Sunday, September 30, 2018

Technology? Our World? "The Martian Chronicles?"

Based upon your reading of recent technology development within this link Popular Science, what are you  thinking regarding technology, The Martian Chronicles, and our present day understanding of our world and universe. Complete this blog response by 3:40p.m. on Wed., Oct. 3rd.


Anonymous said...

Technology is a double edged sword. There's a line between using technology to help the world and getting into some life altering projects that negatively affect people. The article I read about the Itsy Bitsy spider robots is actually really cool. These bots are extraordinarily tiny and can perform surgeries. Our present day world is the cliff that we're about to jump off of into the future. All these new inventions being created are like something you'd see in a movie like "Wall-E" or another science or technology based film. Over the next handful of years, we will learn more about the universe than ever.

Anonymous said...

I think technology is a good thing that has really helped our society, but it also has a lot of downsides. Robots, machines, and other technologies help us in a lot of ways and make our lives easier, but we can also rely on them too much sometimes. Our present day society has become lazy in a lot of ways because technology has made our life so much easier.

Anonymous said...

I think technology is like a weather. Sometimes its really great and is a fantastic help in our society. But sometimes it brings depression and destruction to our culture. People can use it for something bad or they might use it for good. Our modern day has shown us both sides to technology. The good and bad.

Anonymous said...

On Popular Science, I read the article, "Roomba’s New Robotic Vacuum Remembers Your Home's Layout For Quicker Cleaning". This article talked about the Roomba vacuum and its ability to document your house's layout and clean the floors when you are not there. This technological advance is making life easier for the human population. In "The Martian Chronicles", life on Mars is filled with incredible inventions to make life easier there as well. Technology is advancing more and more each day, and I believe that Ray Bradbury predicted the future to be filled with this technology meant to make our lives easier. Technology has shaped the world today and without a lot of the modern technology, our lives would be much different.

Anonymous said...

I think the technology is like the weather. It can be amazing at some points but can be awful in other points. People use it for good and for bad. The good and bad can be seen through many forms. Anything can be viewed as good and bad.

Anonymous said...

On Popular Science, I read "Disney is turning to robots to pull off dangerous aerial feats." It talks about how they have designed intelligent robots to do dangerous stunts for them. They are so intelligent that they almost have a mind of their own. They are programmed to decide for themselves what their body needs to do during their stunts. Technology has blown up our world in many positive and negative ways. It makes our lives a lot easier, and has made our lives safer as well. But, the down sides of technology are we rely on technology a little bit too much, and it can be a huge distraction. We don't even know or realize how complex our world is. We don't even realize how different our world would be without technology because we rely on it so much. It is a little scary thinking of how our world will be in 20 years, because our whole world my be taken over by technology, but not in a good way. We need to make sure we our using technology in the very best way.

Anonymous said...

I think that technology really helps our environment but it has its downfalls. The downfalls consist of caos to our society,and influence young minds. It's also used for good, these machines consist of making everything easier like communication.In the book The Martian chronicles the book has a lot of really great inventions, and they can help the human population.

Anonymous said...

Technology has both of its ups and downs but when it comes to the new technology and the robots I think that it is beneficial. The robots that they have created are able to help out and maybe do the things that are not safe for a human. They also have the downside of them taking away the jobs that humans could have. It takes away a job that someone could have to make a living and possibly be supporting their family. I think they are moving in a positive way because they are able to take things to a new level in the way they work and how they think.

Anonymous said...

Technology is something that can be a great help to the human race but could also potentially destroy it. As our knowledge of technology advances, we lose sight of the fact that sometimes technology is not worth the cost. As I looked over articles related to advances in technology, one question was raised: is all of this necessary? I don't believe that all of the new technology that we have is completely necessary for us to survive, even for us to live.

Cate V. said...

Scientists have created robots that assist doctors with surgery. Peacock spiders, and the funky way they move, inspired the design of these itsy bitsy bots. The creations of robots are intended to assist humans and improve our lives. Nature and other animals have become the inspirations for many of our mechanical devices. The constant advancement of technology has drastically changed many things in science as well as in medical fields. These advancements are impacting us and will continue to change our world. Hopefully, the changes will stay positive, and we won't ever have to worry about a "Droid Revolution." On the off chance that our robotic creations try to take over, we will always have one thing over them: humans are waterproof. Until the "Droid Revolution" becomes an actual threat, I'd say that things are looking up for us because of the help from our new, mechanical friends.

Anonymous said...

Technology has significantly improved over the past years. Including new ways, we never thought to imagine, but yet has reached. Scientists have designed a soft spider robot that is less than an inch long to go into your body and perform delicate surgeries. It runs on water to work and can travel inside you. It is not quite ready to put on a surgeon's mask yet but will lead the path of other soft robots in the future. This invention will change many lives though it isn't the end of technology. There are still many things we haven't discovered or are on the verge of discovery. Overall technology will keep growing inventing things we never thought were possible.

Anonymous said...

When reading the article from popular science about all the best new gadgets of 2018 and parts of The Martian Chronicles; it seems as though we as a world aren't trying to improve our technology advancement were trying to make tech for pleasure. In the book it was imagined that by 1999 about 19 years ago our technology was so advanced we could be on mars. But we as a world are not working on advancing our world and progress through technology, our focus and what we're working on is to make our life more pleasurable. We make things like a speaker you can sit in and roll around it, what is the point of that? It seems as though we just try to waste money and make things for fun. The books author thought that by 19 years ago our want to improve our world would of been so great we would be on mars.

