Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What Are You Thinking?

Do the Did You Know 2.0? and Did You Know 4.0? and Did You Know 5.0? presentations make you think? How might this impact your academics and view of the world? Please respond to this blog post by 2:30p.m. Friday, August 23rd, 2013.


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Anonymous said...

hello there outside world.

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Anonymous said...

While I watched the videos Did You Know 2.0 and Did You Know 4.0 a lot was going through my mind. Yes, it did make me think. I never really thought of any of those statistics about social media. Social media and the internet are literally turning into everybody’s life. In almost every single subject at school, we use the internet and some form of social media. This might impact my academics and the view of the world by giving me so much more information and updated information than any other book could ever give me right now. If you have a question about a science question that you’re confused on, you could just type it up in Google and have the answer in less than half a second. The amount of people that have social media and use it daily is just mindblowing, but very helpful to many people with their jobs and even school.

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Unknown said...

The did you know 2.0 and the did you know 4.0 videos were really interesting. It had never really occurred to me that so many people use electronics and internet every day. It was crazy to see the numbers and statistics on these things. Sure people can say well what would we do with out the internet and with out electronics. But when you go back a couple hundred years when they didn't have these things the were just fine. People back then actually used books and wrote letters to people instead of sending a text message.And instead of going to google for an answer they actually had to do some hard core research. I honestly think that the world would be better in so many ways if we didn't have the internet or electronics. But also in so many ways the world wouldn't be the amazing (in some ways) place it is today with out all of the technology we have. Over all the videos were really insightful with all of the interesting facts.

Anonymous said...

The Did You Know presentations made me think about the world and how rapidly technology is taking over. This will impact my academics because I now know that there are more places to go to get information online, but also that there is still very valuable information in books. This will also impact my view of the world because I will be aware that there are continuously more sources on the internet, and it is indeed growing every second. I am now aware that books and newspapers are still important; therefore, I need to use them and take advantage of them when I can.

Anonymous said...

The videos really make you think about the world and how much it's changed over such a short amount of time. A lot of the facts in the videos were both surprising and interesting. Academics will probably grow and branch off into new subjects soon. When showed some of these facts you really need to just sit there and think that it's true and that's how the world is nowadays. I haven't been around to terribly long but a lot has changed over the time that I have existed and sometimes they've been good changes but others have been quite bad. As the years go on my views will continue to change as will everyone's no matter what. With technology continuing to become bigger parts of important material such as education and health, people need to set a limit for how much is needed for certain parts of life. Sometimes people don't have much to do outside of technology and that's okay as long as they don't spend their entire lives with it. With all the changes happening every second there's no way to properly estimate an exact time for something to happen. It could happen earlier than expected, it could happen later, or maybe it'll fall into the expected time area but we don't know until it happens.

Anonymous said...

These videos were about how technology has altered our point of of life in general. Technology plays a big part in shaping our education. We have the world in our pockets, laptops to research anything we desire. Also, if we didn't have technology and how it has advanced with a short 13+ years, a lot of our accomplishments wouldn't exist. For example, without i phones, how would we be able to communicate in class through text message? ;) just kidding... but see those kinds of hings wouldn't occur if we had technology.

Anonymous said...

The videos really got me thinking on how much technology has altered our life. In a few years we will be going from cell phones to tiny computer chips wired in our brains. It just shows how much humans are advancing in technology in such a short period of time. I realize that if other people can be this smart, than I can too in terms of academics. Humans wouldn't be where we are to today if we were always getting down on ourselves and saying we couldn't do something. All students, including myself, should take a different approach to school and try and do what they think would be impossible for them to do

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Anonymous said...

Watching Did You Know 2.0? really made me think about how major technological advances have changed our everyday lives. When our parents were in school, they didn’t have computers in every classroom to rely on. They had to use a dictionary to look up words, or go to the library to do research. The technology we have available to us at school truly amazes me! I think my view on the world will change a little bit, because now I realize how talented and intelligent the human race is, to go from computers the size of a classroom to computers that weigh just a few pounds. It makes me wonder where we will be technologically in twenty years, and how different it will be. The improvements in technology will affect my education, too, because by simply typing in a subject on Google I can find so much more information than I would ever find in one book.

Anonymous said...

Watching did you know 2.0. It made me like realize how much technology has impacted our world. Like i have an iphone and ipad and whatnot and its so helpful and fun to have those things. My middle school changed over to everyone having ipads last year and it made things so much easier. We could just take a picture of the math assignment on the board. Its amazing that 92% (i dont remember the exact percent) of the adults in the world own a cell phone. You almost need a cell phone to communicate for pickup at the end of the day. Like how did our parents do that without a cell phone! i would feel so uncomfortable!!

Anonymous said...

Also i think so many people aren't going to be as educated as they were 20 years ago even 10 years ago when all the inventions weren't around. Like Riley said, you can just type something in google and you instantly get your answer instead of going and actually doing research at the library. Like righting something down makes such a bigger impact in your mind than just snapping a picture with your ipad.

Anonymous said...

Watching Did You Know 2.0 and Did You Know 4.0 really astonished me! I wasn't necessarily surprised about all that information but the concept of it was pretty shocking. Our world is changing so much and so fast. Technology has some advantages and disadvantages; however, the way that the video described it, it showed how humans were almost being taken over by technology. Also, how much Twitter, Facebook, etc. have grown is ridiculous! People go on social media so frequently, and to imagine how much that is going to grow in the next few years and generations is even more outrageous. For some reason social media is a lot more fun and a lot less productive than doing other things. It is very tempting but time-wasting! I wish there was something that could be done but the people who see this video and want things to change are probably outnumbered by the people who've seen this video and don't care.

Anonymous said...

Did you know 4.0 was very educational am I am glad I watched it because it shows how much the worlds technology has changed and what it might turn into some day.

Anonymous said...

After watching the two did you know videos a lot went through my mind. I never completely realized how much technology had taken over and grown since before it existed and when it was even invented. More and more people engage in technology every day. It has us almost whipped. I know that I don't know what I would do without my phone or even a computer. Life would be a whole lot different without it. But in some ways it would be a lot better for the environment and community. People could be more involved with other things if they didn't have to worry about coming home to get on the computer or to connect with friends on their phone. But also, Technology has made things a lot easier. Whenever you need to call somebody, its just a few taps away and you are instantly talking to the person you needed. It also makes school work a lot easier because you can share your work to your teachers and even blog for class! I think that technology has made a good yet bad impact on the world. And it may only grow to become worse or better.

Anonymous said...

After watching the Did You Know 2.0 and Did You Know 4.0 it really amazed me how much a computer and a phone is used more than a television. Now that the phones have web we tend to use it even more. These are more useful then any computer but, you can never replace a computer. It is helpful to many people through out work and school.

Anonymous said...

The did you know 2.0 video made me think about how many people are actually using the same technology as me. When I'm on my phone I don’t think about how many individuals are using the same device as me. It also made me realize that as technology resources go up many of the old things like mail and newspaper production is going down. It was very interesting to see how just in this year alone peoples use of technology is increasing.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

After watching the two videos, I realized how much humans are relying on technology. I found myself wondering what would happen if I didn’t use any technology one day? Honestly, I don’t think I could do it. I am on my phone so much, and I rely on Google for well, almost everything. The world is completely and entirely changing because of technology, and I can’t imagine what will happen next. In 50 years, will people wake up and read the Sunday paper? Or will they somehow know exactly what is going on due to the chip that is implanted in their head? Technology is controlling us in a way.

Anonymous said...

In the beginning I had never heard of the Presentation 2.0, 4.0, 5.0 so after watching this it really opened up my eyes. I never would have thought more people would spend more time on the internet than on the t.v. Also I never thought that people could send so many text in a month but the more I realize it becomes more and more possible after every text I send. This has changed my whole outlook on the world it makes me realize how consumed everyone is in there technology witch in the end has its Pro's and Con's

Anonymous said...

These videos impacted my thoughts on academics and my view of the world A LOT. It was a real eye opener to see how far we have come from even 10 or 20 years ago. This is a scary yet hopeful thought to me because we don't know anything about what our world will be like in 40 years, yet we don't know what it will even be like in 10 years. We could have holographic computers or TV's or anything electronic. We could even be dead because of how much power the human race has, that we could end up taking advantage of it too much. Or we could even find a way to keep our sun from eventually exploding; however, how much more can the human race possibly invent? Even though that is the thought of humans 100 years ago. I learned in History that when the Europeans were thinking about traveling to America for the first time, they thought of it as we think of going to the moon today. But considering how much we have been advancing, we could live on the moon in 100 years. It is a very scary and mysterious thought!

Anonymous said...

The Did You Know 2.0 and Did You Know 4.0 presentations did make me think, mainly because it explains how social networking and other technology through the Internet has changed our whole planet. They both explained how its impacted us in both a positive and negative way. Overall the were very interesting videos, and provided a fresh reminder about how far our world has come.

Anonymous said...

I never knew about these until the videos. There very interesting. I think all the new electronics will really help with school. We can get apps and use websites to learn. We can help the world with all the new technology.

Anonymous said...

I loved that you showed us those "Did You Know?" videos! It really opens up your eyes and mind to what is going on in the world. It is amazing to see how much people really use, how often certain sites are visited, and how many people are effected by the things that we use in everyday life.

Anonymous said...

I think that the Did you know 2.0 and the Did you know 4.0 gives really interesting facts and its about things that are small but really interesting. It puts things in a different view and doesn't discuss the big topics that society debates about and lays doen that facts about

Anonymous said...

While watching the videos in class I started to wonder. Some many people have to try hard on their academic studies. Most of the world is becoming so technological. Before anyone knows it  the whole world is going to be controlled by electronic things.The world be probably never have any jobs that wouldn't be controlled by a robot or something electronic.

Anonymous said...

Watching did you know 2.0 really made me think. I never realized how much time we spend on our electronics every day. It was interesting to see how much time an ordinary person spends on the internet on a daily basses. Also it was cool to see how much electronics have changed our world in the past 50 years. I think that it was a good wakeup call telling us what is happening to the world and it helped me predict how the world will be in 50 years.

Anonymous said...

Watching did you know 2.0 really made me think. I never realized how much time we spend on our electronics every day. It was interesting to see how much time an ordinary person spends on the internet on a daily basses. Also it was cool to see how much electronics have changed our world in the past 50 years. I think that it was a good wakeup call telling us what is happening to the world and it helped me predict how the world will be in 50 years.