Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"The Simpsons", Satire, And "The Odyssey"

Compare The Odyssey video excerpt from the Simpsons with Homer's epic poem The Odyssey Books 9,10,12,21,22,23. What does the Simpson's version satirize?  What does it make you think about regarding the poem's characters, theme, relationships, and episodes?  Please respond with specific support (i.e.-quotations) for your argument.


Anonymous said...

I think this relates to the Odyssey because the god in the video of the sypsons turned the people into pigs and then the main character ate the pigs which relates to Circe and his cattle that the men ate. Also they went off on a adventure and was gone for years just like The Odyssey.

Anonymous said...

This clip of The Simpson's was satirical because it poked fun at Odysseus's journey through out the Odyssey. In this clip, it shows Homer as Odysseus, Marge as Penelope and Bart as Telemachus. It shows Homer going past the sirens, but because its supposed to be funny, the sirens are ugly instead. Then when it goes back to Ithica to show Marge and Bart, one of the suitors starts to hit on Bart. Which is humorous. Then on the journey to Hades, he travels down 'The River Syx" or something of that nature, and a bad rock song is playing. Then after Homer gets home and him and Marge get all lovey, she asks him to tell her about his journey. And he says "Stop suffocating me, I'm going to Moe's." Which is funny... Because they haven't seen eachother in twenty years.

Anonymous said...

The Simpson's video and the Odyssey are alike in some ways, but the Simpson's video has satire in it over the actual Odyssey. Because it is the Simpson's, it makes fun of the Odyssey a little bit, and makes it silly. Although, Odysseus in both of them kind of resemble a bad leader because they both seem a little uncaring like when he eats the pigs in the video that are actually his friends. In the video he shows disrespect to people like Circe, and that is nothing that Odysseus would actually do. In the video he asks, "do they give every weirdo and island now?" which is something that Odysseus wouldn't say. The video in a way makes fun of the actual Odyssey.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons video and the odyssey connect because it shows the selfish acts of Odysseus by him eating his friends. It also shows that how he left his wife for so long without her knowing where he was. In the video when circe has his friends drink out her coldren to get them to turn into pigs then have him eat him it shoes how she minipulated them.

SydneyR said...

The Simpson's version of the Odyssey makes fun of the hardships Odysseus went through. They made it all seem very comical, like when he went through Hades and they played a song he hated. When Circe turned his friends to pigs, it made fun of what was supposed to be heroism that was replaced by Homer's stupidity. It made me think of how kind of clever it was to make fun of things in that way. In the poem, all Odysseus has to go through is very brave and scary, but the Simpson's manage to show it in a very satirical way.

Anonymous said...

In the Simpson's satire of the odyssey it briefly showed the journey of Odysseus. Homer was the role of Odysseus and that well represented how selfish Odysseus really was. When he ate his friends when they were turned into pigs, it showed his selfishness in a comical way. All of the Simpson's characters played the role of a character in the Odyssey and that gave the story of the Odyssey a satirical feel.

Anonymous said...

In the video excerpt of the Simpsons, its shows part of the Odyssey, in a very different way. It shows satire as we call it, it shows the story in a much less complex way, in a very sarcastic way. This shows that Odysseus' journey was a lot easier than it actually was. This video makes me think about Odysseus' life and how he really overcame multiple challenges.We could honestly say that this video is mocking the Odyssey, considering how much it really does show that happened, but in a much different way.

Anonymous said...

In the Simpsons video, they display the foolish traits of Odysseus at an exaggerated level. When the crew drinks the drinnk that turns them into pigs, the drink looks like a disgusting green poison, making fun of how stupid the men must of been to drink something that harmful. When Homer/Odysseus eats his men, it symbolized how his actions and triumphs cost the lives of all his men and how it was directly Odysseus' fault.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons version of the Odyssey was like the true story in many ways, but there were parts to the story that were not. Odysseus and his crew went towards the sirens without wax or anything. But their hideousness drove them away. Odysseus ate his crew when they were pigs. Which wasn't true either. When Odysseus came home, he wasn't disguised as a beggar, but just himself. He didn't string any bow and shoot an arrow, but he killed all the suitors with a spear.

