Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"Technology And A Primitive Futuristic Society?"

What does Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" make you think? How might this video connect with Anthem? Explain and use one quotation from Anthem to connect. Reflect, dissect, challenge, etc... Please complete this prompt in class today.


Anonymous said...

This video is very cool and also true. We have gotten new ways to express ourselves and show who we are then before. On the internet we can show our true colors without having to worry about what others think and now it is much, much easier then before. The internet has made life much easier and sometimes we take this for granted. Even though we don't always see it the internet is helping shape us and we are helping shape it.

Anonymous said...

The technology that we have today is incredible. We can do almost anything on a computer. Even though "Anthem" is in our future they do not have any of that. Internet can be used for wonderful things.It can connect people all over the world, allow us to express ourselves and can teach us. With anything their will always be people who use it for the wrong reasons. Internet isn't a dangerous thing. Its the people who abuse it that are to be feared. It you know how to use the internet and keep yourself safe on it then their is no reason not to use it. I use it daily and i'm fine.

Anonymous said...

This video made me think about how not everything that is growing is good. The more we do, like, share, post ect, doesn't mean it is always going to benefit us in every single way. I feel like that is the same in Anthem but on a different level. Everything they do isn't always going to help people and the community. Choosing someone's job and life for them wont benefit well. On Facebook or Twitter everyone knows who you are. They can predict what you will do before you even do it, just like Anthem how everything for you is predicted and chosen.

Anonymous said...

In Wesch's short video about "us in the machine," it makes me think about the way he shows self promotion. He talks about how we need to rethink ourselves. I think that this connects to Anthem because Equality realizes that the system that the society and himself runs on isn't okay. It shows that he needs to rethink what is going on around him. In the video, it is also showing how technology is advancing. This relates to Anthem because Equality advances society when he creates the light.

Anonymous said...

This video made me think about the many websites that were created from just one. There are so many resources that many people created from their own thoughts. One person making something that others what to build from, is what causes change In Anthem, the society is the same with no new inventions. Equality created the light bulb and from that invention many others could come. Electricity in general could make the society better and more efficient. The society in Anthem is afraid of change, but Equality believes that a change should occur. The creativity in minds of people can be so important.

Anonymous said...

It makes me think about how much we use the internet and relay on it. The video says that we are the web, witch yes, we are however this is a form of freedom of speech. This can lead to the idea of creation and what does everyone want? power. I'm not talking like world power and having everyone bow down to you... But if we were to think of the internet like that, if we all want the power there will be problems. For example if on youtube the person or Chanel with the most subscribers got the "youtube power." a lot of people would try to come out on top. This is different to Anthem because in there life people already have the power, there is nothing you can do about that. Were on the internet you can. But at the end of anthem theres this idea of change, witch is what the internet is doing every second of every day.

Unknown said...

Wesch's short video us in the machine makes me think about how limits are endless that being you is pretty great. This video relates to many things in anthem but the one that stood out for me is is that possibility are endless which equality shows a lot on in anthem he started at the bottom being called evil for being different but in then end he was fighting for freedom.

Anonymous said...

I think this video relates to Anthem in a few ways. In the video the man controlling what is being typed keeps us thinking how "we" are the ones who are "teaching" the computer what we think is important and I think this relates to Anthem because Equality is teaching himself what he thinks is important and he changes his values from "we" to "I". "He will be taught to say "I" and to bear the pride of it." I think this quote connects to the video because it truly shows the importance of "I" and how much it affects our lives everyday. We choose our paths in the future and no body can take that away from us.

Anonymous said...

This video demonstrates symbolism. The machines we use now often take over how we social, and/or if we choose to socialize. Just like the machines, the council functions in the same way, except they don't approve of socializing in a positive way, only work. The video evaluates a certain sense of a sad but true reality. That the technology is taking us back and making harder communication skills, just like the council. It is hard for the members of Equality to socialize and have freedom because of the council, just as technology does to us.

Anonymous said...

The video Technology and a Primitive Society relates to anthem because of the idea of ourselves. Throughout the video it was describing what the web does, but at the end of the video it connected all of the ideas together. It connected the idea that what will happen while using the web. At the end of the it asked the question what will happen to ourselves? We don't know this answer, but the idea of ourselves is what links Anthem and the video together. In Anthem Equality ends up finding himself, but he did not know that himself existed. Equality finally resizes this when he says "I AM. I THINK. I WILL." The video is showing the same we don't know what will exist while using the web.

Anonymous said...

