Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Reading Reflection

Over the summer, you were asked to read at least two novels of your choice.

1) Briefly tell me what you read, including the titles and authors.
2) I want to know what you liked about the books, what you learned and, more importantly, what matters to you about the books' content.

*Make sure to adhere to proper conventions and proofread your response. If, for some reason, you did not read two novels, tell me about two novels you have read and answer the above. This blog post must be completed by 2:30p.m. on Friday, August 24th, 2012.


Anonymous said...

1) This summer I read "Keeping the Moon" and "That Summer", both by the author Sarah Dessen.

2)In the first book I read, "Keeping the Moon", I found it to be pretty boring and slow. It was an okay book but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone and I wouldn't want to read it again if I had to. I like books that are more exciting, and this book was very predictable and a slow read.
The second book that I read, "That Summer", was very similar to the first book I read. Being by the same author it's not really surprising, but I was hoping for something more. The book was alright and tolerable but also pretty dull. Along with this it was very predictable and didn't have anything exciting about it. I wouldn't recommend it unless you like books that are very anti-climatic.

Anonymous said...

1) This summer I read "A Walk to Remember", by Nicholas Sparks. I also read "We'll Always Have Summer" and "The Summer I turned Pretty". These books are both by Jenny Han.

2) The first book that I read was, "A Walk to Remember". I really enjoyed this book because it was a love story about a bad boy coming to love a great Christian girl. In the end, he marries her while her time on earth is limited. Jamie, the girl, is dying due to leukemia. And Landon, falls for her loving and caring nature. I learned that God has a plan for everything, even when we can't see them in our near future. I also learned that true love does exist and that it is so great. The book was really enjoyable and rather easy to read.

The second and third books that I read, both by Jenny Han, were also love stories. "The summer I Turned Pretty", is the first book in the set of a trilogy, and "We'll Always Have Summer", is the third and final book of the series. These books were great and I learned that college is going to be a rough time and I shouldn't waste my time on a man who won't ever love me back. When timing is right, God will bring the perfect man into my life. Jenny Han is an amazing writter and her books are so awesome and I enjoy her word choice and flowing sentences. These books are for true romantics.

Anonymous said...

1) This summer I read "City of Lost Souls" by Cassandra Clare and "Insurgent" by Veronica Roth.

2) "City of Lost Souls" Was the fifth book in the Mortal Instruments series. I Waited for the book to come out and when I got it I read it in just a couple of days, I loved it so much. I would recommend this book to people who like to read YA books but with more depth. The ending was great and I'm excited to read the final book in that series when it comes out.

"Insurgent" was a sequel to "Divergent". It was well written and I read it in just a day it was so good I just couldn't put it down. I'm also excited for the last book coming out next year in that series.

Since both books were fiction and Young Adult there wasn't much to learn from them and the content didn't really relate to me but I enjoyed reading both books a lot.

Anonymous said...

This summer I read "Nine Lives of Chloe King" by Liz Braswell and "Under the Never Sky" by Veronica Rossi. I also read one but dont remember the name of it.

1. "Nine Lives of Chloe King" was about a teenage girl that finds out she is from another race. But this race is half human and half cat. She has to keep her self safe and figure out what is going on in her life. I like this book because it is filled with action, adventure, romance, and comedy. I also liked it because I was never bored when reading it, it always keep me in intrigued.

The second book I read was, "Under the Never Ending Sky." This had to be my favorite out of the too books. It was about this girl who got punished. Her punishment was getting stuck in a universe she knows very little about. She meets this boy who helps her find her way and helps keep her alive. The main character grows alot through this book which I liked. I also like this book because it made me think alot. And it was filled with romance, adventure, and danger.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1) This summer I read "The Boys Next Door" and "Endless Summer" both by Jennifer Echols.

2) These two books were a two book series and I found them similar to many other books I’ve read which made me really like them. Both books I liked a lot because they were realistic fiction and I enjoy reading that genre. I liked these books because it involves a love story between two teenagers who’ve been friends their entire lives and then finding out that they love each other. Although the books are fiction, I learned that even when life gets tough, just have patience and persistence and you can have what you want. The books content definitely matters to me in the way that anyone, even best friends, can fall in love. I highly recommend these books to anyone who likes drama, love stories or summer flings.

