Thursday, February 9, 2012

Inkling Of An Idea?

What are you finding in your specific research regarding your potential position paper topic(s)? What sources have you you consulted? What research celebrations or frustrations have you encountered? Please respond with accuracy, honesty, and vivid detail. This blog is due today, February 9th during class.


Anonymous said...

For my topic I want to do religion in schools. I think it's ridiculous that we cannot celebrate all holidays. I found out that 95% of people in the us celebrate Christmas, and 4% celebrate Hanuka in the US. We should celebrate all holidays, not just christian holidays. I think all holidays have important meninges and should be taught in school to educate on this common topic.

Anonymous said...

I am researching the treatment of animals before they are harvested. I disagree with what people do. So far I have just Google my topic and also watched a documentary on it. There is a lot of information to take in and its all very sad. It is illegal to abuse animals so I believe what people do to harvest animals should be illegal too.

Anonymous said...

I am finding that cloning is preparing to be used on human beings to take cells and other things from the clone, to put into the original human being. The frustrations with researching this topic is Wikipedia, and finding if this information is accurate. I have found some other sites that are accurate by the people that study cloning. I plan to go to the local library to research more on this specific topic of cloning, and the two different sides of this. Then I will soon find what my pint of view is for cloning.

Anonymous said...

For my position paper I have decided to focus on Illegal Immigration. I have done a little research, and have found some newspaper articles about the increasing rate of Illegal Immigrants. I also have a background story that I would like to use. I definitely need more articles for that topic, but I feel like it will be a great topic for me.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking I would do gay marriage as a position paper. I think that there are a lot of sources available because it is a very controversial topic. The problem is the sources are not always reliable. There are many news articles about states creating laws for or against it. Thankfully I didn’t come up with many sources to go through, hopefully I will find one that has a lot of good, reliable information. Also, a lot of the sources are one sided.

Anonymous said...

I want to do teenage drug usage as my topic. Some of the articles are frustrating because they make teens that use drugs sound like "misguided youths without brains" But one article has information stating that most teens who use drug aren't abusing "street drugs" but rather common over the counter drugs. And the scary thing is that most teens don’t realize when they are potential overdosing on drugs like pain killers. Drugs that most kids over dose on now are things they can purchase at grocery stores without IDs or get easily from their homes. I need to find more reliable sources before I decide what my position is.

Anonymous said...

I want to write about Teen Curfew. I read a few articles about how most crimes by teens was after curfew hours at night. I agree that teenagers should have curfew, because of that. But I also want to look at other articles that don't support teen curfew.

Anonymous said...

For my topic i think i want to do the outlook from the world on introverts, the fact that most people believe that it leads to depression. So issues with this topic have been trying to find people who agree with my opinion that being a introvert is a bad thing, i have a few other ideas for topics but its been hard to find enough information on them.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

For my position paper I had a couple ideas, I was thinking about teen drinking and teen abortion. These topics, I haven't researched much but they I think are good ideas. I'm still unsure of what I for sure want to do, but I want to do something I can connect to, so i can have a good paper. I haven't had any major struggles with my research yet, but I guarantee some might come up!

Anonymous said...

So far in researching teenage depression I have found some reliable information regarding the effects it has on adolescents today. I found signs of depression and useful information from a few websites, such as from a news website which had conducted a study on the topic. I also used the AHS Subscription Services, and found some potentially helpful articles there. The only problem with my topic is having a position on the issue. Hopefully with further research I can narrow down my topic and take a stance on the problem.

Anonymous said...

For my topic I am researching CSAP testing.CSAP testing doesn't have any affect on our grade. It is only really busy work. this test also costs a lot of money for the state of Colorado. they have to print the test and the have people to grade the tests and the test just costs a lot of money. this is another test that the students dread every year. Students don't really benefit from this test. it doesn't help your learning. tests are to see what u need help on learning. CSAP testing you have to study many different things that don't even count in life. we could be doing more productive things nwith pour lives not taking a horribly long test.

Sydney R said...

I'm not sure 100% which topic I would like to write about. I've mostly researched articles about same sex relationships. I am very interested that and am upset that not everyone gets equal rights when it comes to their choice of partner.

Anonymous said...

For my topic I am writing about underage drinking. The first thing I read while doing research was that 17% of 8th graders are drinking for fun. In 8th grade I was 13 years old, that's 8 years before its legal to drink in Colorado. I think I can find a lot of information and it's a topic that should be covered.

Anonymous said...

For my topic I am writing about underage drinking. The first thing I read while doing research was that 17% of 8th graders are drinking for fun. In 8th grade I was 13 years old, that's 8 years before its legal to drink in Colorado. I think I can find a lot of information and it's a topic that should be covered.

Anonymous said...

For my paper i want to research the killing of marine mammals such as dolphins and whales. i found that in japan there is a group of people that are hunting dolphins and they know it was bad because they were trying to hide what they were doing from the rest of the world. we have to try to stop the hunting and killing of marine mammals because before we know it they will be gone.