Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Anthem" Echoes And Reflections?

Where do you "see" Anthem in your modern society?  Characters? Theme(s)?  Philosophy?  Text(s), etc...  You may write about the challenging and wonderful elements within the text.  Please specifically qualify your ideas. This blog is to be completed during class on October 29, 2014.


Anonymous said...

In our modern society Anthem is shown everywhere. Equality is told what to do and who to be, but later than realizes that he can be his own person have his own name. That is a lot like today. Kids are told by their parents what they have to wear and have to eat and are controlled a lot like Equality was. But just like Equality as the kids get older they learn that it's okay to have individuality and to be your own self. You don't have to fit into the crowd to be an amazing person.

Anonymous said...

In our modern society we see Anthem everyday. Equality is like the person we see in school who is not afraid to be themselves and express who they are. Our society tries to control us like the society in Anthem in many ways. Our society leads us to believe that we should be a certain way and should be like the "perfect" people in the world.

Anonymous said...

In our modern society, Anthem relates to us in many ways. People still fight against the rules and laws that our government has put in place. It may not be to the same extent as equality, but people still do fight. One of the ways that people do this is by protests and strikes. If citizens have a major problem with something then they will most likely stand up for what they believe in to get what they want. This is just one of the many ways our modern society relates to the text “Anthem”.

Anonymous said...

We see anthem in our everyday lives. When we are maybe walking through the hallways we see kids wearing some of the same style. Its like anthem because are society tries to control us. They have magazines saying that girls have to have a skinny body to long hair to this hair color to this size of pants. Some girls look to this as encouragement and they look at it as a popular person and they look up to a model on the internet that is totally photo shopped to look perfect. Guys are told to have this like super good body and have a six pack and everything like that.

Anonymous said...

Anthem is represented in everyday society, everyone is labeled by what they wear, what their personality is like and who they hang out with. The society in anthem is like our society because people are grouped together depending on who they are. Today when we see a magazine an there are girls with long hair and skinny and beautiful we want to be just like them.

Anonymous said...

I see anthem in my modern society in some laws such as the "guilty by association" law. The law shows that's ok are also responsible for what others do. I see Equality/Prometheus everywhere in my society because everyone is their own person. Society today shows the theme through advertisement. Advertisements say that we should all buy a certain product to fit in and in the novel the government makes it so everyone is the same.

Anonymous said...

I see Anthem in my modern society by the laws we follow. If we break a law we must pay the price and get punished. When Equality gets in trouble he was put into jail like many people today who break laws and get in trouble.

Anonymous said...

Today in our modern society I see "the anthem" in our laws and our rules. We have rules in school and laws in society and in some ways they prohibit us from being ourselves, just like how equality is prohibited from being himself. I also see it in the society because people are scared to be themselves because they don't want to be judged or ridiculed for it.

Anonymous said...

In our modern society Anthem is shown everywhere. There are some people that are not afraid to express themselves and their opinions. But todays society wants us to believe that you should do things or think a certain way. People in todays society are scared to be themselves in fear of being judged.

Anonymous said...

In my life I see Anthem in like makeup ads, because it tells women that they wont be pretty with out it and every guy just wants you to be pretty. In life people just want to be loved and to feel "love" but we believe that in order to do that we have to change almost everything about yourself in order to fit in. I'm not saying that we want everyone to look the same, but we want woman to act the same and all where makeup. With that i would like to welcome you to a world where being yourself isnt good enough

Anonymous said...

I see Anthem in a lot of pieces of literature and other entertainment forms, it actually remands me a lot of the book The Giver by Lois Lowry because of the main characters ability to break free from controlling societies. In The Giver, Jonas, the main character is from a society that lacks color (like in Anthem) and restrains people from being different (ALSO like Anthem). The two books can be related in many aspects and when I thought of Anthem relations, The Giver came to mind first.

Anonymous said...

Today Anthem is everywhere you look. Everything any one does is based on others opinions. We are scared to show who we really are because we don't want to be judged in bad ways. We blend into society and keep to ourselves trying to please the world instead of ourselves.

Anonymous said...

In "Anthem" Equality and his friends are conflicted with the ideas of right and wrong, equality, love, freedom and others. Although our society is much better at many of these things we still struggle like in "Anthem". Anthem also struggles with social classes and choice. For example the council has more influence than the street sweepers and no one can choose anything for themselves; not their colleges, job or even education. Our society struggles more with the social classes and when you are born in poverty or have a hard family circumstance it is hard to get out of.

Anonymous said...

I see Anthem in the people that walk the streets, go to school, and work. It’s the people that don’t express themselves. They are aren't true to who they really are. Being afraid to be yourself, causes you to lose the personality that you were born with. This reminds me of many situations in books. One book that I have on my mind is Divergent. The people have to chose what faction they will live with for the rest of their life. Everyone is under control and have to do what they are told.

Anonymous said...

In modern society I see Anthem as the political aspects of our government. When we see the political commercials they are always stating that they will fix our society. They are using the word “we” as something that we all can be benefited by or that will help us greatly. By doing this they are helping themselves without a “we” to become what they want to be. They are not benefiting all they are using others to push themselves up. Also on the news all people are saying how we need more of a charity case to help others in need to make all economic equal. The issue with all of this is that we have a huge income gap and it causes major problems that we can’t always fix.

Anonymous said...

