Tuesday, August 21, 2018

What Are You Thinking?

What did the 2017 Did You Know? presentation make you think? How might this impact your academics and view of the world? Please respond to this blog post by 3:40p.m. Friday, August 24th, 2018.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

2017 Did you know video blew my mind away. It flooded my mind with information. One statistic after the other blew my mind away. Like that around 2 million self driving cars will be on the road in 10 years. And that robots will be replacing peoples jobs is crazy. So that whatever I will become in the future might already be taken by robots. This video was a great way to learn new things and it was very informational.

Anonymous said...

During the video, I learned a lot. I was extremely surprised by all of the statistics and facts. I wasn't sure what to think about some of the facts. By 2020 there are supposed to be 10 million self driving cars on the road. I am in awe and slightly scared at how fast technology is expanding all the time. This changes how I view the world because I realized that my career one day could be a job that isn't even a job today. There were so many other shocking facts that were extremely surprising to me. This video was an eye-opener for me and helped me see things from a new view. I learned a lot of new facts.

Anonymous said...

The video really made me think about what kind of jobs are going to be available in the future. It's mind-blowing that there are jobs that we don't even know about yet. It's crazy that there will be al robots at some point and the world is going to turn into the ones in the dystopian books. This changes how I see that world because technology is advancing faster than I can keep track of it. I'm trying to imagine the world in 50 years and all I can think of is that is will be all technology. That's so weird to think about.

Anonymous said...

During the video, I was thinking about how crazy it is that in just a few years the world will be changed drastically. I think that it's so crazy that so much happens every day without us even thinking about it. It is also insane to me how much we use technology. The amount of technology that we are continuing to produce is scary to think about. Trying to even grasp the numbers in the video was near impossible. Overall, it was so cool to learn about the things in the video and get to spend time thinking about all that goes around in the world.

Anonymous said...

While watching the video, I thought it was pretty amazing to think about how our world is based off of technology. Just to think that if one day we were to not use technology, and how different that day would be. It is also concerning, that our entire life is online. That most of the divorces are cause because of facebook, and that 500 million tweets are sent a day, and that on youtube every minute 24 hours of video is posted. I is just crazy to think the we are using technology everyday.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 did you know video blew my mind in a lot of ways. First, it was crazy to me that 90% of the world's data was created in the last few years. I also thought it was crazy how much time people spend watching tv, and how many tweets are sent per minute. It really made me realize how much we rely on social media and the internet, and the fact that I can't imagine a world without it is crazy. It makes me look at the world differently now that I know just how much we use technology. I always knew that it was a huge thing in society but I didn't realize how big of a role it played until I watched the video.

Anonymous said...

This video left me wondering what our world would be like without technology. People rely on the internet everyday to get them places, communicate with others, and to see what is happening in different parts of the world. Maybe if we got off of our phones, tablets, etc. it would help us realize how much we depend on social media. Most people, including me, can't even imagine a world without technology because we count on it in our everyday lives. It is hard to believe that even with how far we have come this is only the beginning of technology. Just to think that in a few years, robots will replace more than 5 million workers, and in the next 25 years, 47% of jobs will disappear. Overall, this video really makes you think about our society and the many benefits of technology, but also how toxic it can be.

Anonymous said...

This video had many surprising facts and statistics, this is something that I believe all of us know. Although, the thing that stood out to me the most was how, other than providing information to the audience, this video didn't have much purpose. There was not call to action or attempt at persuading the viewers to do a certain thing. The video simply gave some information and left it at that. Now don't get me wrong, I thought that most of the statistics were startling and did in fact make me think more about those subjects, but I was really expecting the video to have more structure.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 did you know video blew me away. Its crazy how much time we spend just watching TV. I also noticed how much time we are actually using social media. It's crazy to think that so many tweets are sent in just a minute. I use social media but looking at how much its used is crazy.

Unknown said...

