Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Technology And "A Primitive Futuristic Society?"

What does Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" make you think? How might this video connect with Anthem? Explain and use one quotation from Anthem to connect. Reflect, dissect, challenge, etc... Please complete this prompt in class.


Anonymous said...

This video and the book Anthem connect because, the video kind of shows how on the Internet no one really has an identity, and no one is really an individual. At the end of the video it shows shows that. In Anthem no one really has an identity either. And they have to do what they are told, for their whole life. “We are nothing, mankind is all. By the grace of our brothers are we allowed our lives. We exist through, by and for our brothers who are the State.” page 21. This quote from Anthem shows that they are nothing alone, but once it’s everyone they are something. And that they only live because of their brothers.

Anonymous said...

This video connects with anthem in a subtle way. In anthem, the society is so far behind where we are today. It is primitive and uncivilized; they lack any sort of electricity. They don't have light bulbs or computers or phones. They don't have television or video games or the iPod. They have none of the things our civilization revolves around around today. The video we watched in class contrasts the society described in anthem. However, there was an Unmentionable Times in the book. My feeling is that in the unmentionable times the technology was so advanced it took over society. It ruled out emotions and individuality and the traits of being a human being, and eventually it got so out of control that conflict erupted. This could be kind of what the video was talking about, technology advancing way to much.

Anonymous said...

in the video it shows how we are practically feeding the machines we use today with information weather its personal information or just facts about different things. computers already correct our mistakes, such as spell check. eventually these machines are going to be smarter than us, they are going to know more than an average humans brain, they already do now. Every time we put information in the computer, it gets that much smarter. Just imagine in a few years.This connects to anthem because it shows, we really don't know what our future is going to turn into. our lives might turn into the characters lives in anthem.we don't know what our future holds for us because our machines might know more than us people.

Anonymous said...

in this video it shows that we are so dependent on the web. We have so many new ways to communicate. the web can memorize many things that we can"t. We Use it tho blog to check the weather and so many other things. People are on the web at least once a day. This sort of relates to Anthem because they rely so much on the council. The Council is like thew web for them. The privacy is limited. they have to be like each other. The wed limits privacy to. Any one can post any thing on there even if is relates to some one els. In anthem they have so many rules to fallow. if someone knows something about someone els they could tell the council. privacy is questions in todays society and Anthems.

Anonymous said...

"Us in the machine" relates to Anthem because they both show us the extreme in situations. In anthem they are so controled and so limited on how they can live there life and what they can explore where as we with the internet and technology can explore almost anything we want. In the vedio it shows how much we use technology that it is almost taking over. In Anthem equitily says :We equilty have discovered a new power of natur, and we have discovered it our self." witch states what extreem that are at fir how under deleevoped in technology they are. How chalanging it is for them not to have the oportuinty we have today.

Anonymous said...

"Us in the machine" made me think about how much the computers have helped us, I think sometimes we forget how powerful we are, but we made that happen! That's how it connects to anthem! They have to follow the scholars, the scholars are the only ones who can have new ideas and inventions, but the ordinary people are still just as powerful and smart as the scholars, the same way any of us in this generation can be just as successful as Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs. "I am. I think. I will." (Anthem pg.94) I believe this quote represents their freedom, Equality 7-2521 is his own person, he will think for himself, and he will do what he wants. He has found this wonderful place and realizes what he has been missing in the 21 years he was stuck in that controlling society!

Anonymous said...

I think this video is connecting to Anthem because it showed how much technology was progressing, and that could be a representation of Equality. Because throughout the book he learns new things to transform his life, like we have learned new ways to transform technology. At the end of the video, Wesch says that we need to start rethinking family, love, ourselves, and a whole mess of other things, and Equality has to do that once he discovers the unspeakable word and finds out about the unmentionable time in order to improve his society. "What is joy if all hands, even the unclean, can reach into it? What is my wisdom, if even fools can dictate to me? What is my freedom, if all creatures, even the botched and the impotent, are my masters? What is my life, if I am but to bow, to agree and to obey?" (Rand 97.) Is where Equality starts rethinking everything, which is a connection!!

Anonymous said...

