Thursday, February 10, 2011

Inkling of an Idea?

What are you finding in your specific research regarding your potential position paper topic(s)?  What sources have you you consulted?  What research celebrations or frustrations have you encountered?  Please respond with accuracy, honesty, and vivid detail.  This blog is due today, February 10th during class.


NicoleM said...

I have one topic in mind and that is world hunger, i am choosing that because that is such an issue these days. Its going to be hard to do because of all the other students that might pick the same topic.I have found a lot of sources and some are helpful and others are explaining how to help which makes it harder to find out some details.

reneeY said...

i am doing my research project on the cruelty of animal testing. brands often use animals to test to make sure the products are safe for humans, but that method is not safe for the animal. i have run into difficulties with trying to find what companies use animal testing. many companies do but every site says something different.

Anonymous said...

I am doing the topic "Private vs. Public School." I have gone to both types of school, so I will have an advantage using my experience, plus research. I have found articles that favor the freedoms of public school, but I have also looked at articles that argue kids need the discipline that private schools offer. There are many different things you can do when looking at this topic, so it will be hard to just say "This type of school is better." I think that I am going to have to give good reasoning behind each type of school.

Kat said...

I am currently researching on two different topics that I find interesting. One disappoints me because for such controversial topic, there is barely any information on it at all. The other one, has a bucket load of information that I use and reference to. I am still debating on which one to do because the controversial one really interests me to try harder and dig deeper to learn more about it. The other one has many, many references that I can use. But since all the argument are so convincing, it makes it hard to choose a side to fight for. After reading all the articles and peoples responses and opinions, I'm really trying hard to choose a side.

Katier said...

I think I want to write my paper on conflict diamonds. I'm finding out a lot about my topic. I've used sources such as CNN, UN, Amnesty International, and several diamond and jewelry websites. I'm finding out that although there is a lot of information regarding this topic it is a very unknown topic. I'm finding stories from people who have been effected by conflict diamonds and most of them are very tragic. I also found out how much money they bring in a year which is a shocking number. I've also found a movie on my topic called BLOOD DIAMOND. So I haven't faced too many frustrations which is good.

Anonymous said...

MY topic is about the importance of appearance and being accepted by the people around you. In the waxed Generation, it talks about how far people are willing to go to feel good enough, because few people look on beauty on the inside anymore.

Anonymous said...

My topic is kind of broad so I've spent most of my time trying to get to more of the specifics of it. During my research I found that in most teens the emotional stability of the teen has the most affect in teen depression. I have looked mainly through Google, however I have looked at a couple subscription sources. The only frustration I have encountered is that there are other large aspects that also have a big impact on teen depression like lack of self esteem;self worth. Another contribution of teen depression can also be a result of a crisis and how much the teen blames themselves for it and how impacted they are by the crisis.

Anonymous said...

My topic is about the importance of appearance and being accepted by the people around you. In the waxed Generation, it talks about how far people are willing to go to feel good enough, because few people look on beauty on the inside anymore.

Anonymous said...

My topic that I am researching is on animal abuse. I've checked resources on EBSCOhost and the websites that they have for helping stop animal abuse. I have found some horrid and completely disgusting animal abuse cases. It's sad to know that animals are tortured so much and learning statistics on how many die or get abused a day. It's very heartbreaking to hear that some animals get skinned or they die of starvation or more disgusting cases. I believe my topic will be great to discuss and help people understand the severity of this situation.

Anonymous said...

Out of the research projects, I've decided to do mine on teenage depression. While researching this i looked it up on and clicked on the links that seemed most resourceful. I actually haven't used and don't plan on it. I haven't encountered any frustrations yet because I've found a lot of resourceful information. The websites i have used so far are psychology websites, websites on statics, preventions, and facts on teenage depression and many more. A lot of health websites have ways to prevent and help teenage depression. I chose to research this topic because a lot of teenagers get stressed with school, sports, and their social life which can lead to depression. It really is a serious thing because people kill themselves from it.

Anonymous said...

For my research, I am finding a lot of things regarding teaching evolution in "religious Christian schools." I find all of the articles on line. I think it would be better if I found teaching evolution in public schools. I still have a lot to research.

Anonymous said...