While watching the video learned a lot and I was very stoked at how high some of the numbers were. It socks me how much time we spend liking pictures, tweeting, facebooking and much more. If we didn't have technology how would our lives be? It's also crazy to think about how robots are taking over warehouses. It's also crazy to think that when are kids start to drive they might be having self driving cars. This video was very informational and I learned a lot from it.

Anonymous said...

While watching the video learned a lot and I was very stoked at how high some of the numbers were. It socks me how much time we spend liking pictures, tweeting, facebooking and much more. If we didn't have technology how would our lives be? It's also crazy to think about how robots are taking over warehouses. It's also crazy to think that when are kids start to drive they might be having self driving cars. This video was very informational and I learned a lot from it.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did You Know? video was a thought-provoking presentation. The video focused a lot on how much things are changing and how much they have changed. As students, we tend to focus a lot on school, and forget to look at the changing world around us. This video reminded me just how quickly the world is moving, growing, and transforming. One point that really stood out to me was "We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't exist... using technologies that haven't been invented... in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet." This quote made me think about how we have to prepare for things we wouldn't think to prepare for. The future is so open that it can be quite overwhelming. There are many jobs that were once performed by humans but now are performed by robots. But there are also many new jobs being created because of the advances in technology.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did You Know Video was very interesting to me. I learned about statistics and facts that I didn’t think were possible, or would ever happen. This video really got me thinking about how much technology is taking over the world, and how much the world is changing around us. This impacts my learning and education because I know there will always be a lot more to learn, since the education system and tech world is always changing. The future can be very stressful, since there will always be new jobs, and robots taking over jobs. Many people will have to learn more things, and people will have to understand many more facts. I thought this video was very interesting, and I learned a lot from it.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did You Know? presentation made me think about how much our world has evolved technologically within the past ten years. It is crazy to think about how heavily we rely on technology everyday and how much it has changed our way of life. When the video stated, "Schools are preparing students for jobs that don't exist yet, using technology that is not yet invented", it really made me think about how hard it will be to get a good job when I am finished with school. The demand for jobs will rise as more robots replace workers, putting more people without a job. The competition for a good job makes me want to work harder in my studies to be able to find a job that will provide me with enough money to own a house and have a steady income. This video gave me a good idea of how fast our world is advancing, and how much harder I will need to work to keep up with it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In my opinion the 2017 did you know video was really interesting. There was some facts I did not know about. Theses days our whole life is surrounded by technology. I think it is crazy that maybe in the next 5-10 years robots could be running our factories and running the way we live today. It is incredible to think about that we have the technology to be able to have robots control our lives. I believe that when people our age need a job it will be very hard to do because of all the technology theses days. I think it is really amazing that there is people to figure out how to create these bots and these new ways to run our world. I think our "new world" that is in the making sounds like a hard but amazing world to live in. I believe that this world will be hard to make money in, I think it will be weird going into stores and companies and seeing robots run the stores and factories. That is why I think the video is such a cool thought to think about.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did you Know video was really surprising to me because there were a lot different numbers that were really big and hard compare to anything. I learned a lot from this video including how much technology is actually used on a daily basis. The technology that we used today is so advanced that us humans that came up with it can barely keep up. Our Earth has evolved over time it has gone by so fast. If you think about how many things are going on every second of everyday it is so overwhelming to think about. For the most part all of the technology has been really helpful but in some ways it's hard to think about cause there is so many people losing their jobs and being replaced by robots. You don't want people to be replaced cause they use the money they get live and support their family if they have one. The robots may be able to do more in a way and be more efficient but it is affecting the human life. Everything's happening so fast. Humans these days are constantly looking down at their phone for social media and calling and texting. It seems to be the only way of communication these days.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did you Know video was really surprising to me because there were a lot different numbers that were really big and hard compare to anything. I learned a lot from this video including how much technology is actually used on a daily basis. The technology that we used today is so advanced that us humans that came up with it can barely keep up. Our Earth has evolved over time it has gone by so fast. If you think about how many things are going on every second of everyday it is so overwhelming to think about. For the most part all of the technology has been really helpful but in some ways it's hard to think about cause there is so many people losing their jobs and being replaced by robots. You don't want people to be replaced cause they use the money they get live and support their family if they have one. The robots may be able to do more in a way and be more efficient but it is affecting the human life. Everything's happening so fast. Humans these days are constantly looking down at their phone for social media and calling and texting. It seems to be the only way of communication these days.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did You Know video was very fascinating. I've never really taken time to ever think about the things that were said in the video, but now I really have a thought on everything. It was crazy to see the stats, because there were so many people that have instagram, or facebook (etc.). Then when the video had talked about the robots it really blew my mind since the robots aren't people and it had said that by 2020, robots would be taking over most jobs. That got me thinking, what if something happens to the robots (like one explodes or something)? What would we do? Technology is/will take over the world at some point, but is that a good or a bad thing? I believe that it is a bad thing because maybe or generation won't know how to do anything. Then again, maybe it could be a good change? As of right now, people for the most part rely on technology for everyday tasks.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did You Know? made me think about how much time I spend using my phone and how dysfunctional I would be if I didn't have it for a full day. I also realized that technology itself is such a big part of our daily routine. This video also made me think about how many jobs will be gone by the time I become an adult, and how unprepared for the future I am. Further, I thought of how big a population problem the world has, and how a lot of the population is in poverty. This video made me want to try not to use my phone all the time only when necessary, to invest my future into something that will matter when I become an adult, and to volunteer for the less fortunate whenever I get the chance.

