Wednesday, August 26, 2015


How does the Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relate to your world? Can you relate his video to writing? Can his new exploits connect with your academic endeavors? Again, did he make you look twice? Did he inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed by Friday, August 28th, 2015 at 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...

In a way, this video did and did not inspire me. It showed and proved to me, that if you work hard, that you can achieve your goals. But biking in swimming are so different. There isn't any connection, with the two. Usually I get motivated with swimming, when I see someone who is better than me, it drives me to work harder, so I can be the best I can be. In a way, his hard work and dedication, did pay off, proving the theory of practice makes perfect, well, almost perfect. If you work at something you love, you will succeed and improve, and this man is a clear demonstration of that.

Anonymous said...

The video related to the real world because if you have a growth mindset, you can basically put your mind to anything and get better at it. It kind of related to me in a way because when I think about how the guy knew nothing about those bicycle tricks he did in the video, but after practice he got that good it makes me think how if I would practice something a lot, I would get really good at it eventually. It can kind of connect to academics too, because you will get better with time. I was actually kind of fascinated with how the video could be a metaphor for almost anything you want to get good at in life.

Anonymous said...

This video didn't really inspire me, but what it did do was have me thinking that if you work hard enough and believe that you can do something you will eventually become great at it. If you feel passionately about something and set goals for yourself you will be able to accomplish anything you set your mind on. When the video first showed him falling off his bike and not getting all the way across the fence he didn't give up but kept trying and he eventually made it across and doing more tricks than when he first started. Which we all know takes hard work and dedication, but we also have to believe in ourselves as well.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was another good testimony to how if you seriously want to do something and are really passionate about it, not just people telling you what to do, you can succeed at anything. For me this was a reminder that i can actually do stuff. I came from a place where they said there's always someone better than you so don't even try, the flip side to that is if no one tries no one will ever be great. I think these clips support that.

Anonymous said...

The video relates to my world because the biker had so many obstacle that he wanted to overcome and he kept trying even when he fell down. I think that this is the way I am because I have so many obstacles in my life but even when I am not having the most success I still find a way to overcome my obstacles. I can relate this video to writing because in writing because you may have some plans for what you are going to write about but they don't follow through because you are stuck on a sentence or a vocab word but you can keep coming up with ideas to overcome this. This video also can relate to academics because we all know that there are many challenges that you face with academics and with this it shows that you can keep pushing through to achieve your goals within school. It did make me look twice because it was insane to think that at one point on time he could not even do any of that stuff so its crazy how he trained himself to do that awesome stuff. Lastly, he did inspire me because it showed that you can push through certain obstacles in life hen you think there is no way you can get around them.

Anonymous said...

This video really inspired me to want to improve certain skills I have in my life. I think this video can relate to just about anything because it shows that if you work hard, you can accomplish anything you want to. This can relate to writing as well. It shows that if you work hard at your writing you can eventually be amazing at it. Even if you start out not being very good at it you can always accomplish great things with practice.That made me think about how I can apply that lesson to my own life.

Anonymous said...

He simply didn’t give up. In the beginning of the video he was trying to accomplish riding on a rail. He had multiple failures but still made it though and he finally accomplished it. The video relates to my life and how I build around it because the biker had so many trials and how he wasn’t giving up. My life since I have started freshman year has completely changed. With new obstacles, some bigger than others, I keep on pushing and never gave up. I can relate this video to my writing also because in writing because I have to overcome trying new things that are outside of my comfort zone. Trying to figure out how to plan and finding synonyms for my words are just simple obstacles but making my writing fun to write is a challenge for me and a little outside of my comfort zone. This video can also relate to my school academics because some homework can be easy and some is harder and more challenging to the mind. This video made me realize that i am a confident person and I never give up on things like that biker did. He wanted to accomplish his goal and eventually succeeded. Lastly, he did inspire me to become even stronger in my life trying to accomplish things more and more in my life. I should be open to the world around me and still be able to achieve what I want to do. Living life to the fullest means to have aggression towards any obstacle in your life and go head on for it.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill's video can relate to our world and school because of his growth mindset. At the beginning was that part where Danny continuously messed up one stunt, but he learned from it and was able to master it. This is what students should do. They should learn from their mistakes and keep trying until they're able to succeed. Danny inspired me because when you think of first trying to ride a bike, you could never think about doing all the stunts that he did. He was a beginner at first but he was able to keep going and keep learning and is now able to do things that he probably never dreamed he could be. He inspires me, because I want to get to a point in my life where I can look back and see the growth from being a beginner to where I would be.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill’s video inspired made me feel energized, wanting to push myself harder in life in all that I try. His video in reference to writing makes me think of words such as amazing, inspirational, and a little fearful to mind. Academically I can remember the video and remind myself that anything is possible.