How the video "is in the machine" connects with the book Anthem is, in the book they cant come up with ideas on their own... and with people coming us with new things changes the world! We as people change the world and if we are not allowed to do anything then nothing new. No one would create. New technology new opportunities. The world is such a big place new things are happing every second new blogs new inventions NEW everything! More we learn the more things change, such as the INTERNET people are learning new things every minute for other people to learn and as more people learn the society becomes more advanced. If things don't change nothing new will come.

Anonymous said...

the video "us in the machine" makes me think about all that is happening on the internet that has do do with writing, like blogging and searching and reading. it makes me think about what goes into a website and how long things take to make the site. this video connects to the book because they both have to do with technology and making new things.On page 80 equality said, "we have much to speak of to ourselves and we hope we shall find the words for it in the days to come." this means they have a purpose for writing and in the video they should a purpose for writing.

Anonymous said...

Wesch's video about "us in the machine" made me think about Anthem because in the Video it didn't use the letter "I" only "we" so that related to Anthem because they wouldn't use the word I in Anthem. Also, the video connects to Anthem because in the video it shows how we express ourselves and in anthem, they don't get the choice to express themselves and have to live on the inside world and not be able to express the way they really truly are. Like in our society we can choose what to do in life and in Anthem, they are told what to be in life and have to live in a certain house for a certain job and all that. And in the video it shows how things are made and how many people blog and so on. Also, it shows that no one on the Internet has an identity. And No one is an individual. We are all independent. And the Internet shows that.

Anonymous said...

Although the society that Equality lives in is very distinctive to our modern society with multiply technology advancements, the Novel and the video do connect in some ways. “Then we know what we must do. Our discovery is too great for us to wast out time in sweeping the streets.” In this quote said by Equality, states that he has discovered a new technology and this could advance their systems and how their society acts and this could advance them. In our modern society we Cherish the technology that has been invented. We witness that the production and the advancement of out technology is moving fast, we have adapted to the pace of that technology. On the other hand, Anthem’s Society is far behind in technology and that's the custom that they are used to and they don't want to change that. This movie could have also connected with out novel because the technology that we use on a daily basis consist of vibrant colors and that seems to rub off on us and turn our technology into a “colorful society.” In Anthem they are such a bland society that they are not used to adapting to new advancements.

Anonymous said...

This video made me think of how popular the web is. So many people spend their time to spread information to their friends and even people they don't know. People have become the controllers of the web. There wouldn't even be a web if there weren't people to create it. I think that in Anthem the people that live in that society are like the web before it became so popular. They are all just living in their society, but they don't create their society. They don't have the freedom to make their own choices or express how they feel. Throughout the book Equality was trying to change that. He wanted to become the creator of a society. He wanted a society like the web is today. One where the people choose what happens and what information is spread around. In the book Equality says,"I shall break all the chains of the earth and raze the cities of the enslaved, and my home will become the capital of the world where each man will be free to exist for his own sake." He wants the people to start having a say so their society will become a place run by the people for the people.

Anonymous said...

Watching Wesch's video, I made connections to the world around me and its changes as well as the future we are creating. With technology advancing so quickly, in many ways we are losing ourselves. We are becoming "the machine". Computers run our world. In connection to Anthem, we too may be creating a monster. If we aren't careful, technology could BECOME our world just as the new way of thinking in Anthem became their world. Without being aware of technology's influence on us, it could too become a negative force. Although it provides us with many useful benefits, it destroys the sense of individuality we have as humans. In Anthem it says, "I look upon the history of men...and I wonder. It was a long story and then spirit that moved it was that of a man's freedom" (Rand 101) It will be important for us to keep technology and its advances in perspective, in order to keep ourselves in perspective as well.

mrome said...

It made me think how much we rely and use the "machine" we use it for everything and we've gotten caught up in it. In Anthem Equality finds a light or energy and he gets caught up in it and realizes what it is capable of doing. Like in the video it shows how we teach the machine and improve it. In anthem he finds something and like technology centers his world around it and wants to expand his research to see what else Equality can do. The society in Anthem tries to keep improving their city by making sure the council has all control. Like we improve technology. Equality also wants to set up a new society, like the video said who will take care of all of this data? I think the video is a lot like Anthem in many different ways.

