Monday, September 9, 2013


How does the Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relate to your world? Can his new exploits connect with your academic endeavors? Again, did he make you look twice? Did he inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed by Tuesday, September 10th, 2013 at 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I thought it was really cool how at the beginning of the video Danny would fall off of his bike, but after each fall he got back up and tried again. It is easy to see how people are inspired by this video. Some of the tricks he does are legitimately insane! I know I would never be able to do that, but his passion is what drives him to do better and better.

Anonymous said...

He did inspire me. He inspired me because he didn't know how to do that before. He had to practice and his practice made him better. When you train and practice you can accomplish a lot. I think that he can motivate me to do better academically by making me think that if I practice then I will do better and succeed.

Anonymous said...

This video is very inspiring. This guy shows us that ANYTHING is possible. He has broken bikes and bones, but he kept going. As a fighter, he shows me that the task you want to complete is 80% mental and 20% physical. You have to be hungry in your mindset to achieve any goal. With that type of paradigm, anything is possible.

Anonymous said...

Danny showed inspiring aspects in the video. It wasn't so much what he did, but it was more why he kept trying to achieve what he did. Even though at first he struggled with his tricks, he didn't quit. He kept trying and practicing until he was able to do those tricks, and that's what I thought was inspiring about the video.

Anonymous said...

That is truly AMAZING! i cant believe that he did all that. That's crazy! He must have practised so hard to do just one of those stunts!! He is probably so passionate about his biking that he just wants to do that all the time! i Know that I'm not very passionate about that stuff. Like if I mess up, I quit. Haha, which is really bad buts it's true. I didn't even know you could even do that.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relates to my world athletically and academically. One day, he could not do these skills and this. He had to work hard and had to keep trying and never give up. He worked at it and always tried his best. His new exploits connect with my academic endeavors by always trying my hardest and never giving up even if it gets tough. The end result will make everything worth it. Yes, he did make me look twice. The types of things he was doing with just a bike was amazing. He has amazing courage, bravery and triumph to do something like this. He inspired and motivated me to always work hard and always go for your dreams and just never give up. I really enjoyed this film and I’m inspired to work hard in everything that I do, academic and athletic wise.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill can inspire me because he is amazing at bike tricks. But in the beginning he didn't even know how to ride a bike, but he kept trying and never gave up. Even when he fell. That can relate to me because no matter what happens in school. If I get a bad grade I keep trying and never give up because something good will come out of it.He inspired me to never give up on what I love. Because the harder you try the faster you'll succeeded. This can be related back to my academic endeavors for never giving up in school, or in cheer, or in my career in my future. The theme of the video I think was to never give up no matter how hard it is. Because you can achieve anything you try to achieve.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill's Inspired Bicycles presentation relates to my world because he clearly does not want to give up. With every new trick that he completes, there are times when he was learning it, and failed or hurt himself trying. My academic endeavors relate to him quite well because I know I don't always do as well as I plan, and I have to work harder to get an equation right, or an essay written proficiently. This is extremely entertaining to watch, and inspiring even though I don't ride bikes competitively. Although I don't know his life story, he interests me and makes me want to do better in every aspect of my life.

Anonymous said...

This guy, is truly fearless. I mean, for him to do all of that made me get goose bumps. He truly understands the saying live each moment like its you last. And he's living it. I was inspired to continue to do that things I love. I mean, that's what he's doing right? He's a fighter. Broken bones. Broken, ruined bikes. That's not stopping him. It may slow him down with the broken bones, but like after a shark attack he gets back in the water. He is truly something. With so many words I'm too lazy to type that describe what he has shown in that video. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed this man makes me think twice. It is so hard to think that when he was about 7 or 8 he was just learning to ride a bike just like we where. It made me think about how even though it is hard in some subjects for me at school it just shows that if I try really hard than I can get what I want and I will always be able to be what I want to be if you just try. It really did motivate me to not give up on my dreams even if I get shot down or get hurt and I end up at the bottom he made me think that yes I can get back up and I will be able to start over again and I can get back on my feet and work my way to the top no matter how many people are a head of me I will be able to one day get there

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed this man makes me think twice. It is so hard to think that when he was about 7 or 8 he was just learning to ride a bike just like we where. It made me think about how even though it is hard in some subjects for me at school it just shows that if I try really hard than I can get what I want and I will always be able to be what I want to be if you just try. this does motive me to be how I am and to try.

