Friday, April 13, 2012

Significant Other And Perfection? Really?

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the "Perfect Mate" handout? How does your experience relate to what you know about Romeo and Juliet's situation? What does this make you think? Reflect? Contemplate? Don't forget to include references to our class discussion. This blog response should be completed in class on 4-13-12.


Anonymous said...

The majority of people in the class had certain parents that they wanted to give the survey to because they felt awkward around either there dad or mom. Most people wanted somebody tall and hansom and someone that plays specific sports. While people have talked I have noticed how the other students in the class have had there expectations and there parents expectations of a perfect mate are the same. Although I have not done the survey yet I would agree with this statement because no matter how much we refuse to believe it we are a lot like our parents. For me I would want someone that would be relateabole, respectful and caring.

Anonymous said...

I figured out my parents and I had a pretty close description to my Perfect Mate. Our expectations are mostly the same and they obviously want them to be kind and respectful. I don’t think this relates too much to Romeo and Juliet’s situation because my parents and I agree on most things, including this. Since I was raised by my parents, their ideas spread to me, and I’ve changed some faith and beliefs to make it fit with what I want, but most of our beliefs are around the same idea. I think this is why I can’t relate to Romeo and Juliet. I have a close relationship to my family so we all believe the same things.

Anonymous said...

My parents and I had a lot of the same expectations and traits for a guy for me. Someone who is very smart and will make me laugh. Someone who is always there for me and respects me. A person who is smart. A person to lean on or confess to. My parents said someone funny and smart that makes a lot of money for my high needs. I have a lot of standards and my parents know that too. Just someone that is always there for me.

Anonymous said...

The perfect mate survey asked us what we prefer in a spouse, or what our parents prefer in our spouse. Some parents agreed with us, and others did not. I for one want somebody who is a Christian, is down to earth and respects everyone around them. My parents would think the same thing as I would. Romeo and Juliet throw themselves at each other before even knowing one another. As you can see I do not believe in love at first sight, because you can be making a huge mistake.

Sydney R said...

The thing that is essential when taking this survey is knowing what you want even before you talk to your parents. It's not bad to get their ideas and hopes for the person you end up with, but it's your life and you should know the qualities you want in a mate and strive to find a person like that despite what others think. Romeo and Juliet definitely do that. Their families don't approve of their love but they love each other anyway.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't really think that anyone can be considered your "perfect mate." Considering this survey most of the girls in out class said, that they want someone who is tall and cute and understanding. But for me in the grand scheme of things, I want someone who I can always be myself around, who is always there for me, and we can always have a good time. Sometimes we consider people our perfect mate or match, but I believe its just by fate that you find someone you truly love, because in that fact no one is perfect. You have just been granted the ability to see past their imperfections. In the book Romeo and Juliet, they could be considered "perfect mates," but honestly they were captivated by each other, they aren't perfect and no one really is. But alike their situation we all will find someone, that one person for us, and like in Romeo and Juliet, no matter that circumstances you'd do anything to be with that person because you love them.

Anonymous said...

I think that its important to see what your parents think because even though we dont relize it, we are alot like our parents. It relates to the book because it shows that our parents would have diffrent expectations on who we dated then what we do. I said i would like someone who is taller than me and plays sports. I noticed that most people said that there mom was really spot on for the description, because a lot of us are a lot like our motherss.

Anonymous said...

This makes me that that Romeo and Juliet don't get to pick someone like I do. Their parents decided for them even if they didn't like them. That is really scary and unfair. Even though my parents like the same things as me I would always want to fall in love myself.

Anonymous said...

In my perfect mate survey most of the things that I wrote down my dad did too. I wrote down respectful, caring, and funny and my dad wrote that down for what he thought I would say. Some of the girls in the class said that their parents thought of the same things as them, and some didn't. Most of the time it's girls mothers who know best about what you look for in a mate. This could relate to Romeo and Juliet because their parents looked for certain traits in people for them, and they may not have liked the other ones traits. This could show that parents have a big influence on who their children date or marry.

Anonymous said...

this survey relates to romeo and Juliet because most of the students in the class said that there parents did have some different expectations for the perfect mate and Romeo and Juliet parents have different expectations in a perfect mate because they wanted someone like them and who was part of there group and had there same characteristics.Our parents seemed to have some high standards such as a guy that goes to school and is getting a good education and who has perfect grades and who is super smart but to the students it was mostly about what the guy is like and his personality.

Anonymous said...

With asking my parents for help on the survey i realized how wrong it felt. I am the daughter of my parents, the young naive child, and to them i should not be dating, i am a child and they don't want to think of me as growing up. They dont want to think of me as giving myself away to anyone yet. One day when i am all grown they will probably be okay with it as long as he meets their standards, but for now I am discouraged to see someone. This in a way relates to Romeo and Juliets ban from seeing eachother, although it does not have to do with age it has to do with the person of interest. In the class discussion it was referenced that many students did not talk to their parents about this survey because it would of been very uncomfortable, and that is something relatable between all lovers and their parents.

Anonymous said...

With asking my parents for help on the survey i realized how wrong it felt. I am the daughter of my parents, the young naive child, and to them i should not be dating, i am a child and they don't want to think of me as growing up. They dont want to think of me as giving myself away to anyone yet. One day when i am all grown they will probably be okay with it as long as he meets their standards, but for now I am discouraged to see someone. This in a way relates to Romeo and Juliets ban from seeing eachother, although it does not have to do with age it has to do with the person of interest. In the class discussion it was referenced that many students did not talk to their parents about this survey because it would of been very uncomfortable, and that is something relatable between all lovers and their parents.

