Thursday, August 30, 2018


How does the Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relate to your world? Can you relate his video to writing? Can his new exploits connect with your academic endeavors? Again, did he make you look twice? Did he inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed by Tuesday, September 4th, 2018 at 3:40p.m.


Anonymous said...

The Bicycle video inspired people to follow there passion, even when it gets hard. try and try again. People will see your true talent and will love you and praise you for it, but you have to go give them a chance. You have to take risks to get to the glory.You have to take risks and be rave and confident. The things you can do are amazing when you put your mind to it.

Anonymous said...

In the beginning things can be hard but you should always keep trying. If you love the thing you are doing keep trying. Failure is the only way you will progress. If you don't practice you won't get better. Every skill you have you took steps to get there.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to the world because it shows that you have to practice and try hard to succeed and great things will come from it. So, never give up because in this video, he kept falling and making mistakes but he learned from that and improved. That connects to writing because you may not be good now, like me but if I practice, i could become a great writer. All of the things he did were awesome, even when he made a mistake and that motivated me to keep trying and give certain things a second chance because if practice makes perfect, even if you suck at first.

Anonymous said...

The bicycle video relates to my world, because at some point he was a beginner, and that's the same way for all of us. At some point in time we were all beginners at what we're passionate about and good at. Like the video, we have to develop our writing skills, and we all start as beginners. The video was inspiring because it showed me that you have to work hard, fail, and practice to become better at what you love. It gives me motivation to work harder at the things I love to do.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill relates to my world because he had to work, fail, and practice to achieve my goals. In the writing world, this video demonstartes that you will never start off as a perfect writer, but you can get better if you work for it.McCaskill probably committed just about all of his time to doing the thing he loved. This also connects to my academics that school takes to learn how to grow. Even though I will fail, it will give me an opportunity to improve. Danny McCaskill inspired me to work hard to accomplish my goals and just everyday life.

Anonymous said...

In the video Inspired Bicycles, the cyclists had lot's of practice to make then better. At one point this guy couldn't ride a bike. Eventually he has to practice and practice. He took risks, got hurt and tried. Danny MacAskill failed the first many times he did this. He failed in the first trick he showed us, but he then kept trying and he succeeded after many times he failed. Danny was strong, and he failed but never gave up. He failed many times but he never gave up, so he could succeed and finally get it.

Anonymous said...

In the video "Inspired Bicycles", he did things that most people couldn't do on foot, let alone on a bicycle. This is a great example of what can be done when risks are taken and what can be achieved when the bar is set high. He displayed a high level of experience and confidence that took this video to the next level. Although the video showed his failure in the beginning, the video was elevated to a point that makes you think about what can be done when you try.

Anonymous said...

This relates to my world because you see people who do this every day for living. I can relate this video to writing because you have to keep practicing, and try new things to become better. This relates to my education because he started as a novice, and you need to lean and get better, and take risks so you can succeed. This video made me look twice because I did not think using a bike ike that was possible, or that people actually made money off of this. It inspires me to keep trying at what I like, and to get better

Anonymous said...

The video "Inspired Bicycles"- Danny MacAskill connected to me because I was a novice at one point in my life with my different sports. At first, when I tried horseback riding for the first time I didn't know how to ride but I still did it. I feel like failure leads to success, so if you keep trying, but your still not getting it, then you will succeed if you practice. In the beginning of the video, he failed with getting across the fence and then he kept trying and then he got across it at the end because he kept trying.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to my life by achieving what you want to achieve. If I set my mind to something I can do it if I practice and say I can. This also relates to writing. Because he messes up in the beginning and failure can lead to success. So if I keep practice writing I will get better. It was just crazy how he took so many challenges and risks while riding and never looked back. I think it is great how he did all of these things and kept practicing.

Anonymous said...

The "Inspired Bicycles" presentation relates to the world because he is taking risks, which is what life is about. This video can relate to writing because you will fail and have to get up again, which is what Danny MaCaskill must have done to be that good on his bike. His new exploits connect with my academic endeavors because he makes me believe that there is always another option. He did make me look twice whenever he jumped or turned, filling me with awe. He inspired me to be able to get up and try again to reach a success that would not have been possible without the failure.

Anonymous said...

The video Inspired Bicycles by Danny McCaskill related back to my world in many ways like practicing. He had to of practiced to do these tricks, his mistakes kept him working and practicing to do great things. Which has great beauty when you work hard and have a great outcome that has a true beauty. This relates back to writing because the rough drafts or ideas may not look the best, but when you work on it it turns out great just like him working on his tricks.

Anonymous said...

In the video Inspired Bicycles by Danny McCaskill relate to my world for many reason. One of the reasons is that it shows that you should never give up and that it is okay to fail and get better. You can relate this video to writing because you can always make your writing better even if it takes a couple of times. This can relate to our academics because it shows that if you fail that means you are just getting better at what you are doing. He did inspire me to get better at the things I love and do what I am passionate about.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relates to my world because sometimes when I try to do things it takes a lot of effort before I can get a hang of the said thing. This video relates to my writing because I can never get better if I never try in the first place, and I tent to lose motivation to write when it comes to things like essays. McCaskill’s exploits connect with my academic endeavors right now because high school is new to me and it’s hard to figure out now but if I persevere with a positive outlook things will turn out ok. Yes, McCaskill did have me in a trance because what he was doing was quite incredible. This video encourages me to be risky and try new things that way I might achieve something that I may have never thought I would.

