Friday, November 4, 2011

"Anthem" Reflections?

After viewing the Prezi's created by your peers regarding Anthem, what did you notice?  What are new ways in which these projects made you think?  Other Thoughts or reflections?  Please respond in class today.


Anonymous said...

My peer's Prezi's had a good amount of content. Their ideas were organized fairly well. Some were organized by places, people, and the society's ruthlessness. By these Prezis, it shows that we get what this book is trying to say.

Anonymous said...

After viewing everyone's prezi's in my class, I noticed that everyone learned a lot from Anthem, and that we can all get so much information from such a short book. A lot of us girls put in the same stuff, like the same themes and we all thought of the same things. These projects were kind of hard to make, but it let us put our information in, in a different way.

Anonymous said...

Each Prezi was really well done. Basically the same information was showed in each presentation, but there were still some differences. each one made me view the book in a slightly different way. There are many ways that you can interpret Anthem and each group had their own unique interpretation.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that there were many of the same ideas but they were explained differently. They made me think of Anthem in a whole new perspective, which was the goal with these projects. I was surprised when everyone had many different pictures. They described why they picked those pictures and they never repeated any of the same ideas over again. Also, using prezi for these projects made it much more interesting and engaging then something like powerpoint or a word document.
-Addy Bateman

Anonymous said...

While walking around looking at Presis I noticed how many people made relations between the light bulb and Equality 7-2521. They related the light bulb to his life for example, hes stuck because he can not do anything because its a sin. This relates to Light bulb because the light is stuck in a box

mrome said...

I thought that everyone did a fantastic job on their prezi. One thing a lot of people did that I didn't do was make one slide on one key word and explain how the word connects to the text. I thought it was cool how some people did one part on a quote not from the book but from a person. The prezis were very interesting and informative.

Anonymous said...

In the Anthem prezis, there was a lot of good information and topics. Some of them had things like quotes that can help you relate to anthem or from the book. but otherwise, they were all great and showed good details on the book.

Anonymous said...

All of the prezi's I looked at were all very well put together. We made our prezi's about the book, but many of the ones we looked at were about how it connects to the real world. Thats a good idea I would include next time we make a presentation about a book.

Anonymous said...

In the Prezi's that i read it showed in so many differrnt ways that anthem connected with our everyday life. It showed that they have no indivality and have no choice. In there life there so controlled until they rebel, witch its like what children now do.

Anonymous said...

I saw many interesting Prezis. I was surprised by all the different ways people talked about Equality, and all the different opinions of the book. One group said Equality was in love and that is what saved him from his society. I never thought that maybe one reason why Equality ran from his Society was because he was not allowed to love.
I loved seeing all the different designs and pictures that people used. All the Prezis were a great success.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that what people put in pictures in there priezi it made me think and made the story more clear and the images that the girls put in fit better than what i even pictured when i was reading the book.
They were all so organized and fun to read. you got to see every ones point of view of thee book and the thoughts that went threw there head.

Anonymous said...

After watching other people in my classes Prezi's, i noticed a lot of people had the same kind of thinking. We all learned a lot. We all grew a lot from this project, it was a good learning experience. It was a lot of fun, even though Prezi was kinda hard to make, it was fun! This project made me reflect on the book a lot. Good Job Galssss (:

Anonymous said...

I noticed that a lot of other people chose to focus on the themes as their main point where as I chose to compare and contrast Anthem and our society. I saw a lot of ideas about love and how it connects to government and self expressions. It was kind of fun to see how we took the same book and everyone found different themes from the same text.

Anonymous said...

After viewing the Prezi's made by the classmates I noticed that there is a lot of creativity in the class. I also noticed that there are a lot of different perspectives of Anthem. Also, they were very organized and we put in a lot of the same stuff in the prezis, just different perspectives. They were all well done.

Bre Jones

Anonymous said...

The others Prezi's had a lot of in depth thought. There symbols were very thought through. they were very organized.We all understood the book and relay thought about it well

Anonymous said...

after looking at everyone's prezi i noticed we all had very similar ideas and thoughts about anthem. next time we do these i will try to put more of how the book connects to the world like other people did

Anonymous said...

After viewing all the Prezi's I really noticed that we learned a lot from Anthem. Each group had a slightly different interpretation of what they thought the main ideas were and how it could relate to society today. I also thought Prezi was a good challenge for us and let us express our ideas and creativity in a new way.