Thursday, October 31, 2013

Shall This Pass In "Anthem?"

How does This To Shall Pass by Okay Go exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society? Please include one quotation from Anthem within your response. This blog response should be completed in class by October 31st.


Anonymous said...

What is in this video that isn't in anthem? They are being so creative and coming up with new ideas and everything! It's so cool! Anthems society is no creativity and everything is the same. You can't have any intresting ideas. Equality would ADORE this video because he Actually wants to learn and wants to know more!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that the video represents what what Anthem is missing in their society. People put a lot of work and thought into the video and what happened in it. Anthem is very plain and doesn't have a lot of enthusiasm or creativity and color in their community. I think Equality and Liberty would really like this video and this concept of color and creativity.

Anonymous said...

"This Too Shall Pass" is the antithesis of "Anthem" and is so because they are freely having fun and not worrying about being persecuted while Equality had to worry about things like that as Equality states that “To be free, a man must be free of his brothers." and in the video none of the members are doing the same thing and are having different things happen to them and getting paint shot at them. Something like that was forbidden from the society of "Anthem".

Anonymous said...

I think this is like anthem because they are working together and using creativity.

Anonymous said...

The music video exhibits creativity and expression, which Anthem's society does not preach. In the book, Equality was forced to live in a society where no one had individuality or personal satisfaction both mentally and physically, and this video represents the side of Equality that was shunned by his society. He had appreciation for doing tasks in unique ways, and enjoyed increasing his knowledge in the seemingly unknown, and the video shines a light on that side of him. Society would not support the kind of effort and creativity that was put into such a simple task, but Equality admired it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This video has SO MUCH creativity and people worked together to make something beautiful and creative happens. This is the exact opposite of Anthem because in that society you are not allowed to think beyond the youngest/ dumbest person or beyond what your expected. Equality would have loved this video because it's the opposite of what he has ever known. "What-even if we have to burn for it at the Saint of the pyre- What is the unspeakable word?" Equality would die for creativity.

Anonymous said...

This video shows the value of creativity and ingenuity. Anthem 7-2521 would have enjoyed this video, and found hope in it. "We created it." pg. 59 This shows his great pride in creativity.

Anonymous said...

This represents the opposite of anthem because everything in Anthem is the same, nobody is different and they are used to doing the same things over and over but in this video it is spontaneous and you don't know what you are going to see next, for instance, there is a part in the video where they use a globe to roll down some poles and I was thinking during the video what made them have that idea. In Anthem, it says, "There is no such thing as a collective brain."(Pg. 1) But in the video, to come up with this long chain of reactions, they must have had many collective brains thinking of the different things they could have done.

Anonymous said...

shall this pass has a lot of creativity unlike anthems society. Even though Equality 7-2521 wanted to express himself it was not aloud. Equality 7-2521 would have loved to make this but it was a super strict. This video was so different for anthem because it was all about thinking and individuality and in anthem equality says, "it is a sin to think."

Anonymous said...

This would not pass in Anthem because of its dialog. The council would not let that get approved. The town would like the video because it is different and maybe the town is ready and we all no Equality is ready for it.

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass by Okay exhibits the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society by the video and the creativity and thinking that went behind the video. The society in Anthem is the opposite... There is no creativity and individuality in their society. The engineers had worked for hours and hours everyday trying to think outside the box and be creative to pull it off. They had a goal to reach at the end, and in Anthem, nobody has a goal for even life in general. A quote from the book that exhibits no new ideas and no creativity in the society is, . “Many men in the Homes of the Scholars have had strange new ideas in the past . . . but when the majority of their brother Scholars voted against them, they abandoned their ideas, as all men must.” It's saying that the scholars had new ideas but when someone doesn't like the idea because it's new and different, they must abandon it forever and just forget about.

Anonymous said...

"Shall This Pass" is a creative video, different from anything else on the web, which currently has control over us. "Anthem" is about a place that is different, but bland. They are not creative, they do not branch out and try new things, or take risks.

Anonymous said...

“This Too Shall Pass” by Okay Go is the antithesis to “Anthem” because the whole video is based on creativity. The way they made everything connect and work together to make that whole video in just one take, took a lot of thinking and creativity. In “Anthem’s” society, ideas like the ones shown in this video would never be tolerated, and none of the citizens would ever really think to try something like that. “It is a sin to think words no others think..” (Rand 17). Equality says this on the first page of the story, and it shows exactly how different he thinks than the members of Okay Go do. They come up with these amazing ideas that millions of Americans watch in awe, and Equality isn’t even allowed to think anything separate from his peers. Despite his society’s conflicting views, I think Equality would appreciate this video because he wants to break away from being the same as everyone else, and he wants to have his own, amazing ideas.

Anonymous said...

This video is a lot like the American society because it expresses creativity, and the challenge to do the impossible. Okay Go took this video in one take, something that a lot of other people would never think possible. The American people love to discover and create new ideas. This is the complete opposite of Anthem, because everyone in that society is not aloud to have a mind or a sense of purpose because that is deemed evil.

Anonymous said...

The song and video Shall This Pass is like Anthem because it has so much creativity and Equality is so creative and out going and wants to express himself, and that's exactly what the people in the video are doing.

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass by Okay Go exhibits the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society by showing individual creativity. Each person that contributed to this video had a creative idea, with their own innovations and plans. Equality would have enjoyed this video immensely. It is so the opposite of the theme of Anthem. The quote, “There is nothing to take a man’s freedom away from him, save other men (pg. 101),” tells of how the freedom to express yourself can only be suppressed by other humans. This music video was a huge group project.

Anonymous said...

This video has no relation to anthem. This videos is a root gold burg machine and anthem is a story about a society being controlled?

Anonymous said...

I feel like this video and Anthem are completely opposite. This video is full of creativity to where Anthem is full of organization and one right way. Also in this book everyone seems so happy with themselves and their lives and in Anthem they can only be happy with reasoning.

Anonymous said...

The anthem society thinks that there is only one way to live and one way to do things. I think Equality would appreciate this because he came to realize that there are many ways to live out side of the box.. And there are many ways to do things other than what normally just happens..

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass by Okay Go exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society because in this video it shows how they all were creative. In Anthem everyone had their jobs set like street sweepers or very intelligent people. Everyone in the Anthem society can't express what they feel and they cant be smarter than any other person in class. Also they can't be creative. Equality would really like this because he is very intelligent and likes to be creative.

Anonymous said...

In the society in Anthem, creativity is basically shut down at all times. The people want things to stick to a certain way and don't want anything new. Even if it is a great invention or discovery they won't appreciate it and probably get mad like they did at Equality when he brought them the light. Basically, the video and anthem have nothing in common.

Anonymous said...

This video is the antithesis of Anthem because is showcases creativity, whereas Anthem's society bands it. In the quote, "There is no such thing as a collective brain," but obviously there is a group of people in Anthem making decisions, and in the video there is a group of people working together to make everything work like a machine.

Anonymous said...

The video and Anthem are extremely different! The Council in Anthem forbids creativity. The society is made up of people that are nearly the same. No one is different, and no one expresses who they are. In the video the creativity does not end. The video displays color and life; whereas, Anthem shows people who live a dark, draining life.

Anonymous said...

I think that that this video is showing what anthem is missing because in this video they are able to show off that they are intelligent and that they are creative but in anthem Equality is not able to act smart or be creative. There for i think it shows what anthem is missing.