Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Thinking About Poetry?

After viewing the spoken word poem Can I Auto-Correct Humanity, what are you thinking regarding the poem's message, tone, theme, and use of poetic devices? Please analyze and comment using specifics. This blog response is due during class today.


Anonymous said...

The delivery of his words are trying to spread a message saying how we depend on our technology for everything now and you don´t really realize that life is going faster than it is. You lost connections with people, lose friendships and become more anti social due to the technology, and making a change with your life can´t be changed with your phone, you change with yourself. His tone was so powerful to make me feel the emotion behind the words on how true this is, and this poem didn´t really rhyme but poems normally dont have to rhyme. He used very descriptive words as he was describing so you can understand the message.

Anonymous said...

After viewing the spoken word poem Can I Auto-Correct Humanity, what are you thinking regarding the poem's message, tone, theme, and use of poetic devices? Please analyze and comment using specifics. This blog response is due during class today.

I like this word poem a lot. it is very interesting and it is true everyone in our society today uses their phones and are all caught up and it is annoying because if you haven't seen someone in a while and you get together with them and they are on their phones what is the point of even getting together with them. I think what made it really interesting to listen to was how poetic it was because if it was just a speech than it would not have been interesting to listen to

Anonymous said...

The message that was spoken was true. The message was how we are losing connection while we are thinking that we are getting connected. The tone of the poem is supposed to be in my opinion inspirational. To try and get you off your phones and actually spend time with the people that you bare with face to face and not over some device. We are losing our ability to connect with other humans every time we connect with people through text. The type of poetry that he used made it so that at the end of every stanza the words didn’t rhyme.

Anonymous said...

The poem was very strong and the speaker got the point across. People are so consumed in the world of technology and the world of screens. The poem was trying to show how in order to restore humanity in a way, we must step back from the screens, the likes and the uploads because at the end of the day none of that really matters. The poem used many metaphors and rhymes to help the theme flow into the main idea of how technology is really disconnecting us rather than connecting us.

Anonymous said...

The poem incorporated a few different literary devices. One that I noticed was slant rhyme. Some of the lines sounded like he was rhyming, but when I thought about the spelling of the words, they actually didn't rhyme.

Anonymous said...

I think that the poem is almost like a cry for help, to change the world from a phone obsessed population into one who actually cares about the real world more than the digital world. I also think that its a good example of irony because it's telling you to stop staring at a screen all day but you can't view it without a screen. I really like the message that it's portraying because it really is sad how the world has come to such a low that we can't stop paying attention to the internet and our phones and we waste our lives on it. When he says that he wants to have a conversation without abbreviation and that makes you think about how much is shared over text when you should be talking face to face.

Anonymous said...

I think that the message that he is trying to get across in this video is that people are becoming so obsessed with social media, and are defining their self worth based on how many people like their photo or how many followers they have. His tone in the video is angry. He seems to express through this tone that he is upset that people can’t REALLY communicate with each other anymore. If someone wants to communicate now days, they send a text, snapchat, or other form of media, instead of actually talking to the person, face to face. A thing that I also noticed was that throughout the entire spoken word poem, there was rhyming.  

Anonymous said...

During the video, Can you auto-correct humanity, it explains how our society has changed by everyone focused on their electronics and social media. I agree that in the past years people haven’t been focusing on what is actually happening in the world. We have been missing out on a chance in life to show and express who we are, now we do that through a screen. The fact that everyone will go to there electronics instead of turning to their friends when they need help or just want to talk has been a impact on generations to come because they will be so addicted to electronics and not have a chance to see what is really around them. I think that people should change to when it was before everyone was addicted to electronics. If this happened, then the world could see a global climate in nature and other things.

Anonymous said...

The speaker in this video is really trying to communicate the reliance this generation has on phones and the social media associated with them. He used rhyme pretty effectively to communicate how self-worth is becoming defined by a screen. His tone was urgent and he wanted to see improvement in this drastically enlarging issue almost immediately. Ultimately he proved ways communicating can be done in a much more "social" way creating an effective and empowering piece of poetry.

