Monday, November 17, 2014

Cyclops: Text To Film In "The Odyssey?"

What subtle or overt differences did you notice regarding the Book IX The Odyssey reading and The Odyssey film clip of the Cyclops episode?  Explain, note, argue, quote, and defend.  Anything regarding the Heroic Code, Guest/Host Relationship, or hubris?  Please respond during class today.


Anonymous said...

In the movie Odysseus has a much more sarcastic vibe when dealing with the Cyclopes, while in the book he seems much more respectful over the power of the Cyclopes."My name is nobody," Odysseus explains to the Cyclops. In the book I thought this had a deeper meaning but it turns out it was just a fake so the Cyclopes didn't know who he was.

Anonymous said...

In both the book and the clip he doesn't reveal his name to the Cyclopes at first, he calls himself Nobody. Once they escape the Cyclopes then he tells him his name, yelling to him saying he was Odyssey.

Anonymous said...

In the video clip, Odysseus explains to Polyphemus that he has magic in his head and basically said "you won't eat me" because he has magic in his head and Zeus' children are not stupid. Also, when Polyphemus asks Odysseus' name, one of his members starts to say "Odysseus" but they cover his mouth and tell him his name is 'Nobody'. In the clip, when they are trying t escape, the men throw on a fluffy blanket that feel like a sheep to try to escape but in the story, we are told they grab onto the sheep and escape on the sheep.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus's character is very much the same in the book and movie because he is very smart and witty in battles. One of the scenes in the text that was changed in the movie is the Lotus Eaters scene. In the text, Odysseus and his men went to an island with Lotus Eaters while in the movie, the lotus blossoms were given by Circe. Which made him and his men stay longer with Circe for five years. That is also different from the text because in the text, Odysseus and his men only stayed with Circe for a year, not five years.

Anonymous said...

Throughout the movie and the book, Odysseus relates to the heroic code because they do not want to gibe the identity out and become known. He has the desire to be recognized but won't be called by his name he does't want the enemy knowing who he is. He said his name was “Nobody.” In the book there were more details on what exactly happened to the cyclops and how the people escaped.

Anonymous said...

I think that Odyssey is very prideful and and thinks that hes the best around. Even though he states his fake name before as they are leaving he states a name that almost gets him into a lot of trouble with the other Cyclops. Odyssey's really does not want to be dishonored or shamed because he thinks that nothing can hurt his pride/ego. The heroic code is a simple list stating what good hero's do and what they should never do. Because of this, the gods take Odyssey and put him into trouble because he did the wrong thing. Most of the Greek Gods are there to do good, so they want to punish him for all the wrongs hes done.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

I noticed that there is lack of detail in the video, although it gets the point across it did not show Odysseus pray or saying the the wood was olive wood, or how potent the wine was.

Anonymous said...

When reading Book 9, The Odyssey and watching The Odyssey film clip I noticed that there were many similarities. The hero wants to stay the same, he doesn't want to loos faith or honor. In both the movie clip and the book, he doesn't reveal his name at first, he says that his name is Nohbody, but when the crew finally escaped the Cyclops, he yelled back saying that he was Odysseus.

Anonymous said...

I think that the movie has a more sarcastic and humorous vibe whereas in the book, I think that he has more respect towards the Cyclops. When he says his name is Nobody, he does it to escape but later he yells that his name was Odysseus

Anonymous said...

Odysseus does not follow the heroic code in either the book or the video. The video is quite a bit different from the poem. In the book Odysseus and his men escape by tying themselves to the sheep. In the video however the men sneak around the cyclopes when he opens the door to call for his brothers. Also Polyphemus kills more of Odysseus's men in the book than in the video.

Anonymous said...

The book and film are the same but also are different too. In the film they show it more in detail. They show what really happened. Odysseus is identity and if he told the Cyclops who he was then the Cyclops would have ate him. HE also says he has a lot of magic in his brain which shows where he hides his identity.

Anonymous said...

The differences that we noticed where that the men didn't hide when he came into the cave and saw how big he was. Also he didn't have as many glasses as wine, the men didn't all hide underneath the sheep. From the clip the Cyclopes looked different than the book described him. The man in the movie almost gave away his name but he also doesn't want to lose his mind. He tricks the Cyclops when he says his mind has magic and he doesn't want to be eaten. Odysseus is not a great guess he offers a peace offering of wine but what was the main purpose of going into the cave to kill or just to look at the Cyclops. Also in the movie the Cyclops doesn't threaten the gods as much saying I am much stronger than them he almost prays to the gods for help. Odysseus character is very cocky, and that no one will be able to hurt him.

Anonymous said...

There are many similarities from the book and the video clip, but some differences are that in the book the men give the Cyclops more than one wine cup and in the video clip they only serve him one drink. The men also are playing him a lullaby to allow him to sleep soundly, whereas in the book it never said that they played any music for the Cyclops. Also in the book, it says that the Cyclops talks to other Cyclopes and in the video clip there weren't any other Cyclopes that came to help Polyphemus. Odysseus is also very prideful about how he blinds the Cyclops and does not share the credit with his other men that helped him throughout the process. This shows how Odysseus values identity and does not wish to describe himself fully the first time, but tells everything to the Cyclops once they have defeated him.

Anonymous said...

During the video of Odysseus and the Cyclops, the book is much less gruesome. In the book when Odysseus makes the Cyclops blind, the narrator just passes right though that part. when in the book about 5 minutes is taken of sharpening the log and shoving it in the Cyclops's eye.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus's character is very much the same in the book and movie because he is very smart and witty in battles. One of the scenes in the text that was changed in the movie is the Lotus Eaters scene. In the text, Odysseus and his men went to an island with Lotus Eaters while in the movie, the lotus blossoms were given by Circe. Which made him and his men stay longer with Circe for five years. That is also different from the text because in the text, Odysseus and his men only stayed with Circe for a year, not five years.

