Monday, September 26, 2016

Technology? Our World? "The Martian Chronicles?"

Based upon your reading of recent technology development within this link Popular Science, what are you  thinking regarding technology, The Martian Chronicles, and our present day understanding of our world and universe. Complete this blog response by 2:30p.m. on Tues., Sep. 27th.


Anonymous said...

Based upon the link Popular Science, I am thinking about how much technology has progressed since the time when the Martian Chronicles was written. Back in the time it was written, the author Ray Bradbury made many predictions on how technology was to be in the future, as we still do now. However some of the things he predicted are around today, while others are not. We know much more today, because of technology as they did not in the past. This allows for us to know and understand much more of our world and universe as they would have known nothing about in that time.

Anonymous said...

Technology in our world today is insane!!! They are now producing robots that can sniff out bombs and disarm them! What? This is sooo cool!! Robots can now take guns away from potential murder suspects and other unsafe suspects. Keeping the police team safe, they hide behind some shelter and watch the robot while the robot takes care of the business for them. Once the suspect is unarmed, the police step in and take over. This is so incredibly cool to me. This robot could impact our lives greatly.

Anonymous said...

The article that I read was about the robot that can do human jobs or function. Personally, I think it could come in handy at times but my only thing against it is that people will try to make it better and then if they succeed ti could take people's jobs and the go more into poverty

Anonymous said...

After reading these articles about recent technology developments it has really opened my mind to the possibilities that we could accomplish in the next few years. Human understanding of technology has greatly increased within the last decade even and it’s amazing to think where we can go with our knowledge and where the world will be very soon. Every day scientists are developing new creations that could evolve into a life changing technology. One day we are working on a robot to help simplify something and the next day we could be exploring the universe and creating new machines that could help someone live. Each day is a new opportunity to create something new and it’s amazing what could happen next.

Anonymous said...

Technology is changing the world faster than it has ever changed so far. We are discovering new ways to do things. It is helps and and hurting the way we live. Helping in ways like finding new planets through robots and killing mosquitoes with a robot. But also things like robots doing “dirty” work for the marines. They are pushing us into an era where we will not be limited by just human capabilities but with the help of technology we will thrive to find better and new things to replaced the old. This can relate to the Martian Chronicles because it had to do with how we destroyed the Earth but also were smart enough to make our way to Mars and live there. It would show how much we would have to grow and learn about technology and things to move there. Technology is everything in this day in age and will help us go far in expanding what we know.

Anonymous said...

Technology is truly amazing. It is crazy to me to think that robots can be made that are smaller than a fingertip. I also thought that the laser mosquito killing robot was unique. It makes me wonder how the robot doesn’t kill flies and other bugs, only mosquitoes. Bradbury had some unique ideas when he was writing The Martian Chronicles. Only today are we just starting to consider the thought of living on Mars, which is pretty crazy. Technology is only going to keep becoming more and more impressive.

Anonymous said...

Technology advanced so far without majority of the population knowing, that the possibility of Bradbury’s stories could hold truth in the near future. Although Bradbury predicted this outcome for the 1990’s he wrote the stories in the 50’s where knowledge of space had not exceeded past what telescopes could show us. Reading the articles I realized the enormous amount of scientific material being dealt with everyday that we never expected to reach so soon. Technology advances at alarming rates with new discoveries being made daily and Bradbury predicted that before technology had a chance to prove its steady growth.

Anonymous said...

Technology nowadays is rapidly growing and we are creating smarter and better things. The inventions or robots seem to be a common topic with mosquito killing tanks and a soft robot shaped like an octopus. In the Martian Chronicles, similar things were happening with rapid inventions and space ships being flown out to mars. The development of technology allows for people to learn more about our universe. In the Martian Chronicles I expect to see more technology being invented and therefore more exploration and more they learn about mars.

Anonymous said...

It is quite obvious, the more technology designed, the more we learn about the world and atmosphere around us. We keep getting more, and advancing, more and more. I think that technology is a good thing. It benefits us in more ways we can imagine. But I also think that it is getting to a point where it is getting unhealthy. People spend more time on their technology than is healthy. It is starting to define our lives and that's not okay. When I read these stories about how people are turning robots into bombs, I think it is too much. People shouldn't be getting hurt or losing their lives because of the newly developed technology. It's good to learn new stuff about our world, but at what point does it stop.

Anonymous said...

Based upon the articles that I looked at, I am amazed with the technology that our world is developing. Today, there are robots, used for both home and military, different gadgets that websites are coming out with, diverse and new space technology, and much more. As we develop this technology, I think that it is helpful to understanding our world and universe. This is because, we are developing technology that can help us understand the world around us. Scientists are creating new ways of looking into space, and are able to find things that can help us comprehend what kind of place we live in. This pertains to The Martian Chronicles, because, with our new technology developing, scientists are trying to see if we can live on Mars. This is connected to the chronicles that Bradbury writes about because the characters in them live on Mars, and we are trying to see if it is possible for us to build our civilization there.

Anonymous said...

I think all of these new technology advances are amazing, who would have thought scientists could make a robot salamander that looks and moves just like the real thing, or that scientists in tokyo made a robot with almost the same amount of leg muscles as us, and it’s still more ripped than most people. Robots are now starting to discover more things at the bottom of the ocean, like a forest of unknown hydrothermal vents. We can also use machines to ‘hack’ into bugs, so they can sniff out bombs. Who would have ever thought of that?