Anonymous said...

The tone and message are informational and surprising. The way the he says certain information in the poem he puts a certain reality or concern for our humanity. towards the end of the video he said that we would be closer the humanity if we didn't have certain technologie and I think that is the message he is trying to get across.

Anonymous said...

I think that it had a lot of emotion and it makes me think deeper and understand more. The tone is kind of angry and sad, very emotional. The theme just has a lot of just different emotion behind it. He rhymed a lot in this poem, and connected iphones to I and selfies to self and there was so much that i could relate to on a personal level.

Unknown said...

The tone of the poem is strong and helping you realize what point hes trying to get across. the theme of it is that people are trying to connect but are slowly unconnecting because when two people are face to face there not interested into each other there interested in their phones talking to other people.

Anonymous said...

In the video, “Can I Auto-Correct Humanity,” I liked how the man pointed out that our society today is way too selfish and self-centered all from technology, because we all know it's true. I think the theme he was trying to give off was that we need to spend more time together with people instead of just wasting our precious time on our devices. The mood/tone he put into this video was supposed to make people feel guilty because we have all fallen under technologies ways. So I do agree that all of us need to do better at trying to connect with others in our life instead of being connected onto our phones. After all, he did state that the average person spend 4 years of their life on the phone, which shows us that it’s time to change.

Anonymous said...

The poem had a lot of rhythm, which made it seem really smooth when it was spoken. The rhythm of the poem made it more interesting to listen to. I think that the message that the speaker was giving was that the world should put technology away and start to see people face to face. The speaker’s tone of the poem seemed to be disappointment, which made the poem more interesting because the speaker wasn’t yelling at the listener, he was just thinking out loud.

Anonymous said...

The tone of this poem was really inspirational, he spoke with so much passion and took some nice long pauses that made you reflect on what he just said. He also broke it up into almost stanzas so it was easy to understand and follow. I think this poem he said is very true about how much time people spend on their devices, because I know i spend a ton of time on mine. What really got me thinking were the facts “The average person spends 4 years on their phone” and “We have an attention span 1 second less than a goldfish”. The theme was very light and seemed hopeful, he’s trying to inform and inspire which I think he’s accomplished

Anonymous said...

His tone is very passionate and concerned. He really does not want to see a society where we are always glued to our devices. Like he said in the video, "I want to see a world where we smile at low battery." He does use some rhyming techniques as well as uses some similes and metaphors. He used abbreviations and hashtags in order to get the point to people. This method is used wisely, he sorta puts it to a tempo so others can picture it like a song as well. I agree with him as he has a point. The world is so focused on their technologies and who has the latest cell phone or iPad. I think his message/theme is to get people off of their phones and start actually developing friendships by meeting and talking in person.

Anonymous said...

After watching the moving spoken word poem "Can I Auto-Correct Humanity" I realized that author was trying to get the message out about how people today are so absorbed in technology, rather than face to face communication. With multiple lines and angry talking toward us listeners the author had a theme of our over use of technology, and not being as social without electronics involved. Our way of being social is really through Instagram, snapchat, twitter, etc. to the point where some of us have become unsocial when it comes to actual interactions.

Anonymous said...

The poem's message is that there is too much technology in the modern world and not enough face to face interaction between human beings. The tone ends up being pretty hopeful when he talks about how he wants the world to change. The theme, much like the message, is that we as a species, need to spend less time on our technology and more time with each other. There is a little bit of a rhyme in the poem such as when, at the end of the video, he ends one line with battery and the next with humanity. There is also a rhythm using a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables during certain parts of the video. This rhythm includes having the same or similar numbers of syllables with the same stresses between lines.

Anonymous said...

