Thursday, September 13, 2012


How does the Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relate to your world? Can his new exploits connect with your academic endeavors? Again, did he make you look twice? Did he inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed by Friday, September 14th, 2012 at 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill "Inspired Bicycles" presentation relates to my world because my mom keeps on telling me that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. But if anyone told me someone could do these tricks that Danny did I would think "Really, I doubt it". So this really shows me that anything is possible, which motivates me to follow my dreams even if they seem unreasonable.

Anonymous said...

"Inspired" By Danny McCaskill relates to my world because my friends keep telling me, I should continue my writing. I wasn't sure if I should but when I saw this video it made me think that I should try writing again. So it shows me that I shouldn't give up on something I truly like, I should just keep trying in order to get what I want.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill "Inspired Bicycles" presentation relates to me and my determination toward soccer. He showed us we can do anything we want to as long as we set our minds to it. Danny did some pretty scary and hard tricks with his bike but putting his mind to made him succeed. This video taught me that we should never give up on our dreams. He inspired me to work harder toward my dreams.

Anonymous said...

The video we watched with Danny McCaskill inspired me because even though I can not ride my bike like he does, it shows that if you work hard you can achieve great things. This inspires me to work hard at what ever I do because he gets hurt a lot but still gets back on his bike and tries until he gets it.

Anonymous said...

When I saw the man on the bike, I thought that he was crazy. It was so amazing to watch him do a backflip off of a tree. This made me feel like I should go outside and try. Now obviously I can't do that, but it made me want to go practice something that I can do, like soccer. It amazes me how when I see someone do an amazing trick, it makes me want to go practice my soccer tricks. This video was mind blowing, and now I feel like really anything is possible.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill's video "Inspired Bicycle" relates to my life through the sense of perseverance and never giving up. Everybody goes through a time in their life where there is a struggle that they have to get through it and there is a time during that struggle that they want to give up. The "Insprired Bicycles" presentation showed an individual begginning to attempt a bicycle tricks and after plenty of failed attempts, you can see how determined this individual becomes. This presentation taught me that any person you look up to started where you started. Everybody starts at ground level and through perserverance and deteremination that is how you grow. The amazing cyclist that was shown in the presentation wasn't born amazing and couldn't do all of those tricks out of luck, he could do all of those tricks because he worked for them and didn't stop until he achieved them. This presentation can relate to my academics in a sense of never giving up. If you have a bad grade here and there, don't let that stop you, don't let that get you down. You always have to keep trying and perservering when there's a bump in the road. I feel motivated after thing this because it is proof that everybody struggles to get to the top and through dedication and perserverance it is possible.

Anonymous said...

The "Inspired Bicycles" presentation by Danny McCaskill relates to my world because you can tell in his video that he obviously loves what he does and was following his dream. I want to be a professional dancer in a company when I'm older and that requires a lot of hard work and dedication, which you can tell is what he also went through to get to where he is now.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill "Inspired Bicycles" video inspired me to reach for my goals. It was really amazing how he could do some of those tricks and it proves that anything is possible. It motivates me to do the impossible. I have had some goals in life that seem to be unreachable or hard to complete. But seeing what this guy accomplished, I feel that if he could do those tricks, so can I in my own goals. I feel more secure knowing that it takes many falls for some of the greatest people to get where they are, but eventually they will reach their goals in life. It is a truly inspiring video.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill "Inspired Bicycles" presentation inspired me and showed me that things that seem to be impossible can be achieved with practice and hope. This video motivates me to try new things and to not give up because you can achieve anything if you try hard. It also shows me that when you believe in yourself, you accomplish your goals. I am inspired to try new things and follow through with what I put my mind to.

Anonymous said...

The bicycle story inspired me a lot to never give up on your dreams and that you can do whatever you want as long as you put your mind to it. And always practice and keep trying. Because for example the guy had to have put a lot of time and effort into doing all those cool bicycle tricks but he probably messed up a lot and got frustrated. Now look at where he is. You can do whatever you want as long as you put your mind to it.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill video inspired me by showing that hard work really does pay off. Even though I don't want to do crazy things on my bike I do want to succeed in my classes and in high school in general so I can go to college. I'm sure that Danny McCaskill didn't always succeed at doing his tricks and if I get a bad grade or something then I just keep going until I succeed in the end. The video showed me that if I work hard enough then I can make that happen.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill"Inspired Bicycle"video didn't mean that much to me.Sure it was a cool guy riding a bike and doing stunts.I think you shouldn't have to do something cool to motivate yourself. You just need the will power to do it. Being in Highschool now has really changed me. I've made new friends and starting to get to know my teachers more better.Other than that my grades are average. I don't understand some stuff, but I'll get through it.Anyways I'm not sure that video has inspired me personally. I mean I just saw a guy that kept trying to accomplish something.It motivates me a little but doesn't inspire me.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill "Inspired Bicycles" video really opened my eyes to the things that are possible in life, which is about everything. He shows me that anything I want to do I can do if I put my mind to it and try. Danny M. also puts forward the point that practice does make perfect. It doesn't matter your age, size, or attitude anything can be done.