AMP Cookie said...
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Anonymous said...

This summer I read the Hunger games, and Children of Eden. I started reading Children of Eden. Children of Eden is about a society where you can only have one child, it is after the earth has died out and they have a limited supplies. a girl named Rowen is a second child and isn't aloud to leave her home. One day she gets out and explores the world and finds trouble. She meets a whole clan of second children and has to save her brother ash with the help with Lachen and Lark. The second book I read was the Hunger games. Which is about a girl named katniss who saves the life of her sister prime and volunteer to go into the hunger games, Which is a way to decrease the population. Kids fight to the death against one other teens. Katniss finds a love in the game. And becomes an allies with peeta mall ark.
The video inspired me to get off my tech and socilize more and be more aware of my surrondings.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did You Know presentation made me think about how the world is growing faster by the second and how addictive we’re becoming. The statistics that there will be 10 billion people for our population by 2050 and by 2020 there will be 20.8 billion devices connected. Made me think about the issues of overpopulation and the issue of how addicted we are to technology. We have limited space on this earth and at the rate we are going we will run out of space from overpopulation. In two years we will have 20.8 billion connected devices that means that about everyone on this earth would have three devices connected this shows how addicted we are to technology. I think how often we use and how addicted we are to social media and our phones will cause our academic habits to start disappearing, since some social media platforms makes it so you use less characters and less grammar. Our humanity is based off of how intelligent we are. Which helps our world grow and progress, but if we keep writing new words that are slurred or shortened then our normal talking behavior will sound more and more unintelligent. Do we really want to sound like a smarter but dumber version of what the first humans sounded like?

