Thursday, September 1, 2016


How does the Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relate to your world? Can you relate his video to writing? Can his new exploits connect with your academic endeavors? Again, did he make you look twice? Did he inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed by Friday, September 2nd, 2016 at 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...

The video inspired me to keep working hard because with practice, you can accomplish a lot. It kinda makes me want to be a cool bicycle guy :)

Anonymous said...

After watching this video I felt inspired to try new things and expect obstacles as i'm going through the school year. In this video the guy jumped over roofs with his bike, and it takes huge risks. Also I felt that he never gave up if he failed at something with his bike, and if you can keep trying it seems like you will succeed.

Anonymous said...

This can relate to me because at the beginning of the video he couldn’t do what he could at the end and this video showed how he worked hard to be able to do the things that he had a passion too. They could because sometimes with school work you struggle but you have to work hard at things to get better. He made it look easy and it inspired me to work hard to achieve my goals and work hard. I was amazed at what he could do and even though it took a lot of hard work he made it look easy.

Anonymous said...

It’s amazing to think he had to learn to ride a bike, and he got this far and It’s amazing. You have to fail to make amazing things, like how in the beginning of the video he falls off of the railing multiple times. If some people just TRY hard enough, they really can make great things. You have to put yourself out there to be known. It’s just amazing what you can accomplish if you just try, and you need to emphasize that. I can’t do it, just because it seems hard doesn't mean you can't do it. You just need to practice. You should always go into trying new things with a positive outlook, you never know what can happen!

Anonymous said...

This video can relate to my life because you have to be able to take risks. In my case I would be taking risks academically and athletically. Writing relates to this video because it took a month to make this video. Danny had to fail in order to get his tricks write. So, you fail when you right but it leads to success. It was definitely crazy to watch this guy who at some point couldn't even ride a back, be able to pull off all these tricks. The best part is that even when he did fail, he never gave up and that is what really inspired me the most.

Anonymous said...

The Inspired Bicycles makes me realize that what might look impossible can actually be quite obtainable if you just take risks. In writing I don't like to take any risks because it could turn out worse than the way I normally write, but after watching this I realized that he must've messed up a bunch of times before he perfected his skill so maybe next time I could experiment in writing more so I can learn new techniques. In the video I didn’t think it was real at first and I didn’t know he was going to be able to do all those tricks but it really amazed me when he started riding on very thin poles or fences and when he flipped up the tree. Sometimes I fall off my bike when I’m just riding straight so I just can’t imagine how much time, effort, and passion it would take to be able to master a skill at intense as extreme bike riding.

Anonymous said...

It relates to my world by having a passion. My passion is golf that is something I love to do. This can relate to writing because it shows that there are so many obstacles and that there are struggles and your not always going to succeed right away but if you try and don't give up than you can succeed in anything. This can relate to my academics because if you take more risks with your academics and try and don't give up and try new things than you can get somewhere in life and experience new obstacles and get to a higher level in school. This inspired me to work harder not just with school but with sports because a lot of the time i want to give up with sports if something is to hard but looking at him he makes me want to try a lot harder and push trough the things that are hard.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill attempting to ride his bike on the fence at the beginning of the video reminded me of when I first learned to ride my bike with training wheels and how scared I was when they were off. At the time, that was a risk for me, and I want to try to take more risks in my writing. After watching the video I would just try to do new things in my academics; even if I may not like the idea of it at first. The video almost seemed unreal, which made me think again because it was real, and Danny had to work hard to achieve what was shown in the video.

Anonymous said...

