Monday, September 12, 2011

Schools vs. Creativity?

What are your thoughts regarding Sir Ken Robinson's video presentation regarding "schools killing creativity?" In your response, please reflect, think, ponder, question, or wonder. Please complete your this blog response in class.


Anonymous said...

because kids are taught to do things the way we are taught. we cant show our creativity if we are shown instructions and are told to do it that way. you are assigned your classes instead of picking the classes that would help YOUR future. we all have different futures but we need to know different skills in order to acoplish our goals in life. if we want to be an artist we should have an art class. we shouldnt be told how to do something because we cant be creative.

Anonymous said...

He says to stay an artist when you grow up. I think that he hit a key point with that comment. many adults seem to forget how to have an open mind with new things. He also says that the arts are less important than math or English and I agree with this. Many schools don't offer a choir class every day like math is offered. I personally think that that stunts the ability to grow academically. Its proven that taking a music classes or dance class raises test scores. I think the creativity in schools is slightly lacking where music and dance is concerned.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sir Ken Robinson when he says that school kills creativity. Everyday, students learn things such as math and english everyday, and they will have art or music only two or three days a week. This repression of the arts teaches children at a young age that learning facts is more important than learning how to express themselves. Schools steer students away from things they love, because it is expected that they won't be able to make it in that profession. If the cycle keeps on going, our society will loose creativity as a whole. No one will have original ideas anymore. Anyone can be intelligent if they try, but not everyone can be creative. Creativity is a gift, and people that are gifted should be recognized, not pushed to the side.

Anonymous said...

Do schools kill creativity?
There was a girl who always drew during class. Her teacher claimed that she never payed attention. However a lot of people, especially one with add, concentrate better while they draw. This is because the drawing give them something to concentrate on so the don't get distracted. Thee speaker talked about how a student must grow in creativity or they will loose it. But not being allowed to doodle or sketch in you notepad and constantly taking note teachers are killing students creativity. Schools concentrate on education and education only and they dont allow a students creativity and imagination grow. Why do schools force students to learn math, English, Science, and History for for hoours every day five days a week, but you only get to practice art one hour maybe one or twice a week at most. Art along with gym clas can help tame ADD and ADHD.

Anonymous said...

"All children are born artists, the problem is staying an artist when we grow up." This is a really thought provoking quote. Because just like he says "Children are taught from the waist up." This is showing how all we are forced to learn now is about academics, arts have gone down the drain. Schools have taken away a lot of students creativity. They strain us on facts, and knowledge. Creativity is gone. I completely agree with him, schools have really taken away the ability for students to branch out with their creativity.

Anonymous said...

In TED talk with Sir Ken Robinson, he brought out valid points about our education today. All these ideas that we knew existed were surfaced by some of his statements. For example, he said, “If we don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it.” It was a very interesting point to make because it shows that we will always start out with creativity but if we do not have the support we need, all of it is lost. The schools we attend right now do not have all the art classes to be as well educated as a math class or an english class. School’s do not praise creativity like they do with your academic achievements. The same things happen with adults. Many grow out of their creativity, so they do not think it is an important part of your future.

Anonymous said...

Sir Ken Robinson stated that schools kill creativity. As I reflect on the comments he made, I agree with what he said. As children, we are born filled with creativity and innovative ideas. When I think back to how my education has influenced me, I realize it has made me much more logical. This is a good attribute for some situations, but in our world today we need adults who establish creative solutions to our problems. Also, Robinson spoke about our willing ability to make mistakes as children. As you grow and education begins to influence you more and more, the less comfort you have in your own failure. But without this failure we can never truly succeed. Sir Ken Robinson said, "All kids have tremendous talents and we squander them." I agree with him; schools do kill the creativity that is becoming increasingly vital in today's world.

Anonymous said...

I like how the speaker refers a lot about schools preparing us, even though we are not sure what we will need to be prepared for. I agree that as students we need to be prepared to be successful and to fail sometimes because we need to be able to grow from our successes and mistakes. The speaker questions why schools make mathematics and science priority to the arts. Like he said we all have bodies but we only focus on the head. He said, “The body is the transportation for the head.” I like this quote because is shows how focused schools are on logic. He said we are all born with creativity but schools take that away from us.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I also think learning Math, Science, English and History are important but that's not the only reason school is important. You also need to learn how to dance, do art, or play music. We come to school to learn not to be stripped of our personality.

Anonymous said...

Kids are so creative when they are young, and school and education can eliminate that from them. They teach kids a lot of math, science, etc. but they need to teach them what they're good at too and what helps them with their future. He mentioned that college professors only live from their heads, and that is kind of how they educate children these days. Then once they're older, they will have grown out of their creativity and live from their heads as well.

Anonymous said...

"We are all born artists." Ken Robinson suggests that school is focusing on classes that are assigned to the student. Math and science are at the top, and music and drama are at the bottom. Robinson believes that dance and art should have the same amount of importance. I agree with him on the issue that adults appear to forget to try new things, approach different ways. Schools are focusing on the subjects that are most common at time. If students are being restricted from showing their "art and creativity", schools are killing their creativity. My final response is that Robinson has a very good point on the principles on how we are educating children.

mrome said...

