Monday, August 10, 2015

What Are You Thinking?

Do the Did You Know 2.0? and Did You Know 4.0? and Did You Know 5.0? and Did You Know 2014? presentations make you think? How might this impact your academics and view of the world? Please respond to this blog post by 2:30p.m. Friday, August 21st, 2015.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

After watching the presentation, I am thinking that the numbers given are mind boggling. Back in 2006, scientists had predictions about what technology would be like but I do not know if they ever thought it would be as advanced as it is now. Also, the amount of people involved in the internet at that time was nothing compared to it is now. One thing that stood out to me was the amount of text messages sent and received daily was able to exceed the population of Earth, and I’d be interested to know how many text messages are sent and received daily today in comparison to the world population.

Anonymous said...

After seeing the presentations, I can see that the world is very different from what we think. I learned so many different things from the presentation like so many different and new technology advances. There were also so many things happening while the video was going on. I was also very surprised to see that a lot of the seniors these days are on social media because I didn't not think that older people go on like as much as teens and younger kids. The presentation was just very shocking and surprise.

Anonymous said...

After watching the presentations I have a really different perspective about the world, because it really gives me the idea of how small I really am. Also, people are constantly brought into this world and before I watched the presentations, I never really realized or thought about it. It was also very interesting of how modern the world is becoming each day, and how we get advanced at technology day by day. Watching the presentations was very surprising, both negatively and positively.

Anonymous said...

After watching the video I started to realize that I am one part of a giant world. It truly made sense to me that I am only one piece to the big puzzle that is the world.

Anonymous said...

After watching the presentations I'm beginning to realize that the world is much bigger than I first thought. I also found it surprising at how much the world has changed from decade to decade. The world is too big for one person to think that they are the only one in it, was what I was thinking when watching the video.

Anonymous said...

After watching these videos, It came to my mind that technological advances have made a huge impact on today's lives. Watching the Did You Know 2.0, it told me that more than 70% of U.S 4 year-olds have used a computer. That is crazy. I am actually scared how our generations children will grow up with all these new technological advances and findings. Also, Every 8 seconds 34 babies are born. That is so shocking because our population just introduced 34 new babies into the world. After watching the presentations I was very surprised, but both impressed and scared.

Anonymous said...

After watching this presentation,I have now realized that the world is bigger than i thought,there are more parts to the story than what I see outside my window and that i am a super small footprint on our huge earth.The video really opens my eyes when it comes to the seeing the world,i would have never known some of the facts listed in the video,it's not really something you read every day that 150 million people will be born this year! that is crazy, i am so excited that i get to make a small footprint on the big world that is ever changing outside my window.

Anonymous said...

For me, these videos don't really mean much. You can count how many Iphones people have but it doesn't really put into perspective the people making them or who's really benefiting. What we cant imagine is the lives of the people slaving away,literally, so a wealthier minority can have things for cheap. It is incredible how much things have changed in the past few years, how much things have advanced. We have all this information, all these connections, all these different points of view. What are we going to do with it? Are we going to strive for a better world, or simply personal gain, tossing aside any consequences that future generations will have to face? I feel numbers discredit stories. We will never know the lives of all the people who make the world go around.

Anonymous said...

For me, these videos don't really mean much. You can count how many Iphones people have but it doesn't really put into perspective the people making them or who's really benefiting. What we cant imagine is the lives of the people slaving away,literally, so a wealthier minority can have things for cheap. It is incredible how much things have changed in the past few years, how much things have advanced. We have all this information, all these connections, all these different points of view. What are we going to do with it? Are we going to strive for a better world, or simply personal gain, tossing aside any consequences that future generations will have to face? I feel numbers discredit stories. We will never know the lives of all the people who make the world go around.

Anonymous said...

These videos have shown me that we as a world are evolving. The videos show us that we've been changing and believe it or not, getting smarter. In order to create a ultra smart computer that fits in your pocket, you need an intelligent brain. As we continue to grow and create better technology, more and more brilliant minds will eventually show up. The contradiction to this, is that we, as a nation and world, can't just stop trying to learn. We're able to use Google now, but how much of what we read will we learn. Students need the internet just as much as they need schooling. With the internet, students gain distractions. The fact of the matter is that we, as humans, need to set boundaries with our technology. We need technology, no one in this generation is able to think of a world without it, but we also need schooling. Technology is great, but if you let it go to far, than it will affect your future.

Anonymous said...

For me these videos have shown me how we are evolving. How the world is different now, there is constantly new information being learned, texts being sent all on the internet. in 2006 scientist predicted what it would be like but I doubt they'd know how advanced it would became just in a decade. Technology has became a major factor in this generations success. There are constantly improvements on computers being made smarter and smaller, We practically have all the answers just by using our devices. We are no longer self defiant we need technology and that's taking away from our intelligence as students. Technology distracts us from learning instead of tying to solve answers we just use technology to solve it and that's going to affect our future.

Anonymous said...

Reading history books you never really see the big gap between when computers were first made to what they are now. or when phones were made. But these videos are showing us how different are technology has gotten in only a decade or so. I am always amazed by figuring out different things about what we have learned.

Anonymous said...