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did You Know? was very eye opening and surprising to watch. It talked about so many statistics that I never knew before and some that were very shocking to me. It was interesting to know how many people use social media networks like Instagram, Netflix, and Twitter. I talked about how many YouTube videos are uploaded per hour, how many babies are born per minute, and many other things that I never knew. I think that video was very cool to watch and it showed that in maybe just a couple of years electronics could be running this world. Amazon actually have robots running their warehouses and other buildings. That is just making it so there is less jobs for people. Whats going to happen in the future when there is triple the amount of people and half as many jobs? This video really showed me very important things that are happening in this world today that I never knew could end up becoming a big problem in maybe just a few years.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did You Know Video made me realize how much people use the internet and social media. It made me think about how the people being born in this generation will be born into so much technology and not know what it was like before and I think that is so crazy. Also, it amazes me that robots are so smart and will soon be better at most tasks than humans are. It wouldn't surprise me if they took over the world! Technology is just such a huge part of everyone's life and it's honestly ruining our society because all we do is look at phones and not talk to each other.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did You Know Video was very surprising to me because I usually don't see what else happens around the world in my daily life, I usually just pay attention to what around me at the time. This video made me think about many things as I was watching it. It made me think of the future, first of all and second of all it just made me think in general, which is beneficial to my and other peoples learning. The part that surprised me most was by far the robots. I have no doubt they won't take over this world in the next 20 years with all of this technology in this world. I feel like this has its own pros and cons to it. For the pro side, I feel like this would take much of our workload off our shoulders as humans, but on the con side, we would definitely lose the majority of our jobs, so we won't make the money we need to survive.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did You Know? video made me think about how the world is so quickly evolving and growing. It made me think how we're currently living in a line between the past and the future. Right now is the edge of a cliff we're about to jump into. There will be more robots working and AI systems. Academics wise, there are new jobs being created and old jobs dying or being run by robots. Most of these jobs will require a college education. The jobs that don't require further education (warehouse, postal services, mechanics, etc.) after High School will be controlled by robots. People who cannot afford to go to college will have no chance to make a living. The world is changing into a technological environment, and people who struggle with science and other tech related things will not be able to compete with AIs and others who excel in that arena. If people continue to rely so much on technology, we will become useless and lazy. Technology can be a good thing, but too much will ruin us. I must mention to is that the AI systems will most definitely whip humanity from the face of the Earth (I know it sounds like a classic robot movie, but it's true). Humans are the smartest species on Earth, and that is why we are on the top of the pyramid. AIs are designed to be more intelligent than us to help with problems we cannot handle. If they are more intelligent than humans, AIs will understand that they are superior and take over. There will be no way we can stop them because they have more intellect than us. I do think technology is a helpful tool, but it is risky adding even more of it into people's lives.

Anonymous said...

The 2017 Did You Know Video made me think more about how the world population and how technology is taking over everything. It also made me think more about how our generation now was born into technology but when our parents were in high school all they had to use was a piece of paper and a pen. This might impact my academics because we can basically find everything online and this could be the case of people not doing well on test in stuff because they just look up the answers online. This also might impact my view of the world because now I only see people on technology 24/7 but if we did not have anything like technology I wonder what everyone would do with their lives.

Caitlin Wilcox said...
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Caitlin Wilcox said...

This video clip made me think about how things change so fast. In the clip, it said that one and seven of all divorces are blamed on Facebook. That made me wonder why are people getting divorced because of Facebook? Another thing that was surprising was that 90% of the world's data has been created in the last couple of years. Most things grow gradually over time but with this, it sort of all happened at once. Computers impacted academics because as students we use our computers all the time. Computers are so important now that public schools provide students with computers for the year and five years ago they weren't necessary.

Anonymous said...

During the video, I was thinking about how crazy it is that in just a few years the world will be changed drastically. I think that it's so crazy that so much happens every day without us even thinking about it. It is also insane to me how much we use technology. The amount of technology that we are continuing to produce is scary to think about. Trying to even grasp the numbers in the video was near impossible. Overall, it was so cool to learn about the things in the video and get to spend time thinking about all that goes around in the world.

Anonymous said...

I think 2017 destroyed me because of friendships,drama,and etc.. I took a beating from 2017 but I think 2018 will be alot better, it makes me think that things happen for a reason and this impacted me was because I was going through alot that year and I thought by 8th grade things will get better but things only got worse. My life felt like crumbling and over that year things got better than they were before! I really hope 2018-2019 will be a great year at Arapahoe High School.