In modern society there are so many way that Anthem can relate to. One idea that Anthem shares with today is that there is always the fight to see if the government has to much control. This was one of the ideas of why Rand wrote the book Anthem because she felt the government was to controlling. Not only in our government that we relate to Anthem, but with schooling. In the book it explains how everything is white, in our schools thats how everything is. We have white walls and bland desks. Anthem they don't have any control but we have some control but how much control do we have? There are so many little ideas that relate to Anthem, but I do think things have changed from the time Anthem was written.

Anonymous said...

In our modern day society, we see Anthem everywhere. Whether we’re walking through the hallways in school or the streets in the city. Our society that we live in today is controlling in some way or another. There are magazines that tell people you must wear this, you must look like this, you have to do this because it’s what everybody else is doing. People have the choice they can follow what the magazine says or they can choose if don’t. The people who decide to follow what the magazine says chooses to be controlled by the society, but the people who don’t choose to follow the magazine chooses to be who they want to be. They won’t care if they are different from everyone else different is a spectacular thing. It defines an individual and what their personality is like. Like in Anthem, Equality struggles to find who he is as an individual because he lives in a society who doesn't support individualism or collectivism. In the end, Anthem is found everywhere in our society today and people have the decision to make their own choices or follow what everyone else is doing and be controlled.

Anonymous said...

Like the society in Anthem, it is shown up in our day to day modern lives. Weather that is for what we are wearing, what sports or instruments we like to play, who we hang out with... groups are all around us. I think our modern life is very equal to what the book Anthem is saying, people are almost defined by what they where and who they hang out with. Just like in Anthem there are many groups and they make up the society. There is also laws that define us, for example in some schools there is uniforms. They do not have their own style, personality, because everyone is wearing the same thing. In our modern life I think it has aspects of the society in Anthem, where they call each other by numbers and not names. Our society has not gotten to be with that many rules, but there is small aspects that make a bigger ones that makes it seem like our society is beginning to look like Anthem.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In our modern society, I believe that we see connections to Anthem everyday. People in society don't always realize that they can be their own person and they don't have to do what people tell them to do. Also, Anthem reminds me of society because it can relate to other books that are popular right now. It can show relations because Anthem and books today show a lot of discrimination and inequality. These books also show segregation against certain people who aren't necessarily considered as important as others.

Anonymous said...

In our modern society I see Anthem in many new movies such as Maze Runner or Divergent. These movies show segregation and judgement against certain people because of their differences. Also in The Giver everyone is seen the same person and only one or two people stand out from the rest.

Anonymous said...

In our modern society Anthem is related to the society because it relates to many books and modern movies. One movie that it relates to is the Maze Runner because it is set sorta in the future. Also in the movie Divergent they are both highly discriminated and judgement against people because of their differences. It also remiss me of other countries because they punish for different things that shouldn't be punished for

Anonymous said...

I see Anthem in modern society because some of the popular books and movies such as Maze Runner and Divergent. I also see Anthem in maybe some of the other countries because- some countries might punish for nonpunishable things.

Anonymous said...

Anthem in our modern society is much like going along we what you are told and not thinking differently. Equality is a-lot like the kid in school or overall life who doesn't it in and stands out from everyone else. Equality is someone no one will ever forget because he made himself different from the others.Others feel because he stands out he is weird or doesn't belong much like people in modern society who don't blend so there looked down on. Anthem clearly represent modern society and how people separate themselves from he norm.-Lauren C

Anonymous said...

The book, Anthem the people are segregated. I related this book to The Giver because people didn't really have identities in the beginning of the book and near the end of the book, there was that one person who wanted to do things differently. I also related Anthem to Divergent and Maze Runner because of the segregation.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Anthem is shown in many modern movies and books such as divergent, and the giver. Divergent is like Anthem because these people are segregated in to different groups as done in anthem, and in divergent you stepped out of place or you were different you would receive a disciplined action as done in anthem. In Giver they have a very strict government and when disobeying them you are risking your life and the people they love lives.

Anonymous said...

I see Anthem in many places in my modern society. The society's are alike in many ways. In both society's the try to tell people who they are and what they need to be. In Anthem there whole lives and where they will end up in life is all based upon their society. You have a group name and the councils will choose your fate. In our modern society there are many of the same expectations. It tries to dictate who you need to be, especially for girls. Out hair needs to be long and perfect everyday. We need to have painted nails at all time and the tips of our hair needs to be an outrageous color. We are expected to do so much just to please the people in our society or we aren't "worth it". Equality is just like the people who go against society today. These people are the ones who follow their own path and do what they do not what others expect them to do. These people are going against the flow of the crowd. Many times this is due to an idea that society does not except just like in Anthem when Equality tries to give their light to the Council but they decline the gift and think they should be punished for thinking they are better. Anyone who thinks they are better than the rest in our modern society are conceded and we must not speak of them. It is hard to go against society and everyone else and just make your own decisions, but Equality and the Golden ones got away, so maybe we can too.

Anonymous said...

Anthem is shown in our modern society when certain people try to rule over everyone and tell them what to do. For example in our modern day, North Korea is run by a dictatorship that controls everything about them. How they look, eat, live, survive is all controlled by their leader, exactly like it is in Anthem. In our society, they teach that we have to act a certain way and look "perfect" in order to fit in with everyone else. Our view of "perfection" are very different than a lot of other countries or other peoples views. Equality stands up for individuality and we need to do the same in our society because if everyone is alike we will never learn how to work and compromise.