Monday, April 30, 2012

"Romeo and Juliet" Socratic?

Based upon our Romeo and Juliet Reader's Logs and Socratic conversation today, what seemed to be most important regarding Romeo and Juliet through Act III?  Please respond to this blog post during class today.


Anonymous said...

The most important thing that I heard while we were talking was about Romeo and Juliet’s love for each other. We don’t understand how they can fall for each other so quickly, and how it happens so fast. Most or all of us haven’t experienced love before, therefore we cannot relate to them. We can’t comprehend it, and we can’t fully understand why and how they fell in love so fast. Our generation is also so different from when this book was written and placed in, and things have changed over time, such as our views for love and other people.

Anonymous said...

During act III, what seemed to be most important was that how was Romeo and Juliet portrayed their love for each other, and how us, as a modern day generation don't understand their undying love for each other because we haven't had the experience that they do. What was also important was that we don't live in the time that Romeo and Juliet was published but so the writing is hard for us to understand because that's not how we talk today and that not how we approach each other.

Anonymous said...

The importance of Romeo and Juliet through Act III is the drama that occurs within the two families of the Montagues and Capulets. Through the families’ hatred toward each other, Romeo and Juliet find one another, and fall in love. However, it leads to the death of friends, and later on, to the death of Romeo and Juliet.

Anonymous said...

We don't understand the way they fall in love. I thought it was crazy, someone getting married 3 days after they met doesn't make sense. They are 14 and 20 years old which also seems crazy. In modern times this would never be accepted in society, however in the book it was not accepted either. I don't think this would have happened, age seems like a big deal in today's society. I believe if you love someone they should be able to get married, and live happily, but not everyone does. I just think if this kind of story were to take place today, he wouldn't have fallen in love with a girl 6 years younger then him, therefore there would be no story to continue talking about.

Anonymous said...

During the English 9 period 2 Romeo and Juliet Socratic many people discussed the different perspective of the play Romeo and Juliet compared to other present day books. In other present day books there are more realistic and believable stories in which you can get into and feel like your a part of it. However while reading Romeo and Juliet you feel like your watching it. When first starting the book, many people including me thought that it was very unrealistic and that does not happen. However people are slowly coming to the realization that this play is based in a different time period and love at first site happened more often. In the present day people would not believe it because love at first sight rarely happens. I believe Romeo and Juliet is a fantasy love story put into a different perspective.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet the book is a very different story than it would be today. We concluded that the events in Romeo and Juliet would be very different today because of the time change and different perspective on marriage and rivals. Through the play we see the forbidden love try to conquer through the differences of their families, but fail. Romeo and Juliet passion and love for each other is unmatched and no one can stop them for getting married. The most important part of the book is their love for each other and sacrifice they would make for one another. Another important factor is the differences between Romeo and Juliet's families that tear them apart. They secretly sneak around together in the first couple acts, which is hard to do. Their parents don't know about each other and would hate for them to be together. Therefore I conclude there are many important parts of Romeo and Juliet such as the feuding between their parents, but the most important part to this point is their love for each other.

Anonymous said...

Something that stood out to me, and a lot of the kids in my class, was the element of their love. The fact that they fell in love so quickly fascinated me, and confused me. I have never been in the situation of being in love, I've never been in love or fallen in love at first sight, i cannot relate to the feeling at all and therefore i cant really understand it. The way love is presented in media in modern times are much easier to comprehend and understand because it is not love at first sight most of the time, they work up to it and that is much easier to understand. I feel like more of a spectator, observing their story then i feel like i am connected to it and in the story like i do when i watch other movies or read other books. My fascination and connection to this story is different, partly because of the content, and also probably because of the way it is presented. The story is presented in play format and the language is before my time, not language i am accustomed to or can understand easily, which may also have an effect on my understanding of the story.

Anonymous said...

That if it was changed the story would be so different and nit as good. Also it is about forbidden and we only really see that in the movies it doesn't really happen in real life and if it does it is an amazement. Its a good story/play and changing it would make the whole seance of the play so much different. this is a good play and it should stay the same. This play takes you into another world and its fun to see how the people lived and reacted in this time.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet are from a completely different time period. They find forbidden love daring and rebellious. Although it still exists today, it is not seen as terrible an act as others now. Romeo and Juliet is now part of our culture, and so when we try translating it, the pretty language that exists in the play takes away the interesting part of Romeo and Juliet. Although not many know how Romeo and Juliet feel, it is interesting to watch the play develop. When Tybalt and Mercutio are killed, we watch both sides of the story unfold about the tragic losses. The audience becomes involved in the story, and watching it from a distance puts a new perspective on things. Romeo and Juliet go through tragic things, and by the end of the story, it is left to the audience to decide if it’s a happy ending, or a tragic one.