This video inspired me to try no matter what happens. When he first started biking, I'm sure he failed and struggled before he could have mastered these skills. It showed me that it is okay to not know how to do something at first. You can never succeed if you don't fail, but it is important to know that if you fail, you should try it again. Just try. What keeps me motivated is my dream to be on Broadway. I keep that goal in mind so I can focus on what needs to be done in my life for that to happen. If you try your best, that's all that really matters.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relates to my world, by showing how sometimes in life you can and will fail and mess up no matter what. But if you keep your mind on it and keep working towards the goals you set they will eventually happen with lots of hard work and dedication. In Danny’s case, biking and practicing lots of tricks, and mine school, assignments and projects. The tricks Danny McCaskill pulled off really made me think twice about how amazing what he’s doing is, and how much time he puts into biking because he really loves it and wants to be as talented as he can. He inspired and motivated me not to give up when things get hard, or something seems impossible cause it never truly is. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. Danny McCaskill and Inspired Bicycles are a perfect example of that.

Anonymous said...

In the video I have learned that when you try super hard and don't give up you can accomplish big things. Danny McCaskill took a lot of risks to get to where he is now. This can also be use school. School can be hard but to get through it you actually have to work hard. Danny didn’t just learn how to bike when he was born, he had to actually work and use time to get better. At the beginning of the video it shows Danny struggling to get on the top of the wall. That’s called practice. After he worked super hard to achieve his goal. In the video I learned that if you work hard you can accomplish great things.

Anonymous said...

While it doesn't directly relate to my world it made me realize how anything is really possible. He started as a boy who couldn't ride a bike but now he jumps from roof to roof on a bike. He takes risks which pay off but he also fails which I can apply to my life. His mistakes are what he learns from and how he gets better meaning failure is not something to be afraid of. In writing and academics in general if I apply the idea of taking risks, I might fail but it's also a great way to learn new things and build my skills. He really did make me look twice and motivated me to try new things and stop thinking I can't do something. All it takes is practice and as cheesy as it may sound anything is really possible.

Anonymous said...

Danny has a lot of confidence in what he does. When he couldn't ride on the black fence, he kept perusing the idea of doing it anyway. He fell off multiple times and probably injured himself multiple times too, but eventually he did it. You have to struggle and try hard in order to succeed, If you don't have to try than its not a challenge. In writing you have to go back to edit and revise your work, and thats exactly how Danny could do all those tricks, he found out what didn't or did work and built of of them.

Anonymous said...

The video, Inspired Bicycles, demonstrates how determination and risk can help us to be successful our lives. Danny MacAskill likely broke many bones as well as bicycles during this process but he finally made it. This relates to writing because we may fail in writing but we should never put down the pen because our failures are lessons that we learn from in order to make our writing better. Danny filmed this video in about a month proving that perfection takes time. This also goes for writing and academics. All we can do is practice and put our best efforts into what we do. We may have to take risks to create that perfection in writing or any other subject but the risk is worth it for the end product that we see. I was truly motivated by this video to go after my failures and become better. Along with being motivated, I was also inspired by his endeavor.

Anonymous said...

When I relate this video to writing I that when we write we can't just call it good and things can always be better. Also to be passionate about your writing even if your not that into it. Yes his new exploits can relate to my academic endeavors by me knowing that you have to fail sometimes to understand or succeed. No he didn't really make me look twice but it made me realize that I need to value the inspiration in life and go off of that. No he didn't really motivate me bacuse I didn't really see very much into the video besides bicycling.

Anonymous said...

I think this video relates to writing because in writing sometimes things don't work out or make sense and you struggle but you always have to try again. Danny McCaskill did not succeed a first but he didn't give up either, and I think that what happens when it comes to writing. There may be a sentence that doesn't make sense, so you try to make it better.
This video relates to me because I take risks, and I don;t like to give up. Things for Danny McCaskill did not give up he kept trying to make his talent better.

Anonymous said...

His presentation relates to my world by showing that you need to take risks in order to achieve great things. It also takes a lot of practice. I can relate his video to writing by showing you need to practice to become good at writing. He inspired me to keep going and work hard to achieve my dreams. I can relate to him by working and practicing so get to where I am today. I hope to be as good at entertainment as him someday.

Anonymous said...