Anonymous said...

Satire is clearly visible in the Simpsons Odyssey video. Like the original poem,it includes the island of Cerce and the sirens. Even though the sirens were represented by ugly women that were awful to look at. Zeus "flicked" them back representing how they could not get home, that they kept having troubles holding them back. The island of Cerce turned the men into pigs where they saw the dead men and just ignored the obvious signs, Homer ate his men out of signs of selfishness and bad leadership. The rock band STYX which they protrayed as hell, or horrible music that hurts to listen to as Homer said, "ahh this is hell!". When returning home he decides he want to go to Mo's instead of sharing his travels. Odysseus was represented well in the form of selfishness and cowardly leadership through out the video and the relationship between his men proved vital as he ate them showing the carelessness he showed toward them. The main theme also continued through the video of longing for a way out, like STYX and even his returning home.

Anonymous said...

This video does relate to the Odyssey because they have been gone for 20 years and at the end he did return with no other men then himself. So his whole crew died. And he also met Circe who kinda helped him and he did go through hades pass to get back to Ithica just like Odysseious did. It was a long adventure to get back from.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons episode shows a very quick and very lighthearted version of The Odyssey by Homer. The episode shows things that should be taken more seriously, as funny jokes. like when Circe turns the crew into pigs and "Odysseus" EATS them. I personally think that this episode is a disgrace to Homers take on mythology. It just shows that people try very hard to make a good thing into something bad.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons episode poked fun at the sirens making them seem ugly, and had Poseidon "knocking" Odysseus off of his course. Also at the island of Circe, Odysseus' men were turned into pigs after upsetting Circe. She then sent Odysseus (Homer) to Hades so that he could get back on the right path to his home, Ithaca. Some differences though were that Odysseus ate his men on Circe's island when they were turned into pigs, and when he returned home to Ithaca he wasn't dressed in rags, and the suitors weren't trying to string his bow.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons is kind of making fun of Odysseus and his journey such as when he sees the sirens and when he eats his men in the Simpsons its just like how Odysseus's journey causes most all of his men to die in horrible ways. They also make fun of the gods and also they show the sutors that are waiting for Odysseus's wife to marry one of them. but then he comes home after twenty years and comes back as a different looking man and kills all of the sutors.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons video and the Odyssey were similar in some ways, such as the men turning into pigs, however it made fun of the Odyssey too, for example when they were sailing home, and a giant flicked their ship the other direction. One thing I really noticed a big difference in was when Homer went straight home to his wife, in the Odyssey he goes home in disguise, and no one knows Odysseus is there. Watching the Simpsons video really helped me visualize the odyssey, I think it will help me remember the story even though some of it was changed.

Anonymous said...

when i watch the simsons episode and i see that it is a lot like the books. it shows the sirens, ithica, the sorcer, and the people turning into pigs. it has some of the most important things u can say. i makes me think that people it was kinda hard on odysses's trip home. but it can be kinda funny. it also makes me think that even though some people may say it is serious it can also be funny.

Anonymous said...

The Simpson's Odyssey is very different from the real Odyssey. The Simpson show is more of making fun of the odyssey. In the show they are saying that Odysseus is kinda lazy and stupid by eating the pigs, and finally taking out the trash. The events are the same though like the pigs and the Circe. The theme is very different though, in the book it suggests that Odysseus is a strong, brave, heroic leader that goes on a crazy voyage. In the show it shows that the voyage was pointless and silly. The relationship between Penelope and Odysseus is very passionate in the book, making her very excited of her arrival. When Homer comes home his wife isn't that excited. The people in this are very different by the Gods that want to marry Penelope are hippies and desperate. In the book they show them as noble heroes that need a wife. As you can see the events in both perspectives are the same, but the point of view of both of them are opposite.

