Monday, April 23, 2012

Fate And Love?

So far through Act II.iii in Romeo And Juliet, what is your assessment of fate and love regarding the characters Romeo and Juliet?  Please respond during class today.


Anonymous said...

The assessment of fate and love in Romeo and Juliet, is how by absolute fate that Romeo and Juliet first laid their eyes on each other. If it wouldn't be for Romeo to crash the Capulet's party, Romeo and Juliet would never have been known as the original star-crossed lovers. The forbidden love of Romeo and Juliet comes from pure fate. The relation of fate and love is primarily connected to each other.

Anonymous said...

It is fate that Romeo and Juliet found each other. So many different factors were set in to play to make it happen. For instance, Romeo was upset about Rosaline, so his friend was trying to cheer him up. It just so happened that the Capulets were throwing a party, and Romeo gets on the guest list through a stroke of luck. Its highly improbable that all these events would have happened if fate hadn't been controlling the two's destiny.

Anonymous said...

At the masquerade Romeo and Juliet barley know each other and they are already in love. So far from then on in the book they seem to have a strong connection. Fate and love is a big theme for the whole book and especially now it shows. At the balcony seen when Juliet is talking about Romeo without knowing he was there shows that he is constantly on her mind like she is on his. It was fate that they met and they both knew that they were meant to be together. From knowing each other for only a day and they want to get married shows that they trust fate and destiny and believe in love at first sight. The fact that them being together is forbidden makes their love even stronger and reassures them that the are soul mates.

Anonymous said...

I think that Romeo and Juliet are so in love that they believe they will stay that way. Whether they would or not is unknown considering in days they would both be dead. Romeo and Juliet were both in difficult situations. Romeo said he was in love with Rosaline, which is why he went to the party. Juliet had to marry Paris, who was older and she didn’t really know him. They were both in shock when they met each other and they may have been in love, it was more instant with their situations. But, fate also brought them together. Romeo went to the party because Rosaline was there. Juliet was at that party because it was her home and she was a Capulet. They were from enemy houses and never would have met if it not have been for that party.

SydneyR said...

I believe all things are an act of fate. All the things that happen to us are a string of events related to each other and meant to happen. If Romeo hadn't fallen in love with Rosaline and had his heart broken, he would never have gone to the dance and met Juliet. Love and fate go hand in hand.

Anonymous said...

The book Romeo and Juliet is a fictitious love story about a girl named Juliet and a boy named Romeo. So far through act 2, Romeo and Juliet are completely in love. I think this is very fictional because no person is going to fall in love that quickly let alone a 14 year old. Normal 14 year olds dont even know what love is, they only know puppy love. However in the story Romeo and Juliet meet when Romeo crashes the party of Juliet family. Because of this I think there love is fate. Through out the fictional story love and fate are clearly shown, however it would not happen in real life.

Anonymous said...

So far throughout Romeo and Juliet we have gotten to experience what it is like to truly be in love. We see that even the two most different of people can fall in love, because of pure attraction. I believe that even though Romeo and Juliet are 'sworn enemies' they meet because of fate, because someone somewhere wanted them to meet, they wanted them to fall in love. They only meet once, for a brief amount of time, but their hearts long for each other. That is when you know it is true love, that it was fate to meet that person. Because you feel as if you can't live without them. So far in the book, we find that Romeo and Juliet are true, lovers. They are truly, madly, and deeply in love, and nothing either of their parents say will change their mind. Fate has a funny way of working itself out, and with true love they really can conquer all.

Anonymous said...

I guess it is fate that brought Romeo and Juliet together because had they not met, Juliet would have probably had to marry Paris. But the whole star-crossed lovers thing is kind of ridiculous. Either you meet or you don't, either you fall in love or you don't. Does "fate" always have to play such a big role?

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet's love is rushed. They don't really know each other and they want to get married. They do love each other after seeing each other for a few hours. The fate that two lovers would bring there families together. They have the fate of there two families in their hands and if something goes wrong they could make the hatred of the two families even worse. If there parents found out they were in love it would be bad. they love each other but it is a little rushed and unplanned.

Anonymous said...

The starcrossed lovers are fated to be together, they were destined to meet each other the way they did. the fact that they were born into enemy families was not just a coincidence but the way destiny planned it out. Their strength and love was to be tested when they first caught glance of each other.

Anonymous said...

I think it was fate that they met at the ball but love brought them to want to get married. Romeo went to the ball in hope to win the heart of Rosaline instead he is blinded by the sight of Juliet. They instantly fall in love and he finds her at the balcony. Their love makes them want to get married. Juliet is suppose to marry Paris so it is fate that they meet right before she possibly gets married to the Prince. It is also fate that they are both searching for love. Their love for each other brings them together even though they are enemies.

Anonymous said...

My assessment on fate and love is portrayed in Romeo and Juliet is that even though our society is now portrayed as having to know someone for a certain amount of time before you can say "love". Fate is something that you think happens when you feel like it happened for a reason. In Romeo and Juliet has the characters showing so much emotion for another even for the short amount of time that they knew each other. My assessment is that even-though you don't have to know someone for that long, it can end up to be you soul mate, as portrayed in Romeo and Juliet

Anonymous said...

My assessment for love and fate regarding Romeo and Juliet is that it is kind of soon for two people to fall in love. Romeo came to Juliet's home only a few hours after knowing each other, and basically asked her to marry him. I find it odd that two people can fall in love so fast.

Anonymous said...

In Romeo and Juliet they have already spoken their love for one another and now they are to be married. In this book I feel like fate and love are glorified, and send the message that if you love someone right away they are you soul mate. I disagree with the message and Romeo and Juliets decision to get married. I think love is something that happens over time, and I think your fate is in the hands of God. So far, I feel that Romeo and Juliet are just infatuated with each other instead of being in love, and I feel that fate has nothing to do with their “love” because fate cannot be predicted or changed.

Anonymous said...

In the book Romeo and Juliet act two fate plays a big role when Romeo catches his eye on his true love, Juliet at a ball and they fall in love instantly after dancing with each other and they sneak off and tell each other how they feel. Fate had brought the lovers together and its crazy to think about how they just so happen to be in the same place at the same time and they just so happen to have the same feelings for each other and they both want to move very fast and get married the next day.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, fate has led Romeo and Juliet together. After fate took its course, the two lovers acted only on love and followed their instincts. Romeo and Juliet know almost immediately that they are in love. For a love to develop so quickly, fate must be a factor. It seems only logical that fate is the force driving their swift, shocking, and fascinating romance.

Anonymous said...

I think it was fate that they met at the ball right before Juliet was to get married. because if she didn't meet Romeo she would be married to Paris. Also Romeo went to find Rosalie but at first sight They knew they were deeply in love. And get married without a question. IT was fate that they met right before everything that could have happened.

Anonymous said...

My assessment of the fate and love of Romeo and Juliet is that they have such an undying love for one another that they can get through anything. it was there destinies to meet each other.with romeo at Juliet side an Juliet at romeos side they can solve any problem and they wont let anything tear them apart.

Anonymous said...

I believe that everything that has happened in the book comes down to fate. The two knew they were in love from the moment they saw eachoher. It was fate that brought them together. It was fate that romeo and juilet ended upat the same party, overthrow there family, and rebel just to be togethter. Fate and love are extremly conected to eachother as shown in the play.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet are perfect for each other. I believe they were brought together by fate because they were never supposed to meet. Their families are enemies and they should be too, but they ignore the problems and discover true love. I see that the age difference is a problem, however to them it's as if they were born the same day. They are absolutely perfect for each other and they teach us a good lesson, anyone should be able to love, whoever they want.