Anonymous said...

I thought that it was really inspiring to watch the kid try and try again with succeeding until he did which I thought was really cool that how he pushed and strived to get as good as he is now.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill's bicycle tricks did inspire me. He never kept trying even though he had many difficulties. For example, injuries that could have been really bad. I know so many of have tred to do something but sometimes it does not come out so we just stop trying. I know I have done that in many occations. I thought that he was going to fall of many times though he never did at the end. So many people can learn from this experience.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Watching Danny McCaskill in his Inspired Bicycles presentation amazed me. At the beginning of the video, he would fall off his bike, but he just continued to try and try again, even though I’m sure it was easy to get discouraged. Watching his determination and dedication was really inspiring. I think I’ll keep this video in mind, for the the future, in school and athletics, when things get hard and it seems easier to just give up. It may not seem like it now, or in a moment where it gets hard to keep going, but the result in the end will pay off. Danny definitely made me look twice, and wonder how he was able to do those amazing stunts. If I work that hard at something I’m passionate about, maybe someday I’ll be like Danny McCaskill, inspiring people and doing things I never thought I could.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I suppose one way “Inspired Bicycles” can relate to my world is that I am now cosplaying and just a year ago I was not able to and didn’t really have the drive to. Now I’m going to the con for the second year in a row but this time I’m cosplaying and not alone! I wouldn’t say his exploits connect with my academic endeavors mainly because he trained to be able to do those tricks in general while I’ve just gone along with the school teaching pattern. He didn’t really make me look twice, I just gaped at most of his tricks. He didn’t do much to inspire or motivate me and I don’t really have any other reactions.

Anonymous said...

"Inspired Bicycle" reminded me of a quote that goes something like "Find something you're terrible at. Absolutely terrible at and even though you know you'll fail, try to be good at it. Why? Because then you'll learn that you can't be good at everything." I really liked the video.. That guy was so cool. I was amazing how he could do some much and he kept trying from the beginning to get to where he is now.

Unknown said...

This video inspired me because he tried and tried but couldn't get it. But in the end he became famous for something that at one point he couldn't do. I wonder what would have happened had he just given up. This video inspired me to keep trying because at one point what i do may pay off in the long run.

Anonymous said...

This video was very inspiring because even when he fell he kept trying. I think everyone can learn from their mistakes and that is exactly what he did. He had to work hard and keep practicing. No matter what happened he kept going. I think that if we really try we can accomplish things like that.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation does indeed relate to my world. I am sure that he had been told that he can’t do it because he isn’t good enough. I can relate because I want to be in the Tour Orchestra next year, but no one thinks I can do it because I am really young and I am sitting towards the back of the Conservatory Orchestra. I believe that hard work and love for the music can get me there next year. When it comes to academics, I really didn’t connect, maybe I should have . . . Because of this video, I am even more inspired to play cello on a world tour to Italy, Germany, China, South America, and France. I can do this!

Anonymous said...

“Inspired Bicycles” was a very impressive video. While watching it, I began to think about how much he put into this. It is obviously very dangerous and there is a large amount of risk involved. Nobody is born with that kind of talent, it takes so much hard work and hours of dedication. Yes he did fall, but he kept getting back up and trying. This applies to so much in life, and it makes me want to go out there and pursue something, and put that much time and passion into it.

Anonymous said...

This video was really inspiring. It showed that even the hardest challenges can be done if you work hard and keep trying. I know that when he started doing all those tricks he probably failed many times. But yet he kept going. Now he is the person he is today. It also showed me that practice can make you so much better at what you do. I really liked the video.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I thought it was cool how every time he fell down the next thing you know he was back up doing it again. He wasn't going to fail he was going to try and try again till he go it right. Each time he did his tricks it was scary to watch but to think about it was really cool. Now if I practice everyday I will succeed in the one thing I love