Sunday, November 30, 2014

"Inherit The Wind" Background Information Response?

Based upon your Inherit The Wind background research, what are at least four items that one should know about the historical context of The Scopes Monkey Trial and other items you might have researched?  Please blog intelligently using specifics to support your thinking.  This blog response is due by 2:30p.m. on Fri., Dec. 5th.


Anonymous said...

I found a few things while researching "Inherit the Wind". In 1925, schoolteacher John Scopes was put on trial in the state of Tennessee for teaching evolution in its schools. In the trial that followed in Dayton, Tennessee, the chaotic atmosphere and intense press coverage earned it the label "Monkey Trial." There, former secretary of state William Jennings Bryan prosecuted Scopes for disobeying the law against teaching evolution, and famous intellectual Clarence Darrow served as the defense attorney. The trial was covered in the press by noted reporter H.L. Mencken.

Anonymous said...

To read Inherit The Wind, my background research claims that we need to know that in the early 1900’s teachers weren't aloud to teach anything against religion. We should also know that it was a big deal that religions were to be valued. People from all over the world came to America for the freedom of religion. When kids are taught a new thing, like evolution, that questions their religion, it violates the amendment of free religion. Another thing to know when reading is the judicial system and how it all works, because the original story is the trial. Lastly we need to know the culture of the 1920s to know how people think and what they believe and the side they would be on.