Thursday, October 24, 2013

"Highway" and "Anthem?"

How does Highway exemplify a theme within Anthem?  Please comment thoughtfully regarding our class discussion. This blog is due today by 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...

High way and Anthem have many similarity with there themes. High way has someone in the picture that is stopping the other people from driving in there cars. This is similar to Anthem because people were always controlled in Anthem.The person stopping the cars might represent the councils in Anthem. There is really no freedom in the art peace or the story Anthem.

Anonymous said...

This picture it shows how the road is blocked off and the cars are forced to go in a certain direction... It may not be the direction that they want to go... This relates to anthem because equality wants to be so much but he is confined to being a street sweeper.

Anonymous said...

"Highway" connects with "Anthem" in multiple ways of which we spoke of. We talked about how the person in black has no face and is energetic about what they're doing and how it can connect with the council leading the society to stand still. We mentioned how they were people in the background in another car that could be Equality and the Golden One and how those in the cars in front of the person in black all have the same faces and how that could relate to those who are stuck following the council.

Anonymous said...

The man holding up the sign: council, they are in charge and hiding themselves
The cars: there are 2 groups of cars also representing the groups they put the people in
They are making them stop, just like in anthem they always control them.

Anonymous said...

The picture "Highway" refers to "Anthem" because the guy stopping all the cars is like the council, he controls everything that they do and can stop them even in the middle of the road. The council is also faceless like it the book. He do not know what they look like, but only that they are old and 'cracked.'The cars represent each group, like equality. They are controlled by the council and they are separated by color. There are red and blue cars in the picture. The people in the cars do have a face so that we can see what the look like and can describe them ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I think Highway helps to exemplify the theme of Anthem because it's showing that people are on a highway which is used to get places and you're encouraged to use a highway if you're driving. I think it relates to Anthems theme because it's showing that the Earth is a place to make progress and move forward but people are blocking them and making no progress at all and this is what is happening in the Highway picture.

Anonymous said...

The theme of the art piece "Highway" shows aspects of the theme of Anthem in many ways. The man dressed in black, causing the cars to halt on the highway can be related to the Council controlling the citizens of Anthem's society. And the similar appearances of the people in the cars in Highway represent how most people living in Anthem's society had never seen their reflections, or themselves at all for that matter, so they probably thought they all looked the same, also having to do with the fact that the Council always believed in equality amongst all men and women.

Anonymous said...

The painting Highway relates to anthem in many ways. There is a man in the middle directing traffic and he represents the council. All the cars represent the people of the society being controlled and they aren't very happy but they can’t say anything about it. Also the people have to go with it and obey because otherwise they would the roads would be crazy in the picture.

Anonymous said...

Highway and Anthem are both examples of non-progression. They are both very behind in what society is now. Anthem is very equal and no one knows just about anything. They are taught that they are less important than their brothers and shouldn't be selfish. Highway is very late. Highways today are now busy and a main sense of transportation. There aren't that many streetlights or crosswalks. There are definitely not people guiding cars to two different paths because they would get run over. All in all both of them are just not what our community is now.

Anonymous said...

The connection between Highway and Anthem is very profound. The authority who is stopping the cars, appears to be faceless. I think that he hiding from his sins because he knows what he is doing is wrong. The people in the car are being herded like herds of cattle to believe in a society that they don't necessarily believe in. There is a first group of cars that may be brainless and ego less, and follow the society without question. However, there is a car a few feet back from the first group that appears to be out of the group. This could represent Equality, and how he doesn't believe in the values of his society, and who wants to get away.

Anonymous said...