Anonymous said...

The video “us in the machine” makes me think of technology expanding, and how we can just pour our lives into it. We are spending so much time on the Internet that we are beginning to expose our identity, family, and what we do. This may connect with Anthem by how the society is controlling every single person very carefully, and how The Council is pouring their lives into the society. If not careful, the people of the society can understand what it is like to be their own person in an uprising to take down the Council. If we aren’t careful on the Internet, it gets a new idea every time we search or blog, thus making it stronger and can outdo the average human being. Pg. 25 paragraph 1, states “(The Council) called out the students’ names and when the students stepped before them the Council said: ‘Carpenter’ or ‘Doctor’ or ‘Cook’ or ‘Leader’. The each student raised their right hand and said: ‘The will of our brother be done’”

Anonymous said...

I think that Welsch's video connects to Anthem because in Anthem everything seems to get a little brighter once he finds himself in the forest and see's his reflection, and finds the house. He sees that there is a world outside of what he was living in, its not all just black and white. And like this video there are so many loopholes and back ways and complicated ways to do things. Once Equality finds the house, he see that he can do things that he wasn't supposed to do, that there is a way. They both are complex. The internet is a very complex place. As well as Equality, he has always been different; and now he has found that what he was living in was a lie. That there is simplicity, within life. But there is so much he wasn't even exposed to. That just like the internet, there is so much going on that we didn't even know was really happening. Anthem a lot like this video, is complex and growing. These ideas both have paths that were unknown to us. Anthem can be compared to this video because the elements are complex.

Anonymous said...

I think that wesch's video contrasts Anthem more than it shows how they are alike. Wesch's video shows how we are constantly changing and creating new things, while Anthem's people are afraid to move forward. When equality showed the council his invention they said, "This would wreak the Plans of the World Council...Without the Plans of the World the sun cannot rise" Everyone from Anthem is afraid to change too fast but in our world we can't change fast enough.pig

Anonymous said...

i feel that this shows people how technology is getting better, smarter, and more powerful. in Anthem they have none of this. Anthem is almost like taking steps back, they aren't aloud to have some of the things that this man was typing. If this was shown to the people in the book they would probably think what are we doing living the way we are we have to become the person we want to be not what we are chosen to be.But they do connect, they both are in a way saying how people aren't who they want to be. People need to know who they really are and in the movie it said how u r being someone who u don't really want to be.
from~ Toni Jones

Anonymous said...

Wesch’s video shows how much technology is overpowering our world. It makes me think about how much our technology has advance in even the last twenty years. I think what really made me think was when he said,“The machine is using us. The machine is us.” It shows that we created the machine to help us. It’s almost like he was trying to say that with our advancement in technology so far, the machine will eventually overpower us and maybe outsmart us. But, it’s still our fault. We built the machines to help our society but we got too into it and we will have to pay. especially at the end of the video, I think it relates a lot to what Anthem is about. In Anthem, technology doesn’t exist. It may be possible that their founding brothers thought of what Wesch though of in the end. It showed how we may have to rethink about how we will control our lives. I think the founding brothers had thought about how much our society was being run by technology. They didn’t want a world like that. That’s why Anthem has no technology. “We are nothing. Mankind is all. By the grace of our brothers we are allowed our lives.” (pg. 21) I think this shows how much trust they put into their brothers. That may be a reason why the Council of Scholars turned down Equality’s invention. They trusted their brothers that they set in stone on what the society was going to be like. They were afraid of change.
-Addy Bateman

Anonymous said...

After watching the video about us in the machine, it really made me think about how consumed our world has become of technology. This video had a lot of mind-blowing facts, like a new blog is born every second. People in our society are doing things on the internet almost every hour of the day and that includes blogging. This video connects with Anthem because in Anthem the society doesn't have any sort of electricity like we have today. The people in the society and been kept away from any kind of technology they don't know what it is like. A long time ago when we had to technology or electricity, we were somewhat like anthem. But as our society grew and became smarter, we gained electricity and technology.