps to see different perspectives on what people consider "normal".

Anonymous said...

Seeing this short film made me realize that many people believe there is life on Mars, and that many people also have different visions of what creatures there look, and sound like. In this short film these creatures seem very scary and unreal. However in the book "Martian Chronicles" it seems a lot more clear to people.

Anonymous said...

The short film and book "The Martian Chronicles" both show the bizzarnes of an unknown life form. The disney video makes me think of the way the Martians think of humans in "The Martian Chronicles". When I think of how the martians think I picture the short film, they are curious of different life forms. They make me second guess if there is actually life on Mars.

Anonymous said...

Life on Mars is displayed through many stories and tales, but this video really took it to another level. Robots and Aliens traveling through space, trying to reach out to us, to show how they are real and their is life on Mars. The video puts out ones thoughts on how they interperate the story The Martian Chronicles. It also shows bizarre and unkind creatures, changing my vision on how aliens are, and how they act. It made many stereotypes as to what the aliens might look like, behave, and that only aliens live on Mars. All these different styles based on how I envisioned aliens and how others envision aliens are all seen from different perspectives.

Anonymous said...

Life on Mars displays a cartoonish way of thinking. It displays life on mars through odd characters. The odd characters in this video consist of a robot that steals women, and aliens in all different shapes and sizes. This video is very different from "The Martian Chronicles" for many different reasons. For example in "The Martian Chronicles" the martians seem just like normal people. Also they don't know that humans are a thing unlike in this video where the martians know exactly who we are because they are steeling women from the earth.

Anonymous said...

I think that the short film by Disney shows what children would expect as an alien life from too look like. It showed that people believe that there are alternatives life forms on other planets that are trying to reach out to us. I think that the "Martian Chronicles" and "Explore" have two very different outlook on Mars. The "Martian Chronicles" show the way that Martian would live, and how they would interact with each other. Unlike in "Explore" where they show Martians trying to over take humanity.

Anonymous said...

The video and “The Martian Chronicles” both have some ideas that might seem crazy to some people on Earth. “The Martian Chronicles” mentions more of what is “normal” on Earth, but still contains some unusual things. The video is completely the opposite of the creatures on Earth and have some unusual ideas. Both pieces give us ideas that may seem absurd, but could quite possibly be close to what actually lives on another planet.

Anonymous said...

The video clip Extrapolation by Disney and The Martian Chronicles both take a unique view on the martian life of Mars. However, the Disney production characterises the martians living on mars as more fictional, make-believe monsters whereas Bradbury illustrates the martians to be more like humans in the way the look, think, and live. In the video the secretary is abducted by the martians and is being chased by a wild animal-like creatures, different than Ylla’s husband who secretly kills the astronaut wanting the explore mars in a presumed peaceful manner (based on Ylla’s dream). The Martian Chronicles is written more realistically and seriously and ‘Extrapolation’ pokes fun at their own idea of mars martians.

Anonymous said...

This Disney film reminds me of the martian chronicles because it talks about stories about people on mars. similarities of this video and the story so far are the theme of the video it talks about lots of story and theories about life on Mars and it also explains the possible different climates in mars. It is different because of those stories in the film, the stories in the film are much more different than the video and also the concepts in the story that we have read so far. both of the storys have a little truth because we have not yet explored mars and discovered all that can be discovered.

Anonymous said...

The short film by Disney about mars, shows how martains are trying to take over the world. Showing the human concept of imperialism. Wheres in the Martian Chronicles it shows how the martian people find the people off earth as strange foreign and completely insane. When you consider how would people who have never seen humans or another type of foreign creature of life from another planet, how would they react? Would the first reaction be of disgust? For how they look or what there supposedly normal social norms are? Would martians even consider taking earth women if they found them exotic and not something to love? In the "Martian Chronicles" it shows how martians are closely resembling humans, yet when you really think about it wouldn't different living conditions of oxygen and other universal elements create completely different looking creatures on other planets?

Anonymous said...

