Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Reflecting Upon Writing?

Upon completion of your CTW Paper, what are you thinking about writing persuasively? What specific writing strategies and resources will you continue to implement when you write in the future? In looking back at your persuasive writing from earlier in the semester, what differences do you notice regarding your growth and awareness as a writer? Please specify. This blog response is due during class today.


Anonymous said...

Upon completion of your CTW Paper, what are you thinking about writing persuasively? What specific writing strategies and resources will you continue to implement when you write in the future? In looking back at your persuasive writing from earlier in the semester, what differences do you notice regarding your growth and awareness as a writer? Please specify. This blog response is due during class today.

I wanted to make sure i made it interesting and not just alot of facts. i made sure i had alot of quotes in there specially since it was a differnt type of paper it was more factual. i have know to put alot more interesting vocab in your writing and not just make it boring.

Anonymous said...

After completing the Change the World Paper, I have discovered many different aspects that you need to include when writing persuasively. An example would be using citations effectively and correctly. In order to get your point across, you should include different opinions and studies from other people. A resource that really helped me when writing this paper was Writing Reviser. I used this multiple times to make sure that I didn’t have any unnecessary verbs, cliques, jargon, or anything like that in my writing. I tells you all about your writing and I found it very useful, rather than trying to find what I needed to revise by myself. As I look back to earlier in the semester, I think that my writing has excelled even more. I now know how to better use lead-ins and citations, expand my vocabulary, find reliable sources for my citations, and to plan and revise.  

Anonymous said...

After completing the CTW paper I feel like I've learned more about persuasive writing because I'm more aware of my ethos, pathos, and logos usage and having a variety of those so my paper is the most effective. In the future I plan to use more of these techniques along with quotes and facts because without facts you're only arguing your opinion with nothing else to back it up. In my persuasive writing from earlier this semester I noticed it's not as organized as the CTW paper which makes it less effective since the ideas aren't clearly stated and explained. I also realized that I was more aware of my writing since we did so much research I felt like I was informed enough to inform someone else about my topic and my views were valid.

Anonymous said...

After finishing my CTW Paper, I feel like I am a better writer. When I have to write things in the future that are persuasive, I will start with an outline after researching and making sure I know what I am talking about. I will definitely work on not using many linking verbs or work to remove them and make sure that I don’t have any personal words like, “I”, or “me”. Compared to the beginning of the semester, I feel like my writing has gotten stronger. In the beginning of the semester, I used a lot of linking verbs and I was really repetitive in what I was saying. I need to make new points in the future instead of reusing them. In some places, I also could have used stronger vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

After completing the change the world paper I have found many different aspects on trying to write persuasively. To back your points up to prove your onion you must have the appropriate sources to help make your paper make since and that helped me a lot. As I look back from the beginning of the semester my writing has improved dramatically from my thesis statement alone .

Anonymous said...

In writing persuasively, I try to find lots of evidence to help me prove my point and to get the reader on my side of the argument. I learned how to address the other side of the argument and how to prove that they are wrong. I also learned how to take out personal pronouns.

Anonymous said...

I hope to continue to use more "mature" word choice in my writing. Looking back at my persuasive writing compared to the CTW paper, my persuasive writing got to the point faster where as in the CTW paper, there was a lot more explaining and body to be done to the writing. I will continue to implement finding reliable resources that are credible for my writing to ensure to be factually correct in my writing.

Anonymous said...

After completing my Change the World paper I learned some valuable skills about persuasion. The biggest thing was probably learning how to research and effectively fit that research into a strong argument. The thesis and way I organized my paragraphs were also a little bit different than previous papers. The beforehand planning is something I can think about in the future. While a lot of work, this planning made the actual construction of my paper much easier. When I look back at my previous work one of the big things I noticed is word choice and organization. My current persuasive writing uses much stronger word choice as well as a more effective organization method. My thesis is clear and each paragraph directly relates to it which I struggled with more on my previous writing.

Anonymous said...

After finishing my CTW paper and looking back on my writing from the beginning of the semester I have noticed the amount of things I have learned about persuasive writing and the amount of improvement I have made. I will continue to cite my quotations correctly by adding lead- ins and making sure to put the author's name and page number in the quote. I'm also going to continue to use strong words and remove as many linking verbs as possible. Looking at my past writings I don't think I was a very strong writer. I didn't use much evidence or quotations to back up my argument and when I did they weren't correct. I now am able to do this correctly and accurately and it has enhanced my writing tremendously. I'm going to continue to use these skills and keep making sure my writing is to the best of my ability.

Anonymous said...

Looking back at my past persuasive writings, I believe that I now have a better awareness about little things that go into a paragraph or writing then I did. I know where to put certain punctuation, how to quote properly, to use better vocab, and to make sure that I plan ahead for what I am writing. I find that we should make it interesting and keeping it true to the facts when writing persuasively.

Anonymous said...

