Friday, October 28, 2011

Shall This Pass in "Anthem?"

How does This To Shall Pass by Okay Go ehibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem? Please include one quotation from Anthem within your response. This blog response should be completed in class by October 28th.


Anonymous said...

guiThis video connects with Anthem in a way. It connects with Equality because he would have done something like that probably, and tried to stand out from the other ones in his society. He made electricity and showed it to the council but they disapproved it. If the council had seen this thing they made they wouldn't be happy with it really, and they wouldn't have approved it for anything. In a way, the big thing they made in the video represents individuality, and in Anthem they do not approve that.

-Amanda J

Anonymous said...

This Too Shall Pass is showing what Equality was trying to do to get the City Council to accept his invention. Although, Equality would have to jump through hoops to try and accomplish this simple task that the Council wouldn’t even accept. Equality then escapes, finding a new perfect home even though it was very complicated. In this video, all the band wanted to do was get shot with paint, and to do that they made this huge obstacle course and chain reaction activity to get it done.

Anonymous said...

The vedio connects to Anthem in more then one way, the form of agreement and disagreement. This To Shall Pass shows the invidaulty and creativy we have in our socity today. Equilty would like to be albe to do stuff like that but because of what the world had come to he couldnt. At the same time it shows how everything needs to fir perfectly in place for somethin to work witch anthem enforces. The people in the socity would not understand what grate complexity and skill it takes to put everything together.

Anonymous said...

I believe that this video relates to Anthem because of the technology. The people worked in there garage and maid a very cool obstacle coarse type thing but it was made using different technology. There were only four people so it was kind of a solo thing. This relates to Anthem because in Anthem Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 3-000 work in there little under ground tunnel, mainly because its a sin to be smart. However they are partner/solo working and they wright in there journal and they eventually create a new form of light. A light that will be of great use to man kind. The main reason it connects is because in both Anthem and the music video a small group of partners work together to create a form of technology.

Anonymous said...

In "This Too Shall Pass", the technology is pretty advanced and cool. In anthem, the little technology that they had was used strictly to solve important and necessary day-to-day tasks. Never in the city in 'Anthem', would anyone ever be permitted to use the kind of innovation and technology shown to do anything of the sort. No one would be permitted to "think something their brothers have not thought". Technology is used for fun in the video, something that no one in the society of Anthem is permitted to experience.

Anonymous said...

This video is like Anthem in a couple ways. It shows that everything really does have a chain reaction. That everything is caused by something else. In Anthem Equality actions caused a whole bunch of events to happen, some good and some bad, we could argue both ways. This video displays that sometimes you have to take a long way to get something you want. Equality finds this because he wanted to change his society, he didn't want to be this bland boring drab place. He wanted a difference so he made it himself. And that changed him in many ways. Just like a chain reaction, he went to The Uncharted Forest for himself, and The Golden One followed him, she did that because he left. They discovered out the meaning of the word "I." This all happened because Equality left. Actions have reactions. Chain reactions.
-Kristin (:

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass by Okay Go exibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem by using a complex system to do a relatively simple task of spray painting the band members. Everything worked together to create an overall outcome. Much like the characters in Anthem. Equality and his brothers were street sweepers and all did one job for the common good of one thing. Much like the society that he lived in did as well. Although everything worked together, each part was individual, it had its own movements and worked a different thing. Each was different. I think Equality would value this because he found the word "I" and found his purpose in life to be to carry on the individuality of each other and everyone was sent here for a purpose.

Anonymous said...

i think that this video connects to anthem because on little thing can make on big thing happen.just by pushing some toy cars into dominoes made all that happen, and in the book when he went to the council everything changed. they both have had problems or things they had to do to get to the council or too the whole thing working. it took alto of effort. but it all makes it work out in the end because everything happens because it was just supposed to happen that way.but the good things will always be better then the bad even if u have to travel a long way to get there it will always be worth it.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to Anthem because Okay Go has a huge chain reaction to make one thing happen, and that is kind of like Equality, because he goes through a lot just to do things like make a light bulb or find the unmentionable word.