Anonymous said...

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace. in 20 years the world is going to be so much different. there could be people on Mars for all we know. Technology has its pros and cons. it opens up new opportunities for jobs, health care, and just an overall change in life. they are inventing tiny robots that can perform tiny surgeries or deliver medicine to a bloodstream. this will revolutionize how we do healthcare. However, technology can have a negative impact on us. it is not just a future problem, this is happening now with social media and phones.

Anonymous said...

Technology is a crazy thing and the amazing advances we have made recently have really stepped up our game. If we keep going on at this rate of inventing new things, the world is going to be run by robots that will do everything, even simple tasks for us; which could be really amazing or lead to disaster. For example, there is a little robot, spider thing that would be able to perform surgery, which would be super cool until it gets a glitch or bug and everything goes wrong. Also, humans should quit being lazy and actually work for something instead of spending loads of money on pointless, entertaining robots.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Technology is advancing so much to the point that now Disney is making a robot that will be able to fly super high and do back flips, aerials and other cool tricks super high up and land on their back. Technology is getting so crazy. Soon the world is gonna be run by robots. This can have a negative and positive impact on the world and what we do. Some inventions might change lives, businesses or how the world works. Now that there is going to be a flying robot for Disney it might change a lot on what people think and how they see it. Technology is changing so much every day, week, month and year.

Anonymous said...

Based off of the little tidbit of knowledge that has been revealed, the rendition of Mars has focused on fictional technology that is also supposed to be more compatible with Mars than Earth. That being said the new technology being created today is close to achieving the same sense of incomparable advancement as the martin’s technology. Although today's technology shows how far the human race has evolved, the robots might make a big problem for humans. Their artificial intelligence might occupy the work that humans have been doing for years, eventually, humans won’t need to do anything at all if scientists keep creating high functioning robots. Then again this new technology could also be used to improve others health and day to day lives, therefore, helping the human race. This topic is very controversial depending on the information that is extensible and your overall opinion of today’s new technological advancements. In my opinion, I believe that new technology is very useful and should mainly be focused on the current problems that are occurring currently like, world hunger, poverty, and etc. instead of 1st world issues like setting up a Roomba to the floor plan of your house.

Anonymous said...

In the article Popular Science, I read about "Roomba’s New Robotic Vacuum Remembers Your Home's Layout For Quicker Cleaning". This article talks about making a new, easier way to clean your house with a gadget that contains artificial intelligence and that knows its way around your house. It is used to clean your floors when you aren't there to clean them yourself with a hand-held vacuum. This gadget will make people have a more relaxed lifestyle all the way around. In the story "The Martian Chronicles", life on Mars is filled with situations that need these pieces of technology to solve them more efficiently. Technology around the world in the modern day is growing so much, I can't even keep track of what new iPhone is coming out or what new TV is out! I believe that Ray Bradbury was right in the prediction that he made on that there would be new and improved technology that will change our lives forever.

Anonymous said...

These days technology has taken over the world. They use it for pretty much everything they can think of. such as these days Disney is making a robot to do stunts that people either can't do or are too scared to do. There are too many things that can be too dangerous for people to do in movies so they made a robot that can either do it perfectly or totally mess up on it depending on the movie. I think there are so many options that we can do to make robots in our everyday life, the robot is going to become the new thing and soon enough everyone will be using them in their everyday lives. I think one of the things the book will be like is it's going to connect with the future and see the robots in the future and will have an idea of what everyday life will be with a robot. The book will have a cool view that we will not think of and will give us a good idea to what to expect. I think in the end I think the book will give us good information about the future.

Anonymous said...

Technology is growing every day on earth. People are finding new ways to build robots to help with everyday tasks. I found an article about someone creating legs that are robotic. These legs stay on the outside of yours and help with lower body support. They created these for people that are working in large factories everyday and that are constantly carrying large and heavy things.These legs seem like they can helps lots but there are also many thing out there that have already been created for this sort of problem.In the story ¨The Martian Chronicles¨ Mars was filled with many problems and we sent up robots to help them. The book gives a good example how technology can help a rough draft of what our future is going to look like if its jet packs or flying cars. We will find out a little more everyday by our technology improving and giving great information back to us.

Anonymous said...

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace. in 20 years the world is going to be so much different. there could be people on Mars for all we know. Technology has its pros and cons. it opens up new opportunities for jobs, health care, and just an overall change in life. they are inventing tiny robots that can perform tiny surgeries or deliver medicine to a bloodstream. this will revolutionize how we do healthcare. However, technology can have a negative impact on us. it is not just a future problem, this is happening now with social media and phones.

Anonymous said...

I read the article on "Disney is turning to robots to pull off dangerous aerial feats." It was about how Disney is now using these robots that can fly and perform stunts that actors are not able to. These robots are making Disney movie making a lot easier. The technology is growing more and more every year and there are now many amazing things that people have come up with. In "The Martian Chronicles," there were many incredible inventions that made their life on Mars much easier. Many years ago people probably believed that cell phones were impossible too, but in the future, our entire lives could be based on technology. There are people in labs everyday inventing new technology.

Anonymous said...

Looking at multiple articles, it was interesting seeing how technology is improving our world. There are many new inventions and things that will improve daily life. The new technology being showed is very interesting, and I thought it was cool to see all the ways people are exploring and learning new things with technology, and improving. In the "Martian Chronicles," the people on Mars have way more technology than the astronauts, and it seems like their life is a lot simpler.