Monday, October 3, 2016

Mars Cartoon vs. Mars Novel?

Based upon what you viewed within the Disney Mars cartoon excerpt, what are you thinking about comparatively between Disney's version of Mars and how it measures up to Bradbury's version of Mars? Please respond by 2:30p.m. on Oct. 5th, 2016


Anonymous said...

We thought that Mar was calling us to come explore there. Disney thought that they would be invisible until they found the common cold. They both don't have women come up and they are always the damsel in distress. In Disney's version its the Martian that are coming down to Earth and in Brad berry's story its the Humans that are the bad guys.

Anonymous said...

There were many differences and similarities between the Disney Mars concept and Bradbury’s version. In Bradbury’s version, the Martians were more similar to humans in their appearance and their ideas, which includes science, religion, and their way of life. Something that they both included though was that if the Martian’s did come to Earth, or we came to Mars, then the Martians would die and go extinct because of our different germs and diseases.  

Anonymous said...

The Disney Mars and Bradbury’s Mars are not very similar at all. In the Disney version, there were many different cartoons about the different creatures that were living on Mars. All of the creatures that were shown were odd and animal like. Bradbury’s Mars had Martians that were more human-like that had some features that were different. While the two views of life on Mars was extremely different, I felt that both were unique and creative. The Disney cartoon had the Martians coming to Earth while in Bradbury’s story humans went to Mars.

Anonymous said...

The martians in the Disney clip, appear to be much more friendly towards the human race and the conditions of Mars is much different. Rather than being suitable, the gravity is very low and the plants grow thin and tall while the insects and animals are bigger with more features, such as eight legs or many heads and abilities. The martians in the Disney clip can often be disguised as humans, this is similar to the Martian Chronicles in a way because in the Martian Chronicles the martians tend to use hallucinations in order to become disguised in a way in order to rid the humans. Also, in the Martian Chronicles the martians look much more human like rather than they do in the Disney Clip and the martians from Mars seem to cause much more trouble to the humans than the humans cause the martians.

Anonymous said...

The similarities between The Martian Chronicles and the Mars Cartoon are quite visible. Once the martian's come to Earth, they are unable to withstand our atmosphere. That is just like how the humans come to Mars and they are also unable to breathe without stress. It is different how they describe the martians. They are also flipping the script. Martian's come down to Earth and abduct people in the video instead of the humans going to Mars.

Anonymous said...

Based upon what you viewed within the Disney Mars cartoon excerpt, what are you thinking about comparatively between Disney's version of Mars and how it measures up to Bradbury's version of Mars?

In my opinion it is very unrealistic. but It is goof for kids because its letting them know all the information in a fun way. and most of the information is true regarding Bradbury version of mars. It brought of some famous writers in the cartoon like war of the worlds. the villains in this story are the martins but in Bradbury story the martians are kinda just to themselves.

Anonymous said...

In the short Mars cartoon, they explain that the martians are the villains and are the ones wanting to destroy humanity and take over. But in the Mars novel, I am finding that the humans are the one wanting to take over and are the villains. The martians are the ones that do not care about the humans and that are keeping to themselves.

Anonymous said...

Both the Disney version of Mars and Ray Bradbury's version share both similarities and differences. The idea of larger brains and masterminds on mars are found in both with the idea of a greater civilization being emphasized in the book. Gender roles are also found in both where women aren't quite as significant it seems. In the Disney movie the martians are viewed as villains or the bad guys but in Bradbury's story they are the victims and the ones whose homes are being destroyed.

Anonymous said...

Disney makes mars and possible alien life look silly, with ridiculous ideas of aliens. In disney they don’t have a defined culture, or much organisation. In bradbury, he makes it look more realistic and believable. In disney, they theorise martians come down to earth and cause trouble, instead of us going to mars, like bradbury. Both believe that if martians came, they would die of our diseases and germs, because their bodies are not accustomed to the diseases on Earth.

Anonymous said...

In the cartoon version of mars they think that the martians are hairy monsters and in the novel the martians are people looking creatures. The Disney version shows different weird creatures that are supposed to be animals crossed with different animals, and I don't think that there was any talk about any animals in the text.

Anonymous said...

I think that that Disney version of The Martian Chronicles seems very fake and sugar coded. The book is very sad because it doesn’t try to sugarcoat the things that happen. The video also sounds very fictional. As I was watching it, I didn’t believe any of it (of course) but at least in the book, it is somewhat believable. Another difference is in the book, the aliens are all the same look wise and they all keep everything to themselves. In the cartoon, all the aliens are causing problems and all look very different. One last difference I noticed is that in the cartoon, it’s more that the martians are trying to cause problems for the humans, not the humans causing problems for the martians like in the book.

Anonymous said...

After watching Disney's 1957 Mars & Beyond video i saw lots of things that were different and similar to Ray Bradbury's writing. In the Disney movie the martians are the ones coming down to Earth where in The Martian Chronicles the humans are going to Mars. In both pieces Mars is pictured with people, buildings, plants, animals and technology such as guns. In the beginning of the Disney one it stated that the martians main culture was Music. Ray Bradbury writes a lot about music that the martians play and about their musical instruments. Both pieces are similar but also very different Disney's is more comedy while the chronicles are more serious and dark.

