Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What Are You Thinking?

Do the Did You Know 2.0? and Did You Know 4.0? presentations make you think? How might this impact your academics and view of the world? Please respond to this blog post by 2:30p.m. Friday, August 24th, 2012.


Anonymous said...

I thought that "Did You Know 2.0" and "Did You Know 4.0" showed us the advances in technology. It's amazing how much technology improved. Like how computers and phones became very advanced. These videos also showed us that things go on every minute of the day. During the length of one video 67 kids were born in the USA. In China and India even more are born. This made me think more about what happens in the world around us.

Anonymous said...

The "Did You Know 2.0?" and the "Did You Know 4.0?" were very interesting videos. They really showed how advanced technology is and how capable the human race is of creating new technology. These videos also made me more aware of the world around me and how much time we spend using our technology. The statistics about facebook and twitter were not necessarily surprising to me but really stood out in my mind. The fact that we spend so much of our time on social networking sites was really incredible, and it made me curious to see what will happen in the future.

Anonymous said...

The "Did You Know 2.0?" and "Did You Know 4.0?" videos were really eye opening. I knew there were a lot of people and technology was advancing fast but I never realized how fast. I spend so much time on the internet on social networking sites like Tumble and Twitter and I cant imagine not being able to text a friend to make plans. If technology is advancing so fast I wonder what it will be like for future generations if ours is already so into social networking and relying on computers and cell phones so much. I remember teaching my grandma how to use email a few years ago and it makes me wonder if I'll have grand kids someday, will they be teaching me how to use new things I can't even imagine yet?

Anonymous said...

I think the "Did You Know?" videos were very shocking and interesting. It showed that technology has come such a long way and that it's still growing; also what's happening in the world each day. The fact that I thought was really staggering was how many babies are born in the world. The amount of how many people are actually in the world is crazy. Another thing was how much time is spent on social networking sites and the internet overall. It makes me curious about how the world will be in the future. I think it's better to not have so much technology; why do we need all of it anyway?

Anonymous said...

The "Did You Know?" videos were very interesting and amazing.I could barely comprehend those facts. Also, how do people figure this kind of stuff out, obviously there was someone who thought of figuring that out. I really would like to know how. We spend so much time with internet devices, it makes me wonder what everyone would do if the internet were to crash one day.

Anonymous said...

The "Did You Know 2.0?" and "Did You Know 4.0?" did indeed make me think about how far our society and our societies technology has come in the past generation. The thing that really stuck out to me was how much the average teenager texts in one months time. When you’re texting your friends and family you don’t really realize how much you are. Another thing that stuck out to me was that facebook is available in 70 different languages. Being in the United States makes you think that English is spoken so often but there are so many other languages developed that we don’t know about. This impacts my view on the world because we have so much in society and we’ve come so far that I don’t want to take anything for granted.

Anonymous said...

The "Did You Know?" videos were very shocking to me. The advances in technology were shocking and amazing. The world is growing so fast and truthfully, it makes me scared knowing things are going to be very different for my future children. I think future generations will have great advantages in technology, but not the advantages that my generation has such as room for population, and things that will not exist because of world changes. Personally, I think that the technology being developed is useful, but not needed. I think that all of the new technology being produced is going to make out world very complicated.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

From watching the "Did You Know 2.0?" and the "Did You Know 4.0?" I was really surprised. It made me realize how far we have come today, making technology that is more useful and greater than the technology we had back then. When it talked about how the percentage went down for the television, newspaper, and the radio, I was really surprised because our cell phones and computers went up. That just shows you how much we rely, and use our mobile electronics.
When I watched those videos I could not believe how many babies were being born into this world as the presentation was going. I was shocked because that just makes me think how much more our technology can improve, so we give the new generation amazing things.

Anonymous said...

After watching both videos of "Did you know 4.0/2.0?" I learned a lot about how technology has been used in so many different ways. Things like Facebook and Google are now in so many more languages and a large population of people use them.Other hand held technologies like phones are advancing so much now that we probably will get to a point where paper and pencils are needed no more.Watching the video I also recognized in the beginning they started off with saying India had more honor students in their country then we have graduates.I thought that was really depressing because that lead me to the question of; where does the knowledge that we learn in America go? We have a lot better education here but they have more people succeeding in life than we do. The video also showed that most university graduates don't get a real job till they're 38 years old.I think this situation links to technology too because the more technology advances the less we use our brains. For example, you could use a calculator instead of using a pencil and paper.All the advance technologies being manufactured are good and all but we as Americans are using our brains a lot less these days.

Anonymous said...

The presentations that we watched in class titled Did You Know 2.0 and Did You Know 4.0 really made me think of how far the world has come today from where it has been. Its incredible to think how far things like facebook and google and youtube grow every second of everyday. Or how many children are born every second or how many children are getting degrees every second. These two videos that we watched in class amazed me most because it made me eager to see what everything is like when I have kids and to see what they have when I grow up and to see how far the things we have now that we don't think would get any better, get better.