Anonymous said...

1) Over the summer I read "Across Five Aprils" by Irene Hunt and "The Outsiders" by S. E. Hinton.

2) "Across Five Aprils" really gave me a perspective on how life was during the Civil War. It was about a boy (Jethro Creighton) maturing during the tough time. He had alot of responsibility put on his hands, family losses and problems; yet he gained knowledge and experience.
"The Outsiders" definitely turned out to be one of my favorite books. It was about this boy (Ponyboy Curtis, being a greaser and having to deal with "class division" between the socs. He also had to take on responsibility and family issues, like Jethro in "Across Five Aprils" - along with Ponyboy also maturing throughout the book. At the end, he realizes the importance of family.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1) This summer I read "Always Watching" by Brandilyn&Amber Collins. I also read a book called "Shock Point" by April Henry.

2) The first book I read was "Always Watching", was pretty great from the start. All the action happened right away and made you think right off the bat. It was a really good mystery, it made me want to keep reading and not put the book down. I would recommend this book to people who like mystery and the feeling a book can give you. I really enjoyed this book and it gave me a sad, creepy feeling inside, and i liked that.
The second book I read was "Shock Point", also had the action right off the bat. This book was the type of book that makes you want to yell out loud and it makes you feel like you are apart of the book. This book gave me an adventure and it was amazing. It shows how even adults lie and you have to find a way to show that you are telling the truth and the adult isn't. I would for sure recommend this book to anyone and everyone! This book is a book you don't want to put down and you wont.
Both books were mysteries and they were both very good. This summer I went on two adventures without even leaving my house.

Anonymous said...

1) This summer I read the books "Twilight" and "New Moon" both by Stephanie Meyers

2) I thought the first book was just okay. It didn't really pop or stick out to me. It was kind of predictable and dull.
The second book I read was "New Moon" and almost didn't finish it because it was so boring. Over half of the book, I did not enjoy it at all. I was hoping for more because I heard they were good books, but I found them very boring and not interesting.

Anonymous said...

1) This summer I read the books "Twilight" and "New Moon" both by Stephanie Meyers

2) I thought the first book was just okay. It didn't really pop or stick out to me. It was kind of predictable and dull.
The second book I read was "New Moon" and almost didn't finish it because it was so boring. Over half of the book, I did not enjoy it at all. I was hoping for more because I heard they were good books, but I found them very boring and not interesting.

Anonymous said...

1. This summer I read "The Five People you Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom and "The Skin I'm In" by Sharon Flake.
2. The first book I read "The Five People you Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom, not only taught me valuable lessons for life but also may have become one of my favorite books that I have read thus far. This book is a story about an elderly man that dies after a life that consisted of nothing but regrets, pain, and neglect. Eddie grew up with little or no love from a fatherly figure in his life which leads to much neglect and hurt that he had to deal with his whole life. Eddie was also in the war which led to much mental scarring and emotions that changed his attitude on a lot of things. This story is about the five people that Eddie meets in heaven after he passed when he saved a young girl out from underneath a broken rollercoaster at the amusement park he worked at. Each person that Eddie met had something to do with his life in someway and in heaven they each teach him an important lesson to let go of the hurting, neglect, and emotions from his past life. I really enjoyed this book because it changed my whole perspective on how to view life and helped further me closer to God in my religion with the significant detail of heaven and the relationships and peace found there.
The second book I read was "The Skin I'm In" by Sharon Flake, this book was also another read that I highly recommend to teen girls and a book that I easily related to. This book is about a teenage girl named Maleeka that goes to a school with little or no diversity. Maleeka was frumpy, homeade clothing that makes it easy for other students to describe in song that they sing to harass her. But something very different and unique about Maleeka is her rich chocolate brown dark skin. Beautiful and unique it is but to others it was an easy way to make fun of her. Soon after the constant mocking Maleeka wasn't comfortable in the skin she was in, until a teacher comes to the school, Miss.Saunders and changes Maleeka's whole perspective on who she was and she soon grows confident with herself and loves the skin shes in. I enjoyed this book so much because it was relatable. I have dark skin too and I know how it feels when judgements and stereotypes are always an issue. This book was very relatable and helped me as a teen girl grow confidence with myself and feel beautiful with myself. I recommend this book for any teen.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1) Over the summer i read "story of a girl" and "sweethearts" which were both by Sara Zarr.