Anonymous said...

In the Disney Mars cartoon excerpt the Martians pose the threat as opposed to Bradbury's version of Mars where the humans travel to Mars and destroy the habitat there. Bradbury's point of view illustrates that sometimes humans can be biased against new or strange people or ideas. For example, in Disney Mars the Martians come down to Earth and cause destruction whereas in Braduburys book the earth men go to Mars in hopes of beginning a new civilization and in the process destroy the one already built. Bradbury understood that most people viewed the theoretical martians as villains and decided to change the vision of the people through his story by opening up minds and saying that, "we have destroyed earth, maybe we will be the destroyers of Mars too."

Anonymous said...

In the Disney Mars cartoon excerpt there were many differences from the book Martian Chronicles, but there were also some similarities. For example, in the Disney video the martians wanted to kill the humans just like in the story. The martians may have looked very different in both of these, but they had a common goal of destroying some of the humans. Another difference is what Malica said, “instead of the humans invading Mars, the martians are invading Earth.”

Anonymous said...

In the short video we watched on “Disney Mars” their version on the characteristics of martians were that they have different traits on what they looked like and what their abilities were. In Bradbury’s book he described the martians as beings that can create illusions. Also in the Disney film the martians seemed like the bad guys and were attacking Earth. However in “The Martian Chronicles” us humans were invading Mars and trying to take in everything. It made me ponder upon a question in the book, do the martians see us as bad guys? The Disney video had a way different perspective on martians than from Bradbury’s and I found that quite interesting, and it helps me see more on the martian’s perspective.

Anonymous said...

The Disney version is similar to Bradbury’s version. They both describe the martians on mars to be different and mean. In the story, the martians don’t want trouble on their planet, but in the cartoon, they describe them to be coming to earth to hurt others. In the story, when humans come to mars for science, the martians disapprove and don’t want the humans to cause trouble on their planet. They kill the humans who come to mars because of this. In the cartoon, the martians come to earth to cause trouble. They are also described differently in the cartoon and the story. In the story, they are described as being human like and living in the early 1900s. In the cartoon, they are described with special features and abilities. They kind of looked like monsters.Overall, the thought the cartoon was very funny and entertaining to watch, and the story is very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Both versions of Mars are visions from the authors brains of extraterrestrial life. Both describe the martians to have different levels of intelligence and personality. For example, the Disney version describes the aliens to be the bad guys and to be coming to Earth to attack us while in the Bradbury's version, the martians are the ones being attacked by the humans. Both societies have advanced technology in each of the pieces but I personally think Bradbury's version is more realistic.

Anonymous said...

After watching the Disney Mars cartoon, I noticed that the story aligned with Bradbury’s version of Mars. In the cartoon and the Martian Chronicles both Mars and Earth depending on what side are viewed as the bad guys. The cartoon showed a story of that all the people are frightened about the martians on Mars and a women is taken to Mars by the martians. They are shown as trying to capture her so she is trying to escape and ends up defeating them. In the Martian Chronicles, when humans show up the martians all have the idea that people from Earth are bad, insane people so they end up killing all the humans in defense. Both show that both civilizations are scared of one another and have formed bad ideas and opinions of Mars and Earth.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

After watching Disney’s Cartoon these two versions are very different in others. They are first different because it is almost like a reverse plot. In Bradbury’s story the Earth people are going to Mars and causing trouble while in this cartoon the Martians are coming to Earth. Also in the Disney cartoon the martians were more elaborate and didn’t show many human aspects but in Bradbury’s book the Martians were different from humans but still did possess some human qualities. Another reason hows these two versions are different is because in the Martian Chronicles the main character and focus is on males and in the disney cartoon the main character and focus is on the female. Both Bradbury’s story and the disney cartoon are very different from each others.

Anonymous said...

Obviously there are many differences between Bradbury’s version of Mars and that of Disney’s, but many similarities are also present. Of course there is the obvious It’s on Mars!; however, there are also many connections that dig much deeper than this. For example, in both Bradbury’s and Disney’s example of Mars, the Martians are depicted as intelligent or semi intelligent and have some form of culture or social status. In Bradbury’s piece, the martians are a calm and well organized people with psychiatrists, doctors, etc. In the Disney version, it suggests that there is a king, and that there is advanced technology, etc. To continue, in both stories, humans from planet Earth are able to breath and survive on Mars. Furthermore, both pieces depict the Martians as a different, strange, not entirely pleasant or respected race. While both of these versions of mars can seem worlds apart, the similarities reveal themselves under closer examination.

Anonymous said...

There are differences from how Disney and the author Bradbury, but they also have similarities. They both are civilized and are advanced with technology. They both don't really despise humans that well either like the women in disney the martians tried everything they can do to kill her, and in Bradbury's text the humans that came from earth scared the martians in way where they had to kill in defense,

Anonymous said...

The Mars cartoon and the novel are a little different because in the cartoon it was a woman that was captured, but in the Martian chronicles it was men. Also in the cartoon, the woman was taken from Earth, but in the Martian Chronicles the men go to Mars by them selves. One thing that is alike is that the martians are harmful though.