Sunday, December 2, 2018

"The Simpsons," Satire, And "The Odyssey?"

Compare The Odyssey video excerpt from the Simpsons (Simpson's Video Clip) with Homer's epic poem The Odyssey Books 9,10,12,21,22,23. What does the Simpson's version satirize? What does it make you think about regarding the poem's characters, theme, relationships, and episodes? Please respond with specific support (i.e.-quotations) for your argument. Complete this blog response by 3:31p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 13th.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

There was more of a humorous and unrealistic take on the "Odyssey". Poseidon is some sort of a pirate/mermaid, though he did interfere with Odysseus journey. When the sirens lure the boat to them, all the men were listening, but in the book only Odysseus heard them while the crew members had wax in their ears to deafen them. What was correct was that Circe turned them into pigs. When Odysseus arrived at home, he was not in disguise and immediately killed Penelope's suitors. Odysseus was a little moronic and clueless.

Anonymous said...

In the book Odyssey, Odysseus had come up with a plan to destroy the Trojans once and for all. They simpsons agreed with Odysseus that the war lasted too long and that the Greek soldier came out of the wooden horse that they brought out to fight the Trojans. When Odysseus came back, the people that were waiting for him back at home were taking barbaric acts forward and Odysseus didn't want that to happen when he came back. This film relates to the book because of instead making their way to Ithica, they went to Ciricie and then they had to go through another lousy island to get back to Ithica. Odysseus was very disinterested in winning the war and he used his skills to get his men out of trouble and get him out of trouble.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons does a pretty good idea of the odessy but they made it more comical and misadventured. Not aware of surrounding.They didn't show Athena but did show Poseidon. MAking fun of good literature

Anonymous said...

The video is sort of making fun of the book. It is a much simpler version of the Odyssey, but the same stories and characters are in it. The characters are portrayed as dumb and clueless, especially Odysseus. The story is a mockery of the real thing, and is missing a lot of the importance of the story. Athena isn't in the video, but she is in the book.

Anonymous said...

The simpsons poked at the poem by making fun of some of the gods and the over all book. The gods became mad and changed his original goal of getting home. They changed odysseus character to be more dumb or oblivious. They also made fun of how the sirens weren't as alluring and that the men of the trip were stupid and so was odysseus. That they were all oblivious.

Cate V. said...

The Simpsons clip makes fun of Zeus and some of the bad things he'd done in Greek Mythology. The clip also compares some things from modern culture to names of things in the story for comedic effect. The Simpson characters are also less heroic compared to the heroes from the book. Most of the things that the TV show pokes fun at are for comedic relief. The clip also doesn't tell all the stories that were told in the book.

Anonymous said...

In the Simpsons, he makes Odysseus seem stupid and reckless. The Simpsons uses satire to make Odysseus seem like a regular person. I think it makes fun of Odysseus' journey and how he was viewed as a hero. At the end of the episode, Homer Simpson opens the door to his house and yells out "I'm home!" This is completely different from the book when he walked into the house hidden as someone else. The Simpsons used satire to make Odysseus to seem stupid while in the book he was clever.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons version says that Odysseus came up with a plan to destroy others. When people get wood they think of trosions. It said just because there heads are off doesn't mean they are dead, and that it like when they stabbed the Cyclops in the eye with a wood weapon, it's just like just because he can't see doesn't mean he can still kill us. In the simpsons version if the Athena or other people like see them and show themselves they can die and in the video clip, they just can't see. In the book Odysseus has to leave some of his men behind and in the video clip, they get turned into pigs so he eats them. There are some differences and similarities between the video clip of the simpsons and the book Odyssey.

Anonymous said...

In this version of the Odyssey, they satirize when circe turns the men into pigs because Odysseus eats them. They also satirize the suitors and the sirens, as well as Hades. This makes me think that Odysseus was kind of stupid with all of the things he did. For example, he didn't thank the gods for his victory, and he blinded Poseidon's son. He could've avoided all his troubles if he wouldn't have angered the gods.

