Monday, August 22, 2016

What Are You Thinking?

What did the 2016 Did You Know? presentation make you think? How might this impact your academics and view of the world? Please respond to this blog post by 2:30p.m. Friday, August 26th, 2016.


Anonymous said...

Watching the 2016 Did you KNow? Video I was amazed by the statistics that were shown. I knew that the teachers that we have are preparing us for the future and for jobs that do not yet exist but that should by the time that we are out of college and after we get a great education. The pace that this world is learning and expanding it knowledge is impressively fast. We are living in a world that is learning about technology at a very fast pace and we have to keep up with it. I also thought that the amount of honor students that we have compared to the China and India. They also have more people than we do but it is interesting because it’s a law that we need to go to school till we are 18. In those countries they don’t have those law yet the students over there really want to get an education where we don’t want to go to school and complain. Those are the things that really interested me in that video.

Anonymous said...

The 2016 Did You Know? presentation made me think about how the world is changing and growing and while right now we think that we are at the smartest we can be, in a year all new technology will come out that we never even thought would exist. Also it really put into perspective what the world could become in a very short amount of time. I also was really fascinated by how they said that some countries have more honor students than we have students in general which really put into perspective how many brilliant minds we are constantly adding to our world and the type of technology they could possibly invent.

Anonymous said...

The 2016 Did You Know video really made me realize how fast the world is moving around me! The comment that our teachers are educating us for events in the future that we have no idea about really struck me. America is so much smaller than other countries around the world. Our population is not growing nearly as fast as some countries like China and India. The video made me look at everything I do in a whole new perspective.

Anonymous said...

The “Did You Know” presentation really made me think more on the little things. I don’t normally think about small facts like how many books are published each day or how many likes there are on Facebook everyday. The presentation made me feel small. Really, really small. The world is changing quickly around me and I don’t see all those changes. I don’t feel like I know anything based on the fact technical information doubles every 2 years.

Anonymous said...

After watching the 2016 Did you know video, it gained a lot of new information I had no idea about in our world. Our world is changing and growing dramatically since old generations and adapting new generations that have changed the society. The first fact that really intrigued me that I had not known is was teachers are preparing and teaching their students for jobs and ideas of the future. As students, we are being prepared for jobs that don’t even exist yet and we have that knowledge and understanding. Also, this generation I feel has grown in a good and bad way around social media a lot. If Twitter was a country, it would be the largest country in the world. That is crazy to wrap your mind around. A social media website has more people on it than in any other country in the whole world, that’s insane. In 2020 there is expected to be over 10 million self driving cars on the road. I just think it is amazing how people invented cars that are able to drive themselves and it’s hard to decide if it will be good or bad for the world. Also another fact that just makes me think is how fast the population is growing. During the course of watching a the Did you know video 60 babies were born in the U.S, 244 babies in China and 351 babies in India. Are we going to run out of room for people to live in the world? I learned a lot about our world from the Did you know video and a lot of very interesting facts I didn’t know. It’s hard to tell if some of them will be a good or bad affect on the world but I can say our world has changed a lot through generations.

Anonymous said...

After watching the did you know video, my perspective was changed a little and I was amazed by what I learned. Just thinking about the fact that we are currently being prepared for jobs that don't exist was so perplexing to me. It's just crazy to think about that right now we are preparing for a future that could be different from anything we even know of now. This video also gave me a better idea of how big the world is. I feel like I'm currently living in a little bubble when there's so much more out there. Brilliant people living halfway across the world are inventing new things like that, and before we know it the world is going to be a way different place. As I continue with my academics I'll think of this video and to think of the bigger picture. What I'm currently learning at some point is what's going to be used to help change the future a little bit at a time.

Anonymous said...

The did you know presentation made me realize that how fast the world is growing in the technological state and teacher are preparing us for jobs that do not exist because we never know when there's going to be a new company because of how fast that the economy is grow in every genre. On another note I knew that there was a lot of people being born everyday but i didn't know the average amount was so high. It also amazes me that there are people out that are trying there hardest to make their own product of technology and in the next generation might even change the way people live or the way that people look at things.

Anonymous said...

After watching the did you know presentation video I noticed that the world is improving so much for the future ahead of us. For example some teachers are preparing students for jobs that aren't even considered as jobs yet. Also its crazy how we are inventing more technology for the future like cars that drive themselves. Right now the technology we have is just the beginning but in the future smart phones wont even popular anymore because of how advanced our technolgy is constantly getting.

Anonymous said...

The “2016 Did You Know” presentation made me think about how many people live on this Earth. I already knew there was Seven billion people living here, but the presentation made me put that into perspective. For example, how 60 babies would be born in the U.S in the course of 7 minutes, or that all of the top jobs we have today they are all related to technology. Since, I was thinking about the bigger things going on in this world, I then started to think about the smaller things too. Like, how many google searches there are every month, or how YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. I was also intrigued by the fact that teachers are preparing us for jobs and types of technologies that we don’t know exist yet. All this impacts my academics because what I learn today and the rest of my school career I will use for my future.

Anonymous said...

After watching the "2016 Did You Know" video it really changed my perspective on things. It really made me realize how much our world is changing and just how many people are on our planet. I thought it was crazy that 1/4 of Chinas highest IQ students have a larger population of all of North America. What made me really interested is that teachers are teaching students how to work for jobs that haven't even been invented yet, and that by your third year in college the stuff you learned in your first year may not even be relevant. That just goes to show how much our technology is evolving and how many people are working towards it. By the time I am done with school there are going to be things that we didn't even think was possible, which is absolutely mind blowing.

Anonymous said...

After watching the Did You Know 2016 presentations made me think of how much the world has evolved and how much it is still evolving everyday. It expanded my thinking of the world, and changed my thoughts about what is actually happening around me, whether it’s close or on the other side of the world. What really surprised me is that teachers are teaching students jobs that haven’t even been created yet. Also that Idina has more honors kids that we have kids. And that there are many people in the world that are just like me. It showed me the bigger picture. I can put this into my academics by now looking at things from a bigger perspective and learn more. I can learn to note that things aren’t only happening around me, but also everywhere in the world.

Anonymous said...

After watching the “2016 Did You Know?” video, I was shocked at the information that was shown. When we were watching the video, I was amazed at the statistics and facts that make up today’s world. The facts that were in the video can impact my academics because they show that myself and other haven’t reached our full potential, and that we can push ourselves to do better. This video changed my view on the world, because I didn’t know almost any of the facts that were mentioned in the video, and now I know so much more and can use it to help me succeed.

Anonymous said...

After watching the "2016 Did You Know?" video, I was interested but surprised of what it said.It made me feel small, how it was explaining all the people in China it made me feel like our education needs work. I also thought that the U.S. is at a good place because we aren't having babies left and right when we already have enough people in the world. This might impact my education by us not being as smart as the Chinese when we go to academic contests around the world. Also the view that I get of the world while watching this video is that we are just a small part of the worlds population, hence the feeling of being small.

Anonymous said...

The "Did You Know" video was really interesting. It's insane how much technology we use. It's even crazier to think about how much we will be using in the future. New things are constantly coming out, like new apps, new videos, and, even, new posts on social media. We are constantly making new things and that's what makes us so great. The Chinese are even farther ahead on technology than we are. The world is constantly changing. Everything becomes outdated so fast. You may have the iPhone 6 now, but in 10 years, your phone will seem old and outdated. Everything is constantly improving and the world is constantly changing.

Anonymous said...

In the "2016 Did You Know" presentation left me thinking a lot about the population and what we are going to do if the population overflows. It's scary to think that in just a couple of short years our generation might have to figure out how to save the world from over population. It was also weird to think about how schools are preparing us for jobs that aren't even available yet. We are learning how to use technology that have only been around for a year or two. It's amazing how much we use technology and the internet and to think that the most advanced iPhones and self driving cars are only the beggining. I only hope that school is preparing this upcoming generation of adults well. Cause after all, we are the future and our education is what is really going to help us in life.

Anonymous said...

After watching the "Did You Know 2016" video I was left a little speechless because so many thoughts were running through my mind. The video made me realize that technology is moving far too fast for us to keep up with and the rate that the population of the earth is growing is truly alarming. Also the rate we are collecting and processing data at is at record speeds. Every day scientists make new discoveries and prove old theories wrong. This concerns me for my education because by the time I graduate high school, all the information I learned may become out of date. 244 babies will be born in China every 7 minutes. This number really frightens me and makes me wonder whether earth can hold this rate for centuries to come. The world must be so vast and gargantuan. 353,000 babies are born in the whole world every day, thats 150 times the size of Arapahoe High School. That means that if all these babies were born in one place, you would have to build 150 Arapahoe High Schools to fit all of them into a shelter. People, technology and ideas are advancing at such high speeds that past generations might not be able to keep up, handing the world over to only those intelligent enough to understand complicated systems. It will be a generation of "smart phones and dumb people" (Turk, Look Up).

Anonymous said...

After watching the “2016 Did You Know” video it made me think about how we are living compared to how our parents lived and also it made me think about the population. When we think about it our future is also going to be so different. But it can also be scary not know what inventions will be made and how everything will change. Another thing in the video was the population. Just in a couple years the population will be totally different. It’s amazing that we will know how to control that.

Anonymous said...

When I saw the video I was kind shocked at some of the data like how, "If your one in a million in china, theres 1,360 people just like you". "The 25% of the population in China with the highest IQ's is greater than the total population of North America". "They [India] have more honor kids than we have kids". It kinda made me think because I thought they didn't have any really great education on that side of the world, but they have better students. I think that America has better education, but the kids over there must care more. We have plenty of resources to have amazing honor students, but not too many students care enough.

Anonymous said...

The 2016 Did You Know? Presentation made me think about how many people live in the world and how our population is still expanding. When the video was explaining how the student honors percentages in other countries, such as China, were the same percentages as non honors students in the United States. This really surprised me because I knew there was a lot of people in this world but putting the amount of people in this perspective is shocking.This presentation might affect my academics because if other students from other countries try to get into college in the United States they could be competition for me. It also affects my academics because it makes me wanna work harder to be as good as them. Now I want to try and be at the same level of learning as students in other countries. This video also changes my point of view on the world because I’m now more aware that our population, technology, and knowledge have come along way and are still growing.

Anonymous said...

The video "Did You Know 2016" was a very realistic and sort of scary thing to watch. Just all the facts that they predicted for our future was frightening to me. Except I might have to disagree on one thing that video said. One of the facts stated that, “In India there are 1,100 people that are just like you.” Now I don’t know if it meant for personality traits or physical traits but how I will always view the world is that EVERYONE is different. Yea people might share similarities but I don’t think anyone is just like me. Although I still don’t know exactly what they meant because they weren’t too specific but as I watched that video, that’s what had me thinking.

Anonymous said...

Watching the "2016 Did You Know?" video made me feel really small and insignificant. When the video talked about China's top 25% best thinkers being more than our whole population in North America, I was speechless. I didn't know how to react. I felt kind of like hiding under the desk to be honest. On the other hand, it made me really proud of the human race and all that we had accomplished. I felt like I was a part of something huge. The part at the end about the technology working better than the human brain was a little frightening, and it made me feel hesitant about throwing out those Hollywood movies as impossible. This video made me take a good long look at my life and realize that every problem I have ever had to face, someone out there has faced something a whole lot worse and come out on top.

Anonymous said...

Watching the "2016 Did You Know?" video made me really realize how truly technological our world has already become in past years, and how we are still growing our technological knowledge more and more everyday all over the world. This could impact academics by increasing the amount of learning and the level of the academics being taught. However, if technology continues to advance as it currently is, who knows, maybe what we are being taught now isn't relevant to what will be taught in the future because of the speedy advancements made in technology. Or maybe the complete opposite and we could launch our education forever and pass China's honor students.