Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Nextel And "Romeo And Juliet?"

How does the Nextel Romeo And Juliet commercial satirically update the "classic" Romeo and Juliet? What does it make you contemplate and consider? Please reference, quote, and analyze the drama and commercial. Please complete this blog response today.


Anonymous said...

How does the Nextel Romeo And Juliet commercial satirically update the "classic" Romeo and Juliet? What does it make you contemplate and consider? Please reference, quote, and analyze the drama and commercial. Please complete this blog response today.

It has the major parts of the story it had when they feel in love, then dies and another person dies then Romeo drinks potion and dies and then Juliet feels better then the end. It makes me think wow not much happened in this story since it was such a short time.

Anonymous said...

All the short video does is really just summarize what the original Romeo and Juliet was about. It makes me contemplate how serious Shakespare's time really was. It also made me think about how much love really costed everybody, and that the parents should have just let them love each other.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel commercial makes fun of the actual romeo and Juliet because is very serious and this one shown is more making fun of the time line in which the events take place and give it a new life and make it seem like a stupid thing.

Anonymous said...

In Romeo and Juliet it makes me contemplate and consider how people used to fall in love and how long people actually had to fall in love.I think that Romeo and Juliet should have dated way longer than they actually did before making a unreasonable decision.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel commercial just summarizes what happens in the original Romeo and Juliet. This has me contemplating the fact that this same thing could possibly happen today. Especially with the extreme use of cell phones. When Juliet dies Romeo kills himself and instantly she's fine. This shows the fast-paced life we live in.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The commercial modernized the story with cell phones (even though they were old cell phones), and didn't talk a lot in order to fit it all into 30 seconds. But they kept other elements the same, like the costumes. They just did everything really fast to show you how you can summarize a story in such a short time because most of the events that happened were not that important.

Anonymous said...

The commercial summarized the story into the main points, the charter deaths. Hence the title the tragity of romeo and Juliet. they use this to emphasize the importance of communication in the play that could have prevented these tragedies. A good way to sell a product.

Anonymous said...

The commercial shows the major parts of the play. When they meet, the sword fights, and the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, those were the main parts that really stood out to me. It makes me think that stuff similar to that happens because communication is not as strong as it should be even though we are always able to talk to anyone in the world within a matter of seconds.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel commercial humorously summarized the major events in the Romeo and Juliet text. Characters such like Tybalt, Capulet, and Paris were in the commercial as well. When the Juliet in the commercial said “better now” just shortly after Romeo took the poison stood out to me. It made me laugh because that was the worst timing to wake up because Romeo was already dead.

Anonymous said...

The commercial summarized Juliet in a very comedic way by demonstrating the major plot line of Romeo and Juliet. The major characters of the play were in the commercial also. What stood out to me was how everything went by so quickly and how it dramatically changed how you view the decisions the characters made.

Anonymous said...

The commercial from Nextel basically shows how fast the whole story is. Romeo and Juliet the play write from Shakespeare tells a much more deeper meaning of the fast love that is upcoming. The commercial is a summarized version of what had happens and how quickly it happened. What stood out to me was how the play was on walky talkies.

Anonymous said...

The commercial from Nextel basically shows how fast the whole story is. Romeo and Juliet the play write from Shakespeare tells a much more deeper meaning of the fast love that is upcoming. The commercial is a summarized version of what had happens and how quickly it happened. What stood out to me was how the play was on walky talkies.

Anonymous said...

The commercial that was shown is class is a little short story of Romeo and Juliet. It shows all of the problems that Romeo and Juliet faced. Concluding, Romeo killing Tybalt, Juliet asking for advice from the nurse, and in the end Romeo and Juliet committing suicide. The commercial is a remix of the original story. But, it is much more funny and keeps the people who are watching the commercial on their toes and have a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

The Commercial from Nextel shows a lot of truth in Romeo and Juliet. By making the story 30 seconds long it exaggerates how short the story is. The story of Romeo and Juliet takes place in a 4 day span. It also shows if Romeo and Juliet had cellphones that the story would go even quicker!!

Anonymous said...

In the commercial by Nextel it relays Romeo and Juliet very accurately in a span of 30 seconds. The reason that it is so comedic is because it is hilariously similar to the play, while it is only 30 seconds long. The commercial over exaggerates the time aspect of Romeo and Juliet.

Anonymous said...

In the commercial Nextel found a very comedic way to go about portraying romeo and Juliet and in some way brought to light how absurd it is. When the play is summed up into thirty seconds it brings it to its purist form as just the base of the play and allows the reader to realize that the play does not have any real meaning or purpose.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel commercial accurately portrays the play Romeo and Juliet, but does it in the span of about 30 seconds. The major difference between the two is that the actors use phones to talk to one another, when cellphones weren't a possibility in Shakespeare times. This shows that if the play had happened in modern times, things would've progressed a lot quicker then the actual play.

Anonymous said...

It had quite a few major plot points and it went really fast but it got its point through.

Anonymous said...

The commercial that Mr. Trotter showed us summed up the play in a short amount of time. The difference between the commercial and the play was that it was a phone commercial and they used to phones to talk to each other. I guess they are trying to portray a modern day Romeo and Juliet.