Sunday, May 15, 2016

"CTW" Paper Revisions

Concerning your Change The World Paper, please review your paper rubric and paper to answer the following revision questions. Please answer specifically. (You could earn up to 25 points for these responses).

1. What did you did you do well regarding the process and final writing of your CTW paper?

2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your CTW paper?

3. What writing strategy will you try to use next year when you write for any class?

4. When you write next year, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product?

5. What word of writing advice would you give to your future self for next year?


Anonymous said...

1. Regarding my CTW process and final writing, I think I may have done well on the research, but I didn't apply it to my paper.
2. I could improve on everything on my CTW paper, considering it's incomplete.
3. I will definitely work harder on completing tasks on time and setting multiple reminders for myself so I can get everything done and turned in on time.
4. When I write next year, I will set reminders on my phone and email and write personal reminders in my room or around the house, and I need to work on taking all the time provided instead of trying to finish everything last-minute.
5. I would give myself the advice of "Please, please, please work on your project, even if it's not due for weeks! Do not set this off for later, you will not do it later!"

Anonymous said...

1. What I did well on the paper was the second paragraph.
2. An area i could improve on was the intro, I didn't do that very well.
3. Doing the paper before the night before.
4. Edit my work when im done.
5. Dont procrastinate.

Anonymous said...

1. I did well on my conclusion, conventions, and my conclusion.

2. I could have improved on my commentary in the intro, and not using as many linking verbs as I did.

3. Next year, I will try to not use as many linking verbs as I do in my writing right now.

4. I will attempt to not use as many linking verbs, and make my documentations and citations correct to make my writing more polished.

5. Advice I would give to myself is use different types of sentence structures and to be more creative.

Anonymous said...

1. My introduction was done well
2. I could've taken more time on my paper
3. Review my work
4. Have multiple people review my work
5. Do not procrastinate

Anonymous said...

1.I think that my facts, statistics and numbers were done very well and pertained to my subject.
2.I could have improved on my work cited considering I did not have one
3. Next year I will make sure to not procrastinate on my paper and set reminders and use my planner more so I did get behind and throw a not finished piece together in the end.
4.Next year I will use a checklist and be more precise about knowing what I have, have not done and need to do. I will also have more than one person review my paper and check for errors.
5. If I could give myself advice I would say to not procrastinate and make sure to finish everything timely and polished.