Anonymous said...

Since people are discovering more things everyday technology has became more advanced for everyday life and in science, people are making things that don't even exist ye. For example in the book of martian chronicles the weather was being created from the technology. Also in the article I have read some of the inventions being made can help prevent serious issues that impact the world. The article I read was about a robot killing mosquitos with a lazer to prevent the outbreak of the zika virus. The robot instantly kills 30 to 40 mosqquitos per second which I thought was quite impressive and going to help the world end diseases.

Anonymous said...

Technology is constantly changing. 2016 is full of new inventions and we wonder what 2017 will bring us! One robot I saw was a bot that can kill mosquitoes with a laser. Just a little laser, can kill 20 mosquitoes! New technology is constantly being discovered and invented. The Martian Chronicles is about new technology on mars, which I think is cool because you would think there isn’t any technology in space.
Technology is constantly changing, and it’s so exciting to watch it happen. Soon, we will have robots to do our housework for us!

Anonymous said...

I read a article about bomb sniffing locusts. It was really interesting because we are putting all this crazy and advanced technology on these tiny bugs. With this technology we can tell the bugs where to go, and get a signal from their antennas when they've detected a bomb. The technology we are using now is amazing because it keeps evolving and growing, to where we use technology in almost everything we do. I think Ray Bradbury would've imagined us was behind where we are or way ahead, but I don't think he could've seen us where we are today. I found my article really interesting and can't wait to start reading The Martian Chronicles to see what our technology was predicted as.

Anonymous said...

I read the article THIS ROBOTIC TANK WANTS TO KILL MOSQUITOES WITH A LASER and I am thinking regarding technology is that this would be helpful if you were camping or living by a river but it sounds like it has a hard time finding the mosquitoes and if the lasers will hurt anything else in the process. Our world can become more than we think it could and even though this may not be able to help find more about about us or the universe or even the future it could be helpful in many different ways.

Anonymous said...

I think that technology can definitely be helpful in the future, but I think that we should be careful with how far we take it. For example, it’s nice to be able to access the internet on our phones almost everywhere we go, but some people want to implant a computer (more or less) into their brains. At what point does it stop being a brain and start being a computer. Furthermore, almost all technology on earth is linked in some way shape or form. How easy would it be for a machine to hack into the bulk of information on Earth. On the other hand, How nice would it be to have a house that responded to every voice command you could think of. “Brew coffee, make the bed, wake up my brother, etc.”

Anonymous said...

After reading two different articles, our technology has taken a gun out of a suspect's hand, can now kill mosquitoes with little machines, and can help our army. Our technology has greatly improved from later times and now with robotics almost anything is possible. Technology can help save lives and cure people of diseases. We haven’t been able to conquer moving to other planets with our technology but we have conquered many other obstacles that were thought impossible 50 years ago. The study of other planets has greatly increased over the years and our knowledge about life and things on other planets is still growing. Expanding to other planets is most likely in our near future since our technology is getting stronger. Technology has gotten stronger and greatly increased over the years and it is still growing to this day.

Anonymous said...

Our present day technology world is developing dramatically and some developments are pretty scary to think about. After reading some articles from the Popular Science website, I realize more how much the world’s future will be impacted with technology, such as robots. All the articles that I read were about robots taking over a task so people don’t have to complete that task anymore. For example, “Apple plucking robot could keep people out of orchards”. This article talked about how robots are being designed to be able to harvest crops such as apples, so farmers would no longer do that labor. These advancements I felt like could be a bad change for the society but also positive. “Provided the machine can deliver on expectations, and is cheaper to operate than humans are to pay, expect to see some rob orchards in the future.” It was very intriguing to me how robots could become the “new humans” in the future. Bradbury predicted the outcome in the 50’s for the 1990’s where space was basically unknown. Little did he know that technology could take over the future.

Anonymous said...

When I read a few developments within the “Popular Science” website, I was thinking how a lot of people made some robotic machines that helped themselves or our human race. 2 strange articles I found were about mosquito laser-killing robots and automatic tractors that took the life out of farming. I was beginning to think that in present day, people seem a bit lazier and want things to be done for them. So I think that’s one of the reasons why we use we don’t have to do work. Briefly reading the Martian Chronicles, they probably made a huge rocket so that people from Earth could travel to Mars. So people from Earth [us] made ourselves a rocket that could travel, probably because we beat up our planet too much by abusing technology. Technology overall, can be used for good and for bad in present and future references.

Anonymous said...

After reading a couple articles from "Popular Science" website I realized how far we have come technology wise. To think some people never new what a light bulb, TV, or a telephone was is crazy, but the fact that we are smart enough to make a machine that can pick apples from an orchard or have a robot grill a sausage is insane. As Lauren said above every day people may tend to get lazier and with these robots it helps us with that problem. But, if we have these robots/machines taking over other people's jobs where would they go? Who would they work for? Are we really willing to fire people in order to have machines take their place? All these questions about technology start to relate to "The Martian Chronicles" because it is talking about how the launching of the rocket(which was new technology back then) had pretty much changed the weather and climate completely. Before the rocket had passed the people, in the beginning of the story, the weather was below freezing and snowy, and right after the rocket had passed the temperature changed to the exact opposite, sunny and hot. This shows that technology has a way of changing things weather good or bad.