2) The first book i read "Story of a Girl", was such an amazing book i love it for many reasons. It was an easy read book but at the same time it wasn't too easy. I could connect to this book in some ways, which made it even better to read. What i learned from the book is, the most embarrassing events can happen to you and you can over come the challenges that were thrown at you. Also you can learn from your past and not make the same mistake again but yet forget your past and move on. What mattered to me about the books content was it was very enjoyable book to read.

The second book i read "Sweethearts" was also a good book but not as great as the first one. I could not connect to the book as much. This book was about this boy and girl, who were each others only friends when they were little, and one day were apart for years, and one day the boy Cameron, shows back up in town and they reconnect. What i learned from this book was to never give up on someone you cant go a day without thinking about, because you never know what may happen. What mattered to me about the book content was it was just a good story that had happy and sad part. Also it always left you wondering what would end up happening.

Anonymous said...

1} This summer I read the books "The Notebook" by Nicolas Sparks and "The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers" by Lynn Weingarten

2} The first book I read was "The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers," I thought the book was pretty boring from the start, but toward the end i enjoyed it and thought it was a good. The book gave me mixed emotions through the entire thing. At some point I thought it was sad and others i thought it was funny. In all I thought the book was mostly good. In the Second book I thought it was great from start to finish. I felt like I could really connect to the aurthor, I understood how he felt. I think so far out of all the books I have read in my life this is one of my favorites! I thought it was an incredible love story!

Anonymous said...

1) This summer I read "The Help" by Kathrine Stockett and "I am David" by Anne Holmes.

2) I loved "The Help" due to my obsession with 1960's America. I truly enjoyed reading this book. I also think that it was a very fast read.

I strongly disliked "I am David". I did not like Anne Holme's writing style, and I had previously seen the movie which ruined the book for me. It was also a very slow read.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The “Did you Know Videos” made me feel like a bomb ready to blow because of all the new information they gave. It made me think about the changes that will happen in the world as years go by. Wondering what will we be doing for entertainment, jobs, and many other things? I wonder if we will have flying skateboards like in “Back to the Future” or flying cars. But what I do know from the videos is that the world has changed, is changing, and will forever change as we go on to live our lives. In doing so the world will become smarter, better, and more advanced than we can ever imagine. As this goes on, at the same time our world seems to crumble. More people divorce than they ever have before, more people can get away with getting things that are illegal on the computer, and lots more. Every year we get stronger but yet weaker, I truly wonder how all that will add on into the future.

Anonymous said...

1.This summer I read "The truth about forever" by Sara Dessen and "The book thief" by Markus Zusak

2."The truth about forever" was actually a great book even though the whole way through it was pretty predictable.I especially liked the ending.Even though the book itself was pretty easy to figure out, it still hooked me in, and I read all of it.The casts of characters inside the book were funny and logical.They were also adventurous, which I like in books.Throughout the book I basically learned that with friends you can go through the toughest things.They support you and will always be there for you.The second book I read though, "The book thief" was actually kind of a melancholy book. It was brilliant to read and all but the book took place in 1939 Germany when there were still Nazis around killing Jews. The main character was a German but helps a stranded Jew.The book basically tells the story of the main character as she goes through the pros and cons of keeping a Jew in the house at that time.I found so much information in the book when reading it. Like when Nazis find alive Jews they burn them alive. The book was very interesting but depressing at the same time. I liked it though.When reading a book I hope to find a good cast of funny,interesting,and logical set of characters. Without those three characteristics, then it's a boring book.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1) This summer I read "The year Nick Mcgowan" by Rebecca Sparrow and "The Swede Life" by Eva Apelqvist

2)In the first book, "The year Nick Mcgowan came to stay" I found that the author used quite a bit of inappropriate language. Not all of it was bad, just some of it was not needed or "bad". I found that it was a little boring and slow. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone because it is just a bit to slow for many readers and dosen't hook you into the book. The book was a typical love story with a twist and yet it wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be.
The second book that I read, "The Swede Life", was also a love story. The only difference was that the main character didn't live with the other "guy" and was also based in Sweden, a place where she had never been before. I enjoyed this book a bit more than the last but still found it very dreary and lifeless. I wouldn't recommend this book either unless you like a classic out of country love story.