These videos that I watched really amazed me in each different way. One thing that really amazed me was in the video Did you Know 2014 was over 2.4 billion people use the internet now. This amazes me because it shows you how much the world today depends on technology to help us complete our everyday task. This also shows me that my generation uses technology to complete assignments, to keep up to date on an important dates, and to keep you updated on your email or to talk to somebody.

Anonymous said...

I can barely process all the facts and information from the videos. They were so informative, I learned so much I have never even thought about. It mostly interests me how fast technology is growing and how much it can benefit us, but it may potentially harm us. I liked watching the video from 2007 and seeing how much the world has improved since then and how the statistics have changed drastically. I noticed that Mr. Fisch created and helped out with most of the videos and I was pleasantly surprised. My academic view has stayed the same. I know that Americans are not as caught up in academics like other countries, but we are the strongest and most developed nation in the world. I enjoyed these educational videos and loved learning these alarming facts.

Anonymous said...

The Did You Know? videos drop our version of reality on it’s face. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our lives that we don’t even think about what’s outside our country, let alone the whole world. All of the facts and statistics are still racing through my mind trying to find a place to settle because they haven’t completely processed yet. Knowledge really can expand your views and bring your way of thinking to a whole other level. The after thoughts that these videos leave, the tidbits of facts that get wedged into my mind while watching these are proof.

Anonymous said...

Its really hard to imagine a lot of the things the video said. One of the details the video stated was that India has more honor students than America has students, just to think about that is crazy because just at Arapahoe we have so many students. Another thing the video said was over 2.3 million people use the internet now and over a hundred years ago there wasn't even internet and now more people use it than ever.

Anonymous said...

A couple weeks ago I saw a video on facebook on why america isn't the greatest place on Earth to live anymore. It was on guy (fictional) arguing why it isn't the greatest state anymore to a bunch of people who disagreed. This video definitely gave so much evidence to that video. Learning that China is supposed to be first in speaking English in the world, in 10 years. Never in my life have I met one American who speaks Chinese. That's so mind blowing that China, a country with Chinese as their first language, has so many people that speak English. This makes me want to work that much higher. Other places like India, have so many more students that went to college and graduated. There are so many opportunities that don't involve college in America, but we as a country definitely need to work toward getting first in more statistics.

Anonymous said...

After watching the Did You Know presentation, my opinion in the present and in the future changed. The future will develop more than I thought it would. The comparison from the 2007 and 2009 videos is very different than the updated one for this past year. Multiple factors like the over population in India and China increases everyday. Technology already is fascinating today. But new models and designs are introduced each year. Considering the fact that today’s teenagers are overly obsessed with the recent technology, it will get worse in the future once newer and better designs reach the market. The amount of jobs that still don’t exist today will be available for my generation in nearly a decade. It is possible that I will be majoring in something completely new in college. Different kinds of careers will then follow these studies benefitting more people to be successful. The decrease of unemployed graduates is not a bad thing. I personally can not wait to experience what the world will be in the future.

Anonymous said...

This video shocked me with how much things have changed in such a short amount of time. It got me thinking about how much it is gonna change in the future. Most of our everyday tools were not the same as they were 20 years ago. It also made me realise that people literally live their life through their phone whether it is social media or checking their calender or using the gps. Im wondering how life would be without our technology that we have today such as the iphone. The smartphones have made such a big impact on the way humans live their lives today. This video gave me a different perspective on using technology.

Anonymous said...

These videos really send you a message about what the world is like even though we may have a different idea of what it is like. There is way to many facts being put into your brain at once, then we cannot understand what we are reading. I was shocked when I was reading just about every single fact that showed up on the screen. I did not really know how much happens in this world that we as humans do not know about. Especially when I read how computers that used to fit in an office building, then went into our hands, now our pockets and next it will be a cell. That is totally crazy. I'm very curious to see what life will be like in 10-20 years.

Anonymous said...

After watching these videos, I have a whole new mindset on how the world has changed and is changing. I am excited to see what the future will bring for more generations to come. It's crazy to think about the crazy smart people in the world. Although we aren't the smartest country in the world, we do have many recources. I believe the more things change, the more advanced our earth can be.

Anonymous said...

After watching this video it helped me get a better view of the future and how we will be more advanced with technology and the population.

Anonymous said...

This video has a lot of information almost too much to take in, but a lot of the stuff in that video made me say 'wow'. In the video he said that when the children born in 2007 turn six computers will become more powerful than the human mind, they are seven or eight now.

Anonymous said...

Woah. Those videos were amazing and really overwhelming at first. It really made me think about the world and how it works. It is so crazy how fast our world has changed because of technology

Anonymous said...

These videos made you think a lot. These videos showed how much technology has changed the world and the way we live. It makes you think about how much room we have to grow. It makes me excited to see how the world changes in the years to come.

Anonymous said...

These videos really opened up my eyes and showed me of how the world has changed throughout the years. Technology has changed our world so much that it's crazy.If you think over a hundred years ago they barely had any technology at all. The iPhone and computers were not invented then and you see what technology they had back then and some people wonder how they did it. Most people now days can't live without their cellphones but in the olden days the idea of billions of people carrying around cell phones was insane. Knowing how much the world has changed with its technology excites me to see the changes in our future.