The message of the poem was talking about how technology is keeping use from spending time with others. I like this poem’s message and I agreed with everything he said. Even though, I seem to use my cell phone a lot, I agree that technology is taking away from communicating with others. We sometimes feel like the other person must not care if they are looking at their cell phone instead of talking to you. I think the tone of this message was serious and concerning sounding, based on how strong the man’s message was. I think the theme of the poem was that we should spend more time with others instead of spending time on our electronics. This poem also showed lyric poetry because it kind of had a musical sound to it.

Anonymous said...

While watching "Can We Autocorrect Humanity" I noticed how he explained our generation's use of cellphones and social media in a poetic way. The message was portraying the idea that although social media seems to be connecting us, it's decreasing in person conservation and changing humanity. The tone he uses is very motivational, making you want to not be on your phone as much and realizing how much our generation has turned to social media. The title of the video, "Can we Autocorrect Humanity" shows a bug picture that although social media can feel like it's connecting, humanity has lower with the usage and how much it impacts the society. Throughout the video I also noticed that he rhymed linking many ideas together about the affect of cellphones and allegation was included as well. Overall, the video shows a lot of meaning and I think that he has a right good point in how technology has changed us. It made me realize how big of an impact social media, FaceTime, texting, and calls have negatively affected people's interacts with others but we as people can make small changes to help.

Anonymous said...

    The tone of this video is very negative but in the end, it makes the video stronger. The message is very clear. It is that we have to stop looking down at our phones and instead connect in person because in the end, it’s better to be with a person than to be talking to a bunch of random people online. I do agree with this guy. But I also think that with generations changing, there is nothing you can really do other than no go along with it because people are going to keep connecting over social media instead of in person. But I disagree with him also. He says that when we connect over social media, and so we don’t get out but when I’m with my friends, I don’t go on my phone a ton. Overall, I think that this man is giving a very strong point in a very strong way and many people could see this video differently. It depend how you take it but as few people may have seen this and decided to put down their phone.

Anonymous said...

After watching this poem I am thinking a lot. I really like the message that this man is saying and agree with it. This is what our world has come to and this video shows a perfect explanation of what our world should be and not what it is. The tone of this video started out very sad and somewhat hopeless. He was talking about how our world just wasn't the same with technology and social media and made our world seem worthless. As the video progressed the tone started to feel more hopeful and even in the tone of the man's voice you felt that we could stop this and live in a real society. The theme in this video is that you can out your cell phone down and be in touch with the real world. This video uses many poetic devices such as rhyming, alterations, smilies, and much more. This video is really inspiring and projects a good message to the world.

Anonymous said...

The author of the poem "Can I Auto-Correct Humanity" uses rhythmic patters to create a tone for his poem. The slow and stressed wording of his poetry makes us digest each word he says differently and in a new light. The author also uses rhyme consistently throughout the poem. The message the author tries to expose in his poem with the use of poetic devices roots from the addiction humanity possesses to technology and the effects of technology on our lives. We become more detached and secluded from the world and connect through a screen behind closed doors in a corner alone instead. His message combined with his tone and use of poetic devices creates strong emotion in his audience as well.

Anonymous said...

The poem's message is that people should be on their devices less. There's a lot of beautiful things in the world and we can't experience them if we are always looking at screens. The tone is angry but motivational. He seems upset and mad that people are on their devices so much, but his strong words also put a motivational message across. One poetic device that I noticed he uses is rhyme. He rhymed a bunch of lines throughout the whole poem. Overall, I really liked the poem. It was kinda a wake up call and very motivational.

Anonymous said...

The poem is about the addiction to technology and new materialistic things that humans have today. The message is to not be on electronic devices so much and we need to be able to notice the beautiful things that the natural world has to offer. The poem was easily relatable because I am a teenager and I am on my phone many times a day. The author of the poem had a nice flow and used rhyme to help the poem flow and seem more like a song. The tone of the poem seemed hopeful and realistic. The author wanted to provide a wake up call to this subject.