Anonymous said...

1) This summer I read "Twilight", and "New Moon", both by the author Stephanie Myers.

2) The first book that I read was "Twilight" I thought the book was very interesting, and kept me wondering what was going to happen next. It was a love story about a girl that falls in love with a vampire but excpets him for who he is, because she feels connected to him in some way. I would recommend the book because it is a book that will make you want to keep reading more and keep you interested.

3) The second book that I read was "New Moon" it was the continuing story of Twlight, and more about the love story of Edward and Bella, but also Jacob and Bella. After finsihing this book I now have two more books to finish the sequel, and I am excited about getting to read them to find out how the love story ends. I would recommed this book because if you liked the first one then you will be sure to like the second and want to keep reading the other two.

Anonymous said...

Over the summer, I read Plague by Michael Grant. It was a very good book and I really like this series. Also, I read The Shadowing-Hunted by Adam Slater, it was a good book, just a little too small for me, but I still enjoyed it. The Shadowing was about a boy who was a chime child (someone who was born on a Saturday morning between midnight and 3 A.M. They have a connection with the Netherworld or supernatural world. I really like sci-fi/fantasy, so both of the books I read were fun to read.

Anonymous said...

1)This summer I read Maximum Ride by James Patterson.
2)The series was very good and it kept me wondering what adventure they were going to have next. It's also really nice that the chapters are so short. I learned that running for your whole life would be really hard to do. What really mattered to me was that it was a fun read and it kind of showed me how some people are so out of touch with reality.

Anonymous said...

1)The two books I read over summer was "Crispin and the Cross of Lead" by Avi and "Monster" by Meyers.

2) The first book I read was about a kid who wasn't excepted in his town because of what his mom did so he ran away and the book is about his journey. I thought it was pretty good but not to interesting.

3) The second book I read was Monster. It was a book about a kid who was sent to jail because they thought he killed a guy while trying to rob a store. The book was really good and I liked the fact that it was written like a movie script.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I read the books Eclipse and Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.

I liked that these books are in a series of four. I have read many serial books in the past therefore these books were a good choice for me. The characters are well developed and the word choices enhanced my vocabulary.

I learned about good writing technique and character development. I was drawn to the book because the characters seemed so real and the story was believable.

The books are very engaging. Throughout my reading, I was able to meet the characters and watch the plot unfold.

Anonymous said...

I did not read any books over the summer. I do have two books that I have read. I have read the book The Child Called “it” by Dave Pelzer, and the book The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. I will start with the book A Child Called “it”. When I read this book i wasn’t expecting a heart touching and life changing book. I like this book because it is a very heart touching book and inspirational. The book A Child Called “it” is amazing in every way. Now moving to to The Lucky One. This book is super cute. I liked it because it was very romantic, I am a romantic person. The way Nicholas Sparks used words is amazing. They flow together and just sound amazing. This book has to be my all time favorite romantic book. What I learned from the book A Child Called “it” was that you should not judge anyone from what they are warring, It might not be their fault. I also learned that if you see a kid with a lot of bruises you should tell an adult. From reading The Lucky One I learned that you can do whatever you set your heart to, but it’s all you on whether or not you actually do it. What matters the most to me about The Child Called “it” is that it is based off of a real true story about a young boy’s life and that everything that happened is real and happens to kids all over the world. The Lucky One matters to me because it tells me that love comes in all different ways, and somehow love finds its way through to your heart. And those are the books that I have read.

Anonymous said...

