Thursday, November 12, 2015

Counseling Using "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey?"

After listening to the Psychiatrist Counsels Vets With Odyssey Audio and Johnathan Shay Talks About The Odyssey Audio, what are you thinking about the The Odyssey?  Please specify your thoughts using a dynamic topic sentence and supporting evidence.  This blog response is due by 2:30p.m. today.


Anonymous said...

The Odyssey is both very fascinating and interesting for me because it is written very differently from stories nowadays. It is very fascinating because there's more witty tricks and jokes in it. Also, the language sounds more ancient and older. It is very interesting to me because again, it is very different from what we have for books to read nowadays. It is more thought out and more detailed than stories nowadays. The Odyssey is overall a very detailed and interesting book, that makes it stand out from others.

Anonymous said...

The book, The Odyssey, is the tale of Odysseus's adventure on his way back home. This book teaches the reader that every struggle is worth it if you're going to go home one day. This is proven multiple times in the book when Odysseus faces someone of something that doesn't plan on letting him travel home. Some examples include Calypso, Polyphemus, the Lotus people, the sirens, and Poseidon. Once he does come home, the reader fully realizes that the whole ordeal was worth it, because it brought two lovers back together, and a king back to his land.

Anonymous said...

Odyssey, It seems listening to these podcast, that the Odyssey really helps those who are in need after such a time in someones life, that is changing, like coming back from war, Odyssey gives the people who have been a in war zone, a way to maybe relate. In this P.O.V i feel like the Odyssey is a tool in healing for people,not just a novel i have to read in class, to some its life changing.

Anonymous said...

After listening to audios I now think that the Odyssey is something I would like to learn more about because, many stories have different textures and its hard to find one like Odyssey. We have learned many of our war tactics and tricks from the Gods. Odyssey is different from any other book. Odyssey goes farther into detail then most books normally now in the present time.

Anonymous said...

After hearing the Audio, I see how much the Odyssey relates to our modern society now. I see this because to get our way sometimes we ca trick people into giving in like with what happened with the Cyclops. Also I think that most of the morals and stories that are in the Odyssey really show the different types of situations really relate to the different situations j that people can get into today and the different challenges we can face such as the people in Greek Mythology. So overall I think that the Odyssey really relates to our society.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey sometimes can be interesting and different. What I don't understand is why the author portrays Odysseus as a selfish self-centered man. All he does in Odyssey is anger the gods and goddesses. Also without even realizing has the gods and goddesses fighting each other depending on whether they are on Odysseus side or not. He convinces his ship mates to go along with his ideas. He ends up being the only one to return home, because he sacrificed his ship mates rather than risking the same dangers himself.

Anonymous said...

After listening to the interviews, I am thinking about that Odyssey that, it can be connected to peoples lives today. It appeals to those who have been in combat. The books tell stories that the soldiers can hold and relate to. The soldiers, have the same feeling of loss and anger, that are related all they way back to ancient Greece.

Anonymous said...

After listening to the Psychiatrist Counsels Vets With Odyssey Audio and Johnathan Shay Talks About The Odyssey Audio, I am thinking that The Odyssey showed that the wounds just like what Veterans have today are similar to the ones in battle back in Ancient Greece. Several soldiers sacrifice their lives to protect their nation. This passion has been around since people started fighting against each other.

Anonymous said...

The book hasn't died because in ways of war and others it is still applicable to today's struggle. The reality put forward in the book is able to show people and put people in the same circumstances to people in the Military. Keeps the reality real in today's world and yesterdays.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking that this will be an interesting book about heroism and struggles throughout Odysseus's life. After listening to these audio files, I realize that the story can relate to people's lives, especially war veterans. They can relate to Odysseus, since he had to struggle for a long time before coming home.

Anonymous said...

In the novel, The Odyssey, there is many twists and turns. The book has many characters, including Odysseus. There is always a villain who is against Odysseus and prevents him from getting to safety. The way that Odysseus escapes from his captors is always extremely interesting. In the audio recording, the author speaks comparing military people to the story, which is very interesting. All in all, the audio recording was very beneficial.

Anonymous said...

"They eat it up", the vets really love Odyssey and the books. The vets compare themselves with the stories. I thought this would just be a book about a greek god. But if it touched the hearts of vets there must be some magic in this book.

Anonymous said...

After hearing the audios Psychiatrist Counsels Vets With Odyssey Audio and Johnathan Shay Talks About The Odyssey Audio,this gives me the idea about odyssey is that many combat veterans heard the stories of odyssey that gave them the idea of soldiers that fought till death. The stories were passed down and were changed to get the stories that we hear today. Many of the stories that we hear is not 100% what happened when these events occurred. These stories are still interesting and still give people thoughts on a lot of things in their daily lives.

Anonymous said...

After hearing the audios, they give me the idea about odyssey that the men are just like soldiers in combat and how they fight until they die for others and their selves. Many people believe in the Odyssey, and that is their thought, others don't believe but we a;l still support each other.