Anonymous said...

I personally found Danny McCaskill's video inspiring. It personally realates to my life because at one point when I was little I watched all the Arapahoe cheerleaders, thinking I could never do that. Now I am one of them and know I can constantly improve. I am completely sure that McCaskill was the same way. This can relate to my academic life by not thinking that if I struggle in an area I always will and that I can always change it to make it better. I definitely thought about the video on a deeper level than someone doing cool things on a bike. I especially appreciated how the video showed him learning new things not him simply doing it.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill's video was definitely very inspirational, and relatable because with things like sports and singing/writing songs I'm constantly trying to be better and improve. This can definitely relate to writing. If you don't write for a while you are only going to get worse. Practicing and practicing will make you better at anything you aspire to do in life. His video was very inspirational because even though I try and try to get better at the things I strive for, my confidence can go down easily when I see others that are so much better than me in the things I love to do. Danny shows you have to keep going and keep practicing even when you are not the best. If the thing you are doing makes you happy, then keep striving to be the best.

Anonymous said...

I personally found Danny McCaskill's video very inspiring,at the beginning when he is trying to get across the fence he fell a couple of times but despite all that he still got up and finally reached his goal,through out this video he is really giving hope.This man is just a great and helpful person to anyone who doesn't believe in themselves ,watching this video should give people a burst of energy to do what they want .It is especially cool that he is taking such a simple easy thing that a lot of people can do and making it fun and exciting.

Anonymous said...

I think that the video relates to the real world because if you have that growth mindset to get better at whatever you're doing, no matter what you will get better. It also relates to the real world in the sense that when you fall you get back up and you try again, imagine how many times Danny fell learning those tricks. Mistakes make you stronger. This video relates to writing because if you keep working on your writing skills you will get better and better. This video connects to my academics, it makes me want to push myself to do better. Danny McCaskill's video was very inspiring. I thought this video was amazing and so motivational.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill definitely describes a person who has a fixed mindset. Some of the tricks he already knows what to do, it took time to practice, and it took a lot of dedication to do. Danny might of had some times where he told himself that he couldn't do a specific trick but, what he did is he kept on practicing until he would eventually get it. A fixed mindset definitely describes what kind of sport I do. When I learn a new concept in the sport I play (volleyball) I tell myself that I will not get this concept down and I should give up, but what I do is I tell myself that one day I will get to know the concept and that I will be good at it. Danny did teach me to never give up on what I really want to learn no matter if it is hard or not.

Anonymous said...

I was very impressed by Danny McCaskill. He came a very far way from when he was around five and had training wheels. It proved to me that no matter where you start you can become amazing at whatever your endeavor is. He definitely had to have a growth mindset. If he fell down or messed up on a trick a few times then and told himself "you will never get better, you can never do this", he would be no where close to where he is today. This video inspired me to never give up. No matter the challenge, always do your best because practice makes perfect.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill's video about his bike tricks was inspiring in a way but at the same way wasn't. His work showed dedication because he didn't give up and he kept practicing. His video also wasn't inspiring in a way either because I play lacrosse and I cant ride bikes like him so I cant see his perspective of how hard it was.

Anonymous said...