Anonymous said...

My parents wrote many of the same things down that I did. I feel that my parents really understand me and had a clear idea of what I want in my “Perfect Mate”. I feel like Juliet and I have completely opposite lives. My parents support me and agree with my decisions and wants. Juliet’s parents seem to have control of her life, and they don’t want her to marry someone they don’t like. My parents would set their problems aside to make me happy, and Juliet’s parents forbade her from seeing Romeo because he was a Montague. In our discussion we talked about how our expectations may never reflect our parents expectations; however, whatever your expectations are, they are right for you.

Anonymous said...

I was absent for the actual activity, but I have a really open relationship with my mom, I feel she would know what I would like in a guy. My mom would be supportive of whatever decision I made, and would be there for me for anything. If Romeo and Juliet had an open relationship with their parents like I do they would have been perfectly fine, even if their families hated each other, they should have been supportive. I have never really been close to my dad, I visit him every weekend and we see each other and talk, but we don't really talk about boys, whenever he asks who I'm texting I usually just make up a name or say it's one of my best friends. I noticed a lot of people in the class said that it would be awkward to talk to their dad about this servery, and I definitely agree with them.

Anonymous said...

My traits have changed based on the activity i do, during the time of year so my traits are always changing but my parents still have a list of traits that they have planned. It is essential to share because you can see what other people think of and what kind of guys they're into but this discussion is relevant to Romeo and Juliet because, From movies it seems to portray that youngsters like to rebel against their parents but after having this discussion in class we see that no two people are alike and some people's parents are very critical of who they see and who they dont like. However there are some people in the class that's very open with their parents, and their parents agree with the traits that their child wants. I think that Juliet hasn't thought about how seeing romeo can affect her and the people around her but when it comes to love it shouldnt be hindered.

Anonymous said...

The perfect mate for me would be a guy that is very understanding, accepting, funny, smart, caring and someone that is easy to talk to and I enjoy spending time with. When I had my parents fill out the handout I was not too surprised that we had the same answers. I am pretty open with my parents so they know what I like. Most people said that one of their parents had written the same traits that they did while the other one was the opposite. In Romeo and Juliet it seems as if their parents have no clue what their perfect mate would be. Clearly Juliet is unhappy with the arranged marriage which shows that her parents are not thinking of what would make her happy. I think that parents of everyone just want us to be happy and have someone that is the perfect fit for us. They just want whats best.

Anonymous said...

The perfect mate for me would be a guy that is very understanding, accepting, funny, smart, caring and someone that is easy to talk to and I enjoy spending time with. When I had my parents fill out the handout I was not too surprised that we had the same answers. I am pretty open with my parents so they know what I like. Most people said that one of their parents had written the same traits that they did while the other one was the opposite. In Romeo and Juliet it seems as if their parents have no clue what their perfect mate would be. Clearly Juliet is unhappy with the arranged marriage which shows that her parents are not thinking of what would make her happy. I think that parents of everyone just want us to be happy and have someone that is the perfect fit for us. They just want whats best.

Anonymous said...

i think that this relates in many ways. everyone knows what they r looking for and not all the time will their parents agree with the choices that person makes. As doing this it got harder because you hader to look deep to fine what will be good for you and what will make u happy. My mom is really sportive of the choices i make like with guys. she just wants a guy who is nice smart and caring and wont break her daughters heart and we are both on the same page and it is nice knowing that she is there to support me with that choices i make.

Anonymous said...

I choose characteristics that are easily filled- taking on the romeo and juliet persona I wouldn’t try to overthink the “perfect mate”. I’d try to keep an open mind because I wouldn’t want to dismiss him because he didn’t exactly fit my idea of what he should be; besides no one is quite perfect. My parents can think what they want of my “perfect mate,” what they want doesn’t have to be what I want.

Anonymous said...

Most of the people in the class had a parent they would want to go to more then the other. Maybe because they are closer with that one parent or feel like they could relate more with them by having the same opinions. And in romeo and Juliet's situation Juliet's parents did not agree with her they both felt different about the situation. It make s me think you know who your perfect match is not your parents. like obviously romeo and Juliet loved each other so much they would tie for one another.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people said that their moms agreed with them in what they like in a perfect mate, and that is the same for me. I guess it is because we will all be like our mothers in someway, even if we dread that. No one could ever be perfect but I want my 'perfect mate' to be absolutely perfect for me. My perfect mate is someone who has brown short hair, dresses nicely all the time, tall-ish, plays baseball, is really down to earth, doesnt care what other people think of him, knows me better than anyone else, is understanding, has dreams and goals for their life, has the same sense of humor as me and makes me laugh everyday. But most importantly, makes me fall in love with him every single day.

(Josh Hucherson preferably)

A lot of people said that their moms agreed with them in what they like in a perfect mate, and that is the same for me. I guess it is because we will all be like our mothers in someway, even if we dread that.

Anonymous said...

I think this relates to Romeo and Juliet because when you find someone that has all the qualities that you are looking for in a mate you know right away if they are the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and it doesn't matter how long you have known them. A lot of people in our class wanted someone they could have fun with and that was attractive and that could make them laugh. I wanted a lot of the same traits everyone else said someone tall, that i could have a good time with, someone i could trust, someone thats respecting and kind and that could make me laugh all the time and someone that was really cute. My parents for the most part wrote down the same thing i did for the perfect mate.