Tuesday, November 10, 2015

"The Odyssey?" Background Information?

Regarding the Background film about The Odyssey, what comments can you make about what you understand about The Odyssey. Please argue, explain, criticize, etc... Blog post is due during class today.


Anonymous said...

Reflecting on the background film about "The Odyssey", we have a lot of things that were adopted that were originally created from Greek Mythology. For example, things like the calendar or where words were originated from and how we say them, comes from the ancient Greek times. The odyssey came to us from the ancient Greek and I think it is really fascinating how old some of our techniques or meanings can be. The Greek kind of shaped what we are today and influenced us in many different ways.

Anonymous said...

Looking back on the odyssey we can really connect to this story because it is what we base our stories today on, and this story was really the base to get our stories started. Calendars and words started from Greek mythology.It is so cool to see Greek Mythology in today's world, we haven't really lost our touch with the past.Greeks have shaped today, and the life we know.

Anonymous said...

When looking back at the background from the film "The Odyssey", I saw that we adapted and took in many methods and technologies in the Greek Mythology times. I saw that we adapted the way that they fought by tricking the other army, or also the calendar. Also the word Odyssey come from the Greek Mythology times and that is one of the words and names that was the spacecraft. So those times shaped us today.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Background film about The Odyssey, I concur that the odyssey is an action book and film. It happened two thousand years before Christ. The definition of odyssey is: a long series of wanderings or adventures, especially when filled with notable experiences, hardships, etc. The history of the Odyssey is very interesting and full of history.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Background of Odyssey, I can see the how we connect to ancient times such as were we got our words and the calendar, even morals. I think ancient history and mythology is very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I noticed how we used Greek mythology to understand things from the past.
Greek mythology/odyssey created most of the things we still use today, like the calendar. The odyssey had occurred about two thousand years before Christ. The Greeks greatly shaped our knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the background of the Odyssey, I realized that a lot of our methods came from Greek mythology. Most of the things we use today come from Greek mythology. We also use Mythology to understand things. Our knowledge comes from the Greeks.

Anonymous said...

The odyssey sounds really interesting as a war and self discovery story. Greek mythology is both easy and hard to explain. We have a lot of ideas and creations that we had thought of that were originally created from Greek Mythology and earlier Greek Science. Things like the calendars or word roots and affixes had all came from the earlier Greek and we still use them today. The odyssey can teach us that Greek mythology can still affect the world because some people still believe in greek gods so it can have an impact on our society.

Anonymous said...

After watching Odyssey it shows the gods and how they were brought up in the world. The god of war, god of music, goddess of love, and many more gods and goddess have been brought up to every subject on earth. Without these gods then there would be no life due to "The Odyssey?" This shows me many different ways how our world today was created and how the Greek Gods were brought up in our world today.

Anonymous said...

Reflecting on the background of the video Odyssey, in todays time we have adopted a lot of the characteristics from the Greek Mythology. The word Odyssey means life itself in our time and before Christ peoples life included Greek Mythology and they would spend their life worshiping on Greek god and goddesses. There are a lot of stories about Greek Mythology and most people could name at least five things about it. Overall Odyssey was a great video and I learned a lot of new things I didn't know about Greek Mythology.

Anonymous said...

Odyssey is a grand journey, gains power and meaning through the first novel and many challenges. This book seems to illustrate the very meaning of life. An explore for home and to find where it really is. Survival comes at a price.

Anonymous said...

After watching The Odyssey, I can understand that the people a part of the odyssey were on a very long one. There was a lot of metaphors according to the people who research the odyssey. Immortality played a huge part to try and bribe people to get what they want. Odysseus was told to forget home and just leave it behind, all because they were on the trip of a lifetime. We need adventures in life, our courage plays a huge part of our lives to show us the way to who we really want to be.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey displays the connection from the Greek life and the kind of life we live now. English words are often from Greek roots which all mean something. Other languages and dialects have adapted this as well. Communication and the form of writing and speaking would be nothing like it is now without the influence and impact of Greeks. Odyssey is defined as adventures and experience. Therefore, the Greeks accomplished several odysseys that shaped the world then until to this day.

Anonymous said...

From the video, I can conclude that The Odyssey will be about the Odysseus and his struggles of his ten year journey home. It was supposed to take him 2 weeks, but it took him 10 years instead. It will show him figuring out the way home, show him suffering and hoping to get home. It will show him, making difficult choices. Demonstrates
him taking an adventure of his life. All of these problems can be applied to our lives today, and so that could be one of the main ideas of this text, is how it is applied to our lives.

Anonymous said...

The background video about The Odyssey has taught the reader that a person can be faced with many problems, but conquering them leaves a legacy. It also tells the reader that there's no place like home. It's worth it to fight through everything if you're able to go home and be with the ones you love.

Anonymous said...

I noticed in the background of the Odyssey that it uses Greek mythology and gods and goddesses. The main character is selfish enough to shout out his name to the Cyclops thinking that he's safe. The Cyclops father Poseidon goes after the main character in turn for messing with his son. I think of the main character had left the gods and goddesses alone, then it wouldn't have taken him ten years to get home. He also said that he would rather suffer than being immortal, but he wouldn't have had to made that choice if his ego hadn't gotten in the way.

Anonymous said...

I can infer from the video that this story is going to be about Odysseus and his struggles through his 10 year journey. There is a lot that can be related with his story and our own lives. We are faced with challenges and Odysseus will be faced with many challenges and choices throughout this time, but in the end, coming home will be the greatest reward of all.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the backround of Odyssey, I can conclude that the Greek times were a lot about action and the brave acts. They use story's to make characteristics and lively lessons. We these days talk a lot about the characteristics brought by the mythical story's. They didn't only image things but they created some of the things we use today like the calendar and some words.

Anonymous said...

the background video on the Odyssey tells us that Odysseus faced quite a few problems and was a great hero.

Anonymous said...

I can identify that everyone is faced with problems. This story was focused on how to not be conceded and despite the accomplishments from his past. This was very import because Odysseus attitude at the beginning of the text got him in trouble for the next ten years. If his opinion and personality wasn't so strong from which we learned in the background information. His life would have been a lot easier yet, he would not have learned that many life lessons.

Anonymous said...

In the early day we had adopted a lot of ideas from the greeks. Now we dont so much but what we did learn is still in out culture. Like calender's and even wrestling is from the greeks.
We also use a jury like they did.

Anonymous said...

After watching the video, Odyssey, I can see that we have many similar ways to the action movie/book. With calendars, sayings, technology, traditions etc. The Greek Mythology word, Odyssey, is a name or example of a space craft. experiences such as tricking the army and other clever solutions have gotten us to where we are now and today.