Anonymous said...

In the video, inspired by bicycles, the man had showed how nothing is impossible. He kept trying and eventually, he mastered his tricks. This video is like writing because you have to keep trying before it will be right. In the video he had to keep trying before he got it just like you do academically. He made me look twice and inspired me because some of his tricks were so riky, but he still kept trying. Throughout the entire video, he never gave up.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles video relates to our world because it represents the fact that everyone starts out a beginner but with practice, you can become a pro at anything. You can't learn if you don't make mistakes. This video relates to writing because we are still beginners and if we practice we can get better. Also, there are going to be some challenges that we face while writing ut we just have to push through because it will all turn out good in the end.

Caitlin Wilcox said...

This video relates to me because he takes the risk and he developed the skills. In my writing, it shows how you can get better with practice and learn from my mistakes. In the beginning, he can not do a trick but he keeps trying until he perfects it. He would not have learned anything if he did not fail. That is the same circumstance for anything including school and my writing. When you fail you keep trying. Next, the video shows that if you are determined you are able to do anything. At some point, he could not have done that with his bike he had to practice and that is the same as any other thing also including the writing I have to practice to get better.

Anonymous said...

This videos relates to the world because no one is good at anything right away, just like the guy in the video. Also, everything in life involves risks, just how the man on the bike was taking risks. This video relates to writing because writing isn't easy and it takes time and practice, just like doing all those stunts. I thought this video was inspiring because it showed how hard work pays off. It was also cool seeing him fail at first at some of the tricks, but then doing them eventually. This video is going to motivate me to work harder in the future in academics and sports because I know my hard work will eventually pay off.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles video related to the world because it showed that no one is good at everything. One person may be great at something like Danny McCaskill is at riding bikes, but the same person may not be good at say dancing. People also cannot be good at something right away. Danny probably started riding bikes when he was very little and it probably took him many many years to be able to do the tricks that he does now. This video can be related to writing because when you first start writing it can be really hard, but after you start to learn more about writing the easier it becomes. The Inspired Bicycles video was very inspiring to me because it showed that you can do one simple thing and un it in to something amazing like he did with biking. The video was very cool to watch because there are probably very fewer people on this earth that can do what Danny McCaskill can do on his bike.

Anonymous said...

In life, people find things that make them who they are. Many people do many different things. In this video, the guy is very inspired by bikes and how bikes work. When you start on something you are passionate about you probably are not good at it. I imagine this guy starting and he breaks bikes and he probably breaks bones. There is much danger in his passion. You could fail so many times at that and you could hurt yourself in so many ways. In my world I have a passion that takes up a lot of my time, it is pretty hard, and it is very expensive. But I love it so it’s worth it in the end. I ride horses. To be more specific I jump. I have jumped 4 feet before. That is how my passion is very dangerous and many people get hurt. Just in the two years, I have been riding I have broken a rib, I got thrown into the arena wall and I have broken my pinky finger. But in the end, I would do it all because I love it. And I will never stop riding because I hurt myself because I love horses too much. I and horse are just the perfect fit together. They make me so happy.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to me and my writing. I have a passion for writing, and I have been writing my own stories since about third grade. Watching this video reminded me of when I first started to tell stories. I often look back at my third-grade stories and I notice all of the misspellings and the redundant word choice. I see the lack of descriptive words, that one sentence that makes me question what I was thinking at the time, and all of the cheesy lines of dialogue, and I see how much I've improved. How, now that I have a few more years of experience, these are simple mistakes. They are also mistakes that helped me improve my writing. If I didn't write those cheesy lines of dialogue in third grade, then I might still be writing cheesy scenes today. And looking back, I remember how big of a deal it was, for me, to write that thirty-six-page story (a few of the pages being filled with pictures) in third grade. The fact that I even dared to write that story is a huge accomplishment for me because it allowed me to recognize my passion for telling stories. At the beginning of the "Inspired Bicycles" video, we see the rider, Danny MacAskill, struggling to do that first trick. When you compare that first stunt to the many other complex and amazing tricks they show him accomplishing later in the video, that first trick seems simple. Maybe even easy. But when he successfully performed that first trick, when he was able to jump his bike onto the fence and ride across it, it leads him to pursue trying new stunts. More challenging and complex tricks. If he never struggled with that first bike trick, he would have never been able to achieve the astounding tricks he later achieved.

Anonymous said...

I related to the video because he was taking risks. In your writing you have to take risk. You may fail at something but you have to keep trying and working at it until you reach your goal. There are also always the time that you can make it better and take a look at what was not good or what needs to be fixed and fix it.

Anonymous said...

In the video, inspired by bicycles, the man had showed how nothing is impossible. He kept trying and eventually, he mastered his tricks. This video is like writing because you have to keep trying before it will be right. In the video he had to keep trying before he got it just like you do academically. He made me look twice and inspired me because some of his tricks were so riky, but he still kept trying. Throughout the entire video, he never gave up.

Anonymous said...

The man took some risks,there was beauty when he would fall or jump off the walls and off of side buildings. The man was very experience and skill development. In the beginning of the video the man failed all of his tricks but failure leads to success and if you don't fail you didn't try hard enough.