To Earth and all the people that reside here, Mars is a big mystery that we don't know much about. The video clip, Extrapolation by Disney and The Martian Chronicles try to guess or make theories about what it might look like there, what living things might live there, and the different lifestyles and needs. The video demonstrates what creatures on Mars would look and act like. On the other hand, the book, The Martian Chronicles, shows a martian guessing and dreaming about what humans on earth might look like if any living creatures lived on Earth. Characters in both resources are curious and doubtful about the other. One thing the book talks about is the names of martians, housing and community. For instance, the two martians that are talked about are not the only ones living on Mars. There must be a large community because scientists and doctors were mentioned casually. The book also explains how the housing is made of all glass and how the martians have unearthly names such as Ylla and Yll. To conclude, both resources demonstrate curiosity and creativity.

Anonymous said...

The Disney cartoon and The Martian Chronicles both give a similar outlook on the planet mars. Both the cartoon and books were also written around the same time period. Nevertheless, Disney’s outlook is more fictional and doesn’t show the serious problems. In the cartoon the conflict is a woman getting abducted to Mars and is then chased by a martian . Where was the Martian Chronicles shows more serious life-like problems such as: conflict, death, and imperialism. However both the cartoon and book show multiple perspectives/stories.

Anonymous said...

Disney's video portrays the Martians to be more fictional and more diverse. In the Martian Chronicles, the Martians were described quite similar to humans. Although, I do think that the idea of rejection between both humans and Martians is reflected in both the Martian Chronicles and the video. The Martian Chronicles focuses on isolation, violence, relationships, and curiosity. The Disney cartoon has some similar themes but transforms them into a playful perspective.

-Julia Dunn

Anonymous said...

The Disney clip makes me think about “The Martian Chronicles” because it explains what humans think about extraterrestrial life. In the book, Humans come to the planet mars, Depending on the technology and knowledge the humans have. They may or not know what the aliens look like. The clip shows what they believed what the people of mars looked like, but there were not always accurate. We know that those images are not true. This can compare to what the martian in the “Martian Chronicles”, unlike the clip the Martians had an idea of humans that was accurate. This clip prevails what I thought to be what a kid would think of an aliens image. Today people know that this is not what aliens look like on Mars.

Anonymous said...

The clip of mars with disney got me to think about what the characters in The Martian Chronicles on what they look like and how they act. It seems in the book that they can understand each other with their minds but in the disney clip it seemed like there was a ruler and everyone wanted to eat the human. In the Martian chronicles it seemed like the husband doesn’t like humans and wanted them gone, as in killing them.

Anonymous said...

The clip from Disney makes me think more about the way Mars was perceived in Martian Chronicles. Disney's video shows what some people thought life on Mars was, robots or monsters, but Ray Bradbury gives the life on Mars a more realistic viewpoint. The Martian Chronicles makes the aliens look more human instead of mechanical robots and large monsters. Disney's clip is more fictional than the Martian Chronicles, and it does not cover the heavier topics such as imperialism.

Anonymous said...

I believe that as the years pass, we begin to explore new science and discover many new ideologies that lead us to think or picture many different things. Before we actually began to explore space and really truly think about what life is and how it works, we might have believed that aliens looked like monsters. However, as time goes on, we have begun to believe that aliens may look more similar to humans than we originally thought. Ray Bradbury must have been thinking this as well when he wrote "The Martian Chronicles" as he brought the picture of an actual Martin to life. The video shows bizzare and odd creatures which are suitable for young children, Disney's main audience, and helps children's imagination grow. The book by Ray Bradbury puts a more realistic picture into his reader's mind, whereas the video clip creates a creative outlook on many stereotypes and designs a parody for all ages.

Anonymous said...

Exploration of planets and space has always awaken the imagination of any mind. However, between the interpretations of the Disney Video Clip of Mars and The Martian Chronicles, there are several similarities between the two. Both predicted life on Mars and added odd features to the aliens. The video liked the idea of misschappened and misscolorred beings based off of the human race, and not too different, the aliens described in the Martian Chronicles were green and somewhat smaller than humans are. Also the intelligent is always based off of humans, but speaking was used with telepathy. Overall, the Video and the Martian Chronicles are fairly similar.

Anonymous said...

The way that mars looks in the Disney version isn't what I think it looks like in "The Martian Chronicles". It seems like it's a bunch of monsters and aliens, but in the "Martian Chronicles" it seems more realistic, not as much of a fantasy.