Thursday, October 4, 2018

Imperialism And "The Martian Chronicles?"

How does the Imperialism video make you think about The Martian Chronicles? What connections do you notice? How does Bradbury address Imperialism? Explain and support your specific thinking. Your blog response is due by Wed., Oct. 10th at  3:40p.m.


Anonymous said...

The "Martian Chronicles" has astronauts from Earth traveling to Mars. The astronauts expected to be thanked and cheered for, but they didn't receive that. Much like the Americans, the astronauts thought that they were amazing and everyone wanted to be conquered by them. Bradbury addresses imperialism by the Martians not jumping for joy that the humans came to Mars. This is similar to how people resisted America conquering them. The Martians think that Captain Williams is insane, and his crew is an illusion. The people from Earth are big-headed and think that everyone wants/needs them.

Anonymous said...

I think Earth is trying to imperalize mars because they keep coming up trying to brag about that they made it. They are trying to win trust from the Martians and trying to gain power.

Anonymous said...

The video about imperialism strongly relates to the "Martian Chronicles". Both sources depict a group of people moving to new land, trying to benefit from it. In the book, the astronauts expect praise and glory, and with imperialism, bigger countries thought they were helping when they took over. This is not always true, as smaller countries do not always want a bigger government. Imperialism is moving to a new land, as America did, and as the astronauts are doing.

Anonymous said...

The imperialism video made me think about The Martian Chronicles because both of them show the expansion and exploration of the U.S. Both of them show how people are prideful of where they came from. Bradbury addresses imperialism by showing that sometimes you can be too prideful of where you came from. When the U.S. expands, in the book and in real life, we are only looking for credit and recognition, even if we didn't do anything. Also, we take over whatever we find, even if it is already occupied and try to take credit for it.

Anonymous said...

"The Martian Chronicles" relates to imperialism and the John Green video in many different ways. One of the connections I noticed was how countries would populate another area with their culture. America populated Hawaii with their culture in real life and America populated Mars with their culture in "The Martian Chronicles". Towards the beginning of "The Martian Chronicles", the martians were singing songs and talking in english as well as acting more like Americans. The American culture was placed on Mars, similar to the American culture in Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

After reading some of "The Martian Chronicles" and watching the imperialism video, I noticed that imperialism is very similar to what is going on with the humans and martians. For example, in imperialism bigger, more successful countries try to take over smaller countries to gain land and resources, but in The Martian, the astronauts thought that they were superior and everyone wished that they could be a part of them or imperialised by them, but really it's just the earth humans that want to take over aliens.

Anonymous said...

The "Martian Chronicles" has astronauts from Earth travel from mars. The astronauts thought they would be celebrated and loved, but that didn't happen. Much like people from America, The astronauts are very prideful and think everyone will love them but the Martians aren't that way. The Martians think the captain is insane and his crew is fake.

Anonymous said...

The imperialism video makes me think of the martian chronicles because it reminds me of how earth is trying to expand to mars. Just like how america wanted to expand to other countries as well. In the martian chronicles they are prepared to use force to be able to go on mars. I think Bradbury is exemplifies imperialism when having the earthens try and colonize on mars and take over a little bit.

Anonymous said...

In the book the "Martian Chronicles" has human astronauts that travel to mars, and they expected to be congratulated and rewarded,but they didn't get it because they were similar to american culture in a way, this brings up imperialism by the martians not being happy that the humans came to Mars. The humans depicted the martians as big headed grays that have really big eyed creature.

Anonymous said...

In the books the "Martian Chronicles" there is some connection to imperialism in the text. There are astronauts from Earth that traveled to Mars. Those astronauts expected cheers and the be thanked but they didn't reacve that and they were confused. They are trying to gain power and win trust with the martians but that didn't happen. Bradbury emphasized imperialism in the text by when the humans from Earth came to Mars, the martians didn't cheer when they made it to mars. That is one similar way that is like imperialism.

Anonymous said...

Imperialism is related to the "Martian Chronicles" because of the way the Astronauts thought that they were just amazing and that people actually wanted to be conquered by them, just like the Americans did with imperialism. The Americans believed that they were the best and that they should control every other country. Bradbury addresses imperialism by showing that people can be overly prideful of where they're from and feel the need to control everyone else. The Astronauts believe that everyone will love them, but that was not the case.

Anonymous said...

I think that Bradbury addresses imperialism in "The Martian Chronicles" as it relates to the earth men colonizing Mars. The earth men seem to think they are superior to the martians and that they should be praised and honored, a lot like empires did when they would colonize in different places. Bradbury also depicts how the native people would strike back against the people trying to colonize in their country. The martians killed off the first 2 expeditions of earth men, because they didn't want them to be there. Nationalism is also talked about in the book, because the earth men are prideful that they're from earth and think they should spread their culture to the people on Mars.

