Monday, January 7, 2019

Thinking About Poetry?

After viewing the spoken word poem Can I Auto-Correct Humanity, what are you thinking regarding the poem's message, tone, theme, and use of poetic devices? Please analyze and comment using specifics. This blog response is due during class today.


Anonymous said...

The poem was about how we as a society are dwindling in our human interaction. We only communicate on our phone and that's all we look at and the only way we talk to people. The tone in the poem for me was upset, when you think about it social media was meant to connect the world and be a way to have friends. But we don't have the real life ones that we see day to day anymore, were becoming more and more antisocial. The theme was how social media is making us more antisocial.

Cate V. said...

The message of the poem is that social media has caused us to be less social people. The author uses alliteration to talk about how the "I" in iPhones and iPods is really accurate in the way that it makes us only think about ourselves and not other people. He also uses cadence and inflection to further emphasize his points. The poetic elements he used allowed him to share his message and ideas in a way that people are more likely to hear and remember, and this poem is a great example of how poetic elements can be used to enhance your message and voice.

Anonymous said...

The message of this poem spoke for itself. The destroyer of humankind is the phones. They take away our lives right in front of our eyes and we just watch it go by. We lose so many loved ones that are incredibly close to us through this technology. The tone in this video made me really think. It drove me crazy that we use our phones to talk to one another instead of talking face to face to the ones we supposedly care about. This technology is supposed to bring us together instead of ripping us apart. Instead of using it for bullying we need to use it for loving others. The theme was a great one. Since it brought up a real situation and puts facts into reality. He used a type of poetic term which was imaginary. He said, "Call me crazy but I imagine a world where we smile when we have low batteries." He had us envision what the world would be like and set our brains on fire. Overall I love the message he is portraying to everyone about technology.

Anonymous said...

I think the message of this poem was for humans to stop looking at their phones so much and start looking and communicating with other people face to face. Phones have caused us to be less communicative and expressive in real life. I think the tone of this poem was critical because the author talked a lot about how phones have negatively impacted our lives. I think that one of the starting lines of the poem illustrates the critical tone, "...these touch screens can make us lose touch." I think the theme of the poem had to do with the community giving up electronics to become more social. One of the poetic devices that I noticed he used were a lot of caesuras. When he paused it gave a more dramatic and meaningful mood to the poem.

Anonymous said...

The poem's message was for people to socialize and not hide behind a screen. The tone of the poem was informative and slightly intense. The author speaks of the struggles of people of social media. The theme is the world becoming wrapped up in technology and are antisocial. The poetic devices were irony. and metaphors. An example of irony is when he is explaining Facebook and how it's designed to make us feel connected when in reality it's actually driving us apart from socializing.

Anonymous said...

The message from the poem was trying to tell humans to set down their phones and look at the real world. To be able to see someone in person not through a little screen that shows an image that not even be the real person. I believe the tone of the poem would be to inspire people. The author shows facts to how our phones on the internet are taking over our real lives. Leading to the theme I believe it is to look out in the real world. I say this because the author of the poem shows how our devices are taking over how we interacted with each other and how we experience new things.

Anonymous said...

The message of this poem was that technology is destroying society. The tone of the poem was angry and also sad because the man speaking the poem is angry that people are being destroyed by technology and also sad to see what the world has come to. The poem rhymes a lot and uses alliteration like in the line "friend lists ruin friendships".

Anonymous said...

I think the message was talking about how people should get off of their phones and start having a conversation face to face. Phones have caused a disconnect in the world and it can be very bad if it continues. One poetic device he used was alliteration, he used I for ipad Iphone and other things.