Monday, October 3, 2016

Progress And "The Martian Chronicles?"

Regarding Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles text, what are you contemplating so far about humanity and progress?  What does the reading of these stories challenge you to consider? Please respond during class on October 4th, 2016.


Anonymous said...

So far, the humans are very excited and seem very interested while the martians seem a little bored. The martians seem more advanced in some ways than humans do and have different technology but at the same time the humans have different skills that the martians don't have. The reading of this story makes me wonder about what kind of advancements the aliens have that they haven't unveiled and also it makes me think about their space travel and if they've ever been to earth. Both planets have similar customs and culture but also vastly different.

Anonymous said...

In this book, the martians tend to think that the people that landed on Mars are insane. They never believe anything they tell them and just seem to shrug it off. The humans and the martians seem to have similar character traits. They have feelings, just like we do. They have families, just like we do. And so much more. They have trouble grasping the idea that humans from a different planet are in their world.

Anonymous said...

So far I’m thinking that the humans must be super frustrated with how they were being treated because no one on mars would believe them. Mr. Xxx shot them thinking that the men would dissolve because they were just hallucinations. After he shot them and it didn’t work he thought that he was hallucinating also. The martians can not understand that there is any other species besides them in the universe. Just like if a martian was to visit us today we would probably think the person was just insane and not an actual martian from mars. The reading of these stories challenges me to think of what we would think if an martian came to earth and what we would do and how would they respond.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles, it seems that the humans aren’t really getting the attention they were hoping to get when they arrived to Mars. Throughout the “Earth Men” chapter, the astronauts were almost offended that the Martians weren’t paying any special heed to them or giving them the “key to the city.” The men seemed almost worried that the Martians weren’t bowing down to them and offering for them to rule. This made me wonder if things aren’t going well on Earth. Is it becoming overpopulated? Is there too much pollution? Global warming? What is causing humans to need to explore Mars and see whether or not it is inhabitable? Another thing that the recent reading left me wondering was, why were there so many mentally ill Martians? Why did Mr. Xxx freak out when he thought he was going insane? Did the Martians think that insanity was contagious and that is why they made a different house for the mental Martians to stay in?

Anonymous said...

Reading The Martian Chronicles so far, I've contemplated that the human race is seen as an alien on the planet rather than the other way around. This makes me question if everything and anything that is different or unknown to our species is really an alien , or rather just another unknown life form that is looked down upon because of differences. Along with this thought of the human race, I have thought about the progress of life in the book. Everything is so much different than it is today. From relationships to weather to the appearances of the people living on the planet. The progress overall is very strange and different from what happens today on our planet, with just the differences or similarities overall.

Anonymous said...

While reading this text I contemplated how as our technology is getting more and more advanced humans are able to accomplish much more. While on mars the humans definitely do not see eye to eye with the martians, but later on as they progress they might be able to agree with them more. At this time period the story was written it's also interesting to think about how much less they knew about what mars was actually like. If this was rewritten now, more truth would be put into the story. These stories also make me think of perspective and how to the martians we are the aliens doing the strange things.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

While reading The Martian Chronicles it made me consider that the Martian people don’t want anything to do with the Earth people and they don’t really care about them. For example, in the text the captain and his men kept getting shut down by almost every martian when they asked for help. The text said that in the first trip to Mars the people from Earth went missing, and in the second trip to Mars the astronauts were put in an asylum and were shot dead. This makes me wonder why they will keep sending men to Mars.The thing that I am most contemplating about humanity and their progress is why do they keep sending people back to Mars.

Anonymous said...

So far in Martian Chronicles, the martians don’t like the people who are landing on mars are crazy. But the humans have become really excited to be on the new world, and are interested and what they will find. The Martians and humans have different skills. For example the martians have more technology skills on there planet. Another thing about them is there culture can import the way both of them think.

Anonymous said...

While reading this text I noticed that humanity on Mars is much different than humanity on Earth. On Mars, most things that are out of the ordinary are thought to be hallucinations. The humans were really excited about being on Mars but none of the martians seemed happy they were there. No one was excited because the “Earth Man's” presence was thought to be a hallucination. Some of the things the martians consider hallucinations are crazy. While both similar, the martians are extremely different from humans in both looks and thoughts.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

While reading the Martian Chronicles I am contemplating many things about people and progress. I first think that this story is very strange and the people on the planet are also very strange. Both the martians and Earth people seem to have completely different lifestyles and don’t seem to want to learn more about one another's. When the people from Earth arrived the martians weren’t even glad to see that someone else has made it to their planet, they were angry and sent the earthlings to an insane asylum. This makes me think and wonder about if we are able to get to another planet and find martians what will they think nd do. Will the martians welcome them happily and want to learn more about them and where they came from or will they act like they did in the book and not believe them and send them to an insane asylum. This makes me think and wonder of many different outcomes and makes me want to learn more about what astronauts plans are if they reach life on other planets.

Anonymous said...

In the book “The Martian Chronicles”, the story has been unfolding some weird experiences with the humans and martians. I’ve been kind of confused on how they’ve been communicating to each other, I know that the martians speak telepathically, I just don’t know how each species understands one another. I guess in this time of the book, humanity has evolved in what they can do and learn, still don’t know for sure though. It’s a weird concept for me. I think the story it trying to challenge me to think outside the box and is trying to test my skills in thinking creatively about this process. So far the book seems fairly interesting with the interactions of humans and I’m curious to see what will happen next.