The picture “Highway,” when examined closely, demonstrates a lot of characteristics from the novel “Anthem.” One thing that really stood out to me was that the cars are being controlled by a faceless human, sort of like the society in “Anthem” is controlled by a faceless Council. The Council makes all the society’s decisions, and most of the time the reasoning isn’t clear. Another thing the painting displays is two cars heading to the right of the road, while a third car is being forced to the left, even though this may not be the path it wants to take. This corresponds with the events in “Anthem” because in Equality’s society, the Council members make all decisions regarding jobs and housing for the men. Equality really wants to be a scholar, but the Council tells him he is to be a street-sweeper, and he has to obey, even though that is the very opposite of what he wants to do.

Anonymous said...

Highway has a lot of similarities to Anthem. Like in highway they have a figure stopping everyone just like in Anthem they have council to control them. Also They have groups of cars just like in Anthem they have groups of people. In Anthem they have no individualism and in this highway image they have two blue and one red car. In the highway image they have individualism yet they're still controlled by a figure.

Anonymous said...

Highway and Anthem are both examples of non-progression. They are both very behind in what society is now. Anthem is very equal and no one knows just about anything. They are taught that they are less important than their brothers and shouldn't be selfish. Highway is very late. Highways today are now busy and a main sense of transportation. There aren't that many streetlights or crosswalks. There are definitely not people guiding cars to two different paths because they would get run over. All in all both of them are just not what our community is now.

Anonymous said...

The image painted by George Tooker called “Highway” exemplifies a theme within the book Anthem in many ways. One way is the idea of individualism with the one red car in the front and the two blue cars in the back as a group. The people in the cars all look the same with the same expressions on their face, just like in the book how they all seem to look the same. The man holding the sign in the front could represent the council or society, because he is faceless and is controlling everyone and everything with the traffic. The man is also dressed in all grey and black which is very plain. The image and book are very similar in themes trying to get the point across with.

Anonymous said...

The novel "Anthem" and the image titled "Highway" are similar, and exemplify a theme of being restricted. They are not allowed to pass certain limits, and they are not able to do what they want when they want.

Anonymous said...

"Highway" relates to "Anthem" because of many little reasons. For example, There are 3 cars in the picture, and one is a different color and the guy is holding his hand up as if he is halting the one different car. Also, it could also be inferred that the guy is holding his hand up because he is showing the people that he controls what they do even though they can easily over power him and they have the potential to do what they want, hence the cars. It also seems as though both of the blue cars can continue down the different roads but the pink car cant go because it is different.

Anonymous said...

In the painting, "Highway" the cars are being stopped by an unknown higher power. The cars are unable to move foreword, go around or keep in motion. In the book, "Anthem" they are being told there life. They both are being told to do something and can't do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

Highway exemplifies the theme within anthem because it seems as if it's a very bland society. The people in the cars look the same, and their cars are similar. They are not aloud to move or change because of the mysteriously dressed person halting them from driving on. This is exactly like Anthem because people are continually held back from their full potential.

Anonymous said...

"Highway" and "Anthem" are related in many ways, especially in theme. Both are mysterious and leave the reader questioning. In "Anthem" the characters are described asone, you do not know their true identity. The "Highway" does not reveal the faceless man or his identity.

Anonymous said...

The Highway does exemplify the theme of Anthem. In the picture exemplifies how no one can choose their own jobs. Also it looks like the cars are going the way the person is pointing instead of them picking their own route in their cars. Another example is that the people in the cars are faceless. In my opinion this relates to Anthem because almost everyone is controlled by others and that is shown in the picture with the man telling them where to go.

Anonymous said...

There are many connections between Highway and Anthem. To begin, the people in the cars are being controlled by the faceless person in front. The faceless person is causing them to stop. The people may be driving different color cars; however, they all have the same face and do not display difference. They all look very similar, almost the same. The people in the car are all being controlled by the same person. This picture is greatly emplifies the theme of Anthem.

Anonymous said...

there are many connections between Anthem and highway. One example is the face less man, it relates to Anthem because everyone in Anthem has no personality or name.

Anonymous said...

the anthem and the highway are a lot a like they doth display that you must go along with the what rules where set for you yet in both there is someone who is different and is rebelling against what has been say for them to do