The Inspired Bicycles video did inspire and motivate me to always keep trying, even if I fall down I need to get back up and try again and again. He did not achieve this challenging activity the first try, it must have taken years and years of practice. I think it is quite amazing that he is able do something he loves from hard work and dedication. This can relate to my writing because some of my pieces have been pretty bad, but if I keep trying eventually they will become really great pieces.

Anonymous said...

This presentation relates to my world because we can take risks and become great at things while doing it. Danny MaCaskill started out barely being able to do a few tricks and now he can jump from roofs onto roofs. This can relate to me because if I am struggling with something or want to be great at something I just have to keep practicing and not give up just like Danny. The Inspired Bicycles presentation can also relate to writing because if you are struggling on what to write you can take a risk and try a new topic or persevere on your writing even when it’s hard. Yes his new exploits do connect with my academics because I can become better at school topics even if I am not the best at them. Danny MaCaskill did make me look twice because he showed me that anything is possible and to never give up. He started out with very little knowledge and skill but, after lots of practice he became great and it showed me that I could do the same thing. Danny did inspire me and make me want to try something new or something that I’m not the best. Then to practice this thing and become great just like Danny MaCaskill did.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to the world because it shows that in order in accomplish something, you have to fail a few times. Same thing goes for writing, your first draft is never perfect and you have to edit it many times to get it to what you would like it to be. It also relates to school, if you fail to get a certain GPA, you still have a few more years to work harder and get to the GPA you would like. He inspires me because he has probably been doing this for many years and he still tries to get better everyday. Every time you saw him jumping off something that was more than ten feet tall, you would be shocked and ask yourself how he could do it. Overall, I think that it is so cool that he can push himself to take risk and try new things and I think everyone should try to take more risks.

Anonymous said...

From Inspired Bicycles, I thought Danny McCaskill had a pretty amazing video which made me relate to my world, soccer. I know I wasn’t that good when I was little, I’d always get down on myself because I thought I was the worst one on my team. But I kept pushing through and now I’m on the top level team for my club. Danny McCaskill also made me relate to other things other than just soccer. For example, writing and academic skills. I know I’m not that good of a writer but I strive to be the best I can. Danny probably felt this way when he first started riding a bike. As soon as he kept pushing himself he got better. That’s what I want to do with my life and that’s what I found that was truly inspiring. Overall, I did think his skills were just absolutely stunning. I kept thinking to myself, “How does he do that?” or “What kind of bike is that? I need one.” I really do think that when you push yourself past your limit, that’s when you see the most improvement. That’s what I want to do with my life

Anonymous said...

Inspired Bicycles by Danny McCaskill was an amazing video. It’s incredible that when Danny McCaskill was born no one knew how professional and passionate he would be about biking. He probably failed many times, broke many bikes, had multiple injuries but he continued to pursue his passion of biking and know he has sponsors and is one of the most known bikers. This video theme is work your hardest. It relates to many events in life people go through. Everyone is going to fail so many times but continually put effort and try your hardest to get better. Pushing your limits is a good thing and perfection takes time. This video was inspiring to watch and see how anyone can do anything and have their own gifts. Do things you love with great passion and effort.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to my world because in order to succeed in anything, a person must fail first. In similar words, failing and continuing to try is better than just succeeding. In school, I try to do my best in everything, but that doesn't mean that I always do well. For example, two years ago, in seventh grade, I skipped a whole year of math and went into Algebra. For a while, I really struggled. I didn't really understand slope at all. By persevering, I was able to not only understand and catch up on all that I missed, but to excel. In writing, this would mean not settling with a draft, but revising and editing and allowing a piece to be the best it can be. This video inspired me to never give up on anything.

Anonymous said...

Danny MacAskill's video related to my life because it shows that you should take risks and not always take the easier or safer option. The video inspired me that I should get out of my comfort zone and do things that I might not normally do or feel as comfortable doing. It also showed me that you should face your fears because if you try hard enough, you can succeed.

Anonymous said...

The video is relatable because no matter how many times he failed or fell off he still got back on his bike and tried harder. It relates to writing because no matter how many times you mess up a word you keep editing it and it will get better.