Anonymous said...

"shall this pass" clip connects to anthem in different ways. In the short clip,everything is connected and once one thing dose something the other object fallows.its just like in anthem because once the council took over then everyone else fallowed and listed to what they had to say weather they liked it or not. The clip shows that everything is connected and makes all one fluid motion just like all the people in anthem, non of them can show there actual personality and show that they are just one individual person maybe that's why the council wouldn't accept creation equality made was because once something messes up the system then you ether have to restart or begin a new project. The clip also relates to anthem by showing that its an on going thing until someone stops it once someone puts there foot down and says that's enough.

Anonymous said...

In Anthem Equality is a strong believer in individuality and being your own person. Equality wants the people to come together and rebuild a new society that is run the way they want it to be. In the video they had many people come together to build this contraption that was so unique and complex. They built it how they wanted it to be to complete a task of their choice at the end. Equality wants everyone to have control over their own life in their new society. Just like the contraption in the video controlled itself. They builders started the reaction but after that it was on its own controlling what happened next and what would be the outcome of every action.

Anonymous said...

I think it ehibit's the antithesis in anthem because when the guy moved the very first piece of the puzzle, it started a chain reaction that put the entire thing in motion. I connect that with Equality. He decides he wants to be different than everyone wanted him to be. When he decided to change and become his own person which at the end, starts to create a chain reaction, Equality is the fires piece of the entire movement he is the car that starts the chain reaction. I also connect all the technicality to Anthem as well. That course must have taken them a long time to build, with many failures and re-starts just like with Equality, he went to the council to show them his invention and they rejected the invention and him. That was one of his failures but he re-started, put the failure behind him and kept going without looking back.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to Anthem, because, this goes with Equality.Especially how everything in the video was going everywhere, on their own, that's how Equality was, not following the council or how the society was. And he was creating his own life and such.

Anonymous said...

I think that this video relates to Equality in several ways. The way that the guys were all wearing a different color to show their individuality is something Equality would love. Also Equality would like the way that the whole process worked, and how everything came together to create an amazing show of color and science. I am sure that Equality would want to be a part of that, and show his ideas and be open with them. This video shows how to work together, but still be your individual self at the same time. That is something Equalities society lost. All Equality wanted to do was show the council his amazing invention, and all the band wanted in that video was to be shot with paint. Both though, had to go through many steps to find what they really wanted.

Anonymous said...

This to Shall Pass by Okay Go exhibits the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem by one thing connecting to another. Sweeping the streets leads to finding something new, connecting things leads to something new each time. In anthem the council controls the people and creates a chain reaction where one person follows them, everyone follows the council, in the video when one thing happens the next thing does, causing a chain reaction. "We shall go down, It is forbidden, they answered",(page 31). This sentence is saying that they all have to follow the council, so they are afraid to do something the council doesn't know about.The council does something and then pushes everyone else to do it, like the events in the video. This video also shows individuality by all of the band members wearing different colors. I think that equality would like this video because everyone is different and unique in it. This video and Anthem by Ayn Rand have a lot of things inn common. M, Rome.

Anonymous said...

After watching the Okay Go music video, I thought about how that would be frowned upon in their society. In the book they are not allowed to have their own thoughts. "We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever." (Ayn Rand 19) In the music video it was all about creativity, and working together as a group. When Equality discovered electricity they said it was nothing, his idea didn't matter to them, and that he would be punished for trying to be above the scholars, which is crazy. I like this video because some singers work with engineers to create something no one could forget, anyone can do anything they can dream of, but in Anthem that is the total opposite, no one can invent anything except the scholars which is so unfair. If the council from Anthem were to see this, the whole band and all the engineers would probably be sent to corrective behavior!

Anonymous said...

This video connects to Anthem because Equality tries to do something that other people haven't. He also tried to stand out from the people in society like the people in the video. Anthem and This too shall pass does show that they are a like but none the less they are different. They don't approve of individuality in Anthem and in the video they want to show that everyone is individual. They are trying to show that there is something you can really make something but in anthem it is not approved.