Danny McKaskill is a great role model and athlete. You can tell how hard he has worked and how dedicated he is. I can relate to him because I also work hard and dedicate myself to a sport, just like him. I train very hard for basketball and in various hobbies I do. Danny motivates me to work harder and I know I can accomplish my goal, if I practice enough. He made me look more than twice, I was fascinated by his video and accomplishments. I feel that there are many people that are just as dedicated as him, maybe not with a bicycle, and are not noticed as much as he is. I feel that Danny McCaskill has the potential to motivate and inspire so many individuals.

Anonymous said...

Inspired Bicycles was a really cool video. It is inspiring that he tried so hard to accomplish his goals. Danny McCaskill has a growth mindset by not giving up and always striving to get better. It showed him falling multiple time but every time, he got back up and kept trying until he achieved his goal and got that skill perfect. It inspires me to not give up on my goals because no matter how hard it is to achieve them, it isn't impossible. It was a very inspiring video.

Anonymous said...

This video has inspired me in many ways by showing me that anything is possible if you work hard, try, and never give up. In a way the biker makes me think of myself, with the new things he learned every day and the challenges he faced. I play club volleyball and it is very important to me. I am always trying new techniques like Danny McCaskill. Even though our two hobbies may seem completely different, they have many similarities. I now feel as though I need to keep my hopes up and believe in myself.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill's Inspired Bicycles presentation definitely relates to my world. Riding and performing his tricks is his passion and nobody can stop his dream. I connect to this because there are times when I all I want to do is give up but I always pick myself up and keep going just like Danny. He inspires me to strive high for my goals in academics. Danny made me look at a different perspective in life as well.

Anonymous said...

Inspiring Bicycles was an inspiring video that shows people that anything is possible if they believe in themselves and try hard to accomplish their goal. Danny McCaskill has passion to ride and be the best even when some people don't believe it's possible. I have to admit there are times in my life where I wanted to give up because I felt defeated because I didn't think I could finish the task. Then I realized the defeat I felt only made me want it more so I stood up and tried again. Danny inspired me to accomplish my goals and to strive to reach my goals. This video inspired me to look at things in a new perspective and to believe in myself.

Anonymous said...

The Inspiring bicycles video was able to show everyone who has watched it that you are able to do anything as long as you always try your best. The video can relate to writing because Danny McCaskill started off not knowing how to ride a bike, and then he grew and pushed himself to do all the tricks he can do now. Exactly like writing because we all start off knowing nothing about writing, and then we learn simple sentences and keep improving and getting better. I have wanted to give up o many things in my life, but then i realized that running away from my prob;lems or things that i cannot do will not ever help me reach my dreams or accomplish anything what so ever. The video has inspired me to want to keep persevering through everything I do no matter if it is school to sports.

Anonymous said...

The video made me think about all the things I get scared about doing. It made me want to go out and finally face my fears. Inspired is one word for it. But I was more mesmerized by him. His way of showing himself to the world. I want to find a way to show who I am to the world and I’ve only got to face my fears to do it.

Anonymous said...

This video made me think of another guy I saw doing this once at winter park. I thought this video was really cool and it made me want to do The things i am afraid of and try the bike tricks.(Id probably fall on my face though.)

Anonymous said...

This video is truly inspiring and motivating. It shows that you don’t have to have a special talent to be great at something, all you need is hard work, determination, and persistence. This man tried and kept trying to get each trick until he succeeded. This connects to many things in life as well as academics. In a way, it shows that you don’t need to be extremely smart to have good grades, you just have to be willing to try and try again if you don’t succeed the first time. practice and do your homework, turn in your assignments, and make an effort and you’ll most likely succeed the same way this man did.

Anonymous said...

This video was very inspiring. Danny McCaskill made me think about my fears, he also made me realize that nothing is impossible and that I can face my fears. He has put in so much effort and that's why hes successful. Danny also made me notice that even if you fall down, you can get back up and try again. All you really need is persistence, hard work, determination, and a growth mindset.