I am finding a lot about teen pregnancy. I don't get why so many girls get pregnant. Maybe it is just because I have seen what my cousin has had to go though. She got pregnant at 14 and had her baby only a few months after she turned 15. she had to go though so much and had to make many decisions

Anonymous said...

I am researching about teen drinking and driving and am finding a lot of interesting things. I have found that 10% of all vehicle crashes occur due to the driver being under the influence. I have also found that 64% of teenagers that are involved in a fatal drunk driving accident, do not have their seatbelts on. I have just finished taking drivers ed and that class has taught me a lot of driving safety and what to do in an emergency. Our last unit was alchol and drinking and driving. I learned that all states have a law against drinking and driving and they each have different amounts that they allow before classifying someone as DUI or DWI. Alcohol is very dangerous and should be taken as a serious subject to make sure that everyone is safe. When I was researching, I found a lot of really good websites really easily and had some trouble picking which one to get my information from and also had a little trouble finding different information on some websites.

Anonymous said...

The topic that I am researching is circus animal cruelty/ abuse. The main site I used was It gives me all of what the animals go through while training.

Anonymous said...

Out of the research projects i have decided on teenage drinking.I chose this topic because i know that this is a serious situation and can be very serious. I have read that there are more than 5,000 teens you die of over drinking. The majority teens die in car crashes, suicides, and alcohol abuse. Teens just dont drink they drink excessively which means they dont know when to stop and drink to much for their bodies. I have searched information from google but tried to go to the most sophisticated and useful true information I could find. I also went to 7 news website and found some information about how many teenage drinkers that have died this year. After reading some sad stories i have felt anger. I disagree to drinking because i think it is horrible to do to you and your body. Drinking not only hurts you but others around you and drinking is a very serious situation and i want to read on how i could maybe help decrease the number of teenagers who die of drinking.

Anonymous said...

I picked my a topic, and i have decided on Banned books. I have found a few sources on-line, and a lot were surprising. My position is that books should not be banned. that is violating our right to read. the most common banned boo;ks are because they are supporting a wild idea. In one banned book, Fahrenheit 451, its about a fireman who burns books as a job. there, books not only are banned, but reading altogether are illegal. this book represents how someone could go against normal ideas, and have your own. the government doesn't usually like this, because it gives the people ideas off a rebellions theme. though what the govt doest realize is that taking away freedoms is just making the people feel more enclosed and want to revolt. i agree that some are banned because they are inapropriate, not suitable for school reading. I beleive that books should have a rating,like movies., according to the content. then we will be able to read books that have greatiseas, whenever we want, like 1984, a wrinkle intime,to kill a mocking bird, and the bridge to teribithia

Lizzie said...

I have consulted NBC, CBS and they dont really have nuch information and I'm determined to find more information on this topic.

AnnikaC said...

I have found many things in my research. I have 2 topics I am thinking about researching. My topics are abortion and medical cannabis. I have looked at different websites for both. Both are very controversial topics. Medical cannabis can be used for many medical illnesses. What frustrates me is how one of my topics is not accepted by Mr. Trotter. But I am thinking I wil do the medical marijuana.

Gabriela Schechter said...
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Yael said...

Animal hoarding is one of the worst crimes America is faced with. At first it starts out with an idea, a "rescue shelter." After a while it can get to the point where its too much. Typically, the hoarders are single, older women with socioeconomic disabilities. If you have heard about the old lady with 80 cats...well that's not a myth, that reality. It is so sad. My stance on it is that every animal is like a human being. They need love, compassion, caring for, and a good home with a friendly environment. It is absolutely wrong to hoard animals because first of all it is bad for the animal, second it is abnormal, and third it is just wrong. I will research more and let you guys know on the topic. Stay tuned...

antoinettew said...
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antoinettew said...

For my position paper I am doing how social network sites are changing the way people communicate. This paper could go both ways good because these sites are helping people stay connected with their friends of bad because it is making it hard for people to communicate face to face with peope.

ClaudiaG said...

I've decided I'm going to do my project on Euthanasia (assisted suicide)and the Jack Kevorkian case and whether what he did was considered murder or not. I have already found some great articles on it and am looking forward to my final project.