Anonymous said...

The "This Two Shall Pass" clip connects to Anthem in many ways. This video was a chain reaction. In Anthem Everyone is connected. If something happens to beak the chain things go bad. The people in Anthem are all connected.they all so one thing.they all play a diffrant role in the chain but they are all the same. Equality ran away and broke something in the chain. It was a good change. Different things led up to the men being sprayed with spray paint in the video clip. The colors showed who they truly are.Equality had a different color to and that is what made him different. A good change.

Anonymous said...

In the video This Shall Pass By goes to ehibit the antitheses if what the value of Anthem by everyone in the video had some value to make it perfect the sound effects at the right time if it was going to work or not and by new ideas and new thinking to make it better helped make it an amazing video. if the people in the video were like Anthem they wouldn't be there making that amazing creation! also in the beginning of the video they already had pain on then which showed it took more then one try to finally get what they needed! a quotation from Anthem that would fit in with this post is "we will not die,should we all perish in battle" why i thought this quote fit in well is not matter how many times they didn't get it right they still kept going and never gave up.

Anonymous said...

This To Shall Pass shows how things are connected and how every action has a reaction, while Anthem shows that actions shouldn't be to keep ourselves in motion but instead they should be to help society stay exactly where it is. When Equality brought the light to the council they told him it must be destroyed because it didn’t follow the plan, where as the video shows in a “domino effect” that everything we do keeps us in motion. I think that This To Shall Pass is like the unmentionable times, and shows society using all our resources, where anthem uses the bare minimum.

Anonymous said...

I think this video shows that just one action can start a whole revolution. Just by tipping the dominos over it cause many things, or like in Anthem ideas, to start move. When Equality was rejected for his invention, it made him think about his society and how it is run. He always knew there was something wrong with his society, which may be a possibility on why all the teachers were so afraid of him. But, his idea that there was something wrong had never surfaced, until his light was rejected. this video can relate to all the ideas circulating Equality. Just to do a simple task, Ok Go made it much more complicated. To have Equality’s thoughts on society to surface, he had to go through so much. He had to discover the light, then get around from being discovered by his government, then he actually had to show it to the council of scholars all to have his light rejected. “Yes, ‘said collective 0-0009, “We have much to say to a wrench who have broken all the laws and who boast of their infamy!” (pg. 71) The house of scholars were in denial and have never faced a crime like that. They know how ling of a journey it was to have to go through just to be rejected, but their worries overpowered the discovery. This video shows how much of a challenge it may be just to get a simple task done, or in Anthem’s case, an idea to circulate.

Anonymous said...

Although very different, Anthem and this music video are related in the sense that they both exhibit the effects of actions. In this video, one small movement causes a chain reaction. In Anthem, one small idea in the "Unmentionable Times" eventually led to the reinvention of the society of the world. One minute influence changed how humans live, and what they live for. Going into the future, Equality wants to make changes as well. He says, "We must not keep our secret to ourselves... We must bring it into the sight of men" (Rand 60). In Anthem, change is the factor that has shaped and will shape their world just as change affects the reactions in the video.

Anonymous said...

In the video “This Shall Pass” this connects to Anthem because they used all these little things and put them together to make a complex machine to do a simple task. In Anthem the Council frowns upon the people living in their society to follow the rules and abide by the laws that are set. Equality, is different and is willing to disobey the council and explore the other things that life has to offer. When the invention first starts off in the movie, you do not know what is going to happen and why they do not just do it the simpler way. The council in Anthem wants everything to be short, simple and non complex. They don't want their society to be colorful and advanced in technology. The invention also starts to get more complex as it goes, but it starts off simple. In the beginning of the novel Equality starts off simple but as it continues his personality starts to get more and more complex. “ This box is useless” (Rand,73) this shows that they don't approve and its be useless anyways but in the invention in the video the invention is useless because you would have to set it all up again.