I agree with Sir Ken Robinson's perspective on learning. School doesn't credit the kids who are artistic and have amazing talent abilities. They focus more on math, history, writing, and science. Arts are still important, many people don't want to be a scientist they might want to be an artist or architect. If a teacher says your bad at school it is maybe because they don't test other talents. You can still succeed in life if you aren't good at school. I also agree that we have to use our creativity and imagination wisely and actually use it. To conclude I agree with him on his ideas and opinions.

Anonymous said...

Creativity is an important part of child development and growth. Sir Ken said that creativity is your ideas with value, and I completley agree with this. Children need to express their ideas and learn about their interests and dreams. Why are not allowing creativity in schools? Becuase we want all the students to be extremely intellegent, and make the future great. However we are not realizing that we need the creativity to come up with new ideas and thoughts. Schools should try to encourage creativity not stop it.

Anonymous said...

Schools are very disruptive in children's creativity today. Creativity may not be important in some lives, but it is very important to others. Without creativity, there might not even be music, theater, and books in our lives today. Someone has to create these things that we enjoy, and getting rid of this creativity can expunge creativity from our lives and jobs from other people.

Anonymous said...

In Sir Ken Robinson’s Video he states that literacy and creativity are both equally important in the children's education program. He says “All Children are born artist’s but the real challenge is getting them to stay artists’”. He says why dont we teach them dance the same way we teach them math? Personally i think that dance, art, theater, and music are just as importannt or even more imprtant as math, english, or science. The use of art, music, movies, dance, play helps the education system; creativity is a huge part or the school system. Sir Ken Robinson states that children learn all diffrent ways, its not just sitting in a classroom listing to someone tell you what you need to know and you wrighting it down. You learn from touch, movement, music. The vedio says that when children just need to move to learn, they now just put tthem on medication and tell them to clam down. Thats not what students need, they need to be put with outher kids like them and thought the way they learn. The way it makes sence to them. Its not that children are stupid, its that they learn diffrently then they are tought.
Creativty is just the way they learn.

Anonymous said...

In the video we watched in class, Ken Robinson quotes Pablo Picasso. “All children are born artists, staying an artist as they grow up is the problem”. The way society and education has molded us to think only with the logical part of your mind; the creative side is put on hold. The way we are taught from a young age makes us streamline any creative or unique views of mind. We are programmed to think in a specific way; whats the problem and how do we solve it. As we grow older we loose our ability to draw, sing, dance; to express creativity freely. Schools these days push math and science much much more then they push the arts. Some schools don’t even offer arts. Without creativity we lose individuality. Without individuality, we are all too similar. Eventually, we will all think alike, talk alike, problem solve just alike, and we won’t get anywhere or do anything different. Creativity is a vital part of keeping the color in our society.

Anonymous said...

Kids are taught to do things the way they are told but that doesn't show a kids creativity. Teachers just tell us what to do I think that if we expressed all of our talents and be creative everyone would be different. Maybe we can change that by having more art singing and other talent classes while teaching us that same way. Because as we get older our creativity seams to fade from when you are younger. If we are more creative it may help in the future.

Anonymous said...

In Sir Ken Robinson’s Video about school creativity, he persuades his listeners and the viewers to acknowledge the fact is creativity is outgrown but most students. Most schools that i have observed they really enforce the math and English subject, art however; is left in the corner along with other creative things. When he says that “ We don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it” This is an interesting quote because some people have to move and be interactive to learn. Schools cant expect all students to sit down without fidgeting and learn. I think that they “push” us to strive in Math, Science, and Language arts because they figure that art, dancing, painting cant be a profession in the real world. Although Schools don't kill creativity completely, schools offer art and PE classes.

Anonymous said...

After listening to Sir Ken Robinson's video presentation regarding "schools killing creativity?" its really interesting to see how people reply. Also, it makes it really hard because when he said “we don’t gain creativity we lose it” we all need to learn when to bring our creativity and when its not so important. We need it with our school because i believe schools kill creativity! Schools destroy creativity because even Sir Ken Robinson said that we have so much creativity, because just look at the different presentations we put on. Also, the future will bring more creativity and school might destroy that ability! We aren't allowed to choose what we want to when we are in high school and middle school, and if we were allowed to, we would have more creativity! It would be our future, not everyone else's as the same!

Anonymous said...

When I dance, draw, write or sing I don't like to follow rules about this is how you do this because such and such said so, and when I'm told otherwise I do feel like my creativity slightly is crushed. But as with the wolf stroy we read there are two sides to every story, and with the argument of creativity in schools you have to look at both sides. Not everyone has a creative side that schools would like to showcase, and not every form of creativity is p.c. enough to be tought in schools with out controversey from the parents. You also have to relise that society is partially to blame too, people don't want to see or read about artists and valedictorians they want to read about athlets and famous people. Sir Ken Robinson said “Rethink the fundamental system in which we teach our children.” But society sets the standards of sucessful people, it's going to be a lot harder to change the minds of the people than it would be to raise the placement of the arts program in the education pyramid.

Anonymous said...

Creativity is one of the most importent things in a kids life. I agree with Sir Ken about schols not giving ki9ds the creativity that they need. Most children and students are going to use there creativity in their life some way. Schools try to only put in nollage into your braines.I think that the main part of school should be able to show who we really are. I nostist a lot of students pay more atention in class if there is something more cretive going on in the class. Creativity is a special part of us. It has our diffrances and talents shown through. I think creativity helps students see things more clearly. Children should never get rid of their creativity. It says who they are and who they are going and want to be.