Anonymous said...

Bradbury's novel shows us that humans are still in progress of perfection, if there is even such thing as perfection. I the book, the humans are trying to explain the the martians that they are not crazy, and they came from Earth. When the martians don't believe them, the humans get killed. Obviously the humans didn’t come up with a good enough plan. They expected they would get there and everything would be perfect and there would be some huge party for them. They expected that the martians were advanced and had a lot of technology and knew that there was other life on Earth. Obviously, they thought wrong. It's hard for the human race to develop and learn more about Mars if they are not able to take back information about the martians to Earth.

Anonymous said...

Reading these stories challenges me to consider how much progress affects humanity. As the characters in Bradbury's text expand and advance technologically onto Mars, the inhabitants of this planet view them as psychotic and insane beings who lost themselves in an alternate reality of the future. Humans tend to label ideas and beings they are afraid of as psychotic or mentally ill. Some people, in order to prove and preserve their own sanity will brand others as insane. Afraid of the idea of Earth men arriving on their planet, the Martians refused to believe their own people's predictions and labeled them insane. While progress may excite some people, the mere idea scares others.

Anonymous said...

Bradbury believed that by 1999, we have had enough human advancement to land on mars. He also believes that if we landed on another planet, we would be treated just the same, no one would believe we are from another planet. But because of this, it is incredibly frustrating for the people from earth. They are all SO excited, and the martians are just… bored really. This makes me think about how we would really respond if we saw an actual martian.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles text, what are you contemplating so far about humanity and progress? What does the reading of these stories challenge you to consider?

Why are people coming to mars and what are they doing there like are they trying to build or discover new things? I think the humans are coming to make things on mars? im not sure i havnt quite finished reading yet

Anonymous said...

In the text, the humans are being treated like trash. They come to Mars thinking everyone will be excited to see them, but instead, the aliens send them to an insane asylum. The humans thought the aliens would be proud and ask them what Earth is like and carry them on their shoulders, instead the aliens don’t care about their presence. During the story, each alien they visit, they alien passes the humans down to the next alien, making them someone else’s problem. They keep getting passed down, until they reach the owner of the insane asylum. When they get put into the asylum, all the crazy people get excited to see some new people. When they explain their journey, they find out the other people there were also travelers, which leads them to find out they were put in the asylum. When they get out and show one of the aliens, their rocket to get them to believe them, the alien shoots the captain of the space crew because he thinks they are still crazy. Then the alien commits suicide because he thinks he’s crazy too. The humans are showing weakness because they couldn’t show courage to fight back.

Anonymous said...

In the series of short stories in the Martian Chronicles, humans land on mars. They expect a big celebration for them but come to realise they are not so important. It seems as if all the humans care about is themselves and getting recognized for their journey. They never really stop to consider that the martians could care less about the humans. The martians don't even actually believe that these humans are different species. We learn this when the humans are thrown in an insane asylum. I've contemplated on how selfish humans can be and how much we need reassurance to make sure we are doing the right thing.

Anonymous said...

While reading the Martian Chronicles I realized that they had a sense of humanity in marriage and how they talk to each other, but they also lacked. When the humans landed on Mars they expected a big welcome and celebration but didn't recieve one For example the doctor shot the astronauts thinking that they were crazy martians with crazy hallucinations. Both martians and humans can have hallucinations but the martians are out there for everybody to see. The martians and humans are similar in ways but are also very different.

Anonymous said...

The Martian Chronicles forces you to wonder if humanity is really as advanced as we think it is. The story forces us to ask this because when the humans get to the planet, none of the martians seem very thrilled to see the humans. The martians think that the humans are insane and so they send them to an asylum, but when they tried to convince the captain that he was insane, they showed him the rocket, and he thought it was a hallucination, so he shot the captain, but the other three people didn't disappear, so then the martian that shot them, but then the other three people were there, so then the martian thought he was insane too and shot himself. I think this was a really clever idea by Bradbury.

Anonymous said...

The main thing that I'm contemplating is if there were someone to land one the moon what would we sound like to them and what would they sound like to us. Also, would they be scared of us or would we be scared of them?

Anonymous said...

While reading and considering “The Martian Chronicles” and “How a One-Way Martian Colony Project Could Work” I am challenged to realize how much humanity is affected through progress. I notice how the lifestyles in Mars and Earth are completely different, both neither have the interest or excitement to learn about each other's way of living. In Bradbury’s text there are four astronomers that make it to Mars from Earth. As they arrive, they are expecting a congratulations from the people, a greeting, and astonishment but they receive none. The inhabitants on Mars view them as insane people that don’t belong. Instead of being amazed and intrigued by people from a different world they have an idea that these people from Earth are harmful and insane. That’s the clear idea in their head. Although progress can excite and establish a new idea to some people, to others it is scary and not just.

Anonymous said...

As I have been reading the text "The Martian Chronicles." I have realized that the martians have the same feelings and emotions as humans even though their life style is completely different from earths. It makes me wonder on how the maintains live their life on mars everyday from all the advanced technology they have to live on mars. The martians I think are scared of the humans that came from earth, and the humans expected so much from the martians from being nice new set of society, but they think they can harm mars.