Monday, January 9, 2012

Inspired Redux?

How does the Danny McCaskill Way Back Home presentation relate to your world? Can his new exploits connect with your academic endeavors? Again, did he make you look twice? Did he inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed by Wednesday, January 11th, 2012 at 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...

The video by Danny McCaskill Way Back Home relates to the real world by turning something little into something big. On a bike people think that you can't do many tricks, Danny challenged that. Danny experimented with tricks that were so amazing just shows that anything is possible, and something that seems simple can turn into something big. This video can connect with my academics to just show that something that seems impossible can be done. Also to give everything 100% in school, just like he gave it all he can do in these videos. Some moves that he did made me look twice. Everything seemed so crazy and I couldn't stop watching, it just doesn't seem real. He definatly inspired and motivated me to try new things. Like in writting, if you work hard your paper can be out of this world. Just like his bicycling. This video definatly connects to real life becuase it shows that anything is possible with a little determination. This video pushes people to reach their full potential and work their hardest. This video has impacted the way I see thing now.

Anonymous said...

The inspirational video by Danny McCaskill inspires me by showing that if you can put your heart to anything, you can accomplish the impossible. If you are intent on finishing your homework, or succeeding in anything you want, you can if you put your mind to it, just like Danny McCaskill. It connects to real life by showing us that we can succeed in anything that we do.

Anonymous said...

By watching Danny McCaskill accomplish the extraordinary on his bike, I realized nothing is out of reach with hard work. Personally, I am beginning to form my goals for life and plan my future. As I look ahead, I need to keep pushing myself to be extraordinary. By seeing someone who has obtained success with a skill that seems almost unreachable, it inspires me to reach higher, and let no obstacles slow me down. Danny has clearly put extensive amounts of time into achieving his dream. If I do the same, my dreams will also be in reach. Whether it is academics or athletics, nothing can stop the person with the right mental attitude. As I look to fulfill my goals in these two areas, I must keep the right mindset. By watching Danny, I know I can be successful.

Anonymous said...

Way Back Home by Danny McCaskill is a way of telling his viewers that you are the important part of anything. A bike looks just like an ordinary bike until you get on it, and do amazing things on it. Homework is just homework until someone comes and puts their heart into it, so that they can succeed not only then, but in the future too. He has inspired me to try my hardest so that I can open up possibilites in the future.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The video Way Back Home by Danny McCaskill relates to my world because he tries hard at something he likes, and wants to get good at. He might not be the best at it at first, but he tries hard to be as good as he can. That relates to me with my academics, because I may not be the smartest person in my class, but I still try my best and try hard to be as good as I can. Also, with cheer this relates to me. I am obviously not the best at cheerleading, but I still try my hardest to get better at it, because I want to be good. Danny probably wasn't the best at riding a bike at first, but when he tried really hard to accomplish what he wants, he was able to do it.

Anonymous said...

The Video by Danny McCaskill Way Back Home relates to world by making something as little as a childhood hobby into a life style. He inspires us to show us that we can do anything id we set our minds to it and work hard and put 100% effort towards anything that we do. My reaction to this video was what inspired him to put towards so much effort. Also the amazing tricks that he does leaves me in a trance making me look twice.

Anonymous said...

I believe this video by Danny McCaskil relates to the real world by inspiration. Every day someone in the world gets inspired; whether they are an artist, a musician, a writer, a athlete, or even a mathmatition. Inspiration is a strong sense/mix of reality and imagination. This can turn something small into something big. The is exemplified in this biking video. Danny took an ordinary bike the people would just stroll along on and did tricks. He almost turned biking into another form of parkour. He found inspiration and made something little, big which relates to our world every day.

Anonymous said...

I think this video is inspiring to follow your dreams. He may be paid to do all those tricks on video but he has a motivation that allows him to be rave enough to do things like flips. He amazed me in his confidence in landing the tricks and I think that confidence is a big part of pursuing dreams, especially when they are so dangerous and risk a lot. He had to teach himself and be patient when he learned to bike, then flip, then do so much more. He may have not expected he would be at where he is today. I think this can relate to anyones’life. It may sound cheesy but you have to believe in yourself and follow those dreams if you ever want to accomplish them. I think Danny McCaskill really hows people how much it matters to be patient with yourself and have confidence. With that attitude anything can be accomplished.

Anonymous said...

By watching Danny McCaskill Way Back Home, it showed me that nothing is impossible. That you really can accomplish anything when you put your heart to it, and you are dedicated. As I begin my high school journey I am looking out on all the possibilites and the places my life will take me, and this just shows me that I need to dedicate myself to what I really want to do, I have to put my heart into it and I will do great things.

Anonymous said...

The video by Danny McCaskill Way Back Home relate to my world is by if you put your mind to something and work really hard you can accomplish a lot and working had will help you get better and better. It did make me look twice and think how amazing it is that he can do that. It inspired me to work harder at something and never give up no mater what.