Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Anthem" Echoes And Reflections?

Where do you "see" Anthem in your modern society?  Characters? Theme(s)?  Philosophy?  Text(s), etc...  You may write about the challenging and wonderful elements within the text.  Please specifically qualify your ideas. This blog is to be completed during class on October 30, 2013.


Anonymous said...

I see anthem in our modern society through todays people. We are all so quick to judge if anyone is even a little bit different than ourselves. In anthem everyone was so quick to judge equality 7-2521 when he stood up to the council because it was so unheard of.

Anonymous said...

I see Anthem in my modern society in settings like jail or school. Everyone is treated equally in these establishments and are punished if they break rules or are out of line. Although everyone knows we are not completely equal, we are expected to act like we are. No one person is better than another. Sometimes people may feel like they are Equality 7-2521 because they could feel held back, and not given chances at their full potential.

Anonymous said...

I think Anthem is like our modern society because there are a lot of people in this society that thinks everyone should be the same to be normal. It is like our society because in Anthem everyone is equal, some people are like the supreme court because they say that to fit in you have to be the same as everyone else or your "evil" but modernly you just don't fit in, or your not "cool". That's how Anthem is our modern society.

Anonymous said...

I see anthem in our modern society by... school restrictions (dress code) and even just like the modern societies thought on body image. everyone needs to look perfect and stuff like that. I would definatley hate to live in a society like that because of such restrictions. Like new york is outlawing some size drink... so I mean if we think that is to much control the governement has on us now, than that society would be crazy because we wouldn't be able to do anything and i would feel so trapped.

Anonymous said...

In todays society you see judgment. Even here in a place founded by freedom and rights you see them being taken. With equality 7-2521 everyone knew he was wrong. Only because he knew what was wrong and went against the council. They judged. Today, everyone judges you for the littlest thing. We say our society is... well Anthem is no different. (Only it is...)

Anonymous said...

In todays society you see judgment. Even here in a place founded by freedom and rights you see them being taken. With equality 7-2521 everyone knew he was wrong. Only because he knew what was wrong and went against the council. They judged. Today, everyone judges you for the littlest thing. We say our society is... well Anthem is no different. (Only it is...)

Anonymous said...

In anthem every one is wanting you to conform. And in a way that is the same as in real life because the world is wanting us a ll to fit in and be perfect.

Anonymous said...

I see Anthem in our modern society in places like school and life in general. At school, there is always a routine, just like everyone does everyday with their jobs. Some schools have school uniforms that also relate to Anthem because they all have to wear the same thing. Anthem also is on our modern society by people always judging everyone. People are quick to judge other people rather than themselves. Everyone in life is equal, the opposite in what happened in Anthem. There was so much restriction in the Anthem society.

Anonymous said...

I think the society in Anthem reverberates through different religions, and places like churches. Not all churches, of course, but many church leaders are brain-washing their people into their own beliefs, instead of letting people think for themselves. I think a lot of religions are very controlling, and very much like the Council in Anthem.

Anonymous said...

I see Anthem in our society through out today's people. Most everyone make a quick judge like "oh he is weird" or "look she is overweight" they don't even get to know them to realize that they are nice and loving people and when Equality 7-2521 stood up to the council it really showed how true and honest he was about getting out of that community.

Anonymous said...

I see the themes of Anthem in my everyday life. All you have to do is look around to see the idea of equality. It is in schools, jobs, even the government believes that everyone should be treated equally. Saying that everyone should be treated the same way is foolish, because you come into this world having done nothing; the world owes you nothing. You should have to earn everything, including people's respect.

Anonymous said...

I see Anthem in our society world today a lot. Many judge each other on looks and we give each other worth based on our physical features. I feel our world and anthem are very alike and there's always that one person that see's the beauty of things and the world. There's always that person that comes up with things or simply says things that create happiness I guess you could say. In anthem they're labeled and many our labeled in our society today too.

Anonymous said...

I see anthem in our daily life's because i have noticed that you judge people every day. We see someone who acts different than us and we create all of these ideas on why they are not like us. We treat people who we don't know like someone with a number and we don't really care to get to known them

Anonymous said...

I see Anthem in our society world today a lot. Many judge each other on looks and we give each other worth based on our physical features. I feel our world and anthem are very alike and there's always that one person that see's the beauty of things and the world. There's always that person that comes up with things or simply says things that create happiness I guess you could say. In anthem they're labeled and many our labeled in our society today too.

Anonymous said...

Anthem can be seen everywhere at anytime in the modern society. There are schools who try to make students think and look the same, jobs that make people think and look the same, and god forbid you're walking around and you don't look like a more "average" person. You can see people like Equality as the people that stand up or do things in secret to be more creative. People work alike but then they go home and do their own thing and no one can take that from them. Anthem is just a more blown out version of our society and who knows if they'll push it closer and closer to the way anthem was.

Anonymous said...

I see “Anthem” in todays society because some people have this expectation that everyone should be the same. Sometimes, if anyone is even a little bit different, they are considered weird or uncool. Also, in school, they give us dress codes or uniforms to make us all alike, and for no one to feel left out or different. We are punished for breaking the rules, even though some of them may seem unnecessary. Some people may feel like Equality because they don’t get to show all their talents or be challenged or work to their full potential.