Anonymous said...

Imperialism and "The Martian Chronicles" are tied together because when the people come from Earth they think that are better than the people that are already there. They think they are the best just like America thought that they were better than everyone else. The astronauts thought that everyone was going to love them and think of them as heroes but that wasn't the case.

Anonymous said...

In the book "Martian Chronicles" the astronauts thought everybody would be happy they came but were just shooed away. Just like in the video everybody thought the other side would be happy they were taking over, but the other side was mad and angry they were going to be controlled. On Earth before countries were built everybody wanted to take over land. As in the book we kind of see towns and areas that are divided from the other side of Mars. The author Bradbury pulls in imperialism when the astronauts were expecting cheers and congrats from the Martians, but they return the favor by sending them to an insane room. Both sides show that the other side will be happy but they aren't either way.

Anonymous said...

"The Martian Chronicles" connects to the historical trend of imperialism, and how many world powers would conquer land for different reasons: money, power, resources, etc. In the book, we see the "Earth Men" traveling to Mars with similar motivations. Not only does it seem like they are trying to travel to Mars because Mars has a better environment and less pollution, but it also seems like they are traveling to spread their Earthly knowledge and ways to the creatures of Mars. The astronauts also expect to be praised and celebrated when they arrive. They were probably influenced by the stories on Earth of nations conquering other nations and expected a different result when they arrived from what happened. The author also makes it clear that when the astronauts arrive on Mars, they only care about themselves and their achievements, not on the Martians or how their arrival would affect the native population of Mars.

Anonymous said...

The video made me realize that "The Martain Chronicles" is very similar to the real world. The astronauts arrived at Mars and were very adamant about telling Martians where the came from. They were proud to say they were from Earth. This connects to Nationism during the late 1800s into the early 1900s. America was proud to be America and the Martians are proud to be from Earth. They didn't seem to notice the problems they were beginning to cause. Bradbury addresses imperialism throughout his stories. The astronauts go to Mars to colonize it. Even though this is not said, it is implied. This is just like our interest in going to Mars today. We want to learn more to see if it might be a good place to expand to. This is pretty much imperialism in a nutshell. Taking over other countries or in this case, planets. also, he makes a point about how some counties don't want to be conquered. This is shown when the Martians don't leap at the idea of the Earthmen. This is like the fights that nations put up when someone tried to take them over.

Anonymous said...

When to Americans travel to mars they want to imperialize mars. They want power and authority. This relates the 1800 and early 1900 when the major world powers take over smaller world powers.

Anonymous said...

The relation between American imperialism on Earth and on mars in the martian chronicles is strikingly similar. In the Martian chronicles, Bradbury seems to address imperialism with the harsh fact that the victims of imperialism (in this case the martians) likely do not want to be imperialized upon. One question that I have is, do the martaians know that the humans are not insane? Is this a tactic that they are using to keep the humans away? Most importantly, will the humans continue to come to mars even if the missions prove unsuccessful?

Anonymous said...

The John Green video about Imperialism makes me think about the "Martian Chronicles" because it shows that earth is trying to expand all the way to Mars. It makes me think of how America, at one point wanted to expand to other countries. The video and the book connect because they both are talking about imperialism and how it applies to both of their plots and stories. Bradbury shows imperialism in his book because he talks about how the Martians are ready and want to go to Mars to make their life there.

Anonymous said...

While watching the Imperialism video a connection between the "Martian Chronicles" and imperialism was manifested. The REAL earthlings were sent to Mars to discover any new settings that might be of use to them, in most imperialism situations that were brought up in the video the imperialist country also sends over people to either colonize or establish their presence in said place they are trying to take over or use. Further into analyzing a contrast could be that back then new lands were meant to be concord, this was often the side effect of wanting power but so far into the Martian chronicles the objective to as way the earthlings were sent to Mars was obviously a demonstration of how they can currently send people to another planet but there drives for what to do after are unclear so far.

Anonymous said...

The video on imperialism is about the facts and knowledge of imperialism. The book "The Martian Chronicles" shows imperialism by, when the people from earth try and take over land. This is imperialism because the definition of imperialism is to take over/take over land. This also happens in the book when aliens/none earth people come to earth and try to take over our land or change the way we rule things. Imperialism is shown in many ways throughout the book. Ray Bradbury is an author that is trying to put imperialism and history into his writing. I think there is a lot of good things when that is in writing because it teaches you things. That is why I think imperialism is shown in his writing.