Upon looking at my CTW and my persuasive writing piece from a couple weeks ago, I think that a strategy for the future could be backing up information with quotes. I think if I keep backing up my ideas with real facts then it can make my writing more powerful. I did notice in my previous writing that I didn’t really have any quotes to help back me up, because it was an in-class essay. But, if I keep continuing to give my opinion with a good resource it will be effective. I think one more thing to add on to is commenting after the quote just so I can make it my own writing.

Anonymous said...

Looking back at my previous writings, I have realized that quotes really make the paper that much better. If you can provide quotes or real facts, people are much more likely to believe you. In persuasive writing, it is important that you plan your writing ahead of time. Going into sophomore year, I am determined to make my writing even better. Eliminating personal pronouns, using vocab words within your writing, and using strong transitions are all ways I can improve. As I finish out my CTW Paper, I could have done more in the planning process to guarantee a better final result. But, I believe that I did a great job and did my best on that writing piece and will use the things I have learned this year for future writing assignments.

Anonymous said...

As a writer I notice that making connections whether personal or public, can strongly improve the quality of your writing. Putting in connections makes your writing more personal to you and more interesting to read because you are getting your honest opinion. In the future I will continue to add higher level vocabulary in my writing and making strong connections between the subject and myself. I notice that my writing is significantly more sophisticated than before and I can use the write sources, add quotations in the proper order and form, and use strong word choice and vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

Persuasive writing requires a great deal of evidence to back up a claim. As I look back at my previous writings and my current CTW paper I immediately notice the difference in the amount of evidence that I have now as opposed to then. Writing strategies that I learned through completing these persuasive papers include the formation of a strong thesis that adheres to a specific claim providing a solution or reasoning as well. In previous writings, I never had a very strong lead though I had good reasoning and persuasion in support of my argument. I also really liked the outline format which helped me organize my ideas and claims throughout my paper. As I continue writing I hope to use a similar tool to help enhance my future papers.

Anonymous said...

After finishing my persuasive Change the World paper, I have learned more about ethos, pathos and logos. My paper is about global warming, so I used Logos the most because throughout my paper I presented data about the heating of the Earth and quotes from scholars and global warming scientists. I have also learned more about the structure of my essays and how to set them up. Doing the outline helped me plan my essay better and helped better-prepare me for the putting together of my essay.

Anonymous said...

After writing/completing my Change The World Paper, I believe my persuasive writing has greatly improved. The learning of correctly quoting from sites, making my thesis contain more information, to getting rid of all linking verbs has changed the way I write. From looking back at my older persuasive writing the biggest differences I noticed are the huge use of linking verbs, and not enough clarification throughout the paper. Now I am more aware to stay away from the overused verbs, and have definitely started to clarify more on my topics, quotes, etc.

Anonymous said...

After completing the CTW assignment I am not really sure what i would like to write about persuasively although I have a few ideas. Some writing strategies I plan on continuing to use is using less linking verbs in my writing and planning it out more with an outline because that was really helpful. One resource I like is the Purdue website and writing revisor. I think since that piece at the beginning of the semester I have become better at finding sources and putting them into my piece. Also I think that I have become stronger by using less opinion and more fact. Overall I think the CTW paper has helped my focus more on my writing and made me a better writer.

Anonymous said...

After completing the Change the World paper, I found many new techniques and perspectives with writing that helped me grow as a writer. There are many steps to a persuasive paper, from start to finish. From thesis, to quotes and conclusions. Every little piece helps carry the weight of the whole paper and the topic of the paper. Strategies of planning and finding reliable resources will continue to help me with writing in the future, along with all of the other steps that must continue throughout the planning stages. Looking back, I know see and realized that I learned a lot about organization from earlier in the semester to now. My knowledge of writing most definitely expanded throughout this semester.

Anonymous said...

I think I have grown a lot while writing my paper. Somethigns that I learned that I’m going to take into my other classes and future classes are leading into quotes. I did very poorly with this in my draft and as I grew, my quotes became stronger and had more of an impact on my writing. I also learned that I should not stack quotes on top of each other. That I should make sure I take time to explain every quote that I used and show how they connect to what I’m writing about.

Anonymous said...

Through constructing the CTW paper, I began to gain more knowledge and growth on how to write persuasively in an efficient way. In order to get someone to support your point of view, you can’t use state your opinions but have to obtain reliable sources and recent facts to back up support of the argument. In order to be persuasive, opinion should be straight forward to the reader. From writing the paper, I learned new strategies to continue on in my writing. I learned how to cite a source in the right way and how to only use the important part of a quote. Also removing linking verbs as much as possible and using strong transitions. Also, to not add any more fluff in your writing than you need to. People like straightforward arguments and not repeat a sentence multiple times in a different way. I’ve also noticed that my persuasive writing and arguments has become a lot more stronger in the way I use my opinion and support facts as well. I will use what I have learned in writing this paper to improve whenever I write something.

Anonymous said...

I am still in the process of completing my essay but just by doing it, it's helping learn more in depth how to write persuasively as well has having facts to back up my opinion and turn it into a theory or even a tested topic.