Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Imperialism And "The Martian Chronicles?"

How does the Imperialism video make you think about The Martian Chronicles? What connections do you notice? How does Bradbury address Imperialism? Explain and support your specific thinking. Your blog response is due by Mon., Oct. 10th at  2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...

It makes me think about the book because we wanted to expand our land and make more places like america. In the book the Humans are doing that to mars. We are also concurring land and we would displacing people in the land that we would want to take over and in the book the martians got chicken pox which made martian rare and then we displaced them. Bradbury addresses imperialism by showing how humans took over mars and turned it into a new earth because they wanted to move out and expand but during that process the martians then died and they because rare and displaced which is what we did to people while expanding america so that is how he shows imperialism.

Anonymous said...

Imperialism in the Martian Chronicles is very clear. When they began to plant the trees, it became official. The humans want to make Mars just like Earth. They want to make it a place where families can come and watch their children and grandchildren grow up. They don't think about the martians that live and have families on Mars as well. They have families too, they need resources to survive too. Sure, they may be different but a lot of our traits are the same as theirs. They need to share the planet or not even be there at all. They need to adapt to how the martians run things. You can't just go in and steal their land and everything they own.

Anonymous said...

The Martian Chronicles displays all sorts of themes that we have experienced in history, one being imperialism. The whole book revolves around humans visiting Mars and trying to colonize and conquer it, which is precisely the definition of imperialism. I notice how the humans don’t treat the martians as equals but as someone less than them and that the humans feel the kind of “deserve” to have Mars and they just feel entitled. Bradbury references imperialism by showing different chapters that focus on different aspects of history that involved imperialism. The humans feel superior to martians so they’re trying to override them and own their planet to make Mars the new Earth.

Anonymous said...

The video made me think that the book was just showing our history or past of exploring and taking over everything that we can get our hands on. We needed places to sell our 'new product' that is why we moved to exploring Mars. We went to Mars for resources and we in history always go and explore somewhere because we are looking for money and coal. We also spread disease everywhere we go and we spread it to Mars in the book.

Anonymous said...

I makes me think about the book because the citizens of some countries wanted to claim mars to look more powerful because they have their own planet

Anonymous said...

Imperialism is when stronger nations take over smaller and weaker nations and I think in the Martian Chronicles since the Martians don't like the humans that came from earth, because they think they can cause harm which brings to imperialism and makes me wonder, Do humans want to take over mars and make it their way? Do they want to prove to the martains that they are more of a stronger and powerful nation?

Anonymous said...

The Imperialism video made me think of a lot of points there were in The Martian Chronicles. In the novel, after the Martian’s are gone, America begun to conquer Mars completely. The novel includes a point that was brought up in the video. The video mentions that America wanted to expand and make every place like ours, which is what happens in the novel. The humans in the novel had tried to make Mars as much like Earth as possible, planting trees, paving roads, etc. I think that Bradbury addresses imperialism in a hidden way. There was lots of foreshadowing about how humans would take over Mars. Another connection is that, imperialism is showing power, and in The Martian Chronicles, the human expeditions that met Martians were very arrogant about how they were great and better than the Martians. Another connection is that as we expand, we bring disease, killing off people. This connects to the novel because humans brought chickenpox, ultimately killing off the Martian population.

Anonymous said...

Imperialism was caused by the want for more land and the idea of people simply wanting more power. Bradbury applied this idea with Mars as a place of curiosity and the desire to control another area. In the era of imperialism, we desired to become a world power, and a "top dog" by conquering other areas. In the Martian Chronicles it was the same idea and people came on to mars acting like they owned it. In a way they were very disrespectful to martian culture much like the way the US was disrespectful to the areas they took over. While, there are valid reasons to leave earth the people should of had a more tasteful and nice approach when they took over someones home.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that imperialism is the main point in the Martian Chronicles. The narrator in the video said that imperialism has a lot to do with expanding. In the "Martian Chronicles" Bradbury writes how Americans are going to Mars. On a basic level, Bradbury is writing how America was imperialist with the idea of expanding to Mars. Bradbury addresses imperialism in way that suggests Americans wanted Mars to be just like the Earth. Imperialism in Bradbury’s book shows how humans have the ability to take over other places, even if it is not on the Earth.

Anonymous said...

In both history and The Martian Chronicles the Americans are seen taking over a foreign land or in this place a foreign planet. In Bradbury's novel we are trying to make Mars look as close as America as possible, just like in American imperialism we conquered places to make them like the US. We saw ourselves as superior over the other countries and Ray Bradbury clearly states that we though we were better than the Martians. John Green stated that thousands of Cuban's died from the spread of disease much like how the martians all died of chicken pox. In history the Americans weren't the only ones imperializing but so far in the Martian Chronicles the United States are the only people colonizing up there.

Anonymous said...

The humans are using imperialism in order to try and take over and expand their population onto the planet Mars. With or without rights to the martians, the humans travel to the planet planning to inhabit it. Bradbury addresses imperialism by doing this exactly. The humans in a lot of the short stories don't exactly have a care for the martians and their way of life. In the Martian Chronicles, the humans bring over their beneficial ways of life to the planet Mars but also their not so beneficial ways intentional or not, such as littering and disease. As said in the video, men often use imperialism to prove that they are stronger and better, and this is shown in the Martian Chronicles because the men go to Mars to show and prove that they can travel to a new planet in order to replace Earth that they had previously destroyed, whether the previous species that inhabited the planet accepted it or not.

Anonymous said...

