Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Significant Other? Perfection? "Romeo And Juliet?" Really?

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the "Perfect Match " handout? How does your experience relate to what you know about Romeo and Juliet's situation? What does this make you think? Reflect? Contemplate? Don't forget to include references to our class discussion. This blog response should be completed in class on 4-13-16.


Anonymous said...

The prefect match handout allowed me to see how my dad and I think alike and how my dad knows what is best for me and for me to happy. In this century, the ladies didn't even get to make comments or requirements about the men that they were going to go out and search for. I'm really glad that my father's answers and my answers had matched up. TO be honest, I would hate having to be forced to marry somebody that I didn't love, let alone know.

Anonymous said...

Something essential to share regarding my completion of the "Perfect Match" handout is that my mom gave an example of what my match would be like. She compared my perfect match to Justin Bieber which I'm not complaining about. My experience differ from Romeo and Juliet since my parents show their support for the decisions I make. They also are very friendly compared to the character's parents in the text. The references in our class discussion made me realize that our parents showed their concern about us and they really thought about what to write down.

Anonymous said...

Something that is essential to me about my perfect match is they have to be kind, giving, caring, helpful, everything that every girl wants, but also someone who understands me for me and someone who loves me for me. There are so many people out there in the world, and everyone has the perfect match. My parents wanted something similar to me but not all the same, since they are older they want different things for me than I want for myself. Which makes sense. But it makes me think that there is someone perfect for everyone.

Anonymous said...

It's important to know that even parents have some sort of an idea of what they think would be a perfect match for their kids. Even when we don't know what they think our match is we still think and write almost the exact same things. Such as being easy-going but determined. Small things that you might not think about all the time is there and parents are able to recognize that through our behavior and the characteristics we have that they know our match would have close to the same ideas and thoughts about certain things.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet's situation was much more complex. Their relationship was powerful and intense, and their family wouldn't allow it. My situation is different because my family wouldn't be as opposing of a guy as theirs were, and I have more freedom and choice within my choice of a SO. Our situations relate because we are nearly the same age.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet's situation is difficult because Juliet's parents don't want her dating Romeo but Romeo and Juliet want to date one another. I think that Juliet's parents don't think Romeo is good enough for there daughter, I think that there whole situation is hard to understand.

Anonymous said...

When filling out the "Perfect Match" worksheet my parents and I both had described a similar person with similar traits. It was Shocking to see that we had a similar person in mind, In romeo and Juliet i think today their story is similar but different, their are still people whos family set them up, but i think people these days have so much freedom and to pick who they want, but i don't think eveything in this story is perfect.

Anonymous said...

The essential to share my "PerfectMatch" handout is that it is important to gather information about my perfect match from other people's points of view. In my opinion, it is interesting to discuss this topic because different people in different aspects of life do not have a similar opinion. While some might be more strict, some people have a more open opinion on a topic such as this. Compared to what my mom wanted my perfect match to be and what I want my perfect match to be, we were pretty similar and had the same opinions on different attributes. The most important priority at the end of the day for my mom is that the guy that is my perfect match makes me happy, and I am glad that my mom said that because that is what it comes down to.

Anonymous said...

This is all completely irrelevant to me. I just couldn't care less. I am probably not going to be able to sympathize with the characters or really understand their struggle. I don't really care about finding anyone else. I'm just not interested. I'd rather have a pet lizard or frog. Yep.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the handout, I experience that my parents expect a perfect match that relates to what I expect. This makes me think that my parents are understanding and know what kind of people I find a "perfect match". In the book, Romeo and Juliet, their parents did not approve of the relationship. This differs from my experiences. In our discussion most people's parents approved and picked a perfect match that was alike to their daughters. This shows how different it was back in the times of Romeo and Juliet.

Anonymous said...

I learned that my mom and I don't quite have the same idea for my "perfect match", and this relates to Romeo and Juliet because even though my mom might have something in mind for me, I might have something completely different in mind regarding marriage. This makes me feel a little sad for people who have arranged marriages in this day, but I can't really help it. Even if someone is in an arranged marriage it doesn't necessarily mean that those people don't like each other and are each others' perfect match.

Anonymous said...

My mom and I have almost identical ideas of who I would like and who she would like me to be with. A guy with a caring, good personality, and also possessing additional positive traits. If I was in Romeo and Juliet's situation and my parents forced me to marry someone of their choice it would most likely be a smilier person to who I would match myself with. In this age, the women did not have a say in who they would like to be with. I enjoy having the freedom of picking who I want to be with but all of the lead up to finding the right person could go away if you were paired with someone by outside forces.

Anonymous said...

This activity taught me how much my views vary from my parents but also where they overlap. It showed me that we both ant similar things for me but not exactly the same. Its cool to see what different people want in a significant other. The most important thing for everyone, I think is that your significant other makes you happy and is supportive of you and your choices.

Anonymous said...

After doing the Perfect Match worksheet it let me pick out what the details I would like in a guy and how I would like them to be. But also knowing what my mom would wants me to see in a guy and how he treats me. With a mothers or dads thoughts on a person they want to see their sons or daughters to have the person they like to treat them very well. With a parent's approval it applies to Romeo and Juliet. For example, Romeo is hiding the person he likes from his parents because he is afraid to show the person he loves. With doing the worksheet it lets me know what my parents want to see a guy I like with good details.

Anonymous said...

My parent put that she wants a boy who will respect me and understand who I am as a person. I said the same thing. We both agreed that my perfect match would be an undertsanding boy who knows where I stand and my morals and values.

Anonymous said...

My mom said that she would love my perfect math to respect my wishes and dreams, to want kids like I do and to really just believe in me. She also, like me, wants him to be successful and to always want to be with me.

Anonymous said...

I learned my parent and i have very different opinions in some areas and similar ones in other areas

Anonymous said...

I learned that my dad and I have similar interests in my perfect match but have very different ways of going about it. I say protective and he says not a sissy boy. We also do not see eye to eye on everything about my perfect match. He would like someone to take care of me first while I want someone to make me happy and laugh first.

Anonymous said...

The handout we received to take home to our parents was a good thing to help us understand our differences and similarities to our parents. We got to see how our parents being born in a different generation influenced their priorities when it comes to choosing a "perfect match" for their child. In Romeo and Juliet, they probably felt that too, because their parents wanted to choose who they married, but they had different ideas of who they wanted to marry.

Anonymous said...

I learned that my parents care about who i will eventually end up with. They want what is best for me. Yes we had a couple things different about who they thought my perfect match was but we had many similarities. My parents want to choose who I marry someday like they did in Romeo and Juliet but they understand that I get to choose who I want to marry.