Anonymous said...

What was most disgust today was that romeo and Juliet rewritten would not be as good because the way it is written from back then makes the story so much better because it is romantic when it is written in the language and the way they talked back then its like a special effect that was added that makes the scene more enjoyable and more dramatic. without the way they spoke the book would be just like any other forbidden love story.

Anonymous said...

While listening and speaking during the circle I noticed that much of the conversation dealt with the difficulty of reading Shakespeare's sentence structure and speech. Many of the ideas in the text have become somewhat difficult to understand and have lost their potency due to the unusual wording. From the time of Shakespeare to now, our language and phrasing has changed greatly which can at times hinder the reader's ability to understand the situation and emotions involved. Despite this, it seemed that most of us are still understanding the plot and experiencing a connection to the love that Romeo and Juliet feel. Personally, I find the fascinating intensity of Romeo and Juliet's romance to be the most important idea in this novel.

Anonymous said...

What was most disgust today was that romeo and Juliet rewritten would not be as good because the way it is written from back then makes the story so much better because it is romantic when it is written in the language and the way they talked back then its like a special effect that was added that makes the scene more enjoyable and more dramatic. without the way they spoke the book would be just like any other forbidden love story.

Anonymous said...

The idea of forbidden love seems to be the most intriguing part of the book. Everyone is so interested in that part of it because it is hard to relate to but at the same time we understand it.I think that because love at first sight is something we all desire we imagine ourselves in that role and create a scenario in our head. Even though the language and culture is hard to understand, it makes the plot more romantic and exciting. We discussed that if the play were written today it wouldn't be as popular and as big of a tragedy that is known as today. The best thing about this story is that you can question it and dissect it. It was written so long ago and yet today it is still the biggest tragedy of all time.

SydneyR said...

The thing that seemed most important was that we have a hard time as readers understanding the 'love' between Romeo and Juliet because we aren't used to that in our society. We usually think that love takes longer. I think it can be circumstantial and it's different for everyone but I am skeptical that Romeo and Juliet could have fallen in love like this so quickly.

Anonymous said...

During class, many interesting points came about. One thing was that we didn't agree with Romeo and Juliet getting married after such a short time. We felt that they couldn't be in love after only knowing each other for two days, but then we realized that we have never felt love so how could we know that Romeo and Juliet weren't in love. Another point is the way that this play is written. We believe that Shakespeare used his wordy language because he wanted to portray the love that Romeo and Juliet felt for each other. Romeo used phrases like " She doth teach the torches to burn bright!" to describe Juliet. His language is beautiful, and you would never hear a man describe a woman that way.

Anonymous said...

We agreed that Romeo and Juliet should not have fallen in love so fast. One point we had was that today this play would be so much different. People don't usually experience love at first sight and now we end relationships over stupid things like the fact that we don't like the other's new hair cut. We fall in love with the material not the immaterial, and act 3 is the result of falling in love with out thought or "love at first sight." The significance of love is that love brings about hate and hate in this case leads to death. The importance of act three to me is that you cant have one with out the other, but both together bring grieve to others.

Anonymous said...

Based upon Romeo and Juliet readers log and the Socratic conversation the most important thing is that love concurs all and tho so many people are trying to stop it and make them change their mind they always come back. Also the fact that their families are enemy's and they still are making their love work is every important.

Anonymous said...

The most important thing in Romeo and Juliet is the love they have for one another. we don't understand how two people so young can be so in love after knowing the other person for so little time. I don't know anyone that has experienced this kind of love every. there love just seems like it doesn't exist now a days.

Anonymous said...

In Act 3 the most important part was how the portraye there love for eachtoher. Most us can't understand or relate to the story.We also dont understand how they can be so in love they are in so few days. Today the socity would never allow or accepct the fact that two teenagers were to go and get married secretly after 3 days of knowing eachother. Today there has to be so many traditions and family aprovals that the kinda of sisuation in Romeo and Juilet would never be accepcted.