I did not read any books over the summer. I do have two books that I have read. I have read the book The Child Called “it” by Dave Pelzer, and the book The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. I will start with the book A Child Called “it”. When I read this book i wasn’t expecting a heart touching and life changing book. I like this book because it is a very heart touching book and inspirational. The book A Child Called “it” is amazing in every way. Now moving to to The Lucky One. This book is super cute. I liked it because it was very romantic, I am a romantic person. The way Nicholas Sparks used words is amazing. They flow together and just sound amazing. This book has to be my all time favorite romantic book. What I learned from the book A Child Called “it” was that you should not judge anyone from what they are warring, It might not be their fault. I also learned that if you see a kid with a lot of bruises you should tell an adult. From reading The Lucky One I learned that you can do whatever you set your heart to, but it’s all you on whether or not you actually do it. What matters the most to me about The Child Called “it” is that it is based off of a real true story about a young boy’s life and that everything that happened is real and happens to kids all over the world. The Lucky One matters to me because it tells me that love comes in all different ways, and somehow love finds its way through to your heart. And those are the books that I have read.

Anonymous said...

I did not read any books over the summer. I do have two books that I have read. I have read the book The Child Called “it” by Dave Pelzer, and the book The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. I will start with the book A Child Called “it”. When I read this book i wasn’t expecting a heart touching and life changing book. I like this book because it is a very heart touching book and inspirational. The book A Child Called “it” is amazing in every way. Now moving to to The Lucky One. This book is super cute. I liked it because it was very romantic, I am a romantic person. The way Nicholas Sparks used words is amazing. They flow together and just sound amazing. This book has to be my all time favorite romantic book. What I learned from the book A Child Called “it” was that you should not judge anyone from what they are warring, It might not be their fault. I also learned that if you see a kid with a lot of bruises you should tell an adult. From reading The Lucky One I learned that you can do whatever you set your heart to, but it’s all you on whether or not you actually do it. What matters the most to me about The Child Called “it” is that it is based off of a real true story about a young boy’s life and that everything that happened is real and happens to kids all over the world. The Lucky One matters to me because it tells me that love comes in all different ways, and somehow love finds its way through to your heart. And those are the books that I have read.

Anonymous said...

I did not read any books over the summer. I do have two books that I have read. I have read the book The Child Called “it” by Dave Pelzer, and the book The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. I will start with the book A Child Called “it”. When I read this book i wasn’t expecting a heart touching and life changing book. I like this book because it is a very heart touching book and inspirational. The book A Child Called “it” is amazing in every way. Now moving to to The Lucky One. This book is super cute. I liked it because it was very romantic, I am a romantic person. The way Nicholas Sparks used words is amazing. They flow together and just sound amazing. This book has to be my all time favorite romantic book. What I learned from the book A Child Called “it” was that you should not judge anyone from what they are warring, It might not be their fault. I also learned that if you see a kid with a lot of bruises you should tell an adult. From reading The Lucky One I learned that you can do whatever you set your heart to, but it’s all you on whether or not you actually do it. What matters the most to me about The Child Called “it” is that it is based off of a real true story about a young boy’s life and that everything that happened is real and happens to kids all over the world. The Lucky One matters to me because it tells me that love comes in all different ways, and somehow love finds its way through to your heart. And those are the books that I have read.

Anonymous said...

I did not read any books over the summer. I do have two books that I have read. I have read the book The Child Called “it” by Dave Pelzer, and the book The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. I will start with the book A Child Called “it”. When I read this book i wasn’t expecting a heart touching and life changing book. I like this book because it is a very heart touching book and inspirational. The book A Child Called “it” is amazing in every way. Now moving to to The Lucky One. This book is super cute. I liked it because it was very romantic, I am a romantic person. The way Nicholas Sparks used words is amazing. They flow together and just sound amazing. This book has to be my all time favorite romantic book. What I learned from the book A Child Called “it” was that you should not judge anyone from what they are warring, It might not be their fault. I also learned that if you see a kid with a lot of bruises you should tell an adult. From reading The Lucky One I learned that you can do whatever you set your heart to, but it’s all you on whether or not you actually do it. What matters the most to me about The Child Called “it” is that it is based off of a real true story about a young boy’s life and that everything that happened is real and happens to kids all over the world. The Lucky One matters to me because it tells me that love comes in all different ways, and somehow love finds its way through to your heart. And those are the books that I have read.