Anonymous said...

As I read book Nine in the Odyssey and then watched the movie clip, I realized the Odysseus breaks some of the heroic elements such as being a bad guest. In the movie it is more sarcastic and a lot more detail on what they did to the Cyclopes. How they showed them making a point with the wood. Odysseus uses a trick when the Cyclopes asks for his name he says " my name is nobody" so when the Cyclopes is yelling out he is saying " I am blinded by nobody". In the text, it leaves out details by which what happened, how they got out of the cave and so on.

Anonymous said...

The differences between the book and the movie are few but present. In the book i thought that many things had a deeper meaning but in most cases it was just something to get them out of the cave. The video was a lot less detailed than the book also.

Anonymous said...

In the book Odysseus said that he has magic in his head, so the Cyclops dent eat him. Also in the movie the people put on a fluffy blanket and walked out instead of riding underneath the sheep. While thy were carving the stick there was a guy playing the flute that later gets eaten by the cyclops, In the movie Odysseus was more sarcastic and calm when he was talking to the cyclops.

Anonymous said...

The video follows the same story pattern from Odysseus saying his name was nobody to the sharp stick in the eye. But there is a difference in the story of what Odysseus intentions are, he is acting of a hero but he does not show acts of heroism. Heros don’t glowt on what they did they simply let it be and keep going but Odysseus stops often reminding his people that he is the hero, he is the reason that they are all alive. He makes his people do the small tasks that help them get free in the end but he did not do anything to help get them free. The video was really easy to connect the story to because I could compare the way I pictured it in my head to a different way. This allowed me to understand the story better because of the visualization.

Anonymous said...

Differences I saw in the book IX The Odyssey reading and They Odyssy film clip is how after Polythemus got blinded, in the book he did a Cyclopes howl to gather all around and help him, but in the movie he just screeched in pain. In the movie a man also played the flute to relax and distract Polythemus while in the book that didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

Some differences between the text and the film of Book 9 are that the men escaped different ways and Odysseus's men behave differently. In the text the men escape by tying themselves to the bottom of sheep and in the film the men just ran around the cyclops which takes away from displaying Odysseus wit. Before they escape, one of Odysseus men almost reveals who Odysseus is and in the text there is no mention of such an event happening. Odysseus is a bad guest and he helps himself and causes all the problems for the men. Regarding hubris, Odysseus has a lot of pride too the point of having too much and he causes lots of trouble for his men and himself.

Anonymous said...

In the video and the book IX The Odyssey, Odysseus likes to show off maybe and prove to others he's the smartest and so when he talks to the Cyclops there's a very sarcastic know it all feel to the conversation. Odysseus tells the Cyclops his name is "Nobody" and when the Cyclops got stabbed in the eye he says "Nobody stabbed me in the eye!" and in the book the other Cyclops didn't believe him. So Odysseus lying about his name benefited him and his men. Except the men who got eaten.

Anonymous said...

In the book and episode, Odyssey, Odysseus is involved with ones identity due to the fact that he changed his name to trick the Cyclops. He also seems to prideful. "He is the son of..." The tone of the mans voice while saying this made Odysseus seem like he's the leader of the group of men. Some of the men's choices in the story were brilliant. The fact that they used Nohbdy as Odysseus' name, to trick the Cyclopes was genius.

Anonymous said...

I noticed a few differences between the poem and the movie. In the poem Odysseus is more deceitful and uses more guile. He does things like saying that his name was Nohbdy. This was a trick because when the other cyclops’ asked who hurt him he said “Nohbdy hurt me” which sounds like nobody. In the movie the only way Odysseus takes down the Cyclops is by intoxicating him. In the poem he seems more heroic because he created a more complex plan to defeat his enemy.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus was the leader, that was his identity. He thought he was the smartest and he was well respected by his men. He found a way to get back at the Cyclopes for eating his men without killing him, and finding a way out of the cave. He was clever enough to change his name so other Cyclopes would think that nobody was attacking him. Odysseus was a horrible guest. He barged in to the cave with his men and when they realized it was the Cyclones house they stayed. Yes, they have said they would make him food, but they didn’t ask for permission. I also think that the Cyclone was a horrible host. He didn’t want the cheese they offered, he wanted meat, so he ate one of Odysseus’s crew members. He also could have asked them to leave politely. He also tried to expunge their ship. Odysseus was a bad guest because he poked his eye. I believe that this was a bad move but it was also a good move. They got back at the Cyclone for eating some of their men, and it was the only way out before the morning came upon them. The Cyclone had just started to like them though. He was ready to know more about their ‘magic’ and was ready to listen. In the book Odysseus seemed like a nicer guy. He seemed more polite. In the movie he was cocky and thought he was better than the Cyclone in every way. The Cyclone seemed the same and maybe even nicer in the movie. He did eat his crew but he became more understanding after Odysseus told him about his 'magic'.

Anonymous said...

I noticed very little overt changes. Although there were not many overt changes, there were multiple subtle changes. In the film Odysseus is much more cocky and expresses loads of sass. While in the text, Odysseus expresses a guile mind and seems to act very quiet yet tricky. In the text Odysseus' is much quieter about his actions, but still shows off his dramatic amounts of pride; just in much simpler ways. For example, Odysseus bellows laughter when the Cyclops acts stupid, while in the text, Odysseus acts proud of his work, but manages to be more crafty about his work.