The first astronauts that landed on Mars acted like they were there to make the planet better and it was some huge thing. They acted like they were there to save the martians when the martians didn’t want saving. Still again, later in the book when they walk through the martian towns but the martians are dead. They acted as if the martians were dead because they couldn’t take care of themselves but in reality, they got the chicken pox from who? The humans. The martians were doing fine until the humans came along. When a human runs into a dead martian, the martian talks about how great his life is and how he was “heading to a festival” and that made me think of how unfair this was to the martians who did have an amazing life before the humans came along. They didn’t ask for help. They didn’t ask for the humans to come. But they still did.

Anonymous said...

The video on Imperialism makes me think about The Martian Chronicles and that they were expanding to mars. In the story multiple expeditions go to mars to find civilization but they then bring people from the United States to Mars to expand their land and create a civilization on mars. This connects to our US history because during the 1900s the United States was trying to expand and take over new land. Both in the book and in history disease was spread to mars and other planets which makes the expansion of both very similar. Bradbury shows imperialism by moving people from earth to mars and starting a new civilization on a different planet. Bradbury's book, The Martian Chronicles and the video on imperialism both show expansion and growth from the US in history to the US to mars.

Anonymous said...

How does the Imperialism video make you think about The Martian Chronicles? What connections do you notice? How does Bradbury address Imperialism? Explain and support your specific thinking.

"To become a great power they have to overcome the seas" In the martian chronicles the humans are coming to mars and they have to overcome the martians and like build there.
When it says they brought food over in the martian chronicles they had to bring food to mars and enough for their family to last.

Anonymous said...

I feel like the book is trying to point out what has actually happened in history, and to prevent it happening in the future. We spread diseases, we destroy things, so why is it okay to go to mars and do the same thing? We feel superior to martians, we feel like we have the power, simply because we were able to fly over and land on mars. It’s trying to say you can’t just go in and take over.

Anonymous said...

Imperialism seemed like a pretty big theme that was happening in the book, “The Martian Chronicles.” I think Bradubury put this into his book by showing how humans took over Mars and filled it up with their culture and way of living instead of caring about what the Martians did. That pretty much defines imperialism, taking over other land to help our environment socially, economically, and politically. When the humans traveled to Mars it helped people grow and develop from the resources that they brought. It also shows that the humans have great power but then again they don’t really care about what the Martians did. Humans are pretty selfish beings based off of Bradbury’s book, and they only really care about themselves. Just like imperialists focusing on spreading their land and focusing on their territory/culture. That’s just one connection on how the theme, imperialism, acts in the book, “The Martian Chronicles.” There are definitely many more connections to make but this is what I thought was the main and biggest one.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to The Martian Chronicles because the men are basically imperilling on mars. The humans in the novel are trying to take over and get recognition. This is called annexing. Bradbury addresses imperialism by showing that the men want power and that we don't want really anything to do with keeping peace and not destroying anything.

Anonymous said...

The imperialism video makes me think of the story The Martian Chronicles because of the United States expansion and colonization. I noticed that in the story it is almost the same as the imperialism that was used in the US. For example, the Americans back then had the intent on pushing westward and taking over other nations, just like Americans in the story who were intent in going to Mars. Like Green said, “Why rent when you can conquer,” which is what many of the people going to Mars might be thinking. When America had taken over other nations we would try to rule them, but wouldn’t settle. They would let the people that originally lived in their nations stay, which is kind of what the Earth men are doing in the story.

Anonymous said...

The imperialism made me think about the book, because he talked about taking over colonies, which is what they're doing on Mars in Martian Chronicles. I think that the colonization of Mars is a little different in the book then in real life though because they don't really know what the land is like at all, but when America was started and stuff, they knew a little bit about America.

Anonymous said...

Imperialism feels very similar to The Martian Chronicles. During Imperialism, resources were very low, so countries had to trade with one another for more resources. During The Martian Chronicles, the earthlings were moving to mars for more resources like coal. Money was also very low at this time. Disease also spread during imperialism. Many people were getting sick. Disease was also spreading in The Martian Chronicles. In the story, all of the martians on mars died of chickenpox. After the martians died, earthlings moved to mars for space and to take over the new world. They trashed the place and treated it with very little respect. During Imperialism, other countries tried to take over other lands, spreading their own culture and owning more land. I think imperialism and The Martian Chronicles are very similar.

Anonymous said...

The imperialism video connects to the Martian Chronicles because the US and Russia as well as other countries began imperializing on other lands which demonstrates a minor form of what the world imperializes in the Martian Chronicles. The video referred to Imperialism as a way for men to show their strength and power. In the Martian Chronicles, the connection between imperialism and sovereignty helps us understand the motives behind traveling to Mars. In an attempt to make the world seem superior and advanced we took over Mars, another planet, a world multiple worlds away from our own. Through proving their power the Earth men destroyed a beautifully preserved planet. Bradbury addresses imperialism through a man's fear. The men escape Earth in fear of the coming war. Relieved by what they face on Mars they proceed to destroy Mars in the same way they destroyed Earth.

Anonymous said...

In “The Martian Chronicles” imperialism is shown through stories of the inhabitants on Mars and Earth. Imperialism in our history relates to what the book is about as well. In our history, Americans and Europeans would rule and take over many colonies but they won’t settle there. In the book, the Americans right away wanted to to make Mars their home. “I’d convince everyone in a town that this really was Earth, not Mars at all.” (Bradbury 39) Already they wanted to change Mars from being unique to more like what they were used to and they don’t even consider that they are taking over someone else’s home. Also, when they got to Mars they thought the martians would be so excited and intrigued to see them as they started to brag about themselves that they were from Earth and the martians should congratulate them. In the book, imperialism is shown through the Earth men arriving to Mars.