Anonymous said...

They took the classic tale of The Odyssey and made it shorter less conflict and funny but still giving the same story line. They didn't go to the cyclops cave. but he did go see syrsies and his crew was turned into pigs.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons had some similarities to the Odyssey. Such as there are challenges they have to overcome, such as when the boat was being pushed all over the place and they had to get through the challenge and continue on. Another similarity is when he was on the island he was eating his friend and in the Odessey, they went into the cave and his men were eaten by the monster of the cave, and in the Simpsons, he ate all his friends. Even though it was changed a little because he ate his friends and the women kept telling him to stop, but in the Odyssey, the cave monster just kept eating them because he was mad. That is how the Odessy and the Simpsons are alike.

Anonymous said...

It kind of makes fun of the story, like the characters being oblivious and a little bit dumb. The Simpsons poke fun at the book, but the story is pretty similar. It makes me think about what Odysseus's values were when he was pushed off course and betraying his men. One example is Odysseus's relationship with Penelope. In the Simpsons, they make fun of how he left her and changes his appearance a lot.

Anonymous said...

The clip that we saw from the Simpson's seemed to poke fun at the famous piece of literature "The Odyssey". The clip leaves out many parts of the book that make Odysseus look like a hero and they include many of Odysseus' not so great moments. The clip includes many prominent scenes from the book, but twists the events that are depicted in the book.

Anonymous said...

The simpsons were not very detailed about their "quests" and they didn't put Odysseus as a smart man, they made him the opposite of what Odysseus really is. The tail from the Simpsons wasn't very accurate, but it was kind of making fun of the story.

Anonymous said...

In the short film they do recall the sirens from the book. When they got there they realized they were not as pretty as they thought so they turned back away but Zeus and all the other goddess when they were almost back to there island the goddess from over them turned them around and sent them to and island. The the rest of his crue did from drinking something that turned them into pig This can tie to the book because Odysseus new something bad was going to happen to his men but did not want to tell them. And soon after that he returned back to his island by himself.

Anonymous said...

The Simpson's version is different from the story of "Odyssey" because Oddessus ate the pigs which were his friends. He never gets to the Cyclops or the 6 headed monster. The story was much shorter than the book. Also, the poem's characters are a lot different with Oddessus being weak and fat unlike in the story he was strong. The theme had a different plotting which Odysseus only saying at Circe for a short time. He never had a real relationship with Circe and left her quickly Event though he finally reaches home it's not the same as the story.

Anonymous said...

In the Simpsons version, Homer is also stubborn like Oddissious, Pocidan is trying to delay homer because he didn't give the gods a sacrifice. His crew was also lured by the sirens but escaped. His wife is waiting for him, he is trying to get home but also runs into things along the way because of Poseidon. when he gets home proves himself to his wife. They make Homer Oddissious look less heroic and cleaver and more stupid and almost villainous.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons video made fun of the book the Odyssey and didn't really take it seriously. It is not as detailed as the book yet it still agreed with the book in some ways. The Simpsons video gave an example but did not say it all.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons really get rid of the serious tone, rather than having it be exactly like the book the 'Odyssey" and be exactly the same. It makes me think about how they kind of changed the characters from the poem and their actions. They still both wanted to make it back to Ithaca in the end, and in this episode they were still able to get rid of Odysseus and his men before the end just like in the stories.

Anonymous said...

The Simpson's version of the Odyessy was a humorous take on the classic story. This video criticizes Odysseus's pridefulness. They mock how he didn't thank the gods after they helped him win the war. They really emphasized how he didn't listen to anyone and the consequences that brought. They did, however, change some of the plot for humor purposes but the main concept was still there.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons version was kind a humorous, joke version of Odysseus that still really showed what happened just in an easier to understand way. But, the humour kind of messed up parts of the real story and made it seem like Odysseus was very dull and didn't think things through.