Thursday, January 5, 2012

Poetry In Music?

Please Quote One Of Your Favorite Song Lines Or Lyrics And Explain How It Exhibits One Of Our Studied Poetry Terms? Make sure that your quoted lyrics are appropriate. Please italicize the song lyrics, include the song title/artist(s), and qualify or establish the connection between the poetry term and the lyrics. (Due Friday 1-06-2012 by 2:30p.m.)


Anonymous said...

There are many poetic devices in songs I listen to. In the song U Smile by Justin Bieber, there is a hyperbole. It is, "If you need me, I'll come running from a thousand miles away." Also, in the song Love Me by Justin Bieber he says, "my heart is blind..." and that is personifaction, because a heart really can't be blind!

Anonymous said...

All music really is, is a poem with a melody. In the song Landslide by Fleetwood Mac there is a metaphor, "Can I handle the seasons of my life?" This is a metaphor because your life doesnt actually have seasons it is just saying that your life changes like the seasons change.

Anonymous said...

Music is just a poem with a melody, it shows how the lyricist feels. In the song,"Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley,there is personification when he sings,"Rise up this mornin,smiled with the risin sun, three little birds pitch by my doorstep, singin sweet songs of melodies pure and true,sayin,(this is my message to you-ou-ou)The sun can't really smile, and the birds can't really speak in a way we can understand, therefore, the poetic term is personification.

Anonymous said...

In music, we often times find that situations are symbolically represented. In the song Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, a metaphor is used to convey the message of the song. Throughout the song they sing, "Here comes the sun," and "I feel that ice is slowly melting." In using these lines, the song gives a message of happiness returning to people's lives after a period of anguish. By describing weather, listeners understand the feelings of the subject of the song.

Anonymous said...

The song I chose is called “A Siren’s Soliloquy” by Alesana. Right away there is use of allusion in the title by referring to the myth of the Sirens. In keeping with the theme of myths, the song also refers to Eris, the Greek goddess of discord and strife. “Left behind to fight the ruthless pawns of Eris”. In the song, “pawns of Eris” is an allegory for the difficulties the writer is facing.

Pandora is also referred to in this song, making it full of allusions to the Greek myths. Pandora is the girl who opened the forbidden box and released evil on the world. In the song, the line states, “set loose so long ago by the foolish Pandora”.

The song also contains many metaphors and similes. My favorite one is, “an epic tale of deceit is given life once more on silver lips so spiteful”. The writer is using famous symbols of women who brought harm to men to describe the painful relationship he is in.

The writer says he was “once a warrior, poetic shrieks now own my soul”, which is another metaphor. He was strong once, and now he feels that another controls him.

Anonymous said...

Music is always a poem put with rythem. My favorite song is Monsters by Band of Horses. This song has multiple poetic terms within it, including a simile. The line compares monsters with horrible people using like. The line in the song is...
when aweful people they surround you
well hey, they just like monsters

Anonymous said...

Music is most definitley a form of poetry almost any way it is written. In the song When I Look at You by Miley Cyrus she sings "like the stars hold the moon." This is personification because stars cannot hold anything, and holding is a human quality. It is amazing how song lyrics are just like a poem with a beat.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In the song drummer boy by Justin Bieber there is a very common poetic element called rhyme. Many rap songs use this and in this song many lines rhyme. Wishin' wishin' that they had somebody they could hold.
So I think some of you need to act bold;
It's also a persuasive piece. Asking you to do a good deed this Christmas. This piece catches attention because of the ryhme.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite lyrics comes from a song called Better Days by Goo Goo Dolls. The lyric is and the one poor child who saved this world and there’s ten million more who probably could. I like this lyric because it gets you thinking about heroics and opportunities. It also connects with the poetic term Allegory. You could take it very literally and suppose that there are more people that could save the world. But it hides a deeper meaning, like if a child was given and opportunity to save the world, they would be brave enough to do it.

Anonymous said...

Music is actually a perfect way to express poetry, so many poetic devices are used in almost any song you listen to. For example in the song One Less Lonely Girl by Justin Bieber there is a line that says "Her heart's locked and you know what I got the key" which is a hyperbole because your heart doesn't really have a key.

Anonymous said...

"If you found the words, would you really say them?
Or silent through the verse
Will mumble punctuation
Remembering the line, an empty metaphor
That you savored by yourself
You're never cured
If I forgot the lines, is it easy enough to fake it?
Or do you need a moment to rememorize
And model it like a curse half disguised?"
Parallel Lines By Junior Boys

In this song, there are a few relations to similes and metaphors. When it says 'remembering the line, an empty metaphor' this is directly talking about metaphors, and how they are used to describe certain things. When it says 'and model it like a curse half disguised' this is a simile.

Anonymous said...

In the song, It Will Rain by Bruno Mars it says " I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til im bleeding if that'll make it right." Which you could say is a hyperbole or a metaphor because yuo cant really pick up the broken pieces of your heart, but you can mentally so it will fix things.

Anonymous said...

There are many poetic devices in songs that we listen too! Like in many Justin Bieber songs they use a device
called rhyme like in his song "love me" baby you can do me no wrong my money is your because i love ya love ya. There is rap and just singing in this song and i think it would fit perfectly for rhyme.