Anonymous said...

Homer's Odyssey differs in many ways form the Simpson's version. Obviously, on the Simpsons the story has been simplified and shortened, only including the most entertaining parts. In doing so, they satirized the gods and their power. One example of this is when the crew arrives on Circe's island. As the greet her, one of the men says, "Do they give every wierdo an island now?" This mocks the way that most people look at gods and the way the gods are portrayed in Homer's Odyssey. Seeing this, I think of Odysseus still as a hero, because his determination to get home to his wife was shown. Although very different, the Simpson's version of the Odyssey they connect in many ways.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons version satirizes the gods throwing Odysseus around the ocean to lengthen his voyage home. They also made a joke about the Sirens and how it was simple to turn around. The poem had a different way of describing the deaths and when Odysseus arrived home he did not receive help from Athena for disguising himself as a beggar. In the poem the Odyssey, it showed Odysseus as a strong man and Penelope as a faithful wife. the Simpsons made me think about these characteristics of the people in the poem. Also, in the Simpsons they made the voyage look simple and short, since the episode was shorter then all the Odyssey Poems. They also made the relationship between Odyssey and his men more like a friendly relationship then a manly relationship. Also, between Odysseus and Penelope, Penelope always had faith in Odysseus coming home, but in the end of the Simpsons she seemed to lose that faith.
-Addy Bateman

Anonymous said...

This Simpson's version connects to the Odyssey by showing Odysseys and his struggles to get back home. And how his men turned into pigs and how he ate the piggy's. That relates to how Circe eats the cattle. this shows how life was back at home waiting for him to get home, after 20 long years. Life was quite a struggle for them. It showed his selfishness.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey video excerpt from the Simpsons is like the Odyssey books because it has the similar stories but its making fun a the real stories. like how they made the sirens really ugly instead of beautiful and how homer ate his friends and how he just walked in to his home instead of coming home in a outfit that no one would recognize him in. with the video it also helps me visualize the odyssey more.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons episode is like the odyssey because when they get caught up on the island of Circe his men turn into pigs like they did in the video. but Odysseus does not eat them. They both do have to travel through hell and through the sirens and they both do lose there men.The characters will do anything to get home. They all want to get home desperately.Relationships will always be tried but they will be strong no matter what people think. Penelope always thought that her husband would come home and when she was about to give up he came home.

Anonymous said...

e Simpson's version of the Odyssey was funny, no doubt, but it left out important parts of The Odyssey. It didn't go into very good detail so you missed out on a lot of the action.They did make sure to at least get the emotions of Penelope out, show his men as pigs, and show him going through the underworld. The characters were in a way like the charaters in the poems because of the words they spoke about their emotions.The Simpson’s are able to give the overall story in a very short time, while portraying it so that most people understand the basics of the story.

"Its been so many years since I have seen your father.

Anonymous said...

The Simpson version of the satirize is it was more of a funny joke when people die where in the book most of it is tragic sad. And it relates by in the video God turns them into pigs as in the Simpson she turned them into pigs as well. The characters in the book seam stronger and more determined and in the show they seam weaker and dumb. I think it was good seeing both to help us under stand better.

Anonymous said...

The episodes of the Simpson's symbolized multiple objects, characters in the epic poem, “The Odyssey.” In the episode it immediately started out with Odysseus starting off on an adventure to siren’s island where women sat on rocks and tried to lour men in with its song. In the video it shows that Odysseus almost home to Ithaca but somehow they in counter a problem of being rerouted to Circe’s Island. In the actual story they got pointed there by one of the gods. In the episode, Poseidon points them there as a punishment to blinding his son. The character is played by Homer Simpson. This is also irony because the author of the epic poem was written by a man named homer. When Odysseus’s crew is on Circe's island he says “I'm still Hungary” and Circe responds “didn't you eat enough of your friends.” This represents that he have lost his crew due to a careless action.