Thursday, October 3, 2019

Imperialism And "The Martian Chronicles?"

How does the Imperialism video make you think about The Martian Chronicles? What connections do you notice? How does Bradbury address Imperialism? Explain and support your specific thinking. Your blog response is due by Mon., Oct. 7th at  3:40p.m.


Anonymous said...

The United States and other countries have been interested in Imperialism since the early development on each country, for we as humans want to spread our civilization and ways to other places around the world. In The Martian Chronicles, this is shown as the human’s first trek to mars. We can assume that the human came to mars “knowing everything” and not wanting to learn anything from the martians but just to “conquer” and make an appearance. Similarly as the imperialism of US and European Empires, this idea caused problems and a power struggle with lead to wars in our world history. This will most likely be the case with the relationship between humans, who have sprung upon standing life on mars, and the martians who want nothing to do with making any connections with the astronauts. Although the astronauts are so proud of their accomplishment, the martians simply oppose their presence.

Unknown said...

I feel like imperialism ties into the martian chronicles because the humans that land on mars are acting entitled, like they are now very important to this place now that they have showed up. They also might be wanting to conquer such a space after finding out there is life, and place for more humans to live. Imperialism is like conquering and expanding, and it really ties into america in history. So when they find out there is life on mars, the humans will want to conquer it and expand there.

-Anna walker

Anonymous said...

This relates to "The Martian Chronicles" because of the humans wanting to expand and make new life on different planets. Although it has been mostly peaceful in the book, people traditionally fight over territory. Two different life forms fighting each other will not end well because of the variety in weapons.

Anonymous said...

The imperialism video makes me think that the Martian chronicles is definitely tied to some form of imperialism. In The Martian Chronicles it seems like the humans are trying to explore Mars and they come upon the Martians. Bradbury describes it by writing that the humans come across the Martians and they want to explore or potentially take over Mars. Like the United States and other countries around the world imperialism is a very important part to expand your territory, and that is what the humans in the story want to do.

Anonymous said...

The imperialism Video relates back to the "Martian Chronicles" because humans were wanting to expand past where they have been before. When the humans come to Mars, they are expecting a big welcoming from the martians. The martians, do not know that this was an accomplishment for the humans. This is similar to when America was expanding and searching for new territories. This was a big accomplishment for them, but the countries that they were taking over were not so excited. Imperialism is required for every country/economy to grow and expand their power. Humans are wanting to expand their power by exploring new territory's like mars.

Anonymous said...

The video about American Imperialism relates to "The Martian Chronicles" because it shows a pattern in human behavior. The humans on Mars are going to a land they don't know and are expecting the Martians to know who they are and where they come from and to have a celebration that they made it to Mars. The Martians don't really care that much, and they think the humans are insane. The concept of Imperialism is stronger countries over weaker ones. The humans expect themselves to be stronger when they go to Mars, but it turns out that the Martians are the stronger nation. The humans want to expand their power but are unable to.

Anonymous said...

In this video, he talks about the United States and their journey to conquering other territories. This video strongly relates to the "Martian Chronicles" because of the American astronauts landing on Mars claiming their superiority. Once the Americans land, they are proud and want to celebrate. On the other hand, the Martians don't find much importance in the American's new accomplishment. The Americans are constantly wanting to expand and take over new territories, but to the Martians, this is all new.

-Julia Dunn

Anonymous said...

In this video about American Imperialism relates to "The Martian Chronicles" because it shows the behaviors of humans and how it formed our world today. It also shows the spread of cultures. With imperialism came destruction and Americans are very dependent on technology so when America settles in new territories, common things to us are put in place in the new places that we settle.

Anonymous said...

Imperialism is a big topic in today's world, the video we watched correlates to the "Martian Chronicles." In the "Martian Chronicles," humans continued to expand and grow from where they were before. As the humans come to Mars, they learn the Martians aren't as they expect. The humans expected a huge welcome and recognition for there big accomplishment, but the Martians do not know that this was an accomplishment. The aforementioned is comparable to when America was expanding and searching for new territories. This big accomplishment for America was overlooked by other countries. Imperialism is a system extending a nation's rule over foreign nations, often by military force or by gaining political and economic control of other areas. Imperialism is mandatory for many countries in order for them to expand.

Anonymous said...

Watching the Imperialism video makes me think about how there is some imperialism in The Martian Chronicles. US imperialism in portrayed in the book as the astronauts landing on Mars. Imperialism is a stronger nation ruling over a weaker nation, which can be seen in The Martian Chronicles. The humans might want to conquer Mars and use it as another place for humans to live.

Anonymous said...

Imperialism has been the key to becoming a world power for multiple centuries. That is one of the reasons that the U.S. is a world power. The United States imperialism is demonstrated in The Martian Chronicles because the people of earth are looking to conquer Mars. This is like the early United States and the other world powers fighting for power over other countries. They were fighting over the countries because these countries held important resources. This shows that there is always motive for imperialism in The Martian Chronicles and in real life.

Anonymous said...

Imperialism is the desire to expand economically, socially, and politically into other areas of interest. As mentioned in the Imperialism Video, the USA was expanding in the late 1800s mostly because of the desire to find new markets after the industrial revolution. However, the imperialism of the USA was also driven by Anglo-Saxonism, which is the belief that our culture was better than others. Similarly, In the Martian Chronicles, Captain Williams came expecting a reception and a party in their favor, he demanded it from the people of Mars, who in turn put him and his crew in a mental asylum. Due to the incoming war on Earth, we know that more people will seek a way to Mars, and due to the past complications between humans and martians, Earth may try to take over Mars.

Anonymous said...

The video American Imperialism ties into the "Martian Chronicles" by showing how humanity has always had the idea of imperialism, as far as showing that its part of modern day nationalism and the want to be a world power. In the "Martian Chronicles" it tells about how humans came to Mars and immediately considered the Martians as inferior in knowledge. The human astronaut wanted to claim victory and be celebrated for landing on new territory, which relates to imperialism from the video.

Anonymous said...

The video made me think of "The Martian Chronicles" because just like the people from Earth show up to Mars expecting a big celebration or a bunch of fame, countries did the same thing to smaller countries when they tried to take them over. They assumed just because they were bigger they could just come in and expect everything to go their way.

Anonymous said...

The video on imperialism made me think about the martian chronicles because it carried on the theme of imperialism. In the martian chronicles, the people from earth arrived and expected applause and praise. also they seemed to want to take mars also showed that imperialism is in many forms and can come from anywhere.