Anonymous said...

Over the Summer I read a “Maximum Ride” by James Patterson novel and The Council of Mirrors by Michal Buckly. In the “Maximum Ride” novel I like the fact that the main character and her gang can fly and bet evil together. That no matter what they always stick together and help each other to get through everything that is tossed at them. During the novel I learned that Max’s (the main character) father is one of the evil scientists trying to experiment on her and the gang. When I figured this out I was so mad but later I in the series that Max’s Mother is a good person, which made me feel better. Also what really mattered to me is that Max and her gang are hilarious in whatever they do. Anyway, “The Council of Mirrors” was amazing and I really enjoyed it because it has fairy tale creatures which I can never get enough of (I just adore fairy tale books). What I learned was that Sabrina and her sister Daphne defected Mirror by showering the gift of love on him, which was not how I thought it would end, but it did. Last of all, I read this book because it makes me laugh and has a little romance here and there.

Anonymous said...

The two "Did you Know?" videos were very intriguing. I was wondering where they find out the information. Someone somewhere had to take the time to figure that out. I think that the direction that technology is moving is crazy. Do we really need computers that are smater than the human brain? I'm honestly not sure. I also try to fathom what my kids will grow up doing or how school will change from now to when my kids to to school. These videos made me think. I love videos like this because they make me really contemplate what I think about the direction the schools, technology etc. are moving.

Anonymous said...

The "Did you know 2.0?" and the "Did you know 4.0?" were incredibly surprising and overwhelming. It showed how our society anymore relies on technology and all of the "new" gidgets and gizoms. It's mind-boggling how many children are born in only a short period of time. It's very weird to htink that in 1998 I was one of those children! Plus, It's peculiar that India has more honors students than America has students! Our world is changing and I'm afraid I can't keep up with it....

Anonymous said...

I thought that "Did You Know 2.0" and "Did You Know 4.0" showed how advanced technology can be. It's crazy to think on how much technology has changed between cell phones, and computers. The video also showed how quickly things can happen between seconds and minutes and I find it crazy how fast some things can happen. The video got me thinkig on what kids in the future will be having for them.

Anonymous said...

I thought "Did You Know 2.0" and "Did You Know 4.0" showed us how much we rely on Technology now a days. It showed us how much technology advanced we have become in just a few years. During the video i started thinking that in a few years when we have kids that technology will be way more advanced and they will be using technology that we would never have thought to exist. I think its so crazy to think that about 14 years ago we really didn't have cell phones or computer like we do today. Technology changes so much in so little time!

Anonymous said...

I thought the "Did you know 2.0" and "did you know 4.0" showed how advanced technology is today. It also showed how the internet has a lot more people using it then it did a few years ago. The videos also showed how much technology has changed, such as the computers and cell phones have changed a lot. The videos showed me how much people depend on technology now days I'm wondering what the technology will be like in a few years.

Anonymous said...

"Did you know 2.0"and "Did you know 4.0" made me think about how far the world as come in such a short time. I couldn't believe how much the technology we have today has advanced. The videos also scared me because it shows that there aren't very many jobs out there right now and that there are way more advanced students around the world then there are in the Unites States. The video made me think about what our kids in the future are going to have and how much the technology will improve.

Anonymous said...

After watching 4.0 and 2.0, I thought that there were a lot of new advances in technology and that the world is changing. I also felt that if the U.S doesn't make any changes to the way that we live, then we will soon be the country that is furthest behind in education, production, and technology. It's also really exciting to see how the world will be when we have our own kids. This can change the way we learn by using more electronics as to paper. In one of the videos, I found out that soon enough there will be a computer than can comprehend more than the human brain can, which is weird because a human made the computer. I just hope tha one day in the future, the world won't be composed of robots.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What i thought of 'Did you know 2.0" and "Did you know 4.0" was it made me think a lot about the world in general, and how so much can happen in so little about of time. Also so much changes over time, for example technology so many new advances have came out in just a couple off years. The adults at this age in time would never have guessed that we would have all of what we have now. so that gets me thinking when are age is older and has kids what new technology are they gonna have that we would never imagined could happen. Its crazy!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on the "Did you know 2.0" and "Did you know 4.0" really opened up after watching the videos. It was crazy to see how much has changed since we were young children. Some of the statistics that they put in the video really made me think about what those statistics will be when we have kids. How will their technology run when ours is already outrageous. When I was young little kids played bored games. Kids today play games on smart phones. One video said that kids in school are already preparing for jobs that dont even exsist. Or how a map used to be a piece of paper not on a phone. The technology we have today is so out there it's going to be crazy to know what it will be like in the next 20 years and to see what kids then will have.

Anonymous said...

On "Did you know 2.0" and "Did you know 4.0" was very interesting. It was really interesting to see all the things that has happened it is happening in the moment I was watching it. It's crazy to think how much we have advanced in all these years. The technology and the thing that are happening is just the beginning though. In a few years thing are going to improve. It's crazy to think that.