This video makes me rethink how much we use the internet. Our lives would be so different without it and no one could go a single day without looking something up on Google, checking twitter, posting pictures on instagram, or viewing snap chat. This connects to Anthem because in Anthem all brothers are the same, everyone is equal. In a way todays society has a form of that. The internet has allowed our society to post this image up of a perfect human, and we all now strive to be just like that image in order to feel liked or wanted in society. All the girls want long tan legs and long glowing hair, to be skinny, have a beautiful smile, pretty eyes, dimples. This image is what every girl wants just so she can fit into society. But in reality no one has to be the same. It's a great thing that we all have a different image to give society we shouldn't have to be this perfect girl to be liked by everyone. Just be yourself, because you are your own image.

Anonymous said...

Wesch’s short video about “us in the machine” connects to Anthem because in the Anthem society they don’t want individualism they want mindless people controlled by fear that they can control and take over. Same in the video because what we read or see online we end up doing. We see people who are wearing certain clothes or doing something specifically and we follow. We all lack the individualism besides the leaders the ones who create these things. Just like the leaders in Anthem who control these things. In school they teach the Anthem children what they want and it's not always correct but that's their choice on what to teach the kids. Like how online you can make a website and put whatever you like on there and teach people about whatever you want them to believe. The only thing different between Anthem and our society is that we have liberty and freedom.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

There is one reason why I would connect this video to the book Anthem. It was during the beginning of the video. It started out as handwriting and then turned into typing. I related the typing peace to when no one had identities. This is because at the beginning of the book, everyone was treated a an equal and everything was the same. Nothing was unique. I related the handwriting to Equality trying to find himself and his personality. This is because every personality is different just like no handwriting is the same.

Anonymous said...

We use technology almost every hour of every day. When we use the machine, the machine uses us. We teach the machine something new every time we search the web. This makes us the machine that controls "the machine". The machine uses us as a source of thought and knowledge. We are being "used" by the machine...we are the machine.

Anonymous said...

This relates to Anthem because this video is showing how the world has changed so much and anthem is in the future. This made me think because the society that they live in is just all of them collectively together the society, what we live in is our society and we make that society the way it is. So in Anthem those people make that society it is not just the government they all make that and contribute. In Anthem it states that, "The word which can never die on this earth, for it is the heart of it and the meaning and the glory. The sacred word: EGO" This quote relates to the video because everyone is always going to have an ego no matter what. And this is what made the society how it was in the book Anthem. We are the machines that control the society and the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

In the video “us in the machine” talks about how the web uses us and that we are trapped with it. The video connects with Anthem because in the society that he lives in everyone is trapped within society and goes one with there lives not even caring. They are ruled and told what to do and they don’t go against it, we do the same with the internet. We see stuff and things tell us we should go buy this thing, so we go out and buy it. In the video it shows us all these things that we do that we are basically told to do. The video opens up the idea that we are trapped like the people in Anthem.

Anonymous said...

This video is like "Anthem" because we need to rethink our ways and attitudes towards situations. Anthem has Equality trying to bring new things to the table but they reject that. Society isn't progressing its staying the same and that's how it is theses days. Except in real life our technology has been advancing but "we" as a people haven't been. Technology is separating us from social interaction and in Anthem the men and women are separated and the Scholars were separate from everyone and not treated as equals but better. Technology is the problem in our society and separation is the problem in Anthem.

Anonymous said...

The technology that we have today is amazing. It is amazing what we can do through our computer and how we can share our lives through social media. The internet can be a good thing, it can help people who are on opposite sides of the world connect. This video shows how much progress in technology we have made.

Anonymous said...

This video makes me think by how technology and society today is controlling us. HE talked in the video about hoe the machine is controlling us. The society is controlling us in this world. Society tells us how to live and look and what we have to have. Towards the end of the video he tells us we have to re-think about how out world is changing and the real definition of love, family, friends and what we want it to be like. This relates to anthem, by how society tells him who he has to be and what his name is and refer to himself by we. Then he learns about the I and how hes supposed to be. The video is telling us if we really wanna be like society tells us to be and let the machine control us or do we wanna be different than society in this world?

Anonymous said...

Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" reminds me of Anthem because Equality was this one person and is now something different because of research. Also Wesch was typing about "the machine being us" and i think that this is true in Anthem because equality is a group of people that is doing the work for the country. Just like how on the internet- the people are giving you those answers that you are curios about, Even though some people may not have the freedom to do so.The video is saying towards Anthem that you can have the curiosity to ask questions and figure out new things. "The word "We" is a lime poured over men, which sets and hardens to stone, and crushes all beneath it, and that which is white and that which is black are lost equally in the gray of it." (page: 97).

Anonymous said...

Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" make me think about the internet and how not everything can be trusted on the web and people are so used believing everything we hear that nothing is second guessed. This relates to Anthem in that no one questions the concile and what is being taught. Everyone goes along with anything they are told and are careful not to stray away. No one has to courage to think differently or question there teaching so no progress can be made."You shall do that which the Council of Vocations shall prescribe for you.". This quote represents the people of Anthem javascript:void(0)being told they don't make there own choices including there thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Wesch's short video "us in the machine" was kind of like the society in Anthem. In the video he was showing how there is different abbreviations that mean something. For example HTML, I, B, and so on, but together all make up the internet, the web. This I feel is kind of like Anthems society how there is groups that are defined by numbers, but all together are making up one society. The web has been a way where everyone can post, look up things and so forth it is a way that almost everyone lives around. The book Anthem ends by the quote "The sacred word: EGO" this I think explains what the internet is for us today. With all of the social media and much of our society always on the internet, I think the internet is one of our "ego's" that we are a part of. The short video explained how there is many things and aspects that make up the web.

Anonymous said...

In the Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" made me think that we are this great “machine” full of advanced technology. Expressing ourselves on social media, reading articles on MSN or Yahoo, watching videos of other peoples lives on Youtube. In the video it talked about who will create it? The answer is Us. We are the creators of this technology. Although Anthem takes place in the future, They don’t have the technology that we do today. Even though technology will get better throughout the years, it’s better than not having any technology. We rely on computers and cell phones to give us answers for school papers, communication, and social media. However, sometimes technology can be bad too. Some people use technology wrong, they use it to cyber bully others once something is out there it can’t be retrieved. Technology has its good uses and bad uses, but people can choose how to use it.

Anonymous said...

It makes me think how different things are back then and today, even when the internet was created it is so different from what it looks like now. When we use the internet we really have no privacy what so ever. It connects to anthem because anthem is in the future but it is still less high tech then life is for us now. Now a days we depend on the internet and our identity is on the internet unlike in anthem were they really don't have an identity at all. This quote from anthem; "For this wire is a part of our body, as a vein torn from us, glowing with our blood. Are we proud of this thread of metal, or of our hands which made it, or is there a line to divide these two?" Shows that it is crazy how one minute you have nothing and the next you have this great thing like with what happened with equality he had nothing and then all of a sudden he had light. That is kind of similar to now a days technology and how technology used to be.

Anonymous said...

This video makes me think how far technology has advanced over time. Us as humans have created a whole new world inside of the many technological resources. This video makes me wonder how many greater advancements will be made even in the next year. It also kind of portrays that we are the technology that we create. This video relates “Anthem” to the second thought that states that we are the technology that we create. Equality discovers electricity and then he basically becomes his invention. He is now known as the street sweeper who defied the society, just because he made an amazing technological advancement. In “Anthem” one of the council members says “This box is useless.” (Rand 73). Because of what he has done equality is also useless in the eyes of the council. He came to be described as the same thing as his invention.

Anonymous said...

"Us the machine" is a video about how our technology rules our day-to-day lives. This video relates to the book Anthem because in the video it shows how the machine controls us and how when we do certain things to new technology, it follows our orders. It also shows how when we use the internet it makes us more vulnerable to the things that we do. In the book Anthem, the Council decided everything that the society members did, and how they lived their lives. Also, by using the internet we lose some of the individuality that we have. Connecting with the internet gives us the ability to loose ourselves. In the Anthem society, the people would loose themselves to how the Council wanted them to live their lives.

Anonymous said...

"us in the machine" makes me think that we are truly being controlled by the machine and that we should never let that part of us leave and always be controlled by something.
"us in the machine" makes me think of Anthem in away that is not just you and the machine it is we."WE ARE ONE IN ALL AND ALL IN ONE. THERE ARE NO MEN BUT ONLY THE GREAT _WE_, ONE, INDIVISIBLE AND FOREVER."Pg 19

Anonymous said...

Wesch’s short video about “us in the machine” makes me think about how far we have came in technology. From the days where we started using phones with cords, to using wireless internet to search anything and everything, we have increased our knowledge. We could access this power with the tip of our fingers, all we need is wifi. This video connects with Anthem because the internet is a powerful thing, just like the invention of the light bulb in Anthem. People have different opinions on certain things. Some people would say these too inventions were grand and fantastic, others fear these inventions and think they are bad. The people against the inventions thought they were too powerful and new. This triggered terror for some people. In Anthem the Council feared this ball of light. “ But terror struck the men of the Council. They leap to their feet, they tan from the table, and they stood pressed against the wall, huddled together seeking the warmth of one another’s body to give them courage. “ This power equality had made was amazing, along with the internet. The light could have helped out Anthems society in so many ways. People could have had longer lasting light. It could have been cheaper in the long run. It would be easier to light up a room with one light bulb rather than ten candles. The internet is a huge impact on us today because of many reasons. We do our homework online and research things for school. We use it to look up certain things we may not understand. It is used to interact with people online, we play games, and sometimes watch movies. These two inventions are revolved our whole lives and light bulbs could have impacted Anthem a lot.