Anonymous said...

The presentation about Danny McCaskill relates to my world because there are people telling me I can't do certain things and then there are certain people who support what I do. This video proved if you put your mind to something you can achieve it it just takes time to accomplish.

Anonymous said...

The " Inspired Bicycles" was something that was very cool and it was something that made me look twice because the things he was doing were crazy. He probably inspires a lot of people to try and do some of the things like he can do. Watching him do something that he never even knew how to do motivates me to follow any dream that I have even if I think that it is going to be impossible. He inspired me to follow my dreams no matter how crazy they are.

Anonymous said...

The video "Inspired Bicycles" inspires me because it shows that you can achieve your dream if you really push yourself and believe in yourself. Maybe everyone should work even the tiniest bit harder to achieve their goals. Finally, even if its really hard, never give up on your dream.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill "Inspired Bicycles" presentation relates to my world because I know that whatever I set my mind to, I can do anything. My friends and families always tell me that I can do anything if I just put my mind to it. He did make me look twice. At first I couldn't even believe that he could ride a bike across a metal fence. To anyone else, they would think its impossible but to him, its possible. He inspires me to strive to do my best and put as much effort into everything I can because anything is possible if you just believe.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill "Inspired Bicycles" connects with me because he had to work so hard to accomplish what he wanted. And that is how it is in my life. I have to work hard to accomplish what I want this year and in the years that come academically and not academically. Danny had to take chances to become as good as he is. So that inspires me to take chances to see what comes of it. Maybe it will be good thing or a bad. I will never know if I don't try. Those are the connection I made with "Inspired Bicycles"

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill really inspired me. I say that because he would try something and not succeed but when he would fail he would get up and try again. He kept trying and trying to get it right and perfect. This relates to me because in anything I do, if I fail I HAVE to keep doing it until i succeed. This applies to my academics because I strive to get an A.If my grade is not an A I keep doing things until I can make it the grade I want.
Danny McCaskill motivated me to do my best all the time and not give up and not be a quitter. He really opened my eyes up to seeing that you can do anything you want as long as you keep trying to succeed it after you fail the first time.
Danny McCaskill is going to be my thoughts when I want to give up and quit because I have those days, but Im going to think about what he did and how he kept trying whether he was wanted to quit or not. He inspired me to keep going.

Anonymous said...

The "Inspired Bicycles" presentation by Danny McCaskill shows how everyone should follow their dreams and try to achieve them as well as they can. This video relates to me because I try to become better in dance and try to get as good as I can. This video inspired me to work even harder and reach for my goals no matter how high they are. This video clip can definitely inspire people.

Anonymous said...

The Danny McCaskill "Inspired Bicyles", relates to my world very little. Web I looked twice during the video, was when he would try daring tricks and daring moves. These daring moves obviously caused some pain and scars in his memory. This inspires me to become a better student and work harder for my grades. This also inspired to me to work a lot harder on my relationship with Christ and try my best to focus on Him when times are tough. Some other thoughts that I had were how could he be so brave to attempt all of those tricks.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The "Inspired Bicycles" video was very inspirational. It proves that you can achieve your dreams as long as you believe in yourself. The video reminded me of the book "Treasure Yourself" written by supermodel Miranda Kerr. The book sends out the same message about believing in your dreams then achieving them. Sometimes watching others dream and achieve can help inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill's "Inspired Bicycles" presentation relates to me and my passion for tennis. His exploits connect with my academic endeavor because it showed me to just stay motivated and that the hard work you put it in will be rewarded to you. I was shocked with Danny's skills that he performed; he could do this because he believed in himself and practiced till he got it down. This video inspired me to stay motivated, get determined, and if I work hard for what I want I will get results.