Friday, December 9, 2011

Does The "Path" Matter?

How does Eudora Welty's quote, "The path is the thing that matters" apply to The Odyssey and The Straight Story?  Should "The path" matter?  What does our society argue?  How do Alvin and Odyssey address this?  Other thoughts?  Complete on Dec. 9th, 2011.


Anonymous said...

The path makes me think about the quote, "the journey is more important than the destination". To me that means, what you learn or discover along a quest or a long journey. Both Alvin and Odysseus have to overcome serious obstacles and show strength to complete the journey on their "path". There are many times in both stories where they might want to give up, but they keep going. I think both men know that they might die along the way but they are committed to seeing their journeys to the end. I also think both men start out thinking that what they want at the end of the "path" is most important, but they come to learn that getting there taught them a lot.

Anonymous said...

Eudora Welty's quote applies to the odyssey and the straight story because they both had paths that were difficult and they faced obstacles making there journeys longer. Alvin met some people on his path just like Odysseus. the path that they took made their journey the trip it turned out to be because if they didn't take the path they did there would have been a different outcome.

Anonymous said...

I think the path does matter in The Odyssey and The Straight Story. Odysseus goes through a challenging journey, losing some friends along the way however that's what made him who he is today. That works for describing The Straight Story. Alvin went through his journey to his brothers house on a tractor, he had some problems on the way, but when he actually got to his brother's it was so much more rewarding.

Anonymous said...

This quote applies to the straight story and the odyssey perfectly they are both have their own adventure good and bad and meet new people/ things along the way. Their journeys are both impacted and change dramatically along the way. And different out comes came out as well.

Anonymous said...

This quote relates to the Odyssey and The Straight Story because both are about two people who are very focused on how they are going to get somewhere, instead of what they are going to do when they get there. And in my opinion, it really just depends on what the destination is. Because if you are trying to get ahead in business, or in life, you should be more focused on the destination, because that is what should be motivating you to be great. But if you're just talking about life, you should be more focused on the journey, because in the end, the destination is death.

Anonymous said...

I agree. This is because the long journey for Odysseus and Alvin was their path to happiness. Alvin went through a path not only to meet a brother, but redeem a friendship. Odysseus went on a path to his kingdom and his wife to live the wonderful life he used to. Everyone has a path whether to get good grades or to raise good children. Their path makes their life, making it most important. People don't always look at their path as their life and just go with the flow. Most of our society though wants a good future and thinks about their path. Alvin addresses the importance of meeting his brother, Odysseus kinda addresses the importance of getting home. This quote is a huge reflection of the two stories.

Anonymous said...

After everything that had happened to Alvin and Odysseus, they experienced so much on their journey where the destination was just a place. Odysseus had been on a long journey, mostly because of the gods. But he kept going. He never quit. Same with Alvin. He had seen and experienced so much on his journey it just made the destination more meaningful. I think the journey is the most important part. If Alvin took a plane there, his brother wouldn't look up to him as much as what he did to see him. Same with Odysseus, he could have just returned home but all he would be was a war hero, nothing else.
Addy Bateman

Anonymous said...

After everything that had happened to Alvin and Odysseus, they experienced so much on their journey where the destination was just a place. Odysseus had been on a long journey, mostly because of the gods. But he kept going. He never quit. Same with Alvin. He had seen and experienced so much on his journey it just made the destination more meaningful. I think the journey is the most important part. If Alvin took a plane there, his brother wouldn't look up to him as much as what he did to see him. Same with Odysseus, he could have just returned home but all he would be was a war hero, nothing else.
Addy Bateman

Anonymous said...

This quote stated by Eudora Welty relates to The Odyssey and The Straight Story because Alvin and Odysseus have to overcome such serious obstacles and they show how it really will be okay in the end and they finish Journey. They both had paths that were the only things that mattered to them. Odysseus lost friends on the path and Alvin had struggles to overcome, this quote relates to The Odyssey and The Straight Story.