Thursday, May 12, 2016

"Romeo, Gnomeo, And Juliet?"

After reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, what connections or satirized elements do you see employed within the brief clips we viewed in Gnomeo and Juliet?  Please be specific regarding play's characters and plot elements: Capulets, Montagues, balcony scene, Nurse, etc...  This blog response is due during class today.


Anonymous said...

The satirical elements in this movie, include the beginning when the hook thing comes out and tries to sneak up on the gnome showing that no one really wants to hear it. The rivalry between gardeners also illustrates the ridiculousness of the fight.

Anonymous said...

I see how the traits of the characters were adapted into Gnomeo and Juliet. A lot of the major plot lines were also addressed which was very interesting to see in a different setting. Because this movie is aimed towards kids, it involves less drama and more humorous elements to make it less dramatic.

Anonymous said...

After reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, I saw connections with the brief clips we viewed in Gnomeo and Juliet. For example, I understood the plot when the narrator explained in the beginning. The feud between the Capulets and Montagues is present in the film.

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet gives Romeo and Juliet a more kid like approach and gives The Tragedy a much more play like feel with some comedy, the plot sticks to the movie and the actual book, all the characters. Juliet is a strong female lead and that gives you girl some to look up too. AL the characters are much stronger and give the movie a great plot, and showing that a tragedy can have comedy.

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet is a kid friendly version of Romeo and Juliet. They added humor and personification to turn it into a children's film. They also made it less dramatic to be less dramatic in order to become a children's film.

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet was a much more simplified version of romeo and Juliet. There was still the main characters like Tybalt but, it didn't fulfill the Romeo and Juliet story line. They had made the story line more kid friendly rather than the play write.

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet is a more innocent version of romeo and Juliet for younger audiences. It portrays the same ideas as Romeo and Juliet it is just more G rated...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet is a version that will keep kids that are young more into the movie. It is a remix of the movie that helps kids in their way understand a cleaner version of what happens in the actual book of Romeo and Juliet. This movie is more cleaner, help full, and funny to kids.

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet was a is a much more innocent version of Romeo and Juliet because it has the same ideas and same values although it lacks the over romantic and dramatic sense. For younger audiences Gnomeo and Juliet would be better than the original.

Anonymous said...

The differences I noticed were that the character´s personalities are very similar. The stories are alike in the way that the two main characters fall in love and their families are enemies. The way that they are different is that in the movie everyone is a gnome and in the book it is more realistic.

Anonymous said...

The connections between Gnomeo and Juliet and the real thing are very fun details. For example, the Capulet and Montague house are represented as actual houses that are feuding down to the gnomes outside in the back. There are some smaller differences as well including Juliet's character. Overall, they follow the same plot but in a more kid-friendly way then the actual Romeo and Juliet was written.

Anonymous said...

In both Romeo and Juliet and Gnomeo and Juliet there are some small details that are the same. Such as the houses are divided by color and the street the houses are on is Verona Street. The only difference is that the Romeo and Juliet's feud isn't stated. While Gnomeo and Juliet they are against each other because of their yards.

Anonymous said...

I think Gnomeo and Juliet is a more simplistic version of Romeo and Juliet. The way the color coded it to have a distinct differences between montegues and capulets. Also how the nurse and benvolio were made into comic relief f the rather heavy story for young audiences.

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet used certain elements to make some of the characters and plotline the same, but modernized the story with a twist, using gnomes of rival neighbors to portray the story of Romeo and Juliet. The sword duel was replaced with fighting with tiny shovels and sticks, and the party scene where they meet is replaced with them fighting over a flower on a rooftop.

Anonymous said...

In the movie just like the play the two families have a long feud that no one knows how started and the two main characters fall in love really fast.

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet used the basic story plot of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, but changed some elements so that it was more child-friendly. I liked how they portrayed the feud as two gardens to express the trivial and unnecessary feud between the Montagues (blues) and the Capulets (reds).

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet did use the basic story plot of The real Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare. The animated story did change some huge elements of the main story by making it a little more child appropriate. I did like how they changed the feud over the gardens instead of the people.

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet is based off of the original story of Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare. In the movie it was changed to be different than the actual story of Romeo and Juliet